Authorities in Chikhwawa have decided to carry out area to area campaign to sensitize communities in flood prone areas to move to safer areas as one way of protecting them from possible floods this year.
As strong winds and heavy rains have started causing problems in various parts of the district, authorities think this is the best time to sensitize the masses.
Chikhwawa district team led by Catholic Development Commission in Malawi (CADECOM) said it is likely that floods will occur and it is imperative for people to prioritize on protecting their lives and property.

“The team has already briefed people of Traditional Authorities Kasisi and Maseya and plans are underway to do the same exercise at Makhuwira area,” said Cadecom.
The organisation added that communities were also being sensitized on the dangers of lightning and thunders and ways to overcome them.
But reports indicate that people of Maseya area have insisted that they will continue to stay in flood prone areas because there is no land to relocate to.
Traditional Authority Maseya and his subjects said during the sensitization meeting on Monday that government and development partners needed to dredge Mwanza River and construct dykes at Kalima, Misili and Namatchuwa.
They said such interventions could obviously help to protect people’s lives and property.
On his part, councillor of the area Collex Namkumba asked people to be alert especially this time when they are experiencing strong winds and heavy rains.
These people gets on my nerves
The level of imbecile they have is just unbelievable… When you move them
They go back
Mwalakwisa moyo ndiwawo zimene akukakamira ndi zipilara za azibale awo asiyeni nawoso akhale zipilara
mabungwe amatipasa poyambila business zikatero never kusamuka ziponde , soap ndi zimakhala mwana alilenji zikatero
Tawasiyani anthuwo afe plz. Agalu okonda mphenebewo
These pipo r just ignorant, up 2 dis time are still in those areas. What r they doing? Next time let all of them azakokoloke. They r just stupid for nothing.
Kumangofuna thandizo basi dyera lokha lokha mbuziii
waste of tym what kind of people who need to be told that water kills stupid lomwes
that’s a good idea jn the other way but the people will be left broke as hell,
zakhala bwino hvy coz anthu amafuna boma liziwathandiza nthaw zonse izi sizingapititse Malawi patsogolo