Executive Director of Consumers Association of Malawi (CAMA) John Kapito has accused the joint parliamentary committee probing the maize deal of conducting a fault finding mission based on mere speculations.
Kapito made the accusations when he appeared before the joint parliamentary committee investigating the Zambia-Malawi maize deal.
Last week CAMA released its own findings on the maize deal which concluded that Minister of Agriculture George Chaponda did not interfere in Admarc’s procurement of 100,000 metric tonnes of maize from Zambia. The committee thus wanted the organisations to explain its findings as part of the inquiry.

During the appearance, Kapito insisted that there was no money stolen through the maize deal hence the committee is wasting taxpayer’s money.
“What the commission is doing is just a fault finding mission since there is no money that has been stolen,” he said.
He also stood by his organisation’s findings that Malawi has not paid any money for any maize that has so far been imported from Zambia and that less than 5000 metric tonnes has been delivered.
“I cannot comment on speculation and as far as our study finding are concerned no money was paid to Zambia,” said Kapito.
Chaponda and suspended Admarc boss Felix Mulumbe are accused of engaging a middleman, Kaloswe company, in the purchase of maize from Zambia in order to get K9 billion from the deal.
The two have however denied that there were any shady dealings in the procurement of the maize.
Wadya banzi iwe ikutsamwa imeneyo, it is not over until it is over. Its like a football game when your opponent leads by 2 goals in the first 15 minutes you dont give up and say well the match is over. The inquiry is dealing with the learned and professionals when it comes to corruption. No matter how organized they were they might have miscalculated somewhere and that point is where the case will be built. If there is no misconduct in their dealings they will be cleared.
you are stupit kapito
Akapitoooo mwadya zingati?
Zanu izo
Kapito should step down, he does not know his job description anymore
Big up Mr kapito, u r indeed a real graduate.u dont want to work on speculations but on the facts .
Kapito can only fool those who didn’t watch the LIVE procedure on Zodiak. He was instead lectured as Cama ceo….. Kkkkkk. Go and enjoy your K23million offer to betray u your office.
Amene ali paudindo safuna atukule dziko koma kulemera basi
Anadya kale chi Buns awa,salimbali yathu….
galu akapanafupa sawuwa
Chitipa West, Karonga Central, Rumphi East, Dowa West, Dowa East, Mangochi ……….., Nsanje West, All you honourables ntchito mukugwira, osaonetsa kutopa, osafookaaa! We Are Watching
Mr Kapito..is it true that you are angry?If the answer is yes,then you need a doctor right now.
Achitsiru adya banzi woooooooo malawi akudzuka mudziona
That’s my poor Malawi
Wagwidwa kapitolo uyo,walusa ndichilungamo chomwe wauzidwa
Anthu nonse apa mukunama,Committee iyi yokha ndiyoopsa ndayibvulira chipewa.Apa ndiye wina wankhulu aziwona.Nobody is above the law.
akapito si a chisilu awa
Your great man Kapito
Nde ukuti chani
Chimene mwaona inu chodula ndi chimanga basi? Ngati ndi chilungamo ku chipisa chimanga osayamba kaye kusisa mbewu, feteleza, labour ndi mankhwala kaye bwa? Chisise alimife tisiye kulima muone. Ulimi ndi bzness timafuna kupindula ndiye sitingaguke zipangizo zodula ndi kugulisa zokolola mochipa never
I’m with Mr Kapito. All the so called investigators know nothing about Letters of Credit and only want to enrich themselves.
Bravo Kapito! u atleast lectured these learned Mps. We were told that the 2 gentlemen have pocketed huge sums of money frm Kaloswe but they r failing to bring out not even simple evidence, now they have turned procedures n differencies in figures. Auditors r best trained on such matters. Let auditors work on that after the whole exercise than waistin our resources on these #knowitalls
stupid kapito banzi yakutsamwa
…..here to read comments…
Kkkkkkkk Zachamba akapito mwakalamba
Kafukufuku mwapanga liti
Kapita ia right. this inquiry committee has failed us it seems they don’t know what they want to arrive at the end. all they are doing is useless just wasting tax payer money in form of allowances.
Parliamentary commtt aliyense mbuzi
Listen Mr Cama Kapito, you are selfish too much. you think you are wise enough than everyone who is in inqurely of maize saga? ngati akudyetsa banzi ulilavula ndi Chaponda wako. I hate ur report u hve just presented in palament, en for your information linda madzi apite ndiye uziti ndadala.
Kapito nayeso wadya nawo!!!!!!!!!!
The problem in Malawi is that we choose what we want to believe, Now once what we think that might be done seem to be untrue on the ground, then the is a problem or someone has eaten basi!!
Kapito kunkhopeko ngat Chaponda dowe…
Palibe chomwe umapangira ku mtundu wa Malawi!! ndiye nawe ngati uli mom’mo zikuvuta…
Nkhope yopindikayo
kapito wadyanao zochuluka ndithu, koma ukhale chete wamva?
This guy kapito, clearly has been stuffed with an enormous scone in his mouth. That’s why he’s vomiting shit
We need a NEW Cama Boss (achinyamata – utsogoleri ndi lero osati mawa, fresh blood). Awa akapume.
Kodi a Kapitowo akukondwera ndi mtengo wa chimanga umene ADMARC ikugulitsira kwa amalawi? Chifukwa iwowo aiwala ntchito yawo yowonetsetsa za mitengo ya zinthu ali busy kugwira ntchito yomwe sikuwakhuza
Wadyetsedwa chibanzi uyu.
John Kapito is another fault that we Malawians have. He went there for fault finding and you will soon hear him opposing.
these guyz in pariament r useless,what about the tractors that they do share,what r u doing in pariament?threatening pple? Mr kapito is right,mukufuna kuba ndiinuyo.what r u going to do in zambia,hu much r u going 2spent?
Very true.
Ngati akuti no money was stolen nanga 100,000 metric tones yachimanga chilikuti nanga ndrama zachimanga zilikuti??? Smh
Kapito Is Stupid! Thats Y CAMA is toothless
Cama Under Kapito Is A Drama Look When Admarc Raised Maize To Mk 12 , 500 Cama Was Quiet As If It Was Closed . So, Don’t Trust Kapito
Awa wapatsa bazi asatipusitse mufutsa chimanga chanucho
Kodi kapito asiya liti kukhala mkulu wa cama tatopa naye tsopano akuluwa, and zikuoneka kuti mutu wao sukugwilanso bwino ntchito.
Akwiye ndithu ameneyo
can’t we hear other news rather than these maize things???…..aaahhh….zayamba kubhowa heavy….
A Kapito atsutsidwe ndi mfundo osati ndi ma emotions based on assumptions with ill motives ayi.
I love that mfundo helps.
Ii watched but he report was so narrow and shallow and of no basis
He himself is not a leader let me tell u pipo, he is none other than agovernmet statue.That is what these pipo does akawadyesa chi Banzi !
Ndakhala ndikusata momwe makosana amenewa momwe akuwaitanila wanthu nkumawaphaphalisa ndi mafunso. Akuoneka anakonzeka ndithu kuti apeze choona chenicheni ndipo anachipeza kalekale koma zikuwavuta kuti apange chiganizo choyenela pakuti akhala akulinamiza dziko monga monga mufa anapangila za ma seven minister kuti adasowesa ndalama zankhani nkhani pamene palibe choona chake chenicheni. Kapito wauza kuti palibe even single tambala yomwe idalipilidwa kutanthauza kuti nkhani ya corruption yathela pompo. Ine zofufuza simbali yanga komabe pena ukutha kuona kuti maumboni omwe akuti apeza ngoduka mutu okhaokha. munthu sunganene kuti tagwila umboni omwe unalemba newpaper yakuzambia kkkkkkkkkkkkk akuti ndimomwe ananenela wa opposition wakuzambiya eshiiiiiii zaphala zokhazokha basi
Kapito is right CSOs and news papers screemed that 9 billion kwacha was stolen and ADMARC maize is expensive because of this, now Kapito as a lone soldier has proved these people wrong! thats why now the committee has resorted to procedures. Ndani wainu sanapangepo flout ma procedure mmoyo mwake? ameneyo ayambe kugenda mwala kapito?
Mzanu wadyetsedwa chibanzi.
Ndipo adya yekha, sakugayirani kkkk inu panatsala pang’ono munakaberedwa. Muzithokoza Mulungu poyibvumbulutsa nkhani imeneyi asanaomolemo zonse. Nanga kupanda Commission yaku Parliament tinakadziwa kuti Kaloswe ndi ZCF analibe chimanga? Tinakadziwa kuti chimanga akutigulitsa modula ndi chathu chomwe? Tinakadziwa kuti anasayina ma contrakiti awiri tsiku lomwelo?
kapito wadya chintuwisa kakakakakakaka
capito wadya chachikulu nzeru alibe
Chimanga k5000 to k12500,wina nkumawombera mmanja
23 million ndiyaikulu ndipake kumupengetsa kusiya kubakila ma consumers kumabakila a ujeni aja
I’ve never ever heard Kapito blaming this government,Kapito is well known by insults.Banzi adadya kalekale
Kapitu is full of shit
Ndalama ikalankhula Chilungamo chimakhala chete. ( Billy Kaunda ).
ngati mwayamba inu
so it means he is happy about the price of maize consumers are paying? I am very suspicious of this old man. Why is he active now when there are inquiries? He was mute like sh*t when the price of maize wad announced. Which consumers is he representing? poor citizens r suffering in their nation bcz of leaders like Kapito who stand up to speak their views without consulting pple(consumers). Queue of carbage leaders in malawi who are after filling their potbellies
this is not the same we used to knw wadya bans
please he must represent the poor malawians who are just stuck in poverty. Dont bring consumers to stupid politics. We are killing poor pple in rural areas
yah he has really changed and everyone can see that.
Guys do you know that John was appointed as board chairman of certain govt instution so no wonder he is defending Chaponda on maize saga.
Board chair of southern region water board
Thats right my friend.
Eeeish kodi akupatsa zingati a D.P.P? Mavuto Ku Malawi umphawii unachulukitsa ma bungwe amangogulidwa ndi andale.maiko olemera kulibe izi dziko linaonongeka ili, munalowa mbava.
mukadamvelako question time momwe inalili dzulo mukadabwela ndi coment yanzelu apa koma apa ndi phala lokhalokha chifukwa chakudana ndiwina. Anthu mumakamba zoti chaponda ndi anzake aba ndalama chonsecho palibe oloko single tambala yomwe yalipilidwa mpaka pano pankhani imeneyi? Ndiye funso la kapito kupita ku komiti yokubayi linali loti kodi ndalama zomwe athu adabazo ndiye ziti poti ndalama zomwe anakonza kuti agulile chimanga zidakali umo zinalili. Nkhani yagona apa ndikuchuluka kwandale koma nkhani za corruption pankhani imeneyi ndizamamina zokhazokha
mukadamvelako question time momwe inalili dzulo mukadabwela ndi coment yanzelu apa koma apa ndi phala lokhalokha chifukwa chakudana ndiwina. Anthu mumakamba zoti chaponda ndi anzake aba ndalama chonsecho palibe oloko single tambala yomwe yalipilidwa mpaka pano pankhani imeneyi? Ndiye funso la kapito kupita ku komiti yokubayi linali loti kodi ndalama zomwe athu adabazo ndiye ziti poti ndalama zomwe anakonza kuti agulile chimanga zidakali umo zinalili. Nkhani yagona apa ndikuchuluka kwandale koma nkhani za corruption pankhani imeneyi ndizamamina zokhazokha
Nanunso osamangowombera mmanja mfiti, awatu awadzidzimutsa asanapite nazo patali, pali kufoila kwa deal yoba ndalama apa. Why all stake holders involved ar contradicting each other? The MOA thru Chaponda, Admarc ceo and the Office of Public Procurement, just follow the events rightly.
Kapito is not angry because of fault finding isdue.
He was caught out that his findings were shallow and wanted t save face by being angry and accusing.
Four fingers are pointing at him as the man who is always there fault-finding. Which is not wrong if you search for faults in things to make them perfect.
Doctors examine patients to find faults in the body. What is wrong in telling a handsome/beautiful person that even as you look healthy, there is something wrong with you?
I had total respect for you Sir which I have chosen to withdraw forthwith given your stand on this issue. Who told you that your enquiry will be final? Who informed you that your methodology was the best of all? What makes you think that what others are doing is meant to which hunt?
This is what these gluttons does akawadyesa chi banzi. He is not aleader,just a greedy pig !
y deoz the pariament called him living u behind?kopito is a man thats y he said the question should be,do we huv that 100000mertwk tones of maize with admarc?the nswer is yes,then it deos’nt mater where do the maize bought from.
Aaaaa #Sam you are so pathetic and I feel sorry for you.
yes bwana auzen aziziwa amenewo
Akapito anthu asankha kusamvera ma findings anu then inu zisakupweteken……..munazipereka kma mwapeza zonama then move away and pave the way ife timve zina apa
Next time galu Kapito azati kuli na demo after kudya chi bans azayenda yekha galu ameneyu bola kuyenda ndi winiko maliseche
Anali kale awa. Adya nawo izi.
mwayamba kusutsana nokhanokha apa basi Chaponda wapulumuka
thats true
keep on pressing hard on them Kapito. you are on your own carriber because you still stand on nothing but the truth. One day i tjobk an award will b on its way for you coz you realy deserve it….. Keep on exposing them as you are doing.
Anadya banzi ameneyu
pliz open ur eyez and ears
ndi zimene ndinanva2
That is why wabisa nkhope yakoyo. Ulibe nzeru phala iwe
Inunso nde panja penipeni.Kupepera kwenikweni.
bola panja kusiana ndi pathumba la chimanga cha anthu osauka
Kapito ndimaona ngati ndiwe wanzeru. Kani nzoteronso? Akuthimbiriza buledi kape iwe