Electricity blackouts to continue in Malawi


Despite heavy rains the country is being blessed with, the Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi (Escom) has stood firm on its previous statements that blackouts shall continue due to low levels of water in the Shire River.

In a press statement, Escom said the water levels in Lake Malawi, which is the main source of water for the Shire, are down to 472.97 metres above sea level from the normal 474 metres above sea level.

The statement said water levels in the lake have only increased with an insignificant 20 millimetres since the beginning of the rainy season.

Blackouts coming with full force again.

“Escom needs a water flow of 264 cubic metres per second in Shire River to produce the maximum capacity of 351 Megawatts but currently water flow in the river is down to 115 cubic metres per second and we are generating 150 Megawatts,” reads part of the statement.

The statement said Shire River’s tributaries such as Lirangwe, Lisungwi, Rivirivi and Nkulumadzi rivers have been injecting significant volumes of water into the river but the contribution is inconsistent as it relies on rains.

Department of Metrological Services spokesperson Jolamu Nkhokwe said he was hopeful that the country will continue receiving more rains until April this year.

“We are going to have a lot of rains throughout the season due to the La Nina winds, especially in the southern part of the country, but we will have to wait until April or May to say we indeed have good rains,” he said.

Meanwhile, Escom is distributing LED bulbs to its customers as one way of conserving energy.



  1. zachamba zimene akuchitazo ose akumipando pali wankulu wawo amene akuyambisa koma zomasakha athu osavinidwa ndizimenezo simumayimbila nmanja alomwe opanda ulemu ndiye pano muwone chimanga kusowa magesi ndi amenewa sikupha kumeneko amati mwana osanva anava moto utamuwotcha ndiizi zachamba zokha zokha akangosuta kusakaniza bibida athu aziko agwatenga ngati opanda nzelu.apa zafikapa amalawi ndiwadya balalikani ine mimbayanga tizingomanga mipango ngati tabeleka kumene.

  2. chifukwa munadzadzitsa pero ndi madzi a mvula ochoka m’malata muvekere mvula yabwera yambiri magetsi ayamba kuyaka fu tym kkk, mwagwa nayo zmafunatu madzi ambiri izi osat a mpero. a escom dekhan pa job yanu okhulira kumudziwa osamawavera mdima unawakwana thats y akungosokosa pa mboba za mtaunife tikumanya chomene kut magez amazma tym zina tym zina mkudzayaka bola H 2 O akabwera ndi MDIDI. kkk

  3. I cant remember a single day when I heared escom saying ..electricity blackouts to stop in Malawi ….Come outside of Malawi here I have been here now four 3years but when we have electricity blackouts it just takes 30min and once in every 4months..

  4. kkkkkk timangomva ku lilongwe ndiku bt kuti mukumayiwala kut kumakhala magetsi kma ku mzuzu kuno timatha mwezi osazima kkk

  5. GOD is blessing us with rain,its insasitive to say there’s low water levels,idont thnk its not the good statement to be presented to the general public otherwise you will feel the anger which is in most of the malawians,maize saga,lake gate,bank gate&kumunamiziranso Mulungu madz ake omwe?haaa,where malawi is going?

  6. Kkkkk zomvesa chisoni zed,azsogoleli a5years ino zokhumba zao ndi kupha,kuba ndikuononga,basi. Ambuye mutkwapulile agalu amenewa mtundu waana anu ukuvutka.

  7. GOD is blessing us with rain,its insasitive to say there’s low water levels,idont thnk its not the good statement to be presented to the general public otherwise you will feel the anger which is in most of the malawians,maize saga,lake gate,bank gate&kumunamiziranso Mulungu madz ake omwe?haaa,where malawi is going?

  8. Band tingogawana zida basi. Abale aku ntcheu , dedza , mitundu, dzalanyama , makanjira ndi namwera muzilamulidwa ndi MOZAMBIQUE. Abale aku mchinji ndinu awemba tsopano = Zambia. Kumpoto pitani Ku Tanzania. Mulanje ndi nsanje wanu ndi NYUSI =MOZAMBIQUE. BALAKA = LUCIUS BANDA. chiradzuro ingoyendani wapansi NYUSI akakulandirani. THYOLO eeeeeeeee kayaaaa mkakamileni ndiwanu ameneyo .

  9. Madzi achepaaaaaaaaa??????? ………………………………koma inu zinazi… Nyani uja adasamuka?????? Mvula ikubwera madzi adzadza musowa chowilingula. Amalawi tinanyanya kugona angotitembenuza ndi bodza. Koma kumalawi ufulu udachuluka moononga zinthu. Malawi needs civilization

  10. Ndiye anthu azilipirabe ma bill amagetsi mwezi ulionse full amount???? Ngati ndi chomcho kubela anthu dzuwa likuswa mtengo ndi njira ya mabungwe. MRA ndiye dyooo, ?CAMA mmaso bwiliri?? Amphawi akubeledwa mwa technic. Koma ESCOM ingotha basi.

  11. That is why Malawi is a failed state they can’t solve a problem that has been existing for many years . South Africa has connected some megawatts of electricity from their neighbouring Mozambique Why is Malawi failing to implement the same here in Malawi ? This has been a song for many years and no leader has full filled this dream

    1. Pls do u know de back ground of SA connected 2 mozambik? This power connection require alot of money thus why we r failing 2 do zat.

  12. Abale akumpoto tapephani Tanzania ikutengeni savuta paja akuifuna kale nyanja yathu pakati ndiye zambiaya yakhala ikutidyetsa zaka ziwilizi kuwathukoza kwake tingozipeleka pajaso fumu yathu ili kale Ku zambiako kumwela tili kale nkati mwa Mozambique titengeni mulumikize bwana news Malawi muli matokoso okhaokha autsogoleli

    1. Ngati pali ziko lamavutoso nde ndi mmozambique.amapanga supply magesi maiko akunja koma anthu awo akugona mmdima.kulibwino kufera kumalawi kusiyana ndikukakhala ku mozambique

  13. Ukanama sikuchedwa kucha! When escom was shielding behind lack of enough water, little did they know kuti Mulungu simunthu he easily exposes lies in his own way thus the way rains are coming!

  14. Zopusa zeni zeni, Nde mukufuna chani? Guyz ndithandizeni mwina ineyo ndaiwala, Mesa ndumbuzi zomwe za Escom zi zija zinkati pofika End of December magetsi azakhala atasiya kuzima? inu musatipusitse mwamva? ifeyo si Ana anu mwamva? kungosiya ntchitoyo bwanji? Chaponda ativute inunso mutivute? ingophatikizanani Chaponda pitala ndi Abakha nonse aku Aku Escom mupange chipani cha Mbava, tatopa nanu ndipo zikungovuta koma kukumana nanu pa njila aaah kungosinhani ndichimwala mwatijaila kwambiri, Musaone ngati dziko lino La kwa Agogo anu, ndalama Mutibele , Chapondanso Aponde ndalama zachimanga, Mungotisiya musamatiuzenso zopusa zanuzo

    1. Then you wouldn’t have access to the internet, ubiquitous radio & tv stations and freedom of speech you have today was going to be a mirage, that’s What you wanted right?

    2. #Kenwell Mtegha, you don’t know Kamuzu’s brutality, the guy was very dangerous with spies all over us, the most important thing in life is freedom of speech and there was no such a thing during his reign.
      I don’t even want to hear his name mentioned!

  15. Kodi amakawafunsa ndindani? Why searching for dissappointments? Do you think escom will give the answer that you want?,tinazolowela pano,we have developed coping measures

    1. Hahaha pano we consider malawi a country of no hydroelectricity,,,nde basi wina akumakhalabe ndi hope pa escom

    2. u r right man zkumpweteka achoke m’malawi muno basi atisiye ife mpaka chigumula chanowa chidzabwere kudzatipatsa madzi okwanira oyatsira magetsi full tym. kkk i jst lv ths country.

    3. Koma ndiyedi,nanga mvula yonse ikugwayi tiziyankhidwabe zoti madzi ndiochepa,olo mwana angamve zimenezii…? Kkkkk malawi iiiiii

    4. anthu zkuwanyasawa akachoka tidzangova zgwiritsani ntchito a ulele opiliranu ndiye osataya mtima chachikulu ndikungoguliratu achina washing machine, stove, ma fridge amene wa kut free tym imeneyi ikabwera tidzadyelele kupirira kwathu. kkk

  16. kkkkkkkkk escom sidzathekaso,abbrevition ya everyone should count on makala,kkkkkk akanatiuza kuti dzingwe dzaozija anaika kuti tidziyanikapo zovala,kkkkkk wagwetsa switch uja,akufuna amukwezele malipilo,wayambaso zake zija,kkkkk kupanga promote ufiti ,ndikuzima kwamagetsi timagona mwachangu,afiti nde amatiseweletsa full tym.kkkkkkkkk let there be light ,kaya mabwana aku escom anamvako timau ta mu bible timeneti ndakaika,kapena winaso akuchita electricity gate kumeneko.coz zikudabwitsabe light

  17. Ndie bwanji angoiwala zamagetsizo! Tinazolowera nyali za koloboyi ife zamagetsizo. Mukayatsa magetsi anuo mukuontchanso mashop, manyumba etc, tiziti mwapeza contract yootcha manyumba aanthu??

  18. zafikapo pamalawi magetsi akuvuta kuposa maulamulilo ammbuyomu pano mpakachimanga kukanika kuti agule mwadongosolo thawi ifika kungosunga voti ndiye makhwalaake basi

  19. Aaah how come mvula ikumabwela mwakathithi,mpakana magalimoto kukokoloka yt u r telling us that blackouts will continue,zalowa ndale ixi

  20. Sizachilendo kuchokela kale magesi amathimathima b4 tisanakumane ndi heavy black out. Ndiye musamawapange misleading anthu ngati black out kunalibe nkale lomwe

  21. Ndikhalidwe la ESCOM kukhale mvula kwadzadza zinyalala kukhale dzuwa madzi achepa……. tinazolowera kale athime bac…… nanga madzi achepa ndi chani

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