Macra questions Times over programming


Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA) has demanded an explanation from Times Group after the media house changed programming for Times Radio and Times TV on Friday.

This comes after Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) closed the media house’s office over unpaid taxes.

Offices of Times Group

According to a letter addressed to Times and signed by Macra director general Godfrey Itaye, the regulator want to know why Times Radio and TV did not follow its own programme schedules and formats.

“We note that on 13th January, 2017 you did not follow programme schedules and formats as submitted. Times television relayed feed from BBC without carrying any other programming, whilst Times Radio played music the whole day. There was no formal communication made to the authority on the programmes change,” said Itaye in the letter.

He also reminded Times Radio and TV that they are prohibited from changing 20 percent of their programme schedule without authorization from the authority as stipulated in clause 12 of Times TV’s and clause 10.3 of Times Radio’s licences.

Meanwhile, the regulatory body has given Times Group a seven day ultimatum to explain in writing why it did not follow the programme formats and schedules and why the authority was not informed of any change.

Times TV and Radio failed to broadcast most of their programmes on Friday due to the closure of Times Group’s offices which houses both the radio and TV.