100 bags of fertilizer to MPs for their personal use

Malawi Parliament

The Social welfare committee of Malawi Parliament has disclosed that members of the National Assembly are now entitled to a fertilizer loan for the 2016/17 farming season, Malawi24 can report.

Malawi Parliament
Malawi MPS get fertilizer bag.

The chairperson for the committee Alex Major explained that Members of Parliament (MPs) are free to get up to 100 bags of fertilizers on loan.

Major added that the legislators are expected to repay the loan within three months.

He further added that the MP’s are to pay an additional money of K3000 on every bag as interest to the loan.

Some lawmakers have since applauded the development arguing that it will help them be engaged in productive farming.

Among the companies that are to supply the fertilizer to the 193 MP’s include Small holder Fertilizer Revolving Fund of Malawi (SFFRM) and Agora.



  1. New Malawi ameneyu,, while junior civil servants akulira ndikuchepa kwa masalary bt no this kind of ngongole,, nanji za malata subsidy,, junior civil servant ndiye kungomunamiza kuti will benefit but bodza lenileni

  2. ,,,,I BELIEVE A REVOLUTION Z NEEDED HERE IN MALAWI, OUR GOVERNMENT THINKS THY CAN FUCK US ANYTIME THY WANT,HOW THY WANT,AS LONG IT PLEASES THEM, WHEN ARE WE going to stand,and unite for our freedom, our taxes,,log out on our fb accounts and just start to fight for ourselves, the best year we can do this is 2017,believe me,,,,,


  4. That is indeed no sense bad leadership thinking of themself this is true indication of the blind and cruel leaders shame we cant hear one is oppossing imagine fertilizer for coupons is k30000 but giving 1person 100 bags no sense

  5. This whole idea z misuse of our taxi payer money.poor pipo in de villages are strugling to hv jst 2 or 3 bags of fertilizers bt u are busy giving mps who get alot of money as salary. This dpp z a worsest government.visionless .u hv failed dis country n we dont knw where u are taking us into.


    At 93 , President Mugabe would not win a physical fight against a grade 1 pupil . Yet the people of Zimbabwe are scared / afraid of Mugabe and would never dare challenge his candidature for the 2018 polls , nor challenge his draconian decisions . From the war vets , the povo , the military , the politiburo , central comm, senate , the judiciary , they all fear Mugabe yet he is now at his weakest . What happens if everyone refuse to take his orders ?

  7. Malawian are still under oppression why should their benefit 100 bags of fertilize.let us vote the government out and the MP shouldn’t be voted again

  8. Stupid government, stupid leadership, stupid MP’s, stupid ideas. Now opposition MPs are saying nothing because they have benefit with this foolish idea. Now i know, all politicians are crooks. They all force the government to increase their salary, they are all applauding for this their own development. But when we come to cashgate the opposition act like righteous people because they did not benefit on cashgate.
    They are all stupid, they deserve a big punishment from God.

  9. Its better if the loan was given to small scale farmers not rich people like mps who are getting huge salaries and alliances.

  10. Nkhani yabwino kwambiri alimi ang’onoang’ono awo ndima coupon ndipo amangolima timinda ting’onoting’ono pomwe awa ndi ngongole komanso akalima minda ikuluikulu yachitsamaliro chokwanira kamba ka ndalama zawo zochuluka zomwe ali nadzo ndipo adzakolora mbeu zochuluka zomwe zidzathandidzenso anthu a mmadera mwawo kumbali yogula ena akungocomentera ndale apa kutsapota congeress chitsakhale chifukwa chomangopanga oppose china chilichonse chotuluka kuboma koma mudzichitenga mkuchipanga balance before oppose ulimitu umafuna makobiri mchifukwa ku south africa amalima ndi macompani akuluakulu amene ali ndi zipangidzo zothekera pa ulimi mkumagulitsa zimayenda bwino sindinaone munthu chisawawa ku SA akutenga khasu kuma kumakalima ngati munda wakewake even mmamidzi koma ma farm akuluakulu ndie osacomentera mundale zinthuzi simudziwa kuti munthu amatha kutenga ngongole kumapangira business ali ndi ndalama zakazake zankhaninkhani ?zomwe zikufuna kupanga anthu awa ndi part of business yomwe ingapindulire anthu ammadera mwao sizoti mbeu zimene alime afuna adzikadya pakhomo pawo ayi

  11. Langa ndifuso kwa amene mwapeza nawo ma bag 100 mumati onse ali kunja abwereko kumati kwathu kuno china chilichose chiko ndengati mukukanika omwewo ochepawo kuthandiza nde aliyese abwele kudzakala bwanji mukawona simuganiza ine alikuja pang’ono komwe amapeza amathandiza adzibale awo mukabelabela

  12. Each MP can grow 25 ha of maize with such fertilizers, other MPs will just sell it off just like other farmers do with FISP inputs

    1. Nkumadzapemphaso u mp ukadzawathera ……malawian MPs they have to learn on how to invest not to depend on looting. Zili ndi season izi like tobacco farming.

  13. nanga bwanayo ndi mkazi wake atenga angat? uyudi ndi malawi wamoto,,,,ulamuliro wamoto,,,aaa kukhala mmalawi mkulimba mtima kukacha kwachela inu,,ife olo koponi sitimaidziwa awo amene mumawapatsao matumba awiri anthu 9 pali mzeru? inu munthu mmodzi matumba 100? dziko ndilanu umphawi ndiwathu kma tisamve mp chaka chamawa akupepha boma kt limuthandize kudera kwake kt kuli njala,,,

  14. ntchito yao ndikupanga malamulo osat zomwe akupangazo datz nt development. vuto lake anthu akumudzi alibe ufulu olankhula kumangowapondeleleza.kumeneko mumamwa tea,ma allowance ambiri,magalimoto mbwee,salary bwii,fertilizer nawo phwii anthu aulesi inu mu parliament palibe zanzeru zomwe mumakambirana zokhuza mavuto amalawi 100bags each person ntchito kumangowelenga ma news mu parliament ndikudyera anthu osauka foolish even my 3years daughter cud ignore dat

  15. That is stupid and no sense they are getting paid lots of money they can buy bags of fertilisers while someone in the village can not afford a single bag shame what selfishness

  16. Selfishness at its exposure,50000 kgs to these so called mps is an insult to a poor but trying famer in Nthalire, nanthenje and ngunda. These people earn more for less and nw they hve decided to prick the public with this again. I say to this nonsense.

  17. 100 bags is too much,it would have muchness if those fertiliser loans were being given to local farmers or farmers club. Long queues to buy fertiliser in agrodealers deports,struggling to buy fertiliser. I will join politics and I will campaign in 2019 on MP sit in order to get the 100 bags fertiliser loan.

  18. Stupit y not that fertilizer give to people who are not employed since you earn million’s ,your getting rich everyday and those who are poor going to the hel to the last, dyela nonse panu

  19. Koma anzathu ndinu odala mpaka matumba 100 aliyense pomwe osauka ndi thumba limodzi lomwe alibe,kodi otsutsa nanu mwalandila nawo?

  20. Koma anzathu ndinu odala mpaka matumba 100 aliyense pomwe osauka ndi thumba limodzi lomwe alibe,kodi otsutsa nanu mwalandila nawo?

  21. On one hand, its good as they are trying to commecialise Agriculture while on the other hand, its not because small scale farmers are strugling to find the very same fertilizer.It could’ve been much better if those loans were being given to local farmers in the villages because Members of parliamemt are being paid more than enough money by poor malawians for no Job at all which they can use to buy those fertilizers by cash.Such precious previlages should be provided to the less previlaged.

    1. Kodi dzikoli akulamura ndi ndani pakati pa chakwela ndi peter? Ndi zinthu zopanda nzelu boma kupanga zowonga mwadala ndicholinga chakuti popeza kuli chakwela atsutsa, vuto ndi boma osati chakwela

    1. Parliament being an independent arm of of government, this is the speaker’s decision and not the president. So, alakwitsa ndi a sipikawo.

    2. @kambiya, funso ili undiyankhe: kodi dzikoli akulitsogolera ndi ndani? Kodi amene ali ndi mphavu ndi ndani pakati pa president komaso speaker wa nyumba ya malamuro?

    3. Iweyo ukudziwa kale yemwe akuyendetsa dzikoli, ndiye Kambiya ataye nthawi kukuyankha kuti ndi wakuti amene akuyendetsa dziko. Iwe ndi mulendo kunoko ku Malawi, wathawa kuti nkhondo kuti dziko muno ukhale mulendo oti uzifunsa anthu kuti akulamula dzikoli ndi ndani?

  22. MP aliyense alime mbewu zosiyanasiyana ndipo awonesese kuti m’madela mwawomo njala yichepe akamazasekulira nyumba ya malamulo chaka cha mawa azebwere ndi ma ripoti oti njala yachepa m’madela mwawomo.

  23. This is shit.people are suffering and straggling to find fertiliser butvu are busy helping MPs who have alot.we have about 193 MPs and that is about 19300 bags sure that can help alot of families who dont have

    1. Iwe anzako amakhala busy kugwira ntchito, samangokhala pansi kudikira kuti amve zolankhulidwa pa wailesi ayi. Iweyo umakuchititsa ndi ulesi, ndipamene lero ukunena zimenezi kuti unamvera kale ndiye usachulukepo nzeru apa. Uthenga umawafikira anthu munjira zosiyana-siyana, anzako panopa ali busy kugwira ntchito sangokhala kudikira nkhani pa wailesi ngati iwe mlesi.

    2. Inuyo ndye mbutuma zenizeni omamvera nkhani zoti zinachitika kale,,,,simunadziwebe mpaka lero kuti azigogo anu aku MW 24 amalemba nkhani zoti anthu anaziyiwala iwowo ndikumayitenga ngati breaking news??? ngakhale atasiya kuposta nkhani mungadandaule ndinuyo basi

    3. Mongokulangizani abwana pangani like ma page ambiri amene amapereka nkhani zongochitika kumene ma page enawa amaposta nkhani zomwe ena anazilengeza kale,,,,umboni wina ndi uwu MW 24 inaposta nkhani yoti “MANGANYA ALANGIZA PETER MUTHARIKA” nkhani imene ija anayitenga pa Zodiak pa programme ya VIEWS TRIANGLE ndye wina ndkumati anzako amagwira ntchto usana ndi usiku chonsecho akudikira anzawo kuti awapangire nkhani??? zombwambwana basi

    4. Bambo wa nkulu ngati iwe necktie pakhosi, koma kulankhula zopusa basi. Nanga iwenso, osakhala ZBS 2bwanji enanso azinena kuti tamvera kale kuchokera pa ZBS 2 kukula koma nzeru mulibemo mutu.

    5. Inunso a Pasadi check your English grammer,,,,,,ndye zokhazokha ndikudana nazozo zimenezo anthu munathawira pa window ku xul mukumalimbira kulemba mawu a chizungu bwanji??? You have put in this word “WHAT KIND OF IDIOT ARE YOU” vuto ndi kusukulu ya kwacha mukupitayo

  24. Koma boma ili do you think mps angalephere kugula fertilizer using their salaries?

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