The University of Malawi (Unima) council has been advised to prioritise education instead of money if higher education is to improve in the country.
This was said by president of the Polytechnic Students Union (PSU) Frank Msiska following the council’s silence on the date when students will resume their classes at the institution.
The council is yet to set the date even though the fees hike court case between the council and the students ended on Monday.

Speaking on behalf of fellow students, Msiska said the college has been closed for a long time which is affecting their education and generating negative behaviour among the students who are just staying at home.
“We could have been in class while the case was still at court. We could have been handling the case while students were learning because it is not all students who could have been going to court for the hearing that is why we were chosen to represent them, but I wonder why the council is much concerned with money instead of putting education as a priority,” said Msiska.
Commenting on the controversy among the students, as some of whom agreed to pay for the new fees while others wanted old fees, Msiska said they get views from the students before coming up with anything as a union. He also claimed that they make decisions using the majority rule.
“Those who were saying we should pay the new fees were just desperate for the resuming of school but they were not considering those who cannot manage to raise such funds for their education,” said Msiska.
In his ruling on the fees hike case on Monday, presiding Judge Healey Potani ruled that students who are continuing with their studies should pay the old fees which is K275,000 while those starting their first year should pay the new fees which is K350,000.
anthu wawa ndi dzitsiru,,machende awo
yes UNIMA council shud prioritize education and not money. after all you will use the money to buy new VXs in stead of improving education in Malawi. you did your education nicely with the help of H Kamuzu Banda but now you have forgotten all of these things and you dont want others to be education….. OPEN POLY NOW…………ZOPUSA TIMADANA NAZO
But people don’t have enough money
Change the system where we all become communists and the state sponsor education from the cradle to tertiary.
Prize buys Quality. 99,9% of those guys in schools & colleges today certainly don’t know why they are there, what to do next & they behave like someone, the country or world owes them something when infact it’s all for “1”. Their pockets & future.
What greedy u talk about ?
Tikudziwa kuti maphunziro kuti ayende bwino pamafunika ndalama zogulira mabuku komanso kuyendetsera ntchito zosiyanasina , kulipira aphunzitsi . chinanso chofunika ndikuganizira ophunzirawo omwe ambiri makolo awo amalandira ndalama zochepa pamwezi komanso ma college ndi ochepa nanunso andale anzanu omwe amati anabweretsa democracy ku Malawi analowetsa maphunziro pansi kwambiri mmakamaka poyambitsa maphunziro aulele ku sukulu za primary ndichifukwa unduna wamaphunziro ulipamavuto a kulu kwambiri dziko lamalawi salinga pange subsidise maphunziro lilibe ndalama zokwanira timakampani tomwe limadalira munagulitsa tsono ndalama zoyendetsera maphunziro mutenga kuti ? munthu kuti akhale ndimwana imakhala choice ndiye mukumupangira kuti asalipire sukulu kuti muwine mavoti zotsatira zake ndizimenezi maphunziro mwagwetsa pansi chifukwa chanfundo za socialism osati democracy kuti mutolele tindalama pang’onopang’ono mapulayimale muona kuti kuma college sikukhala maphokoso ai koma unduna wazama phunziro ulibe ndalama ife tikudziwa simungadalire msonkho wa sar tax pachilichonse. makolo ndalama zimene amaonga pogula mowa wotchipa pasabata akhoza kulipilira mwana kupulaimale term imodzi . mfundo zomwe siza democracy zikuononga dziko a Malawi anavootera democracy osati socialism
Whaat? Greedy?….
Who said that? bring him to me i need to kick his..f***n…..a**..!! a little bit.moti sakudziwa kuti maphunziro ayende ndi ndalama damn!! some people are just carrying their heads for display….how can one say that….ok then now they are trying to tell us right to education works only at primary level right??