Rapist jailed for 18 years


The Blantyre magistrate court has sentenced a 36 year-old man to 18 years in jail for raping an 11 year-old girl at Chirimba Township.

The convict, Tommy Maloya, raped the girl who is a standard 3 pupil on October 26 at Chirimba market.

CourtState prosecutor Sandram Senzani told the court that the victim lost her school bag and was scared to go home without it so opted to search for the bag in the places she had passed by.

Senzani added that the girl reached late hours of the day trying to search for the bag and met the convict who took advantage of the darkness to rape the girl.

During his first court appearance, Maloya pleaded not guilty to the charge that was levelled against him but he later admitted sexually abusing the girl and was convicted.

In his ruling, Blantyre Senior Resident magistrate Peter Kandulu sentenced Maloya to serve 18 years Imprisonment with Hard Labor (IHL).

Maloya hails from Kwanjana village, Traditional Authority (TA) Nchilamwera in Thyolo district.