A night of glitz and glamour is almost within reach of Lilongwe as an all white party featuring South Africa’s DJ Ganyani goes down in the city this coming Friday.
Carlsberg takes the fun to the capital after Blantyre was treated to a golden white party which attracted another South African DJ in the name of S’bu at Ryalls Hotel in the first half of this year.
As the waiting continues, the countdown has been narrowed with 9th December impatiently beckoning.
Cockpit Night Club of the Golden Peacock Hotel will be the epicenter of fun as DJ Ganyani from the rainbow nation and Malawi’s DJ Trick will command the deck. Starting time is 8pm and admission will be on condition of full white costume.
Carlsberg has promised the very best of nights of chill. Speaking in an exclusive interview with Malawi24 yesterday, the company’s senior brands manager Twikale Chirwa promised the heat.
“We would like to replicate the Chill brand experience we gave Blantyre consumers in Lilongwe by offering consumers to see leading South African DJ Ganyani live whilst they enjoy their favourite premium beer Chill.
“Chill consumers should expect premium Chill brand experience and a night filled with fun at the newly launched Cockpit club,” Chirwa said.
Tickets are selling at K10,000 and they are in limited supply hence the need to hurry. Patrons will each receive five bottles of Carlsberg Chill and will also be treated to a cocktail.
The Lilongwe white party promises to attract a huge number of patrons as was the case with Blantyre. This is in consideration of its timing since we are in the festive month. According to Chirwa, this is just the beginning as there will be more events in 2017.
“We are always looking for opportunities to give value to our consumers when we sell our products as such consumers should look for more and better Chill brand experiences in 2017,” Chirwa said.
Why u calling DJs from outside our country, when and where our djs will show there skills, Nyasa is astupit contry I hate this shit
We have dj love from radio 2 why r wasting more money calling foregners to enjoy our country.
Anthu amanyi awa akubwelelanji kumalawi.anthu ozikonda samavelanso nyimbo za maiko ena ati koma USA.akangoika ma cd mumtibule chifukwa ma blacks anagendedwa ma botolo nkhani za ziii
We hv many djs in malawi. Support them thy know well how to dj
Why Not Ephraim Nyilenda From Radio 2 His Is Also Best Dj
Listen to Kay Gee 40 – Chitima Cherudo (prod By Ahsayn The Beatmaker) by Kay Gee 40 #np on #SoundCloud
Helpinghandsinternational H2i Dar es Salaam Tanzania.Ni shirika lisilo la kiserikali (NGO) lenye makao makuu yake nchini PHILLIPINES. Shirika linajishughulisha na utoaji misaada kwa watoto yatima, wajanena maskini kwa ujumla. Shirika kwa sasa limesajiliwa rasmi na kupewa kibali kufanya shughuli zake nchini Tanzania.Hivyo shirika linatafuta watu ambao watakuwa Mabalozi wa kuliwakilsha shirika popote pale walipo nchini Tanzania.Nifursa ya kipekee inanayotoa kipato kizuri kwa Mabalozi wake. Ofisi za Helpinghandsinternational H2i Dar es Salaam Tanzania.Zipo mlimani city, kwa maelezo zaidi Piga simu namba 0677898941,0655216136 au 0621892634. au tembelea website yetu http://www.helpinghandsinternational.biz
Helping Hands International
komaso kod oyimba aku malawi mulikuti mpakana kutenga akunja eish l fill sorry malawi
kkkk ganyan ndi ye boran big nuz ndi cassper_nyovest
I wonder wy a dj com all the way frm south africa.Dont we hav our own djs in Nyasa?Ar they not enough ?Wen our djs wil go and chili in south africa?Wonder shall never end
Why hiring S.A. DJ not our local DJ.takonzeka tatukulani amalawi
Kodi ku Malawi kulibe ma DJ?…. Malawi tazuka..
kodi mwati …..ganyavu?????? osaitana anthu enieni bwanji???? uyu angapange chani pa L.city?????nde bolaxo kanda bongoman ndi yake ijatu,awa ndeeee hiiiiii
When is thus thing
Oyimba apa joeni abwela ndiyawo ija yongobwela ndi CD, amp komaso Dvd player then mkumasewela iwo mkumaitsatila kwinaku akumvina akatelo akuti akuimba pamenepo
hahhhhha amakhala buzy ngati zenizenitu
Kkkk ndi awusiru
DJ ganyani and friends , talk to me
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk hahahahahahaha maliwi uvetsa chiso dj ganyani samatha bola gwaladi angayimbeso bwino
ine ndimakonda dj Ganyani kwambiri moti show yake kulipila pomwe Gwaladi olo pa fon yanga ayi nyimbo yake.makondamakonda basi.
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk hahahahahahaha tsoka mzanga ine sindinva nyimbo za ku africa pepa komandimadziwa oyimba ake
Bwanji osaitanisa oskidal
osewa ndi makape dolo ndi black coffee
bolanso Euphonik kapena Dr malinga