20 ex-street kids graduate from centre

street kids Malawi

Twenty former street kids have graduated after undergoing vocational training for a year at Samaritan Trust Centre in Blantyre.

The trust trained the young people in tailoring, brick layering, carpentry and electrical installation.

street kids MalawiThe organization’s aim is to reduce the number of street kids in the country’s cities. In her remarks following the graduation, the trust’s executive director Margret Mukwena said the training is an effective way of dealing with rise in number of street kids.

She further said that it is not easy to take care of the children since they get exposed to different abuses in the streets. “It is difficult to take care of such children as any child because they are exposed to different abuses since they have no one look after them,” she explained.

Mukwena said even though her organisation is facing a lot of problems, it will continue to train more young people.




  1. Ndizoona tikuthokozeni muja mudayamba lija ndikale koma bvuto ndi inuyo mayi Mukwena ndikudziwapo bwino pamenepo ine pa gineery cornerpo pali bvuto lokondela komanso sankho mu chaka cha 2006 takumbukilani bwino mutalandila kalata yochoka ku Africa national park kuti mutumize anyamata anu okwana 12 mesa mudatumizako anyamata aku Soche technical colledge ndipo adabwezedwa ndi mzungu otchedwa Jannet powaudza kuti siwoyenera chifukwa chamapepala awo sanali ochokela pa centreyo ndipo m’modzi waobwezedwawo adali mwana wa achimwene anu aphunzitsi aja .mufuna anthu aziti ndinu abwino mayi oipa ngati iwe ogulitsa ntchito ya ana amasiye ikapedzeka kuma company andalama za malipilo abwino mkupeleka ntchitoyo m’manja mwa ana amabwana kale m’malo mopeleka ntchitoyo kwa ana amasiyewo timadziwa izi ife munthu adaphunzira kupoly koma akupedzeka ndi tsamba la patraining centre yakoyo .tikukuonatu undibasope Butao mbuli ya munthu ngati imene ija angakhale engeener mkalasi olo kufunsa kapena kuyankha funso dwii basi alwz pano mudamupromoter mkumupatsa timapepala tanuto mkukamusiya ku illovo adandiuza kale yekha zonse mumachita zija mundisamale mayi -panepo amasiwo mkumati mwawachotsa umasiye wawo bwanji? Undisamale……mayi opusa iwe

  2. that’s better but themselves should have to commit on work & remember their background so that they may help others rather than knowing work but engaging into thieve

  3. But wat wil be the results if we ar going to hav more carpentry,more brick layers?The answer iz cheap labour we gonna hav moer pple to to do the job which means cheap cheap cheap labour .Paja amati zikachuluka sizidyeka

  4. So good,but worry is that after their trainings nothing will help perhaps it will depends. As far it may concerned,I was trained til graduated they promised us to offer aloan to se the preamble for buying tools relavant to our traing up until Nothing have happenned. Since then til now, I just keeping my certificate of installing circult I attain this at Tchetsa vocation training centre in Dedza district.

  5. i would recommend the government these children in schools first before training them practically

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