Nkhotakota chief worried over lack of primary school


A chief in Nkhotakota has expressed concern over lack of a primary school in his area where children from five villages travel long distances to find a school.

The chief, village headman Musisita, whose village is in the area of Senior Chief Kanyenda in the district has since asked government to construct a primary school the area as a way of improving quality of education.

Speaking to Malawi24, Chief Musisita said he wants government to construct the primary school to help children from five villages who are struggling to access primary education.

School blocks like this one are in dire need.
School blocks like this one are in dire need.

According to chief Musisita, the two nearest primary schools to his area are at far distances hence learners sometimes fail attend classes especially during rainy season.

“The absence of a primary school in this area is greatly contributing to high school dropout rate, early marriages, and early pregnancies particularly among girls,” he said.

The headman further said that most boys in the area are becoming fishermen since they can’t afford to attend classes at Banga or Ngala Primary schools due to long distance.

“As a way of showing our strong will of the school we have already molded bricks and bought some iron sheets.

“It is my wish to see the youth in this local area becoming highly educated so that they can positively contribute to the development of this area and Malawi at large. We want them to become medical doctors, journalists, teachers and various professions that can help to define them,” he said.

One of Musisita’s subjects from Kafote village Magret Mwase concurred with the chief saying that a primary school in their area is highly needed since without education no tangible development can be done.

“Our chiefs are doing whatever they can to bring school in this area and we need government’s intervention to make this dream a reality,” she said.

The villages that will benefit from the construction of a school in the area are Musisita, Tajili, Nkhanga, Bobo, Gangala and Kafote.

Earlier this year the villagers consulted the Primary Education Advisor (PEA) of this education zone about their passion of having a primary school but according to them, the PEA is yet to respond to their call.