Husband kills wife in Mzuzu for ‘cheating’


A 34 year-old man in Mzuzu on Saturday killed his 33 year-old wife after suspecting her of cheating on him. The woman has been identified as Enifa Goba, a mother of two who had a shop at Taifa market in the city.

It is reported that Goba’s husband, Alex Mbisa, who is currently at large was in Lilongwe few days ago. While there he heard that his wife was on Friday picked up by a man and the two headed to Nkhatabay.

True love?

According to Mzuzu Police spokesperson Martin Bwanali, after getting the reports the suspect furiously started off for Mzuzu and reached home at Hilltop location in the wee hours of Saturday.

He found his wife home and at around 4am a fight ensued which left the woman seriously injured. Neighbours rushed Goba to St John’s hospital where death was pronounced.

“When police officers visited scene of incident they found beddings stained with blood while other clothes were just scattered across the room.

“Furthermore, some broken wooden sticks believed to have been used in the assault were found in the room,” said Bwanali. Preliminary postmortem results at St John’s Hospital have indicated the woman died due internal injuries.

Meanwhile police have launched manhunt for Mbisa who hails from Kapoka village in the area of Traditional Authority Mwaulambia in Chitipa district.

The law enforcers are also asking anyone who knows the suspect’s whereabouts to tip off their nearest police station. When arrested the suspect will answer the charge of murder since he acted contrary to section 209 of the Penal Code.



  1. wapanga boh wamubulala mwina ena atengelepo phunziro guys / ndikanakhala inenso ndikanamubulala nie akadziwa akujayira

    1. Hmm koma bambo iwe ma comment akowa andikwana kwabasi, nanga iwe umakafunako chiyani kumeneko kuma taifako ndi kuma chineseko? Kuteronso umakhala, uli busy ndi mahule ukateronso ukachindenso a PP.

  2. Guys bola kumuphadi coz chikondi ndichowawa ukamva mzako akukuyenda mbali sikut analakwisa zikuonesa kut amamukondesesa amaopa mwina matenda coz anamupha? kukhala mwamuna wanga ndikanamuphadi pot sinakwire.

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  4. why killing her without proof? he was just suspicious about hee that she might be cheating and he end up killing her, let the law take its course though vengeance is not ours.

  5. Oky guys tamva ma views anu kma the solution to this sin even in the Bible is Divorce not killing.The man must face law,starting from this planet earthmalawi and later Hevean.

  6. Zinakambu zinaleku Azikazi masikuano sakhutitsidwa ndi azimuna abo ayi, Apopo zikusonyeza kuti mwamuna zinampweteka kopyolera myeso, Cifukwa siungafikire pompha mzimayi amene unamkonda ndikubereka naye Ana kawiri konse.


  8. Akazi otelewa they deserve this punshment. Eeeee amaonjeza kusakhutisidwa sikuti mamunayo amafuna kupha kunali kuspa mtima amamulanga huleyo. Mamuna asamangidwe iyayi. Akazi enanu mutengerepo phunziro muzikhutisidwa. Pliz

  9. The best was for him to commit ka susayidi kuti asazamvetso ndi kuona zochita zankaziyo, apolisi bwenzi sakumsakanso koma kumukwirira basi kkkkkkkkkk.

  10. Killing an adultrous wife zn’t a solution coz that’z sin just let her go. “Koma amayi mwaonjeza pankhani ya chigololo”

  11. Guys osapha munthu mulung anat ndiye kutha kwabanja ukampeza akuchita chigololo timusiile mulung azaweruza yekha kungozivetsa kt zachitika bc

  12. ndichifukwa chake ndikuopa kukwatira mkazi wachilingamo sindimuona kuli bwino ndikhale chochi olo mundinene osuka kapena waumbombo bola ndili ndi mtendere mutima

  13. Hmmmmm Ndizovuta Izi Chikondi Chapoymba Mwachsiyakut !? Alibe Ntendele Wakuphayo Amakanika Kumpatsa Chikndi Chokwan So Mmmm Choncho !!

  14. Akaziwa aphedwa kumene akumatipangitsa uchisilu amunafe. Enanu mujudandaula sichina bkhalidwe lanu ndilo mwelo lozembera akazi ayeni ndiye munya sopano tizingo shooter basi. Asamatipasenso busy ngati kuti amatidyetsa

  15. muzafa ifa yowawa ngati mumacheata akadzi ndithuu poti kadzi sangakwatile amuna awiri kumeneko kusemphana chilengedwe ngakhale pomwe kale Mulungu analola mitala palibe kadzi anapangapo mitala ngakhale ndimwamuna wapambali…nde mukati chimakono amuna ambirife mutipasa mlandu wakupha kusakapulumuka nawo kamba kainu.ineso ndingatelo ndithu mene ndikuzionela ngakhale sinakwatile.

  16. If really the woman was cheating at him plse cut her into pieces cose even in the Bible God allow husband to have morethan one wife not wives to have morethan one husband.


  17. Sindinamve amuna critisizing mwamuna mzawo,kodi kuwawa komwe amamva nkazi wen the husband z cheating kwasiyana ndi komwe amamva husband wen wife z cheating? Lets put ourselves in the shoes zonse ndi zowawa koma kungoti chigogolo chochita nkazi nde chimakhala ngati kaya chani kaya…mpaka mudzi onse kudziwa. .thus unto others wat u want them to do fo u.

    1. chigololo ndi chigololo koma mbiri zonse kadzi afunika kugonjela pachilichose kusonyeza kuti ngochepa mphamvu kwawamwamuna…ndekuti kadzi akapezeke akukucheata means ndionyanyila kwambiri moti chisilu…kale pomwe Mulungu akavomeleza mitala palibe kuti kadzi akakwatila amuna awiri kapena kusankha kuti mwana wina abelekelane ndiwina pomwe amuna anali nawo ufulu…kusonyeza kuti kadzi wapabanja kucheata chinthu choyipa kusiyana ndimwamuna ndipo kukhala ine ndenditha kukhalaso ndimulandu wakupha.

    2. Tikanena za Bible tichimwa coz it clearly declares that usachite chigololo posasankha status..nde poti aliyense ali ndi pozibakila tingomusiya Mulungu akatiweluze..God created one man n one woman.not one man fo many women n vice versa…vuto amuna kusafuna kugonja.

    3. Amene sanachimwepo ayambe kumugenda mkaziyu, kKkkkk onse anasowapo miyala yonyamulanyamula. Don’t judge munakumana okulakula, just leave her, Man wo sananyengepo mkazi wamwini?

    4. Ellicy ndiwe wanzeru dziko siliona chigololo ngati chowawa kwa aliese. that very bad. It pains everyone regardless of sex. Fellow men lets refrain ourselves from making our beautiful ladies victims. mkulakwa kwakukuklu kugonana ndi mkazi wina. Don’t make ur wife feel great pain because of u her only lover on earth

  18. Kupha nkaziyo sinjira yothesera mavuto ngakhale kuti ndizithu zopweteka anayenera kumusiya ali ndimoyo.Amalamulo gwiranachoni ntchito chilombo chimenechi.Ngakhale malamulo Amulungu amati usaphe kumakhala ndi umunthu pofuna kuyankhula inu simungaweluze ai oweluza ndi Mulungu basi.

  19. Umayamba walingalira kut mmene amatekesera bwino MALITAYU kukapasaso ena,, tangoganizani pajapa poti yagwira mseu nde umazapopa kupopa kenako mkuzajejema mmm iwe.. Ndingaphedi sure

  20. Mkazi sitigawana end of the story palibe chinthu chopweteka mtima ngati chogololo imfa utha kuiwala koma chogololo njeee guys mkaziyo amadziwa what will be the result of it pita ukafune mwamunayo nayeso ukumpatse chikwanje basiiiiii

  21. Moyo ndiofunika kwa munthu aliyese.komabe wachita bwino chifukwa zimakhara zowawa munthu ukumusamala sakugona ndinja zomwe amatsata kuchibweziko iwe umamupatsa.ngakhare ndikanakha ine ndikanatelobe.mkazi akamazemba ukukharanaye kumakhara kuti samakufuna.

  22. kumenya mpaka kupha ?,watichitisa manyazi munthu opusa ameneyo.nanunso akazi masiku ano mwalowa chiwewe coz utsi siufuka popanda moto.wina ndiuja anamudula manjayu nde samalani.

  23. Yah Khaniyi Ndi Yoona Mwamuna Anapita Kooda Katundu Pobwera Kumeneko Anapeza Mkazi Mnyumba Akazio Pobwera Kumene Analiko Anafika Mowa Uli Mu 90. Pofunsana Sanamvesanepo Chichewa Km Nkhaniyi Yachitika Ku Masasa Mmudzi Mwa Mfumu GezaMgomo T/a Kabunduli Mboma La Nkhata Bay

  24. Aaaaa zautsilu kufuna kuzuzitsa ana,ngati mkazi amapanga chinyengo osangomusiya bwanji? Kukhala ngati mkaziyo anamuyamba ndi iyeyo,akagwile ukaidi basi.

    1. Nkazi simbalewako ngatiwapanga zopusa usavulaze kapenaso kupha mamuna nzako kungothana ndlnkaziyobasi chifukwapomwea mafusilidwa iyendi kulola samaganiza zotialindi mamuna?Tiyeniti sinthe kumenyana amuna tokhatokha timango dziwonetsa uchitsilu basi kufusila ndikophweka koma tikamamenyana amuna fe timawonekasititha kufusira ngati wadaburitsa nkazi menyani nkaziyo osati nokhanokha ndikupusa.Gayz

  25. Yaaaa,wachita bwino,coz ife timavutika kuti Moyo wake ndi mbanja kuti akhale pabwino,koma iwowo samazindikila ,akazi amasiku ano too much cheating.

  26. Not,Not mau Amulungu akuti ngati mukazi wamupeza mu chigoloro chabwino kumubweza chifukwa kubwezera sikwathu ndikwamulungu.Uko ndikulakwa ndithu.

  27. Ine so wina anatenga ndizabandula onse mfuti ndatuma kale bola moyo asamuke mzuzu ndiwakabaza komaso mithi mzuzu samala

  28. That’s it women can’t b trusted sometimes
    don’t pray games in love life, he loved her but she was cheating on him

    1. This case reads a suspecting hubby just suspecting if it was red-handed it is understandable not meaning you must kill l know it really hurts but killing eish

    2. Killing is something else u right maihazzy, but sometimes u know hw women are like. And the fact that LOVE is jealous, husbands are not fight their wives to kill them sometimes but its just happening unfortunately . They don’t want to kill but to change their wives ways, forgetting that we r on 20 century nu era, no more fight

  29. Its not good to kill the cheating wife, koma ineso nditha kupha chifukwa i know how it pains,zimapweteka guyz.thats y am single till now kuopa kuzapha munthu chifukwa akazi amasiku ano mmmm,,

    1. Eee mene umataira kandalama kako umve kuti wina akumugawanisa katundu daily ndimupha basi coz mamunayo alibe vuto kape ndi mkaziyo

    2. Uhule monga WA Christabel ukhoza kuchipha chi hule ichi…anandidyela ndalama zanga Christabel chinsinsi amati ndi mwana WA school uku amachezela Ku bwandilo….uhule usiye christabel MacKenzie chonde

  30. Kupha sikulanga. Ngati zinamunyasa akanamusiya amusamale amene amamuzembela azione kuwawa. Zimaoneka zophweka anzani akamamusamala.

  31. No problem Leave him free most womens know dayz Alezera ndi Uhule. izi! zilichomwechi! cz amangochitilidwa chilichose ndi Azimuna m’manyumbamu! koma Anakaziwa m’mene Azibambo tikubangula nalo Dziko lapansili kuti Miyoyo yawo ndi yanthu! iziwoneka Yofewerako! Sibwezi akumapanga Zopusazi zomakhala ndi Apambali. ndiye akamagwidwa tizingosayinilana Chochi baasii!! Ife! ko saver kundende Iwowa wawutali okayikidwa mwina Enawa! Angasithe makhalidwe onyasawa.


    1. Muzichita uhule dala, ndicholinga choti akakuphani azikakhala ku jele kumwambanso gehena? Mukhaula, akalapa ku jele komweko kulinso anthu opemphera azibusa amapitanso kumakawalapitsa anthu komweko. Akayamba moyo winanso komweko, ukalowe gehena ndi iweyo ukuzitenga ngati oyera mtimawe mahule nonse paulendo.

    2. Ndikati ndionesese uhule mukuyamba ndinu amuna,choti muziwe kumwamba chigololo,ukapanga mamuna olo mkadzi ndi semu,khonyo yobwezera kuwawa,komaso mukukwatira,m’dala mahule abala mukuti akakusamalani osakwiya ziko ndichocho muziona

  32. Na ine ndie manena kut sme malawian nd mbul hevy,,o ts grls and women…zilipobe zomenya or kupha kaz,,,?penapake wake up guys ,,,ckond tmacta kupanga ici ..

    1. wa burn guy, wa burn guy wat hurts? kodi nkazi siziwawa mukamamupanga hurt?funso limeneli ambiri mumayiwala,munthu kukagwira mundende ati coz awife was cheating, aaaaa coment loading ambuye azikuhululukirani azimunanu!!

    2. Kkkkkkk Ruth, it becomes a fair game when also cheat on her. But if you dont and she does, the only solution is to kill her.

  33. ok, tamva nawo km pasapezeke chirango coz amayi akumaonjeza coz boma mukumawabereka bt one day muzaziwa kt amunafe ndiwofunikira wachita bho mahule enawa atengelepo phuzilo

  34. Poti chikakhala kwa nzimai ndie mumati ndioipa nkazi ,koma kwa zimunanu ndie zimakhala mpunga wa nkhuku
    Mulungu adzatiyankhulira day one.may her soul rest in peace

    1. Panalibe chifukwa chochosera moyo wa munthu pamenepo ngakhale mau a
      Mulungu anakambako zoti ukampeza nkazi or mamuna akupanga chigololo ndi uphe? To hell

  35. knena zouna nditha kuthana ndimamunayo kumalizila nkaziyo gayz kunena moveka nkzi wako akamakuzembela ndye akudlela,kwamamumayo ndye kti akkumphweketsa zonse zomwe umachta ndye akapezeka onse mamuna ndnkazi kdula makosi

  36. men are more unfaithful than women bt male dominant n male chauvinsm do u tnk women are useless one day u are goin to understand y God created us

    1. but nowdays its 50:50 coz men are unfaithful and women also so zimatengera kuti wagwidwa nsanga ndani that’s all

  37. Kma Ndye Ziliko, Naoso Azimai Akuonjeza Sakanachtira Mwina Kupha Bas Coz Zimapweteka Kwambri Kt Uziva Kt Mkazi Wako Wina Akukudyera, RIP

    1. kkkk poti zili pa mzako u can say any thing @but is painful story we mst kill those idiot women

    2. No Guys,that Is Not A Solution And I Hope He Is Regreating,sometimes When We Are Suspecting Something It Is Better To Hold Our Temper Until We Find A True Witness,so What Is Benefit Here?

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