Five Malawians arrested for murder in South Africa

South Africa Police

Five Malawian nationals have been arrested in Johannesburg in South Africa.

South African Police Service said the five Malawians who were not identified were apprehended after they shot two Ethiopians on Thursday afternoon.

South Africa Police“We have arrested five Malawians in connection to the shooting of two Ethiopian nationals and we will make more arrests. We are opening a case of murder,” said Gauteng police spokesperson Kay Makhubela.

It is not yet known why the Malawians shot the two Ethiopian nationals. According to reports, the victims were in their shop when the group of assailants entered and shot them.

“For now we don’t know what sparked the shooting. We are still investigating,” Makhubela said.

Police spokesperson Kay Makhubela says they’re investigating case as a murder case.

“Our preliminary investigations led to the arrest of five suspects and we also confiscated two firearms. We are continuing with our investigation,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Police expressed hope that they will make more arrests soon.



  1. kumva ndi kuvetsetsa ndikumene kwavuta kungomangidwa amalawi muvekele ndiakupha ena kutchulamitundu yaachiyawo muwatchulilanji achiyawo paizi zamanyi bwanji osafusa tikuuzeni makape shiti

  2. Iiiiiiiiiiiihiiiiiiiiiiiii nanunso simukudziwa kuti kwaeni kulibe mkuwo,kitchini lamwini saotchera mbewa!! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee mwanyanyanso bwanji.

  3. Ayawo guys ndianthu oyipa especially in Jubeki amaba, kupha amalawi azawo zili waka balalabalala mu jubeki za Language ya kumdzi anaisiya kale kulankhula ati iwo ndiwo madolo anthu iyipa oyipa oyipa the evil that one does follows him/herself zianthu zoipa zoipa ngati mtundu umenewu sindinauonepa mbamva zenizeni kubelaso azawo osauka

  4. December iyi akufuna makobiri Anandilanda phone anyamata achiyao wina akuti ndia kumangwetu winayi andiphulitsa ndi zulu Language ndinangoziwilatu apa yalakwa (Gunpoint)

  5. ngati zili zowona achita bwino kwambili amalawiwo ma Ethiopia ndi masomalia,china ndi amanyi kwambili anthu opanda chitsoni adziwapha choncho ine ndiye zandikonda kwambasi kkkkkkkk ngati zilidi zowona

  6. Amangidwe amenewo amalawi kuzolowera ,tikafuna kulowa mu twn mtima biii ndi anyaupe koma amalawi timatha kupangana chipongwe tokhathokha kumalo aeniake fotsek ndipo amalawi achuluka mu jubeck ntchito yawo kuba bas ,apite akaone kut life yili bwanji mu prison

  7. Akutukwana ndi chifukwa choti ndisanene kapena kutchula mayina a omangidwa kapena okuphayo. Kapenatso ophedwayo vuto loti wokuphayo akugwilitsatso ntchito pass port ya ayao ati anamusungilako kuti asamubere

  8. Zinachitika lachitatu @2pm Ku may fair omangidwa amagwila ntchito Ku shop ya somalia wokupha anthuyo and wathawa chifukwa chake awamanga ati akudziwa komwe wathawilako eish manyazi

  9. Its not Malawian who killed two people in may fair its Somalian killed Ethiopian national with agun but amalawiwo amangidwadi chifukwa choti akudziwa komwe amene wapha Anthuyo

  10. amene akuziwako bwino kuno ku SA momwe zinthu zimakhalila angamvese why abale athuwo apha azawo….ine ndikaona kuti olo munthu atandiputa singamupange chipongwe choti paka kumubaya/kumuvulaza koma tafika kuno sindikukhulupilira kuti mene angoniwa amapangila pata ozipulumusa takhala nawo..sanafe ine nditha kutelo mean kaya kuwapha kapena kuwavulaza.kuno kukhala chifundo chakumalawi ndekuti sungazipulumuse koma aliyese ayenela asamale moyo wake zimene Mulungu amafuna ndeposamala wanga wawina uwonongeke pajoz pano.

    1. Mwaonetselatu kusadziwa kwanu,munthu ogwila ntchito mushop ya Nsomalia angalipile mulandu okupha munthu ku South Africa? Mumangomva anthu akunena,kapena munamvelapo kugamulidwa kwa munthu okupha munthu?Musatinamizepo apa.

  11. Arrested for murder in South Africa. Free meals in jail, free legal aid, entered freely and illegally in South Africa. It is the responsibility of each foreigner to behave himself in a foreign country. This act, tarnishes the image of all Malawians.

  12. stupid murders instead of murdering mr #Ibu here busy with useless pipo out there…if u are real murders come and eliminate mr president here we are tired of him

    1. akakumangani ibuyo muziyesa tsokasimungaganize kuti amene mukumukambayo ntunda wina olo brow wanu sangamufikile?? never mind

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