Devotion: Release the right spiritual code


John 6 : 63 ” …The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life.”

You may think that your words are simply a physical voice but that’s not the case. Every Word contains a spiritual code.In communications and information processing, code is a system of rules to convert information such as a letter, word, sound, image, or gesture into another form or representation.

Your words contain a spiritual code that has an effect to cause changes in the spiritual realm. They can bring life or death based on the source of the code. If you speak inline with the Word of God, you bring life. If the source of your words isn’t the Word of God, you release spiritually dead codes.Proverbs 18 : 21 ” Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.”

Have faith.

Any spiritual code has power to effect changes in the spiritual world. That is why you need to be careful with the spiritual code you release as you speak.The Bible tells us about the issue of the Shunammite woman in 2 Kings 4:20-26 .

The woman, although her son was dead, she never spoke about the death of the son but rather she released spiritual codes that contained life over her son. She said “it well” in other versions NIV “it is alright.”

If she had spoken a negative Word, she would have released codes of death that could completely kill the son, but because of the positive confession, she received back the child alive. “It is well”, this should be your daily confession. Release spiritual codes of goodness to yourself, your career, church, your country, your neighbourhood, your family, your job, your company and into everything that affects you. Effect changes through the right spiritual code.

One day Jesus was called to heal a young girl. Before arriving at the girl’s house, she was already dead. Jesus refused to release any spiritual code of death, rather He said the girl was sleeping. He released life through His Words and the girl came back to life. Luke 8 : 52-54 ” Meanwhile, all the people were wailing and mourning for her. “Stop wailing,” Jesus said. “She is not dead but asleep.” They laughed at him, knowing that she was dead. But he took her by the hand and said, “My child, get up!”

Release the life code in every situation in your life that seems like was dying and you can turn around the situation.

Confession(release the right code now).
Be born again today. Don’t harden your heart. +265888326247 +265888704227



  1. Dats true Malawi24, but dere r some scriptures which r given to a man by God himself.Such scriptures can never be avoided bcoz he tells you what to say in order to address a particular issue.So when you r sharing a scripture 4 de sake of sharing, you may really share it de way you like.But if you prayed over a certain issue & God gives you a text in response to your prayer, Share it exactly de way it is because its addressing ur situation 4rom which de public can also Learn something.So how one interprets a text depends on de issue his master has told him/her to address.But when you r sharing it for fun, you can interprete it in whatever way you like so long you r not changing de meaning of de text itself.

  2. Dats true Malawi24, but dere r some scriptures which r given to a man by God himself.Such scriptures can never be avoided bcoz he tells you what to say in order to address a particular issue.So when you r sharing a scripture 4 de sake of sharing, you may really share it de way you like.But if you prayed over a certain issue & God gives you a text in response to your prayer, Share it exactly de way it is because its addressing ur situation 4rom which de public can also Learn something.So how one interprets a text depends on de issue his master has told him/her to address.But when you r sharing it for fun, you can interprete it in whatever way you like so long you r not changing de meaning of de text itself.

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