Malawians urged to promote their own culture

Kondwani Nankhumwa

Government has called on Malawians to take pride in their culture and keep cultural practises alive in order to boost tourism in the country.

Minister of local government and rural development Kondwani Nankhumwa said this during this year’s Umthetho Cultural Festival at Hora Mountain in Mzimba. The festival is an annual event where the Ngoni tribe showcase and celebrate their customs and traditions.

Nankhumwa said government recognises the big role culture does in the tourism sector.

Kondwani Nankhumwa
Nankhumwa: Has made the plea.

“Government recognises the big role culture plays in the tourism sector and government will promote culture for the betterment of the economy,” said Nankhumwa.

He added that culture is a by-product of the tourism sector as people who visit Malawi do not only come to see the lake but also to see the dances that is culture.

The minister then called on Malawians to appreciate other cultures since people are now living in one global community.

“Let us be keen to learn about other cultures so that we develop a greater understanding of the world we live in,” said Nankhumwa.

On his part, Inkosi ya Makosi M’mbelwa encouraged the people who attended to help conserve the environment so that the country should not experience adverse effects of climate change.

“Climate change is a serious problem so let us rethink our ways,” said M’mbelwa.

The event was attended by chiefs from all regions of the country. Traditional leaders from countries such as Tanzania and Zimbabwe, religious leaders, and members of the opposition were also present at the event.



  1. Ndine Mchewa Koma Zomwe Amapanga Anyau Ku Namitete Sizabwino. Munthu Omeneta Amachita Kugwira Nyumba Yako Yomwe Chonsecho Sukufuna. Akakhala Amayi Amachita Kukwera Bp Chifukwa Amathamangitsidwa Koopsya, Choncho Can I Support This Malpractice? I Hate It Lyk Hell!

  2. The problemz z thingz aint simple here in our own country hw can us b bzy kumalimbana nd Culture wen we hv no food in our houses ,,,d@s stupidity Only fools can botha themselves doing dat ,,,Kacha,kacha ,kacha ,kacha zachan !!!okopa alendo amadya ndalama ndienaso ,,,Zmidala zili M’boma mimba tololo !!!!Zausru !!!kupondereza basi

  3. they is no time for such things now, do u want to benefit from us in the name promoting our culture, everyone is busy searching for a living, wrking hard in order to have something to feed the stomarch, so u are here telling us zaziiii as if u give us food for us to have the time of that nonsese, we are busy chasing money nw, time is money so I can’t waste it in the name of promoting culture!

  4. Which culture? Few weeks ago the same president comanded for the arrest of the person who was practicing cut by him becoming a fisi, maybe is it culture of K577? Rubbish. ………

  5. what type of culture can promote tourism industries while the people that say we are preserving culture are destroying childrens future,for instance the man called himself #FISI transmitted HIV to a girl, an innocent boy died in the name of mdulidwe so what are we as stakeholder going to benefit from that? forget about your cultural preservation coz we have lakes, hills etc for tourism

  6. Kd alendowo akabwera ndikusiya dollar mumadya ndi ife? Kapena namani kt imagwira ntchito ya boma m ukufuna muzitilemererabe anyungwi inu? Aliyese apange chimene akufuna za culture zo kwanu hawuu !!!

  7. Ndani angafuna kuti uzimudyera masuku pa mutu wake, anthu azikomoka ndikuvina mapeto ake kupasidwa ndalama yogula sweet pamene anthu obwera awo amalowesa ma foreign currency ankhaninkhani inu kumadya ndikunenepa araaaah uzikavina wekha wakha atopa kukhala materials a azawo

  8. Which culture,mgule wamkulu anazunza anthu mpaka kumakhala mwa mantha,jando ana angophunzilako zonyengana,kulowa fisi ndizija ana angopatsidwa AIDS,kapena ndani angavine #malipenga,#beni etc ali ndi njala……leave everyone alone to what is best for them,olo titakopa alendo,nde ndalamazo tiziona. Mesa mumagulira magalimoto muzitithiranso fumbi

  9. He is talkin about cature imene sichita chimo kwa munthu kapena kwa Mulungu, not fisi, mbuzi zimene mumaba zimakhala zanu? komaso akuti osagona ni nkazi wanzako, so iyo si carture

  10. Which culture do we hate?? Zabodza basiiii…afisi tipanga ena..!! Nane ndine fisi mundmange..!! We love our own culture

  11. Anything from blackman is evil don’t you know? Now we hear English names like herbal. If we are to promote our culture we have to go bak to our roots.

  12. anthu akamapanga ufiti mumawamenya mumati sizabwino km chonsecho UFITI di CULTURE yawo.ALL SO MALAWIAN MUST PRACTISES UFITI IN ORDER TO BOOST TOURISM KUDZERA MU UFITI kkkkkkkkkk lo

  13. Chikhaldwe Chathu Chinatayka Chfukwa Cha Hlv Athu Ambri Anawophezedwa Kale Ndpo Sangalole Kut Aziptriza & Bola Mukanatiuza Kapewedwe Kusyana Ndkuthesa Chikhalidwe

  14. Iwonder hw Citizen cn Preserve there Culture while there r’lots of caramities,Albino killing,Kukwera kwa zinthu,Chilala/Njala ngati imeneyi,kodi kugula ma battery aradio mesa ndiye kuti pakhomo pali ndiwo.even Masewero aMpira sakuyenda kamba ka umphawi

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