Chakwera accuses Mutharika of shielding cashgate ministers

Lazarus Chakwera

Malawi Congress Party (MCP) president Lazarus Chakwera has accused government of hiding the names of those involved in the 577 billion kwacha cashgate scam in order to buy time and find ways of shielding cabinet ministers.

Peter Mutharika and Lazarus Chakwera
Chakwera claims Mutharika is protecting his ministers

The remarks follows President Peter Mutharika’s reluctance to fire seven members of cabinet reported to have been involved in the looting of the public funds.  The Malawi leader said he does not act on rumours and he is waiting for a report to know those who were involved in the scam.

But Chakwera said there is no justification for hiding the names of people involved in the fraud since Malawians need to know the truth.

“I think this is just a way of looking into how they can protect those involved in the cashgate scam because we do not see any reason to hide the names,” said Chakwera.

He added that everything need to be let out so that those involved in the corrupt practices should face the long arm of the law.

It is claimed that seven current cabinet ministers were involved in the cashgate scam which saw 577 billion being looted between 2009 and 2014. Since a report on the fraud was released by the media, some quarters have been pushing Mutharika to release the names of the thieves and to fire the ministers who have been mentioned in the report.




  1. The mountain is just too big 2 climb it right now ,u should just remind Mr munthalika about sam mpasu’s Fd york case,how does it take 4 Bakili 2 keep mpasu on his armpits?

  2. Ine apa chochita chikundisowa, chifukwa sichanzeru kuyankha Munthu oti nkhope sioneka aaa akuluakulu kkkkkkkk hahahaha, Siuzayankha Nyalegwe ? Change your profile picture first, then I can reply your Rubbish comments very well, Ineyo ndinakuuzapo kuti ndimadya Ganja ? Ganja Famer nde kuti chati ? Zimenezo uzipanga ndi anthu omwe umadyanawo Ganjawo not me, Do you understand ?

  3. Oky , masanawa ndinali busy, kupha,Ma Rands , 4 now am free. Ndukungofuna ndichape maganizo azitsiru, koma ine siwandale: Onse amene muli busy ndi Chakwera, mitu yanu sigwira, sindikufuna zotukwana No ! That’s not my typy,iweyo uzitukwana becz ndichiphunzotso chamakolo ako. Chakwera mbiliyake palibe uyo yemwe tsadziwa, ndi mbava yaikulu koopsa, kumpingo wake ankakonda kuba chakhumi .
    Ndiye ngati tsapoopa kuba za ambuye, kulibwanji ndalama za Dziko, ndipo akuiwala kuti Mulungu amadana ndikumusakaniza.
    Chipani cha MCP chinapita kale ndimwiniwake KAMUZU, ngakhale a DR Bakili Mulunzi adatero.
    Tsopano iwe, ndikusawona kwakoko zikuwonongeta nthawi.
    Ndibwerezanso,MCP is not valid, why ? The owner of this party, was passed away long time, Chakwera is not the owner of this political party, he is just a stupid man, he is really foolish man.
    Ngati ukufuna kuti izizayenda chothawa kamba ka Makhadi tiye zimutsata, koma ngati ufuna chilungamo , chitetezo ndi ufulu , nkuluwake ndi amene alipoyi.
    Kungoti iye amadana ndikumulowa nkati ngati thekenya.
    Safuna kusekerera zopunsa zonga ngati akuchita manyeke akukachenjede .

  4. Ndikufuna ndidziwe kuMalawiku. Kodi zipani zotsutsa zimachita chiyani pakhani yachutukuko pazokha posayang’anila chipani chomwe chikulamula panthawiyo?

  5. Koma ena akumatenga kape wina wake akuti Alibewawo nkumuika pa TV kuti aziti amai abwere adzachite clear dzina lawo pomwe mbali inayi achina chaponda akulandila backing from above kuti sangachotsedwe. Is this animal farm practise?

  6. Dzilibe ntchito guyz dats y Malawi mpaka lero akungosaukabe,tiyen tipeze njira yothesera njala,not kumalimbana ndi za cash gate

  7. Choka iwe usatinyase kodi umaganiza kuti unakakhala president ndi iweyo dziko linakayenda bwino waba ndalama za nkhaninkhani ku mpingo pano nde ungatinamize chani

  8. Chakwera, is mad man ! Everyone who is supporting Mr Chakwera’s points is also Stupid, MCP was expired longtime. Now, how you can support something which is expired ? Be careful Otherwise you will get sick. Take note that, this MCP is invalid party, it is no longer working , because the Owner of this political party was passed away Long time, now how you can still standing on it ? We must look forward, not back. Pachizulu amati : Beka phambire ukuthi uyaphi, ung’abeke emuva, because uzowake ! Nde inu muli busy kuyang’ana zapambuyo ndi Odwalai Chakwera, Osapusa tiyeni patsogolo Amalawi Okay ? Ndikukufunirani zabwino zonse Mugone Mwa ambuye THANKS !

  9. KWANCHA! KWANCHA! KWANCHA KAMUZU IFETONSE!! Kodi iwe Chakwela unakhala bwanji paumunthu wako osadziwa choyipa komanso chabwino? Umanganiza kuti dziko la Malawi ndilamako? Chonde ukamufunse John Tembo komanso Chakwamba zammene limayendela dziko ok

  10. Achakwera musachite matama kwa anthu, dziwani kuti inunso mukusiya ubusa mukufuna mpando omwewu. Kodi m’mawa, mudzakwanitsa kutsangalatsa anthu mukadzakhalapo? Bwino, kumbukirani kumbuyo ndikutsogolo mukupita

  11. kulimbana nda za cash get it wont help us coz you arresting the pple bt u dont take the money. lets just look forward to sort out the prblemz we are facing now.

  12. Inu ife tikufuna mainawo osabisa apa koma akankhala anaLutepo ndi anzake aja bwenzi mwatchula mosavuta koma pati mmadziwana, katchingani!

  13. Awa ñthawi zina muzingowakhululukira malamulo adziko lino sakuwadziwa koma kuwerenga mavesi akuona ngati pulezident angangodzuka lero ndi ĺero kuuza awo akuganidzilidwawo ķuti ndamvà pa wailesi akuti cashigate ikukukhunzani ndie u r fired ayi bwana aja alibe phuma ngati inu,mkona mukuona pang’onopang’ono anthu a cashigate akulowa mundende phuma limaonongetsa zinthu koma kudekha ndiko mumamuona bwanji obama akanakhala ndi phuma ñgati bush binladen sakanaphedwa koma kudekha koma phuma limeneri achakwera kukhala mtsogoleri wadziko ambiri amangidwa kudzera pa wailesi kenako akapezeka osalàkwa ndalama zaboma kumangopanga compasate anthu inu za utsogoleri wa dziko muiwale mulibe mzeru

  14. Awa ñthawi zina muzingowakhululukira malamulo adziko lino sakuwadziwa koma kuwerenga mavesi akuona ngati pulezident angangodzuka lero ndi ĺero kuuza awo akuganidzilidwawo ķuti ndamvà pa wailesi akuti cashigate ikukukhunzani ndie u r fired ayi bwana aja alibe phuma ngati inu,mkona mukuona pang’onopang’ono anthu a cashigate akulowa mundende phuma limaonongetsa zinthu koma kudekha ndiko mumamuona bwanji obama akanakhala ndi phuma ñgati bush binladen sakanaphedwa koma kudekha koma phuma limeneri achakwera kukhala mtsogoleri wadziko ambiri amangidwa kudzera pa wailesi kenako akapezeka osalàkwa ndalama zaboma kumangopanga compasate anthu inu za utsogoleri wa dziko muiwale mulibe mzeru

  15. Koma athu Akuti ma ministers a dpp anaba ndalama inu mukuombera manja koma do u love your country? Kapena munazolowera kuvutika? Sometimes kumasata chilungamo

  16. Tamusiyeni ndimachaka anjinga uyu, akuwona ngati Chakwera wacheyo amupatsa thumba laufa kkkkkkkk hahahaha, watopa ndi njala eeti ,Mbuzi yamunthu.

    1. I think u jst dont know me very well. I never ask for help from anyone even if am hungry. What we need is gud governance in our backyard, not this nonsense. And I can asure u that God is looking after me better than u, I got ma own money. I am wrking hard by ma self, I dont rely on someone as u do.

  17. Iwe Charlie thoko machaka ngati unazolowera kuimba ng’oma za chipani cha MCP usatikwanepo apa.ndi ndani sakuziwa za MCP Kuno kumudzi za nkhanza zawo.uzikhala ndi moyo wa umunthu osati zakozo.Chakwera anali m’busa mesa m’busa zimafunika kuyanjanisa nkhosa.Tembo inalakwa anangosiya yekha.Ndi uyu atani Demet

    1. Iwenso nde ukufuna kuti chiyani kodi???? Ndiwe mtundu wanji wa munthu??? Osatha kuona kuti ichi ndi nyansi??? Pali choti munthu angayamike zimene zikuchitikazi??? Udakulira pachinena kapena???? Jst come man to a man undipeza. Ukuona ngati ndionse amene amasapota dpp amaimba ng’oma??? Zauchidzete basi

    2. Tamanenani za nzeru madala mwangokhala mamuna koma nzeru mulibe.kodi MCP inangolowenso Mu boma forget my friend???? Tapezani zochita zina osati muzikavala nyau ku nsokhano akupaseni ndalama.shame on you

  18. The problem is that most DPP followers are blind, they just comment without thinking, they are headless with lots of subjective poverty, they talk a lot of nonsense ridiculing Chakwera but let them know everything has its end and DPP,s end is just nigh, Bingu exalted himself; looked at himself as superior and paid deaf ears, where is he? And what is DPP that it can shield evils? Your time is coming very soon, just wait, GOD is always supreme.

  19. Bravo Hon. Chakwera…! We, as Malawians, regardless of our political affiliations, need to press harder for the axing of all these crooked ministers. We can nolonger afford to continue living like foreigners in our own backyard. Malawi and all its resources belong to all those who live in it..and not only a few opportunistic and overzealous criminals parrading as leaders.

    You, the President can hide these ministers for now but lets wait and see for how long will you do this. The clock is ticking non stop, very soon you will be canvassing votes from the very same poor masses whose money these ministers squandered without any mercy. Remember that as one prepares his bed, so, he must lie on it. We have seen mighty kingdoms fall…and yours will never be an exception.

    Mr President, hiding these criminals is just as good as hiding a time ticking bomb of mass distruction in your own guest wing. The people are watching…

  20. MCP as the biggest and highest opposition in the National Assembly, please hard press these ( Dead People’s Party) DPP not to take Malawians guaranteed for their gain.
    Even Peter and his late brother are deliberately involved in this scan.
    Bags of Malawi Bank notes found in the state house was for who?
    Ndata Graves what they got?
    If really he is innocent with his ministers and MPs, please assess the DPP to start inside their house first.
    Opposition is not pondering for nothing on this matter, they smell a rat.

  21. Tazipangani ndale zanuzi ,mwina mumadyera mommo .Kuvutika ndikuvota koma iwe nthako lilimbuuu ! Hahaha kutuwa ndi Umphawi, koma odyelera voti yako ndiena zopusa,ife sitivota koma timangolemekeza Boma lolamula basi.

  22. How can he not defend them. Kodi mwaiwala mwambi wakuti pati bi pali minga. Birds of same furthers flow together. U only get arrested if u leave Dpp that is yo pension. As long as u support Dpp u wil be safe.

  23. Dr Chakwera is indeed a true leader..That’s why many people love him and his mighy MCP.Keep it up our leader Dr Chakwera.

  24. Funso ndilakuti Malawi News anaatenga kuti mainawo? Tsopano ngati Attorney General akulangiza caution, ndiye kuti mainawo alipo.
    Kodi akanakhala kuti ndi a opposition,caution ikanapelekedwa? Galaxy ndi MBC akanakhala pachintchito cholengeza opanda caution.

  25. Hahahaha koma koma yeah ! Kodi akuluakulu kkkkkkkk hahahaha koma chakwera alindi ma MPs angati muchipani make ?Hahahaha ! Tsopano ndikuwona wina watsukula kukamwa ati ; Chakwera woyeeee! Eish, koma misala ndi artificial disease ndithu , Ooo ! Ndinaiwala kuti nawonso atsika Chamba ndikudya kwaonso . Eee ! Koma uchitsiru M’ malawi muno will never end .

    1. zili kwanthu ku Mj ,
      anthu kumenyedwa ndi atsirikali ku Kambenje
      zili kwathuku ku Mj kwamacholowe munthu kuphedwa kudulidwa khosi!
      oganizilidwawo kutulutsidwa utsiku!
      umboni wamagaziwo uli pa buluku lake!
      Mukati musandione nanso ndaphedwa ndi a youth osati a pio…
      koma abale anga ine!
      zili kwanthu kulanda katundu nyumba !

  26. The best way is to ask those who produced the report to release unofficial report to media houses and the corporate world as we will be waiting for the Attorney General and the Auditor General to release the official report. This is what we have done before with elections’ results.

  27. Apa zukuchita chakwera, zikungoonetseratu kuti iye wayambapo kale kampeni , kodi mmesa anthuwo anadziwika kale kuti ndi Patricia Kaliati ndi anzake ? Tsopano mungotimanga mmasamba bwanji ? A chakwera ngati mulota za kusanjika mwalemba mu water milamba, nkhanu +achule akuwerenga. Popeza nkhanza zomwe amachita aMCP zikuposa cashgate inenedwaapai, Mungomuza muthalika direct kuti anthu amenewa amangidwe. Osati zombwambwana unena iwe apazi auulule maina NDE. Kuti chani ? Ndiponso pita kunyumba kwako ukagone , kampeni sinayambike, ikayambika tikudzutsa kuti nawenso uyambepo ntchito yonamiza anthu.

    1. Mukunama inu Albino aphedwawa si nkhaza njala ikuvutai nthawi ya MCP inaliko or nkhaza zomwe ukunenazo unaziona or umangomva history kkkkkk n sukudziwa zoti ena akulephera kukhala m’malawi kamba kosowa mtendere tym ya MCP kunalibe Cashgete n anthu amadya alimi afodya samalira ngati momwe akulirira lero kunalibe kulanda kapena kugulitsa malo a Boma lero #Nkhotakota_Game_Reserve inagulitsidwa ife tikuona ndizambiri zomwe zagulitsidwa iwe uli chigonere ndikusaona kwanuko next year mumva zoti Malawi for Sale…..

    2. Munthu wabadwa m’ma 90s ungadziwe chiyani za MCP? Ufunse agogo ako ngati history amaidziwa, ngati sadziwa chirichonse nde undifunse ineyo ndikuuza chilungamo chake. Nkhanza ukunenazo nde ziti?? Kapena abambo ako ali nawo mu gulu lokuba ndalama za aMalawizo???

  28. Man Chakwera Ndakupasani Mphamvu Ine Mchimwene Wanu Mwa Amai Kuti Tangopitani Mumakhomo Mwa Anthu Onse A Cashgate Mukawagwire Muwabwerese Tikawamange Nyakula Waku Maula . No Court Bt Jst Judgement To Them .

  29. Justice delayed is justice abortion.culprits walks free in a demon crisis era called democracy, victims of injustice ordinary malawians.wake up malawians smell the coffee its morning now ask ur gvt to take money 4cashgate and pay 4 the underprivilage students at universities.

  30. Kkkkkkkk Chakwera kodi inu ndi Mcp muzakhala otsutsa mpaka liti?mukuganiza kuti mungatenge boma kkkkkkkkkk ndakaika.Mcp inapita ndi mwini wake Kamuzu

    1. Iwenso nde ukuti chiyani apa?? Sungaganize wekha kuti UDF idapeza MCP koma yayamba ndiyo kutha?? PP ndimenenso yathayi. AFORD nde sitingachite kunena, Kaya za NDA nde undiuza kuti chiyani???? Koma MCP ndi chitsulo chosalowa dzimbiri mphwanga. Chimenechi sichidzatha mpaka mdzukulu wako azidzavotera chomwechi.

    2. Mmmmmmmmm zako izo ndipo ndilibe nthawi ndi za ndale.ngati uli ovina Kapena kuimba ng’oma za chipani ndilibe Nazo ntchito.

    3. Koma athu Akuti ma ministers a dpp anaba ndalama inu mukuombera manja koma do u love your country? Kapena munazolowera kuvutika? Sometimes kumasata chilungamo nde bola bingu

  31. It seems chakwera knows the names, then why cant he just reveal them? If he really knows the names again, then it’s legally surprising; mainao atenga kuti poti till now ali ndi auditor general and he is being advised by legal experts to tred carefully on the release of the names

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