Sali yekha Winiko: members to protest against DPP for Kalindo

Bon Kalindo

Members of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) in Mulanje have warned that they will protest against the party’s treatment of their legislator Bon Kalindo.

The warning comes as the ruling party has dissolved the party’s committee for Mulanje South constituency saying the Member of Parliament for the area Kalindo better known as Winiko is acting against the party’s rules.

This is happening after Kalindo led semi-naked demonstrations which were aimed at forcing government to start exercising death penalty on people found guilty of killing persons with albinism.

Days after the demonstrations, Kalindo was chased away from a DPP rally held in Mulanje. At the rally, regional governor for the South Charles Mchacha and secretary general Ecklen Kudontoni dressed down Kalindo in the presence of President Peter Mutharika, saying he is not a member of the party.

Bon Kalindo
Kalindo: Now has backing.

However, people from Kalindo’s constituency have not left him alone as they have threatened to protest against what the party is doing.

According to one of the members of the party in the area who asked for anonymity, what the party is doing is a sign of being unprofessional.

“What the party is doing is unprofessional and we are to demonstrate and meet the president to tell him our concerns.

“Imagine, they are removing DPP structures saying they want to put new ones, they have dissolved the committee and appointed some new members plus all that is happening to Kalindo. That is not good,” said one member of the constituency.

The constituent added that it is impossible for the party to remove Kalindo from his position because the voters are the ones who put him in power and they are happy with what he is doing.

He maintained that they still love the DPP but cannot tolerate nonsense from the party.



  1. Ubwino wake ndi woti ng’oma yolira kwambiri imang’ambika msanga. Winiko akuoneka ngati ngwanzeru panopa koma sakudziwa chimene akuchita. Iyeyo akanakhala wanzeru akanapanga zoti akhale pachiongolero kuti azitha kuimba belo, tsopano iyeyo akufuna kuti aziimba belo koma ali pa kaliyala.

  2. Mbuzi ikudana ndi winiko anthu aphedwa ndi a mulanje kokha kapena ananena kuti ikupha ndi dpp ? ngati ikupha ndi dpp sazawina komaso kuno MHG azawina kulibe ka chipani kameneko

  3. Wat sin did kalindo committed by demonstrating for hard penalty on albino killers? Did he mearnt Gvnmnt, DPP or APM? DPP executive u raise my eye bows! Stop it once, leave Kalindo. He is not fighting DPP nor APM

  4. Dey’re wounded wit his intelegent to organise nation wide demo,ppo around his area stand together for him @ d whole entire mj

  5. Ndale xakumalawi ndizopusa zedi. nthawi Ya campain mumava mawu athu cholinga tikuvoteleni ,mukavoteledwa mumatitaya kumava mawu a UN,UK, Magovernor ma advisor anu,Nduna zanu ife ovota timasanduka opanda nzeru ayi zikomo kwambiri for your humanity corruption , Bwana kalindo thex for yur effort made pitilizani , these yes bwana stupids one day i Mean oneday yes oneday,we wil one day Them .

  6. Winiko,i solute u.if i were their ineso ndikanavula nao,kupha albino si deal u lomwe pipo,chuma chamagazi?bwera ku mpoto muzalime bax mulemera motsavuta

  7. Winiko,i solute u.if i were their ineso ndikanavula nao,kupha albino si deal u lomwe pipo,chuma chamagazi?bwera ku mpoto muzalime bax mulemera motsavuta

  8. inu anjoka opha ma alubino listen,WINIKO ndi winiko cant,ife tinamuziwa winiko asanayambe ndale,nde olo atapanda kuwina do u think he cant eat? malawians lets thank GOD 4 having wining in this country,he looks somehow crazy bt he iz wiser & intelligent,the man who knows the purpose of hiz life not those so called well educated men bt being killers,shame on u sons of devil! musiyen winiko amere mnofu wa bakha,MR WINIKO,WE SILUTE U & kip it up,lov u.

  9. DPP dId not vote Kalindo to become an MP. It was people of his constituency who voted for him and they are the same people who will let him continue or not.

  10. Nakwaine winiko hero( mwana woyamba wa John Chilembwe) nanunso amthu aku Mulanje ndinudi marefuguees di othawa ku mozambiki, Winikoyu analakwitsa chani, ndinu amthu opusa zedi or mutapanda kumusankhanso mulibe mtchito, bola mnzanu wakatsutsako kupaliyament, kutopa ndikupala makaka eti,kapena kuzolowela ku bvala zilundu mbuzi za wanthu, kuzolowera kudya kalongonda ndikumene kukupangitsani. Ine winiko ndimamukonda, ndipo sidzasiya kumusapota. Winiko woeeee….

    1. Mwalalata kwambiri pomwe simudamve bwino nkhani ili apa. Mulalatile atsogoleri a chipani cha Dpp osati anthu a kwao kwa Winiko.

    2. Ife a ku Mulanje ndife ma refugees othawa ku Mozambique tavomera, anthu opusa ife tavomera, kutopa ndikupala makaka tavomera, kuzolowera kuvala zilundu ife mbuzi tavomera, kuzolowera kudya kalongonda ndikomwe kuti pangitsa tavomera.

    3. No wonder nchifukwa chimwana chakocho chatenga iwe kunyansa nkhope..ndiwe mtundu wanji wamunthu iwe.??? Undipeze ine ndi mlomwe kwathu kumulanje kwachinakanaka timadya makaka ndi kalongonda..wandinyasa mapeto!!!

    4. Infact ur uncivilised idiot..wer talkn about albinos..nde iweyo bwanj kumalimbana ndi mfundo zako zopusazo..alomwe amadya kwamako????

  11. For me its my hamble prayer to yahwe to control the situation of mr bon kalindo,,,, coz az we can see mr kalindo he z trying to act on other peoples behalf,,,,,,tixayang,’anire ndale zinthuz ai kma tizione mmene zililimu, ,tikatero tiona chimene mr kalindo adachitira zimenez,

  12. kumadzitsata bwino ,anthuwa anayamba kale kudana naye wininko. Atango wina anasiye kubwela ku dela lake.anayamba kudzimva sugar

  13. koma inu a malawi 24 tazilembani khani zoona zokha osamawanamiza athu omwe amakonda kuwelenga khani zanu ineyo ndimakhala mdela la bon kalindo lomwe lino ndani tawona kapena akuyenda atakwiya muzilemba zoona ndipo zomwe zacita acita achipani cha dpp akhoza ndipo palibe yemwe amafuna panopa mp wamtundu wanji wosagwilizana ndi ma councella ake ndipo panopa tikuthokoza akuakulu a chipani cholamulila kuti ameneyo anavula mafumu akuno ku mj south iyeyu ndi wa pa kaliyala amafuna kuyimba belo ngati ndi drivala zake zimenezo kapena amawona ngati akupita kuthezo paja amati iye ndimaphale kkkk

  14. Amalawi muzaphunzira liti? Posankha anthu otitumikira timangosankha ndi madeya omwe. 2019 ndibwino kuzasankha anthu enieni,atumiki ,sibwino kuzasankha anthu oyimba,a zisuzo kapena anthu oti ali ndi ndalama kale. Lero angokupusisani inu nkumangovomereza zomwe akuchita,kenako akudyetsani matuvi.

  15. Iye bola alindimabunge akumpopa kumampatsa cibanzi pamene iwe ndine tilibe pothawira mapeto ake mungot winiko tikusapoter..udnt have evn aname on the map!asiyeni andalamawa azikangana okha okha ine nabola ndikudya nandolo amakate k k k k nanga mpaka mapant kuyenda,osangovala bwinbwno bwanji mkumamatcha lol?

    1. Hahaha poor Malawians with poor mentality Kukamba chulungamo hw bad or wat to do kwa Munthu okupha mnzake pamafunikanso chibanzi. Maganizo obwerera mbuyo dats y azingotibera anthu kumangotinyenga

    2. hAhaha munthu angadyetsedwe banz pa chinthu cha chilungamo .Why cant u claim all thse enforcing homosexuality,abortion and all stuf .U need a special consel to remove the wheat you hav #Recco ,dont jst talk

    3. am not arguing u gyz! To demostrate that agud dvelopment..and irealy support kubvulako gyz! Bt ndakumvani thumbs up to u gyz

  16. mukupangiranji zolimbana ndi Dr kalindo.sanatchure muthu dzana lija kapena mukudziewapo kanthu.ndasiya kukusapotani demokalase ya nthawi yakapeni.malawi mukufuna mubwerere mma 1970 pongokususani basi asowe.

  17. Pa nkhani ya ufulu winiko sakulakwa pa ndale a dpp_wo akuwalakwila poipisa mbili yao more fire Bon sitingasekelele usatata umeneu.

  18. kalindo suliwekha tili ambili usadandaule amenewa ndiopa mtima malo molimbana ndi umpawi alimbana ndi bon kalindo ife tili nganga pambuyo panu akalindo

  19. Anthu omwe akwiya nay Winiko ndithu ndi operewera mzeru. Kodi amafuna kuti Winiko azingoti yes kuchiri chonse chomwe chipani chake chikufuna. Ngati anthu amdera lke akwiya naye dziwani kuti anthu a m’Malawi anzerufe tikukondwera naye. Iwo akwiyawo akusonyezeratu kuti they are the sons and daugjters of the devil. Pali chodana naye Winiko apa? Tell those pipo who are sad with Winiko to go back to their mother’s land ( Mozambique).
    Thay are stupid and foolish.

    1. Bwana, tawerengani koment ya Johanz Phunyanya, mumve kuti wati bwanji iyeyo. My comment is a response to what Johanz Phunyanya has said.
      I hv read the post and hv understood it.

    2. kkkkk Malawians we need to first to understand the article and analyse it before we come to comment.People are against Kalindo’s party is behaving upon him not they are against Honourable Kalindo’s decisions.

  20. alomwe kupha sivuto dele alikukodwa kufwa kwa malubino mudana ndi freedom fiter wa albino mufuna muzigula mascania ndrama za albino muyaluka more fire winiko

  21. Ineyo ndiwammuzi mwa Winikomo ndipo anthu akwiya naye kwabasi palibe munthu akumuikira kumbuyo ngati alipo wa ku MJ wambali ya kwa Winiko andilese zomwe ndunenazi

    1. Ukamati mwakwiya naye Winiko ukutanthauza kuti wakwiya naye kuti walakwa chani?Akulu nzeru zanu zikuoneka ngati zapungukamo sizikukwanira.Usawaike mau anthu akuMulanje.

    2. Ukamati mwakwiya naye Winiko ukutanthauza kuti wakwiya naye kuti walakwa chani?Akulu nzeru zanu zikuoneka ngati zapungukamo sizikukwanira.Usawaike mau anthu akuMulanje.

    3. Mustafa tinamusankha ndiife not inuyo kuti atiyimilire ife zofuna zathu ife ndi ADPP NDIYE NGATI AKUNYOZA CHIPANI CHATHU KULI BO ANGOTULUKA

    4. Charles mbolo yamako kumtumbo kwakoko ndiye kumapha albino ndi maperiods amayi ako panyapako and ngati ufuna tiye tisakane mpanda zina iwe wopusa chizete

  22. Aaa mukunamatu inu,anthu aku Mulanje kuno Winiko sakumufuna,ngati pali wina ofuna kupanga protest ameneyo amufumbatitsa kanganyase ndipo Winiko sangawine popanda Dpp,chiyambi chakugwa kwake chimenechi,tili ku Mulanje konkuno ife,,,,

    1. Anawina bwanji endpendent ufiti kumulanje kuzolowela kukhwima kusamba nyanga ndondocha mukukondwela albino aziphedwa muzigula ma scania

    2. u uncivilised idiot we r not talking about elections here tikukamba zakuphedwa kwa ma alubino. olo winiko azawine or asazawine nde uzapindulapo chani,? ife winiko watipindulira bcoz wapangitsa kuti opha a alubino azimangidwa life imprisonment

    3. Kupanda nzeru kwanu ndi Winiko ndi chimodzimodzi,ubwino wake usilu wanu ndiwanu basi,usilu sagawana,nchifukwa chake amakuwudzani kuti muvule maliseche mudziyenda waku parliament komwe iyenso ndi member,,,,,nkhani yakuphedwa kwa ma albino ndinkhani ya serious sidzama drama zokuti wina atchukile,iyi ndi nkhani ya life and death

    4. then Winiko showed his seriousness. didnt he? mufuna azikunyambitani coz aluza next election za ziii. olo ataluza sangagone ndi njala, wu Mp anawuyamba ndicholinga choyimilila anthu ake. ndakunyadila winiko umakwana

    5. Ooh,by telling you to go out and protest naked? Is that seriousness? Thats childish stupidity at its best,why NAKED?.By the way,how many albinos were there at the demos? Kuwombera m’manja zopepera.


    7. apapa zaziziwika tsopano kuti anthuwa amapha albino mma chita kwatuma ndinu a DPP nanga apa winiko walakwa chani???? komatu alhomwe inu mitu yanu sigwiladi nanga apapa pali chopyelapo mtima apa??? chene masapota simmachidziwa kungoti basi poti awa nda mbwiye basi kumangovomela nzabodza xomw????? mukupha ndinu albinowa nanga mukwiya bwaaaà????

    8. Munthu wa chi albino ndimunthu monga inu #Orator ndi ine.Moyo ndi umodzi.Tonse timamva ululu ndithu.Mukuyankhula zambiri chifukwa kwanuko Mulungu anakukonderani sikunabadwe kapenanso kuluza albino munjira yophedwa.Mukuonetsa ngati ochenjera pomwe zinthu simumadzitsata.Naked protest sinayambire dziko lino lokha maiko ena inachitikapo ndithu.Kuno mukuona zachilendo chifukwa ndikoyamba.Bear in mind zomwe anthu akukamba ndi zokhudza kuluza miyoyo ya anzathu.Ngakhale mutalandira ndalaya mwadzi yotani kuti mudzifalitsa zopanda mutu sizingakwanitse kugula moyo.Mau ochokera mkamwa mwanu achitire umboni kuti kupha ndi tchimo ndithu.Opani tsiku la imfa yanu amzanuwo sadzakhalapo.Pray hard my friend.I have humbly squating down to begg God who is the owner of albinos to forgive you.

  23. Chilungamo pang’ono ndikuchiona ku Dpp. Ena akulu a Dpp anadandaula kuti Winiko saanayankhulepo zabwino za chipani chake koma zosusa chipani chake. Ndiye musamangoyang’ana mbali imozi

    1. Iyetu sanapange demostration kuti chipani sichikuchita bwino pa kuphedwa kwa albino ayi koma dziko/boma likulephera kuthana ndi mchitidweo komaso kufuna kuti lamulo loti wopha mzake/albino aziphedwa,achipaniwo chikuwakhuzapo ndichiyani? Chipani ndi boma ndizosiyana,lets chat

    2. Brother Yohane ndikumbuseni kuti musaiwale kuti anthu Okudafe tinakwatiwa ndi azungu ndichifukwa Malamulo ena timakakamizika kuwasata bwana walamula International laws. Monga Okupha mnzake asaphedwe, ufulu okwatilana amayi kapena abambo okhaokha etc. Brother kuyenda pamsewu sikutheka zinthu. Ine ndimaganiza Winiko akanagwiritsa mwayi pokhala Mp kumemeza aphungu anzake kuteteza ma Albino chifukwa boma ndi anthu and iyeyo ndi m’mozi wa anthu opanga bomawo

    3. Kkkkkkk Stevie nde ngati aphungu azakewo sizikuwakhuza uganiza apange bwanji? Coz ana akuphedwa si ama. MPs koma local pipo like u en me?????????

  24. Thanks my pple this is what we call “unity”winiko is not fighting for his bread but he’s fighting freedom for the nation,let’s put our hands together to fight against this regime

  25. mulanje yake iti? ine kwathu nkomweko kulibe angapange zopusazo. akulu amenewaà mutu wawo sigwira. kuchenjera kopusa. ndale akuyesa phada eti? sanakhwime. awo ndi madrama basi ndi make sikono. ziti mavoti anawjnira chipani sadziwa ndiye mumuonere 2019 ino tigwetsa ife ameneyi . mwadya mfulumira ambwiye

  26. Winiko anazolowela sewelo samakhala serious amakhala lusiyasi akungofuna kutchuka mbuli ya Mp nanga choyendela maliseche okhala Mp ine ndinachiwona ngati.

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