Reports that University of Malawi students are organising to protest the fee hike in the University is only fuelled by the Malawi Congress Party who have given the students money, ruling Democratic Progressive Party cadet Pato Phoya has said.

In a Facebook post, Phoya has disclosed that the opposition party is sponsoring students to do demonstrations against government.
“So, MCP is busy sponsoring students to do Demos against fee hike? And when these Colleges close for six months will the children of these officials who most of them are studying abroad also suffer?” queried Phoya.
He then instructed that issues to do with resolving the fees hike must be done with diplomacy and not blind emotions.
His post however received sharp criticism from sectors of his Facebook community who criticised him of trying to politicise a simple issue such as a fee hike.
“It is morally wrong to allege that MCP is funding the students to demonstrate just as it is ridiculous to blind oneself with party loyalty, too blind to sympathise with needy students,” commented Beaton Galafa.
Phoya howevet stood his ground insisting that he had information that the students were being sponsored.
“I love Chancol with all my heart but someone is using those good students. A few of them in the funding circle know I am not lying,” maintained Phoya.
University of Malawi students are getting ready to take to the streets and camp at the University Council offices following the increase of University fees that the students have to pay.
Last week, the students protested in Lilongwe and delivered their petition to the Ministry of Education. However the ministry said fees for the University are decided by the University Council and they could not do anything about it.
Hahahaha! No one in his or her right senses would make such an allegation. A MCP ali ndi mphamvu pa zochita za mastudent? Is it MCP that has raised fees in public universities? Don’t be silly DPP.
You only have grudges with MCP…..dnt cheat us to say you were actually finding strategies to attack the opposition. Try to strategize next and not on this angle!!!
zugwilizana bwanji ndi MCP-munya muona boma la zitsilu komaso mbuli zophuzila,magets out ma fees up alobino nde awa mukuchita kuwamba,madzi ndowe zokha zokha mesa inu ndamene muli ndi khusa zachamba basi-kwatsala kuti a trafic ayambe kutolera ndalama m’ma window muzigayo za m’malawi muno
DPP is insane i dont think these guys are taking us seriously mukatiuza ife zimenezi mukuti tikukhulupilireni?? Between MCP party and UNIMA students who is suffering with this fee hike?? So between MCP party members and Unima students who is supposed to protest against yo evil malpractice? Kulephelatu uku kulephera kwemkweni
Iweso ndiwe mbuzi wungafanizire nthawi yakale ya MCP ndipano suziwa kuti dzinthu zimasitha garu iwe Ishmael,agogo ako akalandira 3 kwacha pano 3 kwacha ndi ndalama garu iwe?
nthawi ya m.c .p maphuziro anali otchipa komanso amphavu anyani inu osangoti zakuvutani bwanj?
Youre stupid Phoya is it MCP that raised the fees? We are unima and we fight for our rights
The issue is that the fees is too high dont put political on this plz be shameful when u point fingers on others .
Paja DPP ambire nd mbuli mwafuna kulimbana nd ana a xul tsopano,mademo athu ngakhale wapolisi sangaimepotu zibwana musiye abuluzi inu.
Izi ndiye za chamba tsopano. Do you think on our own as UNIMA students can’t voice out on something that is affecting us? Koma a dpp, mwandilemera kale, musapitilire kundionjexa mwamva? Student akanika kulipira 275000, akadikire a opposition kut amuuze zochita kut akhale ndi virgil. Pena pake kumaganiza mwamva?
The problem of fee hike is worrisome to every student and parent and it shows the double standards and selfishness of government thus calls for massive protest. If MCP and other parties are acting as well then its a blessing to the students for they have a helper. And if the MCP happens to gain support its normal then and don’t blame them for helping.
Do they (The DPP) have evidence? ?
No sense,,,,, students are wise enough,,,,,, they know how much it pains their parents to pay the fee,,,,, a DPP musanamizire anzanu,,,, mwaziyamba nokha izi,,,,
akuva moto this time. This is really unreasonable…ana saiva apapokha
1 bad thing about Dpp leadership is kusavomeleza akachta cholakwa thats y zmaoneka ngat pipo hate you..pliz change malawiyu siwaolemera okha nafeso tmafuna titaphunziraa
Dpp yatha ma plan.Manyazi nawo alibe.Akagwere ukooooooo.
Fuck DPP
Tikalemba za kusaganiza kwanu a DDP mudziti tikunyoza boma olo utsogoleri. Mumaziyambatu dala zinazi. Tangovomerani kt things ain’t ok with ur govt than za fodya mukunenazi. Fees z just too much for the students.
Am waiting to see Pitala leaving the position by BP as his brother fulfilled,, samadiwaza Pitala azake akumadya bonya ndi Soya pieces from 1 to 30 kusowa dollar ya ku cafe nde muziti fees ikwere??? Muyende mu mauniversity muone fee balance yomwe ana ali nayo pano nde mubwere mutiuze kut we are goin to hike fee,,,
Kodi akulu akulu enanu makolo anu anali azimphunzitsi kodi bwezi mutaphura mmene amkalandira 13 kwacha fees ndikukhala 500 kwacha, mzeru mulibe mangoona kumatha kuvala suit, DPP government you are voting your self out, pamenepa olo mbewa zija ungazithe kugura?
you mean the students are daft and cannot think on their own? C’mon, give me a break!!!
kumangonamizira aMcp zilizonse? za ma albino mudakawapakanso eti ? koma anthu atulukira msanga kuti ndinu mukupanga business imeneyi
Koma mazoba a boma abale.. it doesnt work that way;,
zabodza izi
Pitala, apparently yo selfish DPP govt wil b kicked out come this 2019…. Blv u mi. So u think an intellectual cant sense his/her environment himself??? How can intellectual wait 4 sam1 to tel him that now protest??? Where do u think these guys are going take that huge amount of money??? I led in the news last a year a student was even struggling to pay 55 000… And now ua seng fweee fweee fweee! Kumat 400 000!!! You are in hot soup my friend (DPP), Ua even failin to raise salaries of civil servants by 20%, but ua increasing student fee by more 500%! U guys are irrational.. It takes a parent working for about five months to accumulate that amount! dnt involve MCP in yo failure, just accept it kut mwakanika give room to others! Am very concerned with this
i salute you sir.
Linda madzi apite nde uziti ndadala! come 2019 u will be disappointed to see DPP sailing over. alomwe ndi mtundu waukulu mmalawi muno.
Wagwa mayo ulira zenizeni!
Siyani maphuziro basi.Kuzolowera zinthu zotchipabwanji?.Olo itakugwiritsani ntchito MCP palibe chomwechingasinthe Chifukwa Nayonso MCP ikadzalowa m’boma feez idzapitilira kukwera basi .Chikufunika nkungovomereza basi tili munyengo zowawitsa basi.muone misonkho,kukwera kwa zinthu ,ndalama ikungotsika mphavu tsiku ndi tsiku .Tiyeni tizivomereze basi
I think ngati unapita ku vasity u learnt about problem tree. In economies it also apply. The gist is: thoz guys at the top, economists, politicians, intellectuals and some relevant persons must get to the roots of the woes, not the effects of the woes. So u cant say tivomereze, its not a deadlock my friend we cn work it out by dealing with the causes and not the aftermath of the prob, so plz don’t be pessimistic be opmistic
Kkkkkkkkk Koma ku Malawi MCP inu mpaka kugwilisa ntchito Ana Xool, Inu Amene mumadzitcha Aboma mukuganiza kuti MCP mphavu zokauza ana Xool akuzitenga kuti? ingonenani kuti zukuvutani ndipo Dziko lakukanikani ndipo musalimbane ndanzanu inu pangani zanu ndipo mudzifunse kuti zikuchitika chifukwa chani? Musaiwale pali mau Amanena kuti lokakamiza kuswa mphika aliyense amaziwa kuti mudakakamila inu nde musadabwe zikamakuvutani Moline kozitenga nzeru inu Musova koma anzanuwo asiyeni kapena mungowafunsako nzeru kuti kodi Muulamulilo wanu mumatani kuti ziziyenda osati mabodza anuwo simukuuza ana anu
a DPP zangowavuta chabe..
Bomanso mmati mkulephera kuyendetsa chifukwa JB anaba ndalama pomwe akuba ndi Peter Chaponda Mussa ndi ena mu dpp momwemo JB anangochita inherit mbabvazo mosaziwa. Pao ndi izi zikuululikazi agalu mwatinzuza inu
you want to deny us education so that only your sons and daughters abroad should only be the elite of Malawi…..mungochiller vichi
Please don’t twist stories to create excuses. The issue here is about exorbitant school fees not politics. Leave MCP alone and listen to the students concerns. Most of them come from poor families and they cannot afford to raise that money. If you think its MCP fuelling the demos then just challenge it by reducing the fees and see whether there will still be the demos, simple.
Malawi is poor because of politics ,,other countries are poor because of war,,,pity Malawi
K950 million ndipano pamenapa ku munthu wakumuzi ngakhale wapa ntchito ayi kuonjeza uku ndi kupha ana anthu. kuchoka pa K275 000 mpaka inu mukuvomereza zimenezi GALU yeniyeni shaaa
Solution lower fees as you did with secondary schools and see if mcp will continue influencing student until economy improves secondry what pains alot is upkeep and rent for apoor or average worker cannot afford with peanut salary thirdly government has ran away from being responsible and lastly govt should make loans compulsory to every student with no interests and eventually be employing graduants to recover loans this will make some policies to change like mandatory retirement to go to 50 years to create jobs or change freel primary education and tax to every male adult to create income
Hahahahahaha. This is very stupid. It Demonstrating against fee hike disturbilising govt? Are suggesting that Unima students are so dumb that they cant reason on which issue to fight for? Was it not Unima students who had a vigil in LL some years ago when this useless dpp was pressed hard by opposition during section 65 bugdet saga?
Hahahahahaha. This is very stupid. It Demonstrating against fee hike disturbilising govt? Are suggesting that Unima students are so dumb that they cant reason on which issue to fight for? Was it not Unima students who had a vigil in LL some years ago when this useless dpp was pressed hard by opposition during section 65 bugdet saga?
UNIMA & MCP versus DPP,
kodo kodo nyxxxx
School is for milionear not poverty people
Inu mulinawo umboni? Mukasowa zolemba muzingokhala.
How can the gvt raise fees while we are in economic problems…it’s time to reduce the fees…lets love each other pliz malawians…
APM ndi zero guyz,,, better PP…intellectual achta bwanj survive pa geri with K400000?,,, APM wofoira,, akakhala ku state house shud not think that every student z at state house,,, reduce the fees please,,, in as far as i know tertially education, one needs to eat well otherwise xul wont work,,, nde winawe uzit MCP mwakutmwakut?,, r u mad?,,, demo z the solution here
Ana inu samalani ndithu kupanga zionetsero sikoletsedwa bola zikhale zabata koma mukati muzitengere malamulo nkuwaika mmanja mwanu musazasiye azibale anu akulira mutafera zaeni this is free advice from me thanks
kuli bwino kufa rather than kupanga withdraw mkuzakhala ovutika moyo wako onse. (a wounded needy)
Ingomwani tameki basi
Aaa,ndimpungwepungwe uwu kusonyeza kulephela.musatinamizile ayi vomelezan kulephela kwanu basi.
no back ward but forward ever no reduce
tabwelezaso tive boboh mwina suli sharp
ndikuti osapita mumbuyo koma chisogoro osachosera cashyo kkkkk
MCP still yosusa tingoona njira zothesela mavutowa tisaikepo ndale kwambili
Come on DPP, just man up and own up to the chaos in the country and not scapegoating.
The Malawi govt is against the poor getting tertiary education
Kodi mutakhala kuti mwatsitsa fees yo nde ma students apanga chikondwelero, munganenenso kuti achita kutumidwa ndi MCP ???????
There’s nothing about MCP here ,the fact is that the fees is too high!!!!!!
I guess those who are in third n fourth year are selfish. when the gvt hiked the fees for the young ones they did not want to help them. instead they were saying that aziona. Now the gvt had done the same thing to everyone,, they are now complaining. Thanks to the gvt for the removal of allowances to those in third n fourth year….. am feeling sorry for my brox n cctaz.. APM is an idiot. …. I hate that dick head
I guess those who are in third n fourth year are selfish. when the gvt hiked the fees for the young ones they did not want to help them. instead they were saying that aziona. Now the gvt had done the same thing to everyone,, they are now complaining. Thanks to the gvt for the removal of allowances to those in third n fourth year….. am feeling sorry for my brox n cctaz..
I guess those who are in third n fourth year are selfish. when the gvt hiked the fees for the young ones they did not want to help them. instead they were saying that aziona. Now the gvt had done the same thing to everyone,, they are now complaining. Thanks to the gvt for the removal of allowances to those in third n fourth year….. am feeling sorry for my brox n cctaz..
Kkkkkkkkkkk koma
hahahaha. inu nomwe mwanena kuti simungathe kukweza malipiro a anthu ogwira nde nomwenu mukweze xul feez. simukuona kuti zifukwa zoyendera zikukwana? i support issue ya kayende. ndingotinso achoke basi.
kodi ndalama mwapanga save dzulo zija zayenda bwa?
That’s shame..to drag mcp into dpp’s mess..diverting peoples attention from the real issues won’t help you. Solve the issue on the ground.
dpp is stupid ife ndife ana enafe fees timafuna tokha ndetingalephele kuziwa kuti yakwela mpakana mcp izatiuze chochita this gvt is taking us as we know nothing pliz leave mcp alone
More bullshit from you man…I liked this page cause I thought u about news not this bullshit
,let us base things on facts on the ground, if government is indeed touched about life of students in universities I don’t think its time for increasing fees, as of now many are withdrawing just bcoz they can’t pay fees , buy incresing it will only worsen the situation.
mçp is a mafia party timadziwa amàlawi
I think pointing fingers on MCP cannot solve problems concerning fees hike. Hw come UNIMA student could have been associated with MCP regime. The government of Malawi should hv been looking possibilities not to increase fees bcz most of de students are coming from poor families, govern…. provide these students with bassaries mkumadzadula malipiro akadzayamba ganyu wats de meaning of that. Each and every regime has its own weaknesses. Is it MCP that makes prices of things 2 be high, if it iz so MCP pliz reduce de prices of basic needs pliz i beg.
Mosowa zolemba eti;Leave MCP alone;that is totally propaganda news;zakumvutani basi
Sorry, the issue arises from fee hike. Find a better way of diverting people’s attention than this too cheap a propaganda
Paja ndinu a bodza 24 !!!Za fizi zakhuza aliyense not MCP Iyah!! 400000 simachezatu mwatani?
No I don’t agree that Government has destroyed by selfish leaders, by failing to pay teachers, Nurses just mention few
Izi sizoona ayi. Ine ndiwa DPP ndipo am a student wa UNIMA koma sizoona kuti MCP is influencing the situation fees ndiyokwera muzoona amalawi sitingakwanitse pakadali pano! Think guyz ena amakhalira kudya mbatata at school ndiye ayipeza kuti fees yokwerayo? Akanatiganizirako koma!
Paul, your point iz verry delight…
Am a fan of APM and i want the best for my president!
Naweso nkhuku et kuchita kumanena mwa confidence kt ua Of DPP shupit
hahahaha man i started going for the party in the Bingu time mpaka pano i still like the party kungoti the problem with us malawians is that sitimapatsana nzeru zithu zikamalakwika timafuna wina agwe kaye inu mupeze pokapanga campaign instead of zeru zanuzo kumathandza boma lili nthawi imeneyo
mukufunaa akakhala wa dpp azingoti chilochonse kukamwa yasa ngat ikumudyetsa dpp yo
Ayi sichoncho every party imakahala ndi weakness yake but tisamapange focus zaweakness ayi koma kutenga mbali polithesa! At the end of the day we are malawians and tonse tikuvutika the same way!
last kicks of a dying DPP HORSE
iwe wa kaDPP we nthawi ya JB mumamuthandiza kapena kumukokela pansi ? nde inuyo mwadala chotani kuti tikuthandizeni nzeru ? ingovomerezani kuti mwakanika bolanso JB amaitha inu mudali nthawi ya bingu yomwe ija osati mbatamazi
Musanamize anthu agalu inu iyaaaaaaa….
Boma lasowa chokambapo apa,why always MCP?
Hahaha! simukuwanamizira mabwana kuti anena fuyeye/mbwelera mwalembazi? If true, then Malawi @ 52 looks like harbouring some folks who have chosen to reason like they are still in the Akafula era! Again, if true: the ruling party must shovel off some overzealous uneducated fellows or unlearned/”delearned” scholars masquerading as Strategists within the ranks & file; they are smearing stinky mud to the image of the big brand!
there’s nothing to do with MCP Komano boma ili la mukuti dpp livomereze kulephera basi guys let’s put back into government our beloved mother party MCP tanamizidwa kwakwana
Ndi,aganiza kuti azelu anathatu mudakalibeeti, kumeneko ndiyekulankhulabwana.mcp ibwelele.inkaganizilawanthu osati izi.
Backward Foolish Minds Idiots,
tioonge don’t come up with your Rotten mind if you don’t an
palibe umboni onena kuti m c p ikutengapo mbali zonama. boma palokha likukweza malipilo . m. c. p ilipaokha.boma liili palokha musaganize zopaka .
A DPP inu zikamakuvutan basi ndi MCP, this is false, just to gain unnecessary sympathy. Leave the students to demonstrate its their right, don’t involve MCP the fact is that fees zakwera basi asyeni ayende basi.
Unima students are intellectuals who are capable of conducting themselves responsibly. They know their problems and no need of integrating with politics.
next time try to write how beautiful Malawi is than exposing how weak we are lets love our country people lets work hard Malawi cannot develop if you continue exposing how weak or bad is pali zambiri zomwe Malawi have and other countries have and the same thing people are developed why us? lets work together timange dziko than busy looking at things our government is failing
vuto lake mumafuna kumaphimba mavuto.tikonda malawi bwanji pamene anthu akumva kuwawa! u love ur malawi coz wakhuta kwanuko
koma mukonza bwanji ziko yet tingofuna chilichonse atichitile? u try own ur own first and u better see my point mavuto alipo but ndi dziko liti lilibe mavuto? its only Malawi? the thing is lets work hard than exposing our country how bad is so if u say kuli mavuto by exposing pa internet who is going to install the economy?
U r ryt lets work bt our leaders must come up with national policies that drives to devlpnt, not dr x brings own policy and then when some y wins they also bring their own policies bt for the same Mw. We r like on a merry go round, starting at a point only to start over and over can we develop even if we work our hardest?
kkkkkk for politics i ain’t talk Mr Maurice anyway zangovuta but if we can do one thing as Malawians tingachitise manyazi Mr X and Y i guess
MCP inakhala zaka zokwana 30 ikukantha a Malawi. Ena kuchita kusakidwa ngati zodibwa.
Nanuso mwasowa cholemba.MCP more fireeeee.
Who Has Hiked Th Fees? Ths Hs Nothng To Do Wth Mcp.
opitala lakukanikani kulamula dziko inu nt bullshit ure saying
Mmmmm its jst a myth.#fees_must_fall_#PASOPA
The issue is abt fee hike has dat anything 2 do wth MCP?
Zilibe ntchito zopusa et mmalo mongokonza whats wrong basi tiyambenso kukamba za MCP
Zilibe ntchito zopusa et mmalo mongokonza whats wrong basi tiyambenso kukamba za MCP
is the fee hikes raised by MCP?
Which students? ZOPUSA
raise your voice don’t be in blind
Komatu azikhala ndi umboni wokwalanila chifukwa tisanamizane mowa wafika povuta mMalawi muno
ndizoona ma demo akufunika kupangidwa basi…koma mcp ikulakwisa kulowerelapo akanathandiza kusitha maganizo okweza fees bwezi zili bwino apa..
propaganda iyi man. ana akukoza okha zamademo not kuti MCP ikutengapo mbali
vuto loika politics patsogolo we cnt develop our county..
kkkkk kayaaaa