Man earns 7 year jail sentence for aiding sale of human bones


The chief resident magistrate court in Machinga on Monday sentenced a 27 year-old man to seven years in prison with hard labour for aiding the selling of human bones which is contrary to section 16 of Anatomy Act.

The convict, Muhammed James, comes from Karambo village traditional authority Kawinga in Machinga district.

crime (2)When presenting facts , state prosecutor inspector Marchino Lungu told the court that the convict and his friend Mussa Kachepa on 8th June this year were found in possession of human bones which they wanted to sell to Mary Gundo.

James admitted before the court that he was just an agent between lKachepa and Gundo.

Prosecutor Lungu prayed for a stiff punishment to the convict with the aim to give a lesson to those of the same behaviour since such acts are on the rise in the country.

But during his mitigation Muhammed James prayed for fair judgement for he is a bread winner.

Passing judgement, chief resident magistrate Agness Patemba concured with the state as she said courts are there to protect the rights of people in the country.

She then slapped him with 7 years in prison with hard labour and added that people with albinism are living in fear in this country due to the killing and abducting albinos and tampering of their graves.

The punishment has come in barely four days after the same court sentenced James’ friend Mussa Kachepa of Koliha village traditional authority Kawinga in Machinga district to 10 years in prison with hard labor.