Cost of living to go up in Malawi

Money currency

From a reverse of the trend that the cost of living was supposed to go down at this time as the harvest period still has its benefits in place, Malawians are expected to dig deeper into their pockets to have a standard survival.

The development comes at a time when Malawi government has imposed tax on goods that were tax free on the market as one way of supporting the ambitious 2016/17 national budget.

Confirming the fears, Centre for Social Concern (CFSC) said Malawians must brace for tough times ahead beginning from the month of July.

Malawian have to cough more money on goods.

CFSC Programs manager Mathias Kafunda said prices of basic needs are to go high following an increment of tax fee that has been placed on goods.

“It is very surprising that at this time the cost of goods is high, and we are to expect more burden, the prices of goods is to be high due to the high tax that has been imposed on the commodities. The month of June will be a bit stable but in July pricess are to go very high,” said Kafunda.

Kafunda added that it is worrisome that basic needs like food have gone very high despite the country coming from harvesting period a month ago.

Malawi24 understands that a bag of maize is being sold at K13,000 in the major cities of this country at this month of June, a red light that has brought fears of the coming months.

An assessment carried by the CFSC reveals that a a family of six is supposed to spend K166,000 in a month on average to have a standard life in Lilongwe, Blantyre, Mzuzu and Zomba.

Minister of Finance Goodall Gondwe said citizens are to support the budget with 80 percent collected from domestic revenue a development that has seen government punishing its citizens with tax burden.