From a reverse of the trend that the cost of living was supposed to go down at this time as the harvest period still has its benefits in place, Malawians are expected to dig deeper into their pockets to have a standard survival.
The development comes at a time when Malawi government has imposed tax on goods that were tax free on the market as one way of supporting the ambitious 2016/17 national budget.
Confirming the fears, Centre for Social Concern (CFSC) said Malawians must brace for tough times ahead beginning from the month of July.

CFSC Programs manager Mathias Kafunda said prices of basic needs are to go high following an increment of tax fee that has been placed on goods.
“It is very surprising that at this time the cost of goods is high, and we are to expect more burden, the prices of goods is to be high due to the high tax that has been imposed on the commodities. The month of June will be a bit stable but in July pricess are to go very high,” said Kafunda.
Kafunda added that it is worrisome that basic needs like food have gone very high despite the country coming from harvesting period a month ago.
Malawi24 understands that a bag of maize is being sold at K13,000 in the major cities of this country at this month of June, a red light that has brought fears of the coming months.
An assessment carried by the CFSC reveals that a a family of six is supposed to spend K166,000 in a month on average to have a standard life in Lilongwe, Blantyre, Mzuzu and Zomba.
Minister of Finance Goodall Gondwe said citizens are to support the budget with 80 percent collected from domestic revenue a development that has seen government punishing its citizens with tax burden.
Kodi vuto kwenekwene ndichani Malawi? kulibe anthu oganiza mozama pachuma,,,,,, ndichani koma?
Atsogoleri athu ndi odzikonda akalowa m’boma chimene amaganiza ndi kulemera basi. Za dziko alibe nazo ntchito. that’s y Malawi sadzatukuka DYERA too much
koma boma la Malawi ikupanga chiani?anthu akuba ndalama ku capital hill moti boma inagwiritsa ntchito yogura chimanga ndikupatsa anthu.koma nthawi ndi nthawi tikumva zakubedwa kwa ndalama since 1994 mpaka pano moti ma bank akuja kuli ma billion obedwa ndithu anthu amene tinawavotera kuti athetse umphawi ku Malawi.koma akuba ndalama za boma kukasiya ku manda ndi maiko akunja moti agwiritse ntchito kwa anthu amene anavotera kuti afike pa amene alipo or analipopo.bwanji inu amalawi umbombo ndi ndalama za bom ndipo za ngongole moti Malawi itukuke koma zedi ikulowa pansi.
Ndi dziko lonse lapansi sikumalawi kohka komwe zithu zikukwera.we call it world economic crisis. End if time Jesus is coming
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1P3ZrwWPN_pbmVhrXtQZ6N3W7Iulbl4Cto5CXz7erMWI/edit#gid=0 Petition Against (Voluntary) Abortion in Malawi
Imeneyo ndiye MALAWI pachingerezi Flames of, poverty, fire eeeeeee Malawi ndilibe nawe mau ndiwe ozunza ,anthu akumudzi nawo amangobadwa ndi umphawi chimene amadziwa ndi chikwati basi 10 pa 10 ndikumabelekana ngati mbewa no plan kaya upanga download
ndizodabwisa kuti as many as we r, we still wait for a single person like a president to change this country. we r very lazy anthu owuma mitu okanika kuganiza chochita. to my surprise mdziko mommuno muli maguys okwiya omwe samadalira government izawatukule. amathamanga ma filimu awo mkumatheka. see zimadeni zimagalimoto zomwe akukwera anthu in this same country. ndiudindo wa aliyese kutukula malawi osati president yekha. vuto la kukwera mtengo kwa chimanga sila president ndimvula yomwe sinagwe bwino chifukwa choononga chilengedwe kwanuko. misonkho siyolakwika dziko lililonse kuli misonkho ndipo boma likuika misonkho kumene kuti lipeze ndalama likagule ma arv anthu asafe miseu ndima social services onse
Inu mukuti mafilm anu okwiyanu ndiye mwatimanga mmasambatu.Tanenani timve nawo.A Foster Sukani tatiuzeni zimene akupanga anthu okwiyawo ifenso tipange, apulezidentinso apangenawo kuti dziko litukuke.
kodi president kapena boma ndalama anayenera kuzitenga kuti apart from kupempha?
Poverty is contagious in Malawi..we carry poverty in our DNA…Then u’ll will hear allowances 4President,Ministers & MSCE Holders called the MP…imagine my fellow Malawians in the village already r digging deeper,hw deeper will b there deeper?…eishhh..hav mercy God please..
Ndikuvomeleza zinthu zavuta pa dziko lonse koma Malawi wandionjeza
Thjngs are fallin’ apart.
Pamene mafuta akwera zambiriso zimakwera ngakhale mango othyola mu mtengo.
We always do
koma dziwa kuti, masiku otsiriza adzakhala nthawi yapadera komanso yovuta. 2 Timothy 3:1
Is it only in malawi? Am a believer too,but those times are not only in malawi,other country are doing wel,economically
when mentioning about the signs of the last days, Jesus did not say one sign will have to be fulfilled in each and every country. check Mathew chapter 14
7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places(king James version) kuzakhala njala mmalo osiyanasyana
Koma chochitixa chidwi nchakut ambiri azakana kuti zimene zikuchitika masiku otsiliza ano zkukwanilixa maulosi am, baibulo. 2 Petro 3:3,4 amatitsimikizila zimenez
Amalawi tayiwala kamuzu chili chonse anachipanga subsiders, koma inu ndi ine ti mayimbila manja pamene alick banda amachosa, free market, inu mubekule lyo lyo lyoooo, anathesa makapani onse, nku mauza anthu kuti prestruest ndi aya anthu, anthu ama kondwela ndi 50kwacha kuyiwala kuti tikuziphwanya tokha, kodi kwavuta economy africa yonse ino ndo kuno basi ndiye sizi kusiyanayu ndi zim, tinawononga tokha lero tikulira so tokha
no price mechanism in Malawi no consumer rights
Ine zanga phee pa KFC kuzipepesa!!
Hahaha big tsopano
The learned professor HE Peter commented on the issue of salaries for civil servants. He said government will not increase the salaries. Last financial budget, the salary was not increased. Thus, no increments for two consecutive years. HOWEVER, prices of food, and other life sustaining goods keep on increasing as reported in the article above. A few weeks ago, fuel prices went up. The climatic conditions have also made food prices to increase. My simple plea to our learned professor is that he should put into consideration these factors and consider an increment for civil servants. ( am a voiceless citizen)
u are better than A.P.M,Big upb
Panyasaland thumba la makala kuchita kupitilila ntengo wanyumba yanga kkkkk salary ndimommuja kukwela tax(min bus)ndiye kuti pakhomo suzidya,fees ana kubwenzedwa every month mmmm school ndimene mukumvelamu mayeso ana sakhonza akuti awonela kale KKKK Malawi sizatheka
This will at a certain point whereby things will be at stalemate people will no longer move people will no longer buy and import from outside. We will eat one another to survive kkkk kkkk
Mmmm amai ndinakonda kuti ndibwere dec ndizakuoneni koma ndimomwe zililimu ndati muziwe kuti ndaonjezera chaka china
Kkkkkkk lol
Kangowaonani basi mukabwelenso
Ayi tiziyankhurana pa fon pomwepa ya transport yo ndingotumiza agule chakudya chokwanira kkkkkkkkkk
Dikirani President Pakadalibe! DPP goverment
Kukubw.era masautso amene sanakhale nkomwe chilengedwere dzikoli ! Nde tivale zilimbe chifukwa zafikapa palibe chomwe tingachite koposa kuima mwa Yehova
Mmm za masiku ano zomenezi
NO COMMENT just the same with THEBA like 12.5kgs Maize meal 2015 it was R40 now kkkkR110 into Malawi kwacha 5000mk kkkkk@JOZI
akakupanga zeno utifuna
kkkkkk@Chika Zenophobia easy man God ali ndi cholinga @ u&Me ok
Boma liwonetsepo kanthu kuti zinthu zisamangokwelakwela everyday mdziko muno muli umphawi wandalama
Akuti tizidya mbewa ndi zitete
What’s new
Sindikuona chobwelela kumalawi
Thanks nedi
mmmm Guyz thus too mch.
mmmm Guyz thus too mch.
My Malawi ,awee ineee
Guys were tired of poverty in Malawi
Ndiye inu muli ku Nyasaland ko musiye kuthokera shit fanz yomwe ili Pa theba pano
Zoona Vicky
Anthuwa amayankhula ngati akusangalalako ku Malawi ko
mmmm zeno man kumeneko bola moto omweu tiotha kenako usiya mubwera mudzatipeza tikudya zomwe watereka pitala
Ubwino wake tikuziwa kuti kwavuta tizibwera okonzeka
dnt u think tili masiku otsiriza?,,,kodi mumangopita ku church basi mongoloweza simumamva kapena kuuzidwa za masiku otsiriza?,,,
kukhala mu Malawi is as good as being in a WWE Hell in a Cell. .
I always used to say ambuye bwerani mulitenge dzikoli chifukwa zinthu sizili bwino, nanga tithawira kuti?
Limenelo ndiye boma la mose walero iGWE! Ndipo sitidati ndimatelaz chabe awa
zinthu / zidzingokwera dairy kodi ? yaaaa ndalivomereza baibulo langa last days
koma Malawi walero wavuta koma ndikuthana nazo bwanji coz Economy silibwino
amati home is best But now home is badest
malawi for sale…eeeeh its too much now…
Atisunge ndi ambuye basi
What should we know Malawi will never change in his characteristics.
Paja2 pitala akt tzdya mbewa Kapena ziwala
Bwerani kuno ku Cape Town
Survival of de fittest
very bad
Bolaso kunja kuno
Eeee koma Malawi walero wanyanya
What should we know Malawi will never change in his characteristics.
eeeew we need jesus ..
malawi yafika po bowa
Malawi popanda donation sangayende bwino, kuti tisonkhe ndalama zimenezi timva ululu kwambiri.