Mutharika turns useless rally into an English classroom

Peter Mutharika

…says Kamuzu only fed people to crocodiles

Malawi leader Peter Mutharika turned a rally he addressed at Limbuli in Mulanje into an English classroom apparently indicating how much he has the colonial hangovers.

Peter Mutharika
‘English professor’

Speaking at a rally where he did not articulate any new policies or visions for the country and has made commentators say that it was just a place to launch the Presidency bid by his fellow Lhomwe George Chaponda, Mutharika veered of his empty speech to deliver a lecture on English.

“I have heard the way some of the Members of Parliament pronounce words such as constituency and determine, it is not correct…you should be pronouncing them correctly,” said the leader of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP).

Mutharika then went into a lecture teaching the people how to pronounce the words correctly saying the people had to observe that there were two Ts on constituency and that should be heard properly when people are saying the word.

Mutharika’s language lecture came at a time that about half of Malawi’s population is facing food shortage, there is violence against people with albinism and the economic conditions are increasingly biting the common Malawians.

At the rally, Mutharika also rapped the governments before him saying they did not anything but ‘feed people to crocodiles’.

“There are challenges in this country but they are not our own doing, we inherited most of these problems. The previous governments did not do anything apart from ‘feeding people to crocodiles’”, said Mutharika in an apparent reference to the dictatorial regime of Kamuzu Banda who is also renown for delving into language lessons at his rallies.