…says Kamuzu only fed people to crocodiles
Malawi leader Peter Mutharika turned a rally he addressed at Limbuli in Mulanje into an English classroom apparently indicating how much he has the colonial hangovers.

Speaking at a rally where he did not articulate any new policies or visions for the country and has made commentators say that it was just a place to launch the Presidency bid by his fellow Lhomwe George Chaponda, Mutharika veered of his empty speech to deliver a lecture on English.
“I have heard the way some of the Members of Parliament pronounce words such as constituency and determine, it is not correct…you should be pronouncing them correctly,” said the leader of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP).
Mutharika then went into a lecture teaching the people how to pronounce the words correctly saying the people had to observe that there were two Ts on constituency and that should be heard properly when people are saying the word.
Mutharika’s language lecture came at a time that about half of Malawi’s population is facing food shortage, there is violence against people with albinism and the economic conditions are increasingly biting the common Malawians.
At the rally, Mutharika also rapped the governments before him saying they did not anything but ‘feed people to crocodiles’.
“There are challenges in this country but they are not our own doing, we inherited most of these problems. The previous governments did not do anything apart from ‘feeding people to crocodiles’”, said Mutharika in an apparent reference to the dictatorial regime of Kamuzu Banda who is also renown for delving into language lessons at his rallies.
Iweyo umayankhula bwino? Mkamwa mwako mopotokamo .
Iz nde ata. wazfwamba u
If anything its the President who needs to be in a Chichewa classroom : He says mpira wa mapazi instead of mpira wa miyendo. Ulimi wa chipisi – Ulimi wa mbatata ya kachewere (mbatatesi) Ulimi otayamadzi – ulimi wothirira, malipiro aphunzitsi ,mitengo ya phunzitsi etc Even Kamuza was far much better in Chichewa than this President
Him has no problem but he who feels the pain meaning we poor malawi.
Opha nzake asampitiseso ku prison ayi anasiya kuopa komaso ku prison kumachitika zoipa zobweresa mavuto mudziko lathu chauta samakondweranawo mathanyura anuwo komaso akufalisa matenda thow we have National parks & Game reserves mungowapitisa kumeneko chifukwa amenewo paumunthu anachoka ndizilombo zolusa zimenezo zingatiphe tonse better zizitilowesera ndalama konko ku national park
@[0:kkkkkkk a khungu kuuzana njila kkkkk buanji nawonso a pitala amakanika kulakhula bwino bwino chichewa ife timangowawona sitiwakoza relo akawone azawo nvuto iwowo amayakhula ngati alibe mano kapena kuti avumata zithu zamoto]
malawi anali kale’ n’chiyani amalawi kodi
Kkkkkkkkkkk that’s what it takes to be a professor paliponse umaona ngati uli mkalasi, sanalakwitse bwanawa
Ndinavanso akuti olemekezeka anduna otunga madzi ine Sheeeeeeeeeee bwana mkubwa apa zavutansotu
English is not our mother tongue. Parliament is for Malawians. Just speak Chichewa there mudzaona kuti mudzakambilana zomveka komanso zothandiza anthu kwambiri. Aphungu wena ali ndifundo zokhwima koma chifukwa choopa kusekedwa ngati mmene mwanenelamu amangokhala chete mpaliyamenti. Ni uchitsiru zedi kumalankhula chilankhulo chakuitali cha ku ulaya pamene mulinacho chanu choti mukhoza kuvana bwino zedi. Africa is liberated. This is the time 2b proud of our own things. This is the time 2 do things our own way. We are no more under white dominion. Uchitsilu wake mukusekana mmalo moti mungomuuza phungu amene akukanika kulankhula chizungu bwino kuti bwannawe usakole lilime yankhula chichewa chomveka bwino English siyako. Chitsiru chachikulu choseka wanthu mkukhala chi president! Eish!
To blame Kamuzu now is just useless! Even Bingu noded his achievements,
Mmalo momaganiza zosova mavuto ambirimbiri mMalawi muno basi kumataya nthawi ndi Kamuzu?
We have alot happening in Malawi, hunger, I know poverty alleviation is bng taken in ur n ur realitives homes only, albino killings, alarming jobless graduates! Now its worsening than ever, !!
Now the whole president telling Malawians to feed on mbewa n grasshoppers on hungry pple? U must b kidding ryt?
Dr H. Kamuzu Banda sanachitepo zomwe akuyankhula galu amkachita zimenezo anali achina Tembo ndi anzawo osati Dr ngati walephera kulankhula khala chete mkamwa mopanda mano puss
chomwe ndidziwa ine kamuzu sanali wolephela ngati iwowo achitapo chani choposa kamuzu mmalo mothetsa njala busy castigating others shame on you!
Muthalika hoye
my malawi my views,,,democracy and its freedom of speech
That would have been avoided in the upcoming ten years if you wer to increase English education for the primarily Malawian Blood
nanga nduna yotunga madzi kuno atitheratu!
Stupid mutharika
the problem with us Africans we listen to quote mistakes,,,I think there were lots en lots he said but you ignored rather quote a mistake….he might have been joking…
Komatu adalankhula za chitukuko cha madzi ndi magetsi mulemba liti zimenezo?mumalakwitsa anthu zimezo zongotolankhani za negative ,you make readers to think negative as well
These are the most foolish reporterz here on earth
utsogoleri opanda nawo mdalitso ochokera kwa Mulungu umayankhula zopanda mzeru bwanawa alibe mzeru coz this year wayankhula zopanda nzeru zokhazokha dog the big one
Akutuma eti…. kkkkkkkk Mukuwatchukitsaka iwe sukudziwa …… chilichose Muthalika… mulibe zina
No sense
No sense
if you were able to gate wat the MP said it was pronounced properly and pronaounition differ iwe sumaonera mene msiko ena smspamgila like john tz nija ndalama smati mone
if you were able to gate wat the MP said it was pronounced properly and pronaounition differ iwe sumaonera mene msiko ena smspamgila like john tz nija ndalama smati mone
Ndawauza a nduna achimanga kuti chimanga chifike kuno
Ine ndamvapo chaphindu amati mu cabinet yake ya anthu 20 muli nduna za chinyamata zinayi komanso “anasankha Chaponda kukhala nduna ya zotunga madzi”
Bakili ankalankhula Zomwezo inu zomwezo chitukuko mupanga liti.?
Petulo Mathanyula President opepera waku Malawi
In Malawi there are freedom of speech and multiparty democracy leave the reporters to report what they hear and see
Kod chithuzchi ndi cha ndan?? Eee kukamwa kuopsa chonch!!! Mavuto bwanj
A Born Kalindo Winiko akanaphedwera ku maiko akunja. makamaka mu dziko province ya mulanje kome a president a dziko la malawi anapita kukaphunzitsa phunziro la chingelezi/English. Maphunziro atafika pa mponda chimera, profesa peter muthalika anazuzula nduna zina pakachulidwe kamawu onga costituency. Izi zinakhumudwi anthu ambiri omwe akayembekezela kuti aphunzitsapo zakathesedwe ka mavuto anjala,kuthana ndimchidwe wopha ma albino etc
Like father like son osadabwanazo ayi guyz m24
nanga iyeyo amalankhuliranji chichewa chotchoka?
Kkkkkk i also learnt wth a shock th past 2hrz oz tranna catch th revision ……h even exageratng th matttr evn ma bombastc words …..mphechepeche mwa njovu pus anagwa chagada remembr h once said that
Ganja Mr President
Same word same meaning, different pronouncing. What the fussy mr president. Be fussy on leading Malawi in a right direction ah ah
Eishii… kikik
We need action not English accent.People can’t pronounce the same.
koma pitala
From wat I knw, reporter only report what has been said,
No reason to criticize a repoter here, just admit that there
Was nothing sensible at a rally. Blue eagles yapanga draw.
Enanu mangolakhulapo tazaimeni 2019 tizaone muzayakhule za nzeruzo.
#stupid Reporter
Munthu wanu uyu! mukutipwetekesa nayo ndithu.kumangovotera zirizonse???
how dare ar you? always ur slow thinker,go straight to hell Mr peter
ngakhale ndalezela kma munthu ameneyi iiiiiii zachilendo?
Ka dziko kakang’ono koma kukalephela kukayendesa bwino.kuchitisa manyazi anyani inu bull shit
…. this face reminds me of Robert Mugabe kkkkkkkkk
munamuvotela nokha
Kkkkkkkkk koma ine zina
this guy is rubbish we have ever had in Malawi politics.
Sokhano ndi sokhano zokamba zache zaziiii basi .kumango ononga ndalama dza boma basi ,ngati ukufuna bwanji osakakhala headmaster kuschool bwanji? Timaona ngati Sokhano ukhala wadzeru,kukamba khani dza ma Albion
Ndaku nva mwanawasa
Ok kamuzu = ng’ona Bingu = Mzuzu demonstration people killing .peter alubino
Pitala mgotukwanisa zedi
a useless rally?…..b serious M24
Tizingopanga za fodya zomwezi basi after all winiko has done his best i see nothing wrong nanga iwe ndi ine tapanga chani on this issue. We are tired of these killings they are also human beings we have to do something. Winiko anavala boxer #inendizayendachoncho
Kamuzu Adamwalira Adapita.Nkhani Tikhoze Dziko Lathu.
Pitala kugwa kwawo ndikomweko ulendo ulendo ulendo zayamba kuululika tiyeninazoni winiko hahaha
Asaaa ,koma mesa tanthauzo ndlimodz ?mmalo mosova albnal kln
Full of shit
Forgive him for don’t know what he is doing.
In fact he is the one who needs English lessons
Vuto limene tilinalo a Malawi ndi kudzindikila, taonani nyumba ya malamulo yathu sungamve akukambilana chichewa, ndiye wha more pansokhano, tiyambe kusintha chiyankhulo nyumba ya malamulo kaye kenako tiziwanena madalawa
Chomwe chandikhumudwisa ndi kufuna kuphedwa kwa winiko zinazo ndilibe nazo ntchito
This is the only time you have spoken something sensible , just like you Malawi’s MPs can’t speak English perfectly simply bcoz its not our mother tongue
Ngati anamva ndendikuti amalondola nkhani ya pronunciation zimatengela Kuti sukulu udaphunzira dziko lanji or anthu around you ndianthu anji. Please M24 tipaseni nkhani nkhani zomanga ndi kutukula dziko lathu.
Hahaha, ThIs guy should b the last person to insult others on dat topic #anyanisakesanachanikaya
hehe every comment is treasonous
Or seditious, this guy z too much..
why we social media like reporting negative things?? I have never seen any report congratulating but only kunyoza!!!! can Malawi prosper with this act??? lets behaviour as malawians not foreigners !!!!lets pray for our nation!!!
Ine ndamva zoti no single person wl die from hunger! Akuti tisamadalire nsima yokha koma MAUNGU kapena ZITETE kkkkkkkkkkkk utsogoleri osapereka chiyembekezo! Wina kumangot ine ndalota ichi………… Winanso ndalota izi………..
Kkkkkk mpaka zitete? munthu ungadye zitete ndikukhuta?zopandad tsogolo izi
koma abale ndakomoka ndikuseka
Kkkkkkkk APM amvekere paja mumati zitete eti kkkkkkkkkkk ndakhumudwa nawo utsogoleriwu……
Kkkk zitete zomwezo basi eeeh tsogolo lativuta apa ..asaaa
ndiye mwati tidzidya zitete ndikumwela madzi??,,,kkk
Kkkkkkkkkkkkk clueless government
Shaaaaaaa anzathu odziwa kupha zitete limbikilani mwina geni iyenda masiku ano ndikuvuta kwa economy kulipoku kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Kkkkkkkk adaxiwa kuti akulankhula nd ALomwe………….nde ku mangowombera m’manja chilichonse.
Wasowa ufa azetenge kwathu 50kg yaulere anthu aulesi inu.
tisinthe dzina la dzikoli,malawi ndi mototu uwu bwanji nyasaland lomwe lija dzina limalenga mwina minyamai ndi dzinali.malawi malawi dzina lina ng’anjo.tipsadi.
Come on
Foolish reporter, writer and all staff of this page
Mpila wamapazi anyani kusekana zikundu
Do you say u hv a president?saaaaaa! amaliwi koma?
Vuto la atolankhani apamalawi munthu asapange nthambwala is thats all he has said?Kupemba ma comments ambiri from opposition side fools.
Where did you study journalism? Poor reporting!
Kodi speech ya APM mwaimvera ngat? Ngat cmudamvere muimvere usiku uno mwi mumvamo zanzeru.
First of all, fuck Malawi 24, fuck the tools ey used to post this shit, fuck d tym ey wasted, fuck d person who wrote this and fuck the news… kukhala kwanji komangotolana ma mistake insted of useful issues??
aliyese akt aMalawi 24 sanalembe zazeru heshe r stupt Pitala ndikpe palbe chazel walakhul mbuz ya pulezdnt lyk uyu ichochi mUja chmalakhulil english yoxaveka bwn ija bwi akanakhla Chakwera amalakhu boh
And fuck u too nigga cz u bein political…
fuck, the journalist too
fuck u too,
#Sicky by d sound of ur name mmmhhh u really z sick.. u need medication…
and fuck u too
Oh?? Dts the only word ur momma tot u??? Haha fil sry 4 u… Boohoo
Stupid M24!
Try mtumbuka President demeti anthu osamva inu mxiee
Kumvomera kuti iyeyo wabwera ndiyake opha ndikugulitsa anthu? I Never seen stupid leader in Africa like him
Mpira wa mapazi watha bwanji pa Kamuzu stadium?
Ths country shall never develop….where dd we go wrong as a country???
We are being ruled by very old, clueless leaders
Ooohooow Ndiye????.
that is our old professor. museum material
You can say that again
He also said something about madzi bwanji osanenako zimenezo … Chipatala to mention a few
Komadi mbuzi zina za mp sizitha chizungu wachitabwino kuzimphumzitsa
A nduna azotunga madzi, kkkk
peter u ave failed us malawians tak t or liv t.come 2019 ua going for gd wit ua entire dpp crue,kip dis info n ua file,anthu opanda pabwino ngati inu ,eeeish.
did he talk anything about united states of thyolo and mulanje(must)?
Malawi24 must also be useless for reporting on “useless rally”
Si nkhani yotukwana iyi kodi amalawi munakhala bwanji
Kodi COSAFA cup inatha eti? Ndikusowa zoonela bwanji masiku ano
On security he said and I quote, tiwonjezera ma number ama police,
Kuli mwambo wa mdulidwe pa 26/07/2016 ku Limbuli ground kuyambira nthawi ya 08:00 m’mawa nonse ndinu olandiridwa amuna ndi akazi…zikomo
Kufunika kwa mdulidwe ndi chani ndiphunzitseni chonde
bring water sulution
guys palibe amene anganditukwanile kanyimbi ameneyi ine mdaiwala maphunzo…watitola bwanji…
Eti Eti Eti.
Is this guy high on nyaope
Ask him again
Atolankhani achi malawi tazilembanl zanzeru,muzaphunzira liti? Mukufuna mutiuze kuti zomwe walankhula president ndizokhazi basi,foolish reporting.
Amakonda kulemba zolakwika zokha, umbuli atolankhaniwa. Nanga munthu pa msonkhano wonse angayankhule zokhazi?
simumati mukufuna ophunzira? ndi ameneyotu, munthu uyu anazolowela kudya nandolo mix makaka ndiye angakhale ndi nzeru. anthu enanu mulibe nzeru ndi umulungu. msogoleli ameneyu akutitenga ngat iwe anthu zitsilu kapena tinabadwa kuchokera kubanja lakwawo. kape uyu koma akuti ndi ophunzira zaziiiiii nyasala
pamtumbo panu inu nde anzeru kuposa atolankhani!
Maxton & Happy, anythng with or around prominent ppo z worth “NEWS!” Look @ hw international media reports about persons of such & then argue wth the hom grown profession. Thanx!
abakha inu
panyapako iwe ndiwe ndani tikuyende mmapaz bwanji
thats why he loves nicholas dausi so much
Hahaha a Malawi24 tauzeni a Malawi mfundo zomwe zinakambidwa osati kungotolako ma mistakes… Munakhala bwanji mudatani kufuna kusokoneza
Azaliranso 2019 amenewa
I agree with Joseph.
Inenso ngati m’phunzitsi zimandibowa aphungu akamati datamaini m’malo mwa ditemini
Nothing to do with Kamuzu on that issue, does he know how to pronounce chichewa?
Kuipa nkhope ndi mtima omwe.
thats why he loves nicholas dausi so much
What do yu expect from this mtchona, he doesnt knw his peoples problems since he has no problems at all, kkkkkkk.
Jessy Kabwira has suggested that some vernacular languages should be used in parliament.
Ok then who is killing albino? ? Coz people are saying it is sold in over seas not n’ganga
“people are saying it is sold overseas not ng’anga” seriously?
There is a song in Canada called black albino bonnes it’s not n’ganga it’s about thé bonnes an Ancient occult
Thas why everyone is silent they know wat is going on olo amipingo akuziwa
dwipwipwi kupha kwambiri
dat u nyapapi
Pointless point!!!!
thats stupidity at its peak.of wat benefit iz that to an ordinary malawian who is striving to make ends meet?
Were there no real issues to talk bout. I overheard someone saying “ulimi wa chipisi”
yap ine ndili njere zake
Mpira wa mapazi kkkkk!!
ndakubweretseran kamphatso …kumaliro kumaperekedwa ma gift? kk
Ulimi otaya madzi { meaning irrigation }.
he did the same in neno where he said “some PMs pronounce ministry of health as ministry of healthy