Revealed: The reason why Govt. denies death penalty on albino attackers

Peter Mutharika

…Mutharika could be arrested

Peter Mutharika
Fears trouble after office :Mutharika

The Malawi Government has insisted that it will not reintroduce death sentence despite calls by different individuals and other non-governmental organizations to implement the penalty on all albino killers.

Government’s spokesperson Patricia Kaliati said that it is impossible to start using the death penalty now although there is increased cases of albinos being killed.

She said one day President Peter Mutharika will be out of his position and they don’t want to see him being questioned by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for approving death penalty.

Kaliati who is also minister of Information Communication Technology and Civic Education claimed that there is no president in the world who has implemented the death sentence hence there is no need to start using it in Malawi.

“There is no president who has implemented the death penalty. There are a number of things which we can do to get rid of these killings and we feel it is better to implement the life imprisonment than death penalty,” said Kaliati.

Patricia Kaliati
Kaliati: Human rights bodies do not want death penalties.

The spokesperson further said that they are happy with the life imprisonment sentence which is so far the most painful sentence to people found guilty of killing people with albinos.

She then disclosed that government has selected some specific prosecutors and judges to be hearing cases of crimes against people with albinism.

Earlier this month, the Mzuzu High Court sentenced Samson Kaomba to life imprisonment with hard labour for being found guilty of killing a person with albinism.

There was a demo today in Lilongwe-where a call to government to consider adopting death penalty on albino attackers.






  3. Popeza boma likukayika za “diso kulipa diso “ndawona kuti boma limakhala kutali ndikomwe ma albinowa amakhala,pachifukwa icho boma silimva ululu anzathuwa akamaphedwa ngati chicken.Chofunika apa ndichoti achibale amunthu wophedwayo azipatsidwa mphamvu yoganiza zochita ndizigawengazo popeza ndiwo eni wake amunthu wophedwayo.

  4. Nomally I can say that its realy painful to be killed but the president also he can not judge the killer to be killed because God is the only one who will judge you even the president too so let’s leave it in the hands of our Holly Father


  5. The police & investigations I know would have exposed the albino killers a long time ago. This delay and lack of seriousness on the part of law enforcers only shows that somebody up there is benefiting from the dirty business. Why not using those arrested or convicted to trace all involved and the market? This is a shame to the Government and whoever is involved in law enforcement especially the police.

  6. the thing z :the president has given an indirect nod for the death penalty on albino killers only that he cant say that publicly for fear of being prosecuted afta out of office,,,, do u think the police or the govt would ask those pple who hav done mob justice as to why they hav done so???,,, let the killers be killed aswel and u will c that not one wi b persecuted,,, the president z just afraid of life afta exit from office once he declares the legalisation publicly and officially,,, i thus support the govt

  7. oimba anati piter sa ngakhale bingu ndipo kutali sangakwanise kukakhala kuphunzila ndikwakwe nanga ife timaja kuphunzila

  8. Mumoyo mwanga sindinapemphelepo wina aliyense zoyipa but i trust God kuti amawona ndiposo samafuna ana ake azidandaula or kuvutika tiyeni tipemphelele anzathu ama albinowa and muwone zomwe ambuye achite kwa anthu okupha ma albinowa lets just try

  9. To say, the truth! Okupha naye akuenera kuphedwa! Nde ngat APM sakuvomereza poopela kuzamangdwa mtsogolo, then an2wo tikaagwira tizingochuna tokha! Chfukwa sizoona kut mun2 wazimitsa mzake azkaseva life imprisonment as if azkadyako zake! Nanga azkapatsdwa, #chakudya_mankhwala_etc zochokera mmisonkho ya ifeyonso omwe watpherafe! Mayaz THINK WISELY!!! NAYENSO AZIME BAAS!!!

  10. Not surprised, once this death penalty is given greenlight it will backfire because the people calling for death penalty will be against it tomorrow leaving the government his people in trouble. Pajatu chikadza tonse timapwetekeka. Mob Justice will prevail.

  11. Not surprised, once this death penalty is given greenlight it will backfire because the people calling for death penalty will be against it tomorrow leaving the government his people in trouble. Pajatu chikadza tonse timapwetekeka. Mob Justice will prevail.

  12. Zakaisala mupatsen kaisala zamulungu muninkheni mulungu .mr president you need differentiate kupha nkhuku ndkupha munthu .amveleni chsoni ma albino kmaso azimayi amene amavutika nd uchembele sichinthu chophweka kupilra miyez 9 ndye wna abwele kudzangotenga ngat aukuba nkhuku no!.! .wakupha albino akuyenela kuphedwaso.

  13. Zakaisala mupatsen kaisala zamulungu muninkheni mulungu .mr president you need differentiate kupha nkhuku ndkupha munthu .amveleni chsoni ma albino kmaso azimayi amene amavutika nd uchembele sichinthu chophweka kupilra miyez 9 ndye wna abwele kudzangotenga ngat aukuba nkhuku no!.! .wakupha albino akuyenela kuphedwaso.

  14. A jephat mukazayamba kupemphera muzazindikira the meaning of what Mr President is saying, mulungu akukhululukire. Kukhala msogoleri sikophweka ase……………

  15. A jephat mukazayamba kupemphera muzazindikira the meaning of what Mr President is saying, mulungu akukhululukire. Kukhala msogoleri sikophweka ase……………

  16. Kupha munthu opha ma albino ndikulakwa kwakukulu. Tonse tikudziwa kuti kudziko lino kwagwa njala yaikulu. Ngakhale ng’ona nazo zili pa njala yaikulu. Njira yabwino ndi yotere, mukamugwira munthu yemwe wapha albino, mmangeni, muikeni mthumba Ali moyo, kamponyeni mu mtsinje WA Shire, Ruo, Songwe, Dwangwa… Mukatero, nazo ng’ona zidzayamika boma powalandiritsa chakudya ndi chilalachi.

  17. Koma ngati ili bussenes bwanji tingoyamba kulima chamba chambiri chikhonza kutibweretsera forex wambiri kusiyana ndikuchotsa miyoyo yanzathu.chonde chonde.Tangoganizani mutakhala inuyo alubino.

  18. me thinks life imprisonment is stiffer penalty melted on perpetrators that death penalty,the reason being gradual death than sudden death

  19. Killing of albinos is getting out of hands. Pepetrators definately need a harsh sentence. Dont quote me wrong. When goverment make a decision they look 4rm different angles of the issue. Hope u are aware that they are some who are in prison on different crime. Of which (some) are innocent, but due to bad handling of investigation by police they end up convicted. I am not saying its good to kill someone. Eg here in South Africa, a teacher was sentenced to life prison since 2013 accused of raping a school girl. Now the evidence show that he was falsely acused. And the girl say the teacher is inocent. If the teacher was sentenced to death who was going to rise him. I understand the anger behind the killing. Goverment dont rule on emotion but on facts.# STOP KILLING PEOPLE WITH ALBNISM.

  20. I am so so disappointed with that malpractice “abducting and killing of people with albinism” for me i say anybody cought doing such malpractice be given death penalty in a court of law.basi!!

  21. I think mr president is right to deny the death sentence considering that people will take the Law in their hands to kill inocent who are suspected to be albino attacker which will bring malpractices in our society .therefore i humbly second the brave decision by our president .thank you malawi

    1. Chipie inenso ndi munthu okhuzidwa ku kubwedwa kwa ma albino koma vuto ndi loti lamulolo likakhazikisidwa anthu ena salimvesa bwino .zomwe zingayambise chipwirikiti

  22. It’s true it’s pity to hear a Malawian defending a president who make tree and mountains more important than albino by recruiting armu soldiers to protect mulanje mountain, what a shame

  23. the International Criminal Court (ICC) will not punish anybody for following their national constitution. Kaliati here seems to be lost and ignorant of how ICC works.

  24. life imprisonment ndiyausilu kwambiri. chifukwa anthuwo akamangidwa amakatulukaso kundende just because amakhala ndi ndalama zomwe anagulisa kale ma albino. nde ndalamazo amaka disha mwachinyengo nkutuluka….DPP ndi boma la zitsiru zokha zokha zongokonda ndalama palibe chimene mtachitepo pa mchitidwe umenewu…..

  25. zuka malawi zuka, iwe tikagwira tizipha iwo akazunge mitemboyo kundende akunenako basi, ndipo bwana president ziwani kuti 2019 ur parking tatopa nanu

  26. I don’t see any logic by keeping a killer for life in prison. Death sentence is already in constitution why is the president denying sign. Kusunga chakupha moyo onse ndikupanda nzeru.

  27. Asatipusise ku America death penalty ilipo mpaka panopa these people are misguided and pursuing matters of their own interest than matter of the country and people at heart.Anthu amenewa alibe nafe ntchito olo tidzifa iwo cholinga chawo its to make America happy yet America has death penalty.

  28. guys kodi mukuti mukuganizira kuti big alimomwemo aaaah kaya poti mtima wamnzako nditsidyalina. apa tiyerekeze kuti president waku TZ ndiwakuno. president magufuli wa TZ ndiokwiya bwanji big atachezako naye ndikufunsa nzeru cos vutoli linayamba ku TZ koma pano zinatha ndiye mwina neba akhoza kutipatsa nzeru chifukwa neba ndi neba or ataoneka kuti si. profesor akhoza kukhala ndi nzeru zachibadwidwe

  29. guys kodi mukuti mukuganizira kuti big alimomwemo aaaah kaya poti mtima wamnzako nditsidyalina. apa tiyerekeze kuti president waku TZ ndiwakuno. president magufuli wa TZ ndiokwiya bwanji big atachezako naye ndikufunsa nzeru cos vutoli linayamba ku TZ koma pano zinatha ndiye mwina neba akhoza kutipatsa nzeru chifukwa neba ndi neba or ataoneka kuti si. profesor akhoza kukhala ndi nzeru zachibadwidwe

  30. Bon ukanakhala ndi mapepala oyenela ndiwe wekha waonesa kukhala pulezidenti wokonda anthu ndi dziko lonse •Pitiliza Mulungu akutsogolere•Toralating Killers is BAD

  31. Bon ukanakhala ndi mapepala oyenela ndiwe wekha waonesa kukhala pulezidenti wokonda anthu ndi dziko lonse •Pitiliza Mulungu akutsogolere•Toralating Killers is BAD

  32. boma lolamulira dziko kumalawi limayesesa kuti libwere ndi zichito chito zake kuyambira nthawi ya amuluzi. kunali kuchosedwa ziwalo kenako Nachipanti kundilande nthawi ya aBingu kuchotsa magazi nkuzabwera amayi nawonso yawo yochotsa mabele ndi ziwalo zachimuna lero akuti albino kuwapha. chaka chinacho muzamva zina but do u know WHy cause our country got nothing to offer to the BIG Guns in the Exchange

  33. life imprisonment knowing that after ten years muwatulutsa ndikuwa sintha dela lokhala. tikuziwa kuti you are the ones who send those killers and u will not let them being killed but send them to prison for a while.

  34. Do ur research again Honorable Minister,many countries are implementing the death penalty. Go to Iran

  35. Maiko ambili amakana death panelty sindiziwa chifukwa chake nthawi yaKamuzu zimavomelezedwa chifukwa cha chipani chimodzi.President akuopa kuvomeleza chifukwa mayiko ambili angasiye kulithandiza dziko laMalawi.

  36. let me write my language pls so that i must explain much better Apapa nduseguka kumasono chifukwa anthu omwe akupha ma albino zikang’a zili tho kuphazi nsika angaupeze kuti akusowa ndi k300 mthumba mwao yoti mwina angapangile transport apapa zuchita kuoneselatu poyela kuti pali ena mwaio amaudindo awo ndithu opanda chifundo akumawanamiza anthuwa ndima k20 kuti azipha anthuwa koma mzafa ifa yowawa zikazayamba kuululika ine si m’malawi ndine wa zambia koma zundinyasa maningi

  37. What about wars,why do we keep the Malawi Army and buy guns in our country?Issue about ICC is not welcomed here. Malawi is a sovereign state which needs to make its own decision.Prisoners in malawi are free eating our taxvayets money. Why should we keep them. ?Look about Lutepo issue eating our tax payers money and doing sex in prison because he has money to bribe Prison warders.Is this reform?Malawi is a lawless country to poor people only.Next time we hear Albino killings have run away from prisons

  38. Koma izi zomati we are in the last days aaah timanadzana bwanji. Even during first and second world war it was the same.Njala ya 1948 zomwezo.Ngati FUNDO zatha kungokhala chete.

  39. The death penalty makes everybody a murderer just like the criminal being executed.Nothing ever benefits society from that foolishness.

  40. The people who are killing albinos are monsters they should be punished , that cruelty must be stopped .Instead death penalty they should live forever in prison .Shame on THEM and You because you do nothing for them and to protect yours !!!

  41. Mr Bon / Winiko I respect u so much mukuyesesa ku mbali yanu nane ndikamupeza munthu Okupha albino ndiziwombera I don’t care

  42. Okupha mzake nayenso aphedwe / it was only best solution, had it been that iweyo amene ukukukana zoti pasakhale D, Penalty unali one of albino umoyo wako wa tsiku ndi tsiku ukanakhala wotani. Ganizan bwino amalawi afunsen anthu a ku Tanzania vuto lopha albino lidakula ndi kuyabila ku tanzania koma kufikila pano n ma albino ku tanzania ama yenda mwa ufulu kamba ka njila zomwe anapanga Lelo Iwe ukukana kuti anthu opha albino asamaphedwe don’t u think that u promoting them?zimandiwawa zedi

  43. It is sad that Malawi signed to those protocols or whatever you call them. The worriying thing is that how will you feel if it happens to your relative. If am a taxpayer, and it has happened to my relative do you expect me to honestly pay taxes to feed the killer of my relative? Zikundivuta!!!!!!!

  44. Kwa inu mwawina contract yopha ma albino, mukagwidwa ndi apolisi dziwani kuti muli safe. Koma mukangogwidwa ndi ife osaka ziwala, inuyo tizikonza tokha mwapadera 4tsek!

  45. Mr prezident if i were u i should have apologise to malawi nation for useless decision u hav made those people are human beings they deserve to b treated like u not just ur a president u want us to agree everything u say no no we have rights to talk

  46. Vuto ndi la kuti tikuganiza zoti mayiko asiya kutithandiza yet sadzatithandizanso.Why do we care about them.Tiyeni tipange zathu basi. Opha mnzake aphedwe basi kaya kupha albino or munthu opanda albinism

  47. tanzania gvt managed to curb such cases within a month,now there is no even a single case relating to albino killings&abductions in tz. However, across the world, malawi is only state hobouring this evil act and is where the gvt fails to end it by taking silly actions against it,allowing those so called cival organs ignoring their responsibilities, ensuring that its citizens r taking unrealistic/deceiptive campains toward albino killings.

  48. Inu musavutike Peter akuziwapo kanthu bwanji mbuyo mosemu zimenezi sizimachitika zokupha albino Mau ndi oti ife tikapeza anthu opanga zimenezi titentha ndi Moto wa petrol ⛽ peter yo. Azamva zokuthaitha chifukwa anthu ngati amenewa akapita Ku ndende sachedwako

  49. and winiko amaziwa kuti
    peter zavomeleza
    just ndale basi,
    i support life in impzon

  50. don’t blame others pple, let’s look at ways in which we fan combat thismalpractice, I don’t thi Mr president can be behind started long tym before he took power

  51. Ndizoona kuti boma silikutapo kanthu ai sizili bwino .umeneu ndimwano wawukulu uchembere ndiwowa sibwino kumayang,anira zinthu zikuonongeka motere sibwino boma lichitepo kanthu komanso kumanga aliyense okhuzidwa its me mwana okula mosisitika always macnever

  52. Eeeee paliso cholakwikaso apa kuti uyo wapha mzake nayoso aphedwe ngati pali mabungwe oyimila akuphawo kuti asaphedwe it means they r encouraging them mwina mabwanawa akuopa kuti mawa ndiwo kuzapha kuzachipeza chonyongedwacho bwanji akukanika?

  53. Koma guyz wamisala anawona nkhondo.WINIKO amaganiza bwino WOKUPHA NAYESO APHEDWE BAC.Osati zachamba zoti akakhale ku ndende moyo wawo onse phweeew azikanjoya abale awo azikawapatsa superghet wa chicken basi kenako mudzawakhululukile pa 6 JULY.PHEWWWWWW

  54. komatu mau ot amene sanachimwepo ayambe kupodya miyala..simau amasewera ayi..pulezident kungot wasaina,, adzakhala pa mlandu oopsa zed! Kulakwa sikupha kokha! Anthu’fe tkulakwa munjira zosiyanasiyana koma tikukhalabe ndi moyo.. Moti YEHOVA WAKUMWAMBAYO akadafuna kuonongeratu enafe bwenzi kulibe.. Kod amene ati azinyonga anthuwo iwowo sakuphanso?? HOLY BIBLE limati tisabwerezere choipa pakuti kubwezera ndi kwake. Asiyen akhale ndimoyo koma ngat salapa machimo awo kwaiwo kuli chlango chosatha..Bible limafotokozanso kuti mwazi uliwonse umene unakhetsedwa YEHOVA adzaufuna, komanso tiziwe kut iwo amene akupha amzawo, akungopha thupi koma moyo ayi chifukwa moyo ndiwake wa Mulungu.

  55. Why not arrestng American presidents! Dey killed Sadam. Gadafi ,Osama and many others are still being killed by America. God will save us one day!

  56. how many Albinos do we have.. cant the government design a place to keep them safe from thse killngs… if we are able keep the foreigners like ku mdzaleka,, wat more wth our own bros and cctas

  57. George bush hanged hussen and balack obama anamujakanuza Gadafi sono iwe kaliati ufuna uname chani ukamati no president inthe world

  58. Anthu enanu mukuchuluka nzeru chifukwa imfa zotere sizinachitikepo kwa abale kapena ana anu,koma mutamuona munthu kuti waphedwa ziwalo amuchosa simungayankhule kuti opha nzake asaphedwe,Baibulo lomwelo muli mavesi omwe akuvomereza kuti opha nzake aphedwe.Ambuye yesu padziko anaza kuthupi ndipo anali munthu ozazidwa ndi mzimu oyera koma ataona anthu akuchita malonda mnyumba ya Atate ambuye yesu akwiya ndikutaya malonda ndikukwapula ena mwaiwo.Alaliki ena amati nyumba yamulungu uli ngati mtima wamunthu,malonda ali ngati nyansi zimemene anthu timapanga monga chigololo,uchidakwa,kupha,kusuta ndi zina zotere.Apa tikuona mkwiyo wa mwana waMulungu kaanthu ochita Malonda.Koma opha albino alingati otentha moto nyumba yaMulungu.Kodi mukuganiza kuti ambuye Yesu akanatani kwa anthu otere?

  59. President he knows whats going on. Apita bwanji akuluakulu achipani ku police ya ku ntcheu kukawopseza apolice kuti amutuluse munthu yemwe anapha Albion Ku ntcheu konko? Iyaaaaaa

  60. In the U S of A there is capital punishment Madam Minister. May be because they call it capital punishment thats why you dont understand. So its no the whole world. Opha aphedwe period.

  61. Albnol killer shud b killed as wel..coz being albno is not smthn tekn it for granted.. Z gods creature en we r o malawians so de govt shud force ds role of killing de albnol killer… En ds z de only way of protectn there life coz thy r humans. …

  62. if the malawi government doing nothing on thi serious matter like this, it shows us that in malawians we are still far from freedom. in another case thanks honuorable mr bon kalindo for trying yo best to show the malawi how you concerned on this embracing situaton to government… anthu ziwani izi if the governmrnt instite to kill those brutally people…… ma alubino axiphedwabe.

  63. if the malawi government doing nothing on thi serious matter lyk this, it shows us theat in malawians we are still far from freedom. in another case thanks honuorable mr bon kalindo for trying yo best to show the malawi how ypu concerned on this embracing situaton to government… anthu ziwani izi if the governmrnt instite to kill those brutally people…… ma alubino axiphedwabe.

  64. if the malawi government doing. nothing on thi serious matter lyk… it shows us theat in malawi stll there far from freedom…

  65. rememer the reasons these people kill albinos.. they think they will get rich en all.. out of ignorance.. lets fight the real Enemy.. with prayer.. two wrongs do not make a right!! we can not protect alife by losing another life.. remember the real enemy…

    1. how many lives will be lost in the process people? life inprisonment is a fair judgement.. imagine onamizilidwa en all.. some might be killed innocently etc…

  66. Don’t you you people know that in all holy books of God speaks one language, that is.. Opha nzake aphedwe? There is no justice to a killer than to be killed also.. What’s the difference between the life of a killer and that of a killed one..? bro life of a human being is very expensive..if a person regards a life of his brother valueless then the law should regard his life valueless as well.. That’s what justice look imprisonment is a joke..

  67. With all due respect, I beg to differ with Akweni. Is she aware that capital punishment is a legal penalty in USA, currently used in 32 states and the federal government? Since 1976 more than 1,400 offenders have been executed, including 28 in 2015. California has the largest deathrow with 700 inmates. However, executions are more frequent and happen more quickly fter sentencing in Texas.
    I rest my case.

  68. Do you know the ICC?mungokamba inu,atha kumangidwadi president wanuyi,osamakankhira nzanu pamoto kaamba koti simumfuna atakhala pa mpando.Titere,angamaphe wakuphayo ndindani yemwe angafune kupalamula tchimo lakuphayo?poti mukapha inunso muphedwa.kkkkk.Work up!!!!!!!

  69. Do you know the ICC?mungokamba inu,atha kumangidwadi president wanuyi,osamakankhira nzanu pamoto kaamba koti simumfuna atakhala pa mpando.Titere,angamaphe wakuphayo ndindani yemwe angafune kupalamula tchimo lakuphayo?poti mukapha inunso muphedwa.kkkkk.Work up!!!!!!!

    1. mbunz Pitala iwe tavmelez tiziwaph opha abale anthu acha Albno bx ukakan ukph ndiweo Pital ndi azako achna Chaponda

    2. Icc ikukambidwayo imamanga ma President aku Africa wokha China ikupha kwambiri ndani wamangidwa.America nayonso ikupha anthu ake wolakwa ndani wamangidwa anthuwa business imeneyi akudziwana.

  70. Bale olo baibulo zilipo,diso kulipa diso wopha zake mwadala aphedwnso sizimene mukunena apazi ifenso ndi achrist enieni,kupha mokonzekerako ndiye kumati life imprison yakuti,mungadziwe kt atuluka,musamanamizane,life impri,yakuno ndiya amphawi okha osati olemerewa.

  71. Bring back death penalty….please ….my gvt…please.keeping an albino killer in prison for life is like fueling the car whose engine was stolen.

  72. Let’s call for rfrrndm,bcoz we r in dmcrtc rulng where majority rule.Bcoz gvts opinion is not pblc opnion.It’s time for Malawian themselves to decide bcoz killing a fellow human being on ritual purpose is unforgivable sin that deserve death penalty.On this matter we are ready to defend our President even wn he retires like what Sudanese do with Omar Albashir.

  73. Hey my fellow Malawians what happens when somebody prevents the police from arresting somebody they charge you with obstruction of justice now we are saying we want albino killers to be killed too and it is in the penal code somebody is blocking our way because he is the president why dont we consider suing him for justices sake!!!citizens arrest

  74. If the president take no actions then he is the one eating and killing the albinos .How can he put his head under the sand and preatend as if he no nothing.This is a problem to be ruled by such people.We have ride avaicle driven by criminal we will all going to die.

  75. Kupha muthu nzako ndi chimo NDITHU!! komano tiyeni tione ulosi ukt chani masiku otsilidza anthu adzakhala ozikonda,okonda ndalama,chokondi chapabale cidzazilala (2 Timmothy 3) Zoipa zoopsa masiku osilidza kaya president zikumukhudza kaya sakudziwa ndichonyasa cikucitikaci n kubwela ndi lamulo la death penatly ndi tchimo pamwamba pa tchimo lina owelenga khala maso Yesu akubwelanso posacedwa any1 akukhuzidwa adzayakha pa mwazi wa anthu akuphedwawa tisiye conyasa ici.

    1. do u belive Bible? in ten commandment anat usaphe Mulungu salimbikitsa kubwezela choipa n in my comment ihate de behavior ndichocho2 acimwene John

    2. Bible limafotokoza bwino ndithu kuti okupha mzake nayenso mumutenge mumutulutse kunja kwa mudzi ndipo tolani Myala ( Maganga) ndi ku mugenda mpaka atafa. Mudzichotsa choyipacho pakati panu ndiye inu mwasanduka ka mulungu mkumati okupha mzake ali ndi ufulu okhala ndi moyo.

    3. Mr Mitulo why chifukwa chan mayi ogwidwa chigololo uja atabwela naye kwa Yesu ndikuwaudza kt amene sanacimwepo agende wat happened Mr osamasiyanitsa macimo do u mean ifenso kaya ndi miseche,kuba etc tikuyenela tiphedwe iam nt backing amene akupha azanthu osalakwawa ndizacison ndiconyasa ndithu chithuci

  76. Putin once said that its not my duty to judge terrorists,but its my duty to send them to God for judgement….Government should send Albino killers for judgement haha

  77. Fears trouble after office :Mutharika The Malawi Government has insisted that it will not reintroduce death sentence despite calls by different individuals and other non-governmental organizations to implement the penalty on all albino killers. Government’s spokesperson Patricia Kaliati said that it is impossible to start using the death penalty now although there is increased cases of albinos being killed. She said one day President Peter Mutharika will be out of his position and they don’t want to see him being questioned by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for approving death penalty. Kaliati who is also minister of Information Communication Technology and Civic Education claimed that there is no president in the world who has implemented the death sentence hence there is no need to start using it in Malawi. “There is no president who has implemented the death penalty. There are a number of things which we can do to get rid of these killings and we feel it is better to implement the life imprisonment than death penalty,” said Kaliati. Kaliati: Human rights bodies do not want death penalties. The spokesperson further said that they are happy with the life imprisonment sentence which is so far the most painful sentence to people found guilty of killing people with albinos. She then disclosed that government has selected some specific prosecutors and judges to be hearing cases of crimes against people with albinism. Earlier this month, the Mzuzu High Court sentenced Samson Kaomba to life imprisonment with hard labour for being found guilty of killing a person with albinism. There was a demo today in Lilongwe-where a call to government to consider adopting death penalty on albino attackers. Related: Mutharika condoles Ngonis over Chief Njolomole’s death Winiko naked parade in pictures: Live commentary Scare after thugs tamper with albino’s grave in Thyolo Naked protest on tomorrow June 23, 2016 Share this: © Malawi24, 2015. All Rights Reserved Leave a Comment (Required) (Will not be published) (Required) Submit Comment Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. Subscribe SEARCH A New Solution That Stops Snoring and Lets You Sleep A New Solution That Stops Snoring and Police Urge Americans to Carry This with Them at All Times Police Urge Americans to Carry This with Live in South Africa? Amazing Russian Women Want to Meet You Live in South Africa? Amazing Russian How to Get Rich in South Africa? You Will Be Shocked How to Get Rich in South Africa? You Will Peter Mutharika

  78. life imprisonment is nothng and we dnt have to trust that crap, if some top government officialls are behind this shit, its obvious those guys they get released without our acknowledgement and thy r given cash to fly abroad and and start a new life there.. don’t trust rich goons they r capable of anything…look the issue of jack bandawe AKA nachipanti I dnt think that guy is still behind bars, no I dnt srsly… those idiots can’t find market for albino bones never, they r jst being used promised big bucks thus why thy jst do it ignorantly! GOD have mercie this love of money is turning the world into somethng else now..

  79. Musamalembe nkhani ngati ndinu mbuli ayi.Lamulo amalipanga ndi aphungu anyumba yamalamulo osati president ayi musatinamidze ku state house samapangako malamulo oyendetsera dziko

  80. let’s wakeup Malawi we cn do somethng to deal this nonse President why he dinnie death penelty he knws somethng aaaaa he is there coz of us govt mst arest him

  81. Wakupha nzake aphedwe..ndani safuna moyo? Amalawi tiye tilingalire mozama pankhani wabweretsa winiko..chiyipira wachaje achewa anatero albino akupangidwa malonda ali ndi makomo ndi azibale awo omwe amawanyadira chimodzi modzi..sizoona kumaphana nkukagulitsa kusiya makolo kapena ana akulira..tikhale ndiuzimu chonde ndapota nanu amalawi anzanga

  82. Thus a good response by the govt,Malawi is one of the peaceful countries in the world so imposing death sentence its not important.

  83. I’m a full Christian, and I do not condone any form of killing against any human being! And for this reason, for the first time, I would like to applaud the government for imposing a ‘Life Imprisonment’ for the perpetrators of such malpractice!

    1. You are not a full Christian… Don’t you know that in all holy books of God speaks one language, that is.. Opha nzake aphedwe? There is no justice to a killer than to be killed also.. What’s the difference between the life of a killer and that of a killed one..? bro life of a human being is very expensive..if a person regards a life of his brother valueless then the law should regard his life valueless as well.. That’s what justice look like.

    2. I understand where you are coming from. But deep down in ur heart,you will agree with me that a human life is valuable, and cannot be taken out any how by anyone whatsoever the circumstances. Therefore we need to stand out together and denounce any sort of murder from all angles, regardless of where we might see fit it should come from!

    3. Albino is human, should be treated as any other person.killer should also be treated as any other killer.No amendment we are all one.

    4. If u kill someone, u must be killed too, vuto la anthu chilungamo mukuchidziwa and mukulephera kuyendetsa chilungamo chifukwa cha ndalama,muli mu mdima mukupondereza chilungamo,Bible linakamba kale inu ndi ndani kuti mukatsutsane ndi Bible, and u knw wat if the Government says No,any susupect adziphedwa mopanda chisoni chifukwa ma reason omwe Boma laperekewo siokwanila,akudziwa kanthu ndithu,muli ma mafia omwe akupanga izi m’menemo

    5. @Arnold i have a simple question, what if it was your child killed and you know the killer would you stand and say its all well????

    6. My friend, we don’t extinguish fire with fire. Two murders don’t solve anything! As a Christian as I’m, I wouldn’t take a human’s life, let alone condone such behaviour!

    7. Eye 4 an eye, dust 2 dust, blood 2 blood job 13:13 death sentence is a solution to the killers, politicians are always behind dirty acts dont be fooled people

    8. I would call for ‘ Life Imprisonment’ for the perpetrators!
      If I resort to murder, how different will I be from him?
      Christians do not murder!

    9. I would call for ‘ Life Imprisonment’ for the perpetrators!
      If I resort to murder, how different will I be from him?
      Christians do not murder!

    10. Opha albhino aphedwe ndipo ine ndikunenetsa ndikazangopeza wina akut uyu tupita naye ku police cz wapha kapena wafukula mafupawo ine ndizamubaya ndi mpeni pa khosi cz ndizopweteka kupha anthu osalakwa

    11. Sameerah Iddie, you are a grown up man,if you do something bad to anyone, remember, God is watching you!
      So the issue we have affects everyone and worse to say,puts the country at dire place.
      Globally, you would notice the stance of the country and its repercussions if such a decision would be taken lightly!
      If you deal with such a big issue that puts the country at an awkward position, you need to think out of the box!
      As Christians, we need to exercise transparency,and put everything to God! We do not stand to judge, as there is only one Judge!
      And you shall not kill, let alone the government!

  84. No matter what it shows that the big man is behind the business. No smoke without fire. If his children or children for his relatives have alhobino and someoe killed them, he wil not have mercy because he is the trouble maker. Zimakhala zochepa zikamagwa mnyumba mwa ena koma mwako ndipamene umadziwa kuwawa kwake. Apulezident mwaonetsa umfiti wanu onse pamenepa. Munthu sangakhale miyezi 9 akuvutikira ndi mwanayo kuti adzabadwe wina mkungobwera mkupha ndikumasangalala. Ambuye lowereranipo nkhondo imeneyi!

    1. Sukudziwa chomwe ukunena iwe APM sangalore kusayinila lamuloli ndipo ngati APM angadzalolere kusayina adzakayankha mulandu pa maso pa Mulungu chifukwa kuli ngati kulamulira kuti anthu adziphana Baibulo limati USAPHE ndiye wina ayike lamulo loti okupha nzake naye aphedwe Tidzingopephela kuti Mulungu atithandize

    2. This issue is very straight forward and well said, if you hate the president thus your own problem Mr. Jephanat Alick, remember Malawi signed so many Human Rights charters and to deal with this evil thing, needs to be traded carefully, osamapanga zinthu mwaphuma! u should also remember we are in a globle village!!

    3. Clement, don’t waste time to defend the president like you are in the same office. Maybe paja amati anyani sasekana zikundu, mwina ndinu amodzi.

    4. bwanji nanga amabungwe ali chete.? nawo ~ine nduwadabwa.. ziludikilira njala azizasokosa …mukufuna akasaina muzizatinso akuphwanya ufulu achoke ….mhuuu koma munthu………..azalanga ndithu

    5. Koma Anthu Muli Apa ambili simukuziwa Chomwe Mukunena.Vuto Izi Mwayika pa Ndale koma Muziwe kuti Albino ndi Munthu Ngati Inu ngati ine.Nde Muthu wapezeka Umboni ulipo Asaphedwe nayeso Mbwanji.

    6. Zimapepuka zikakhala kwawina koma ali mwana wako ndipamene zingakuwawe. Amene mukusangalala ndikuphedwa kwa Alhobino ndinu mfiti.

    7. Tanzania is 3quater dominated by muslims so u know exactly what muslims follow ‘shalia’. am not defending anybody here nor am happy with the brutarity but what am saying is the fact. to some of you ndizophweka kuchita implement the death pernaty in your eyes and thoughts but its not that easy that you can wake up in the morning and rule out in favour of death pernaty, you have to look at all sides remember ‘nobody is guilty until the court of law proves him or her guilty’

    8. what is needed to be done is not pointing the president but our judiciary, the president is just there to agree or deny what the court has ruled out once again the laws for the death pernaty are there in our countries constitution but the problem is not our legistraters nor executive but judiciary,

    9. I understand when someone attempts to steal a chicken in our localities we mercilessly kill the person in the name of #mob_justice so y can’t we do the same with these albino killers? Should we say we r patiently waiting 4 the President 2 sign death punishment? #Punishment_varies_due_to_the_gravity_of_the_offence.How can a person attempts to steal being killed yet someone who kill enjoy life in prison? #Justice_is_gone_indeed.

    10. Mufune musafune koma tengani zomwe walemba clement wokonderedwa. En ndizoona mphamvu zonse zili mmanja mwa ma court. Olo muthu atapha koma ngt court silikupeza umbon ameneyo wapulumuka basi. Koma kamba kaumbuli timadana ndi mtsogoleri wa dziko. President is there kukana kapena kulola zomwe court lagamula, kumbukilani kut tili ndi mnthambi zitatu zaboma ndipo zimagwira ntchito zao mosiyana. (different powers)

    11. Think twice b4 air up ur views bcoz next time wil be your children being killed and are you telling me that you can seek for court rules b4 taking an action? When #Winiko thought of matching, he knows that our judiciary are failing to protect our own children. Munthu sutentha mbale yodyeramo, enanu ndinu amodzi a Peter Muthalika mpake you are busy defending him. Ambuye akhululukire amene mukupha anthu osalakwawo.

    12. Kodi nanga osusa boma amalimbana ndi Peter wa pa nkhani imeneyi akumusapota Winikoyo? Chifukwa Winiko akuoneka ngati akuukira boma koma kuli kulira chifukwa cha abale athu akuludza miyoyo yawowa,koma Chakwera akutipo chiyani ndi amnzakewo pofuna kuti zimenezi mwina ama court achitepo kanthu? Ali ziiiiiiiiiii koma koma azikatokota nkhani za chabe chabe Winiko ndi uyu akulolera kunyonzedwayu,ku paliament kumene osusawo sakumusapotanso olo,malo moti mwina anthufe tikanamatha kukopeka ndi osusa bomawo.

    13. Jephanat man wosatelo akudziwa chomwe akupanga yiwo anapudzila malamulo more than you ,akanati avomera zimenezi NDE kuti wina aliyense ndiwosalagwa wofunika kuti ayambe afufuza azipedwa komanso kuzipezeka kuti population ili low Sindhi kutantawuza kuti sizoona zimene mukunena iyayi koma think before u spit anything out at least twice sizingateke olo atakala ine .

    14. #jephanat #Alick mulungu wamphavu zosathayo akuonjezele mzelu zambili. Zina ukaziva guys wekha mmaso mumangotuluka misozi. Ndipo sindikudziwa kut dziko lathu la #Malawi likupita kut? ???? Aaah mulungu wathu tikudza mogoza pamaso panu khala nafeni yehova posawelengela kuchuluka kwa machimo anthu taonani munthu lelo ndiye akuopsa kuposa nyamata zolusa kuthengo.liiii mulungu wathu dziko lalephela tsono ndikupempha kwa inu onetsani ukulu wanu ndi mphamvu zanu pa anthu azathu #alubino omwe moyo ukutengedwa ngati njila yopezela ndalama.

    15. it seems u all don’t knw what justice means n i think atati akupaseni wudindo mmalawi muno u can bring distraction to this nation. if we start killing those who kill others then how r we better than them

  85. Nanga bwanji Kamuzu Amapha anthu amene amapha anzawo mwadala.Kupha anthu amenewa ndi dala ndiye tikati President akuziwapo kanthu sangatsutse.Koma tsiku lina azayankha ameneyi ndithu

    1. Nanga kalelo zinalipo izi ? kukubwela kuno tizamva kuti akufuna wakuda kwambri ngati ine akandigulise kkkkkkkk sinanga ma albinowa azakhala atatha

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