A 16 year-old boy has been arrested for raping an 18 year-old girl after getting her drunk in Kasungu district.
Kasungu Police Deputy Public Relations Officer Harry Namwaza confirmed to Malawi24 and identified the suspect as Joseph Banda.
Namwaza said on Saturday, Banda who is a friend to the victim met her on a road while she was escorting another friend. After the girl’s friend had left, the suspect took the victim to a nearby shop where he bought her sweets.
“Surprisingly, the suspect bought a bottle of beer and coaxed her to take a sip of it, he did this until the girl got drunk,” Namwaza explained.
The rapist then took the 18 year-old girl into a church building where he tied her legs and hands using chitenje before raping her.
The girl screamed for help and some members were alerted and they rescued her.
Banda hails from Katenga village Traditional Authority Santhe in Kasungu district.
He will appear before court soon to answer the charge of rape which is contrary to section 132 of the penal code.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa could it been that the girl was forced to drink maybe we could hv called it rape
“…….bfor an action took place de girl had to b tied hands and legs”Nde ana nyenga movutikiratu,kumalembatu zoona apa
Iya Anagwirizana Waulula Chifukwa Sadamupatse Chilembwe
Why arresting the boy? The girl is the one needs to be arrested
This is interesting.
ndife ochepa kale, nde kumatimangaso??? shaaa!! homosexuality.com
Malawi 24 ndnu zitsiru this z not rape anapangana zochita kt tithime tikagonane bwino iyaaa
sometimes it is the parents who force the girls to change the tune. they might have agreed to av sex. but because the girl went home while drunk and she was recognised. they forced her to say she was raped. its a pity.
Akuyenera Kumangidwa Ndi Mkaziyo Wamunyengerera Mwana Mpakana Kumuchita Zosayenera Shit!
Akuyeneta Kumangidwa Ndi Mkaziyo Wamunyengerera Mwana Mpaka Kumuchita Zosayenera Shit!
Foolish girl,how can she be deceived kukamwa mowa?kumowako anachita kumukokelako?thats not rape.unless if she is mad,Ican understand.it was an agreement.mwinaso msikanayo ndiamene ananyenga mwanayo.
KUDYANA KUDYANA.Nkhani yakumowa nditelo.wina akakhuta winaso ndikukhuta kudyana kumakhala kosayamba
They should arrest the girl for having affairs with a underage boy. kkkkk
do not confuse “rape” and ” defilement “. RAPE is where a man has none consensual sex with a woman(this means the woman dd not accept/agree to have the sexual encounter with the said man). DEFILEMENT is where a man/ boy has sex with a girl under the age of 16; it does not matter whether the girl consented or not…… as long as she is below the age of 16 and penetration did occur/happen, then defilement suffices. Thus, it is defilement that deals with AGE. However, in the story above (if it happened as reported) the boy will be charged with RAPE bcoz it can not be said that the woman consented in that state. moreover, the woman is above the age of 16(so, it cant be defilement). Suffice to say, Court will consider the circumstances of the case basing on the available evidence. ( let me register my concern that the law is silent on older women who indulge in sexual affair with younger boys….the law presumes that a woman can not defile or rape a boy/ man…….there is need to review this law)
Understood,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but the thing is after getting her drunk, an 18 yr old can’t she understand the benefits of the bear supplier? Just misunderstandings kkk lol
In my opinion, drinking that stuff together is not as good as consenting to sex. Does it mean that when a woman is drunk, then men/ boys should have sex with her????
kd wayendetsa mlandu umeneuyu ndindani ndimudziwe kaye aaa sht kakakakakaka,bwanji wamkaziyo sadakuwe mpaka adamaliza kufilanako so after 4days atawona kt mbobayo sikubweletsa mzomwe adalonjezana thus y adayamba kulira kt wagwilirida kkkkkk kma abeniwa afkapono2 .ndikulandani2 ma ID wo.
Zopusa! Wankulu ndani apa!
16 kulowa mu 18 koma
vise versa. who is under age there??
Ndimadabwa kuti lero kulibe post yo Rape
ayi koma chines …kkkkk osakwiyatu ndangodusamo man
size ya bho
No no no no plz police arrest the woman for defiling the little boy. The girl is an adult she new what shred was doing. She defiled the boy
Mumutuluse ndisanabwele komko mwamva agalu ovala zolandila inu 16 to 18 mmmm akutapisani kod
Malawi is ful of wonders these days
I thought the girl is the one who is supposed to be arrested because she raped an innocent boy kkkkkk
I thought the girl is the one who is supposed to be arrested because she raped an innocent boy kkkkkk
Both are teens but i wonder if at the age of 18 she will be called a gal?
chinali chibwezi chimene kungti sanagwilizane oona kumati amugwilira
Uku nde kunama
ok?uyu nde simunalembe kut okaiikilidwa koma wina kumupeza ndi mafupa a albino nde mumat akuganizidwa kuti wapha albino mhhhhuh!
its rape guys bcoz chiwala chachimuna pa chiwala chachikazi cchichepa
Apa ngati ndikumanga mumange nkaziyo ndiye wolakwa pomwa mowa ndi mwana tamasuleni mwanayooo hey !!
Apolisi akuMalawi pokutha chaka chamawa mukhala mutamanga amunaonse mMalawi kuzangosala President ndi ndinazache.I tell mukapanda kumaunika bwino nkhani zogwililira.
Koma nkhani zinazi apolisi muziweruza nokha.Chifukwa nkhani ili apa anthuwa akudziwana.
Let’s discuss important development ideas not these nosense stories.
Ha ha ha ha! Nkaziyo ndi Hule akufuna angomudyela ndalama ameneyo
Malawi 24 doing their best to inform people
uchitsilu wa tatsikana tamasiku ano…mumaona ngt mowa nd udolo..iwe okumwa mamuna okumwa ndye zichan..anchita bwino..iyaaaah.
Phazi laling’ono kulowa mu sapato yayi kulo n kulakwa? Zili kwathu kuno mmmmm
Kma anadyadi mfanayo
apolisinso ndy ayamba kumamanga zilizonse bwanj.
hahahaha which is which??..
hahahaha which is which??..
Kkkk Uyu Ndiye Ogwirirayo Kapena Ogwiriridwa?
Kkkk Uyu Ndiye Ogwirirayo Kapena Ogwiriridwa?
Bodza limenelo,apa wogwiririra ndi mtsikanayo&should be arrested ryt now.
Bodza limenelo,apa wogwiririra ndi mtsikanayo&should be arrested ryt now.
This is not rape how comes that mature lady to be drunk to small boy then after all she cheat that guy to go to report to police . Those police their very stupid cos they arrest innocent boy pls let him go out from your hands
This is not rape how comes that mature lady to be drunk to small boy then after all she cheat that guy to go to report to police . Those police their very stupid cos they arrest innocent boy pls let him go out from your hands
Impossible, a male 16 and a female 18. How that raping be possible??/? Anagwirizana amenewo.:
Impossible, a male 16 and a female 18. How that raping be possible??/? Anagwirizana amenewo.:
okay that’s good and the Fantastic
okay that’s good and the Fantastic
Wa police Ameneyo Buzy Ku Manga Ogwirira Koma Albino Ayi.Mukweyedwa Mwagwira Ntchito Yaikulu Ku Boma.
Mmmm nayenso mnyatayo alaweko inu mkumati amugwilira koma a police akumalawi kusowa chomanga basi mukulephela kumanga omwe akusowetsa ma bones a lubino wa bwanji bwelanitu muzandimange ine
Aaaaaa zaboza mwana akagwirire munthu wankulu? Zachamba eti
That girl is evil.
Mmmmmmmm owooooooo sha
There isn’t justice on this issue kaya kapena mwina
Hahahahah khoti liyime
Mmmmmmm zomamwetsana mowazi zikumachulukirachulukira
No news here, anthuwo onse ndi akulu akulu anagwirizana
It can be a rape….but if both were coming from kachaso….it’s obvious that boy didn’t pay for tha ndata,it is not a rape
If she was drunk so hw did she knw that the 16 years boy is de one he raped her…?Dont arrest de boy the lady was stupid…
koma achewa inu mwanyanya fuk fuk zopusa bas
malawi funny story nt news be serious mr 24 for imforming ppo
inu mukuti zinali zogwilizana munaliko?
Iyaaaaa mis understanding iyi not rape they were all coming from phuza zaziiii basi had it been the woman was soba koma izi sadalipiranepo apa
Mwina Rape yakwainu akapokola, kusowa chochita inu apolis aaaaaa!!
It is possible, indeed it can be possible! Rape doesn’t mean raping a girl under age only. there different types of rape, a husband can rape his wife as well why? Force coz force is a Crime
amwene zapasi pa nyanja zimenezo nkaziwako man kkkkk
Kulibe zimenezo,mkazi wako?
even parliament inanena kuti munthu sungagwilire nkazi wako
azikana bed imodzi? kkkkk nde chambatu
guys muthu mkaz amumangilia manja ndi miyendo angamugwilie bwanj?
Kkkkk tuluseni mwanayo alowe ndi tsikana
Wagwilira ndi mtsikana yotu pamenepoo mwamanga asalakwaaa
A lot of ridiculously dumb comments here. Rape is having non-consensual sex with another person. It has nothing to do with age!
kkkkkkkkkk komaso nkhani zinazi
Chinali chibwenzi chimenecho….comin 2gethr,drinking,at de end kissing and sex…owona nkumati raping.kkkkkkkkk….
Zamziii! Who Is Older?
does age matter in rape cases?
Who Is Resposbo To Advise? Alcohol Who Dont Kno It? Iwe Munthu Wa 18 Years Or A 12 Yr Girl Can Defeat This Ngati Sakufuna Au A Man?
I dont get your point…do you know the meaning of rape? Doyou know how the laws of Malawi define rape? If a 5 year old boy took advantage of a 30 year old drunk woman and have sex with her , do you know that it is rape? If a husband forced his wife to have sex with her, do you know that it is rape too?
Who rapes and who is raped has nothing to do with gender or age!!
Kkkkkkkk Nasoko usamapange chipongwe nditha kukumwetsa nawe hahahah
Kkkkkk kod mwati wagwililira kapena agwililana? Kkkk 16 years boy 18 years girl kkk mwina apolice kumalawi kuno akupanga training mmene angagwirire anthu
Koma mau oti rape umaziwa meaning yakhe? Kungo mpeza nkazi akuchindana ndi x wakhe inu basi ndi rape mukutichitiza manyazi bwanji
Nanuso kumamva khani mwana walakwa chani?tsikanayo ndiwazaka zoposa nyamatayo .muzimva khani iyeyo amamwa mowa amaona ngati waulele?.apa tsikana wagwirira nyamata
mwana apa ndimamuna ndipo ugwirira wapanga ndi mkaziyo ndipo akufunika kumangidwa
Teen amalolera kumwa mowa bwanji?Amachita kumuika kukamwa?Anagwilidzana basi,ine judge Anthony
Mkaziyo ndiye ogwililira nt mwamuna,dnt u see?
Ine Sindine Lawyer Or Police Koma Nkhan Iyi Yokha Yoseketsa Kod 16 Ndi 18 Number Yaikulu Ndi Itiyo? Oyenela Kumangidwa Ndi Mkazio Polola Kucheza Ndi Mwana Wang’ono B4 Kumwa Mowa
Ankamwelanji mowa huleyo?!
palibe khani yogwilila apa 16yrs boy over 18yrs girl Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk applicable shame police officer for arresting ayoung boy
aaah dats foolish
kkkk that one is not raping inu
Chinali chibwenzi chake
Inu zinali zogwilizanatu
Aaaa koma kukasungu zikukuchulukirani
Kundende kwadzadza kale ndiye nkhani ngati izi kumaziwunika kaye,kufika poti mtsikanayo aledzele ndiye kuti panali mgwirizano pakumwa zoledzelesazo anakakamizidwa ngati?
kkkkkk wa 16 years kugwilira wa 18 koma abale
Kkkkkkk anagwilizana
how is this possible?
Zokambilana nsikana amakula mwachangu kutsiyana ndi mamuna
Tamafufuzani bho bho inu musanalembe nkhani,am the one handling this case as a Social Woker.
Ndiye tiuzeni zoonatu inu a Social Worker
Anagwiriza kugulilana mowa kumwa kuledzela kunyengana mapeto mkumati wandigwirilila amunamizila
Aaaaaa Zaziiiii
hahhahha very funny. Wamangidwa wang’onoso aaa malamulo adumphatu apa.nanga wankulu si nkaziyo .wakaziwo ndi amwetsa mwanayo then akuopa kuyalukapo.
Kkkkkkkk Amatha Ameneyo Komaso Sikugwililira Mwina Pakuti Adaledzera Mwina Amanena Yekha Kt Akuzifuna Kkkkkkkk Mufuse Ife Amene Timamwa Ukamwa #BAWA Chilakolako Chimafika Pa Climax
kkkkk auzeni chilungamo kuti bawa imapangitsa libido kufika pa high kkk
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkk Koma Big
16-18 kkkkkkk idnt undrstnd, zoona mamuna samachepa
Hahahahahaha! 16 years against 18 years Rape?
Even 16 against 50 can be rape ankolo
Ok madala,
Ok madala,
amafuna nkazio mwalakwitsa kumanga mnyamatayo
Kkkk koma mwana ameneyou kuzunguza nchembere.