Despite the disclosure by the Ministry of Health that government will not employ new nurses for the Ministry and they should consider entrepreneurship, Malawi24 can exclusively disclose that the country is still in need of more health professionals.
Statistics from World Health Organization (WHO) prove Malawi need more nurses.
According to WHO, 10 nurses are recommended for a population of 10000, but Malawi has about 3 nurses for every 10,000. Having a shortfall of 7.

This is also further complicated with the fact that Malawi’s population is growing with current estimates indicating that there are about 18 million people in the country.
A Doctor at QECH who spoke to Malawi24 said that the hospital can do with a new supply of nurses.
“The thing is that there is always the demand for nurses, it’s just sad that the country is running deep into economic woes but we need new nurses and not only at this hospital but in all the hospitals across the country,” he said.
The Doctor disclosed that at the moment the wards are understaffed and that puts more pressure on the health personnel leading to compromised service delivery.
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) representative at joint graduation ceremony for St Luke’s and St Joseph’s college Ruth Madison said midwifery services are to respond to 1.3 million pregnancies each year hence a need for more nurses.
“We look to your continued leadership to address the current shortage of midwives in Malawi and improve their working conditions,” said Madison.
Meanwhile, Christian Health Association of Malawi (CHAM) board chairperson Timothy Nyasulu said they are to facilitate for more nursing training with hope to see nurses being employed.
“We hope that one day government will employ them and not only employ them but also preparing for their monthly salaries,” said Nyasulu.
Media reports revealed that government failed to pay newly employed nurses for three months, a situation that forced the nurses to withdraw their services to citizens of Malawi.
Things will not be better anymore. Corruption is at its best. Poor malawian will remain poor. People are failing to access basic health care in remote areas.
my malawi
Ngat anayamba kale ena alibe solo pokhala nanga mwana wasukulu, mzeru zikuchepa, mmalo mochepesa zaka za pession kuti anawa azipeza malo
but the decision is strongly bad to these nurses simply because most of them pay their money to learn in these various colleges so government should employ them its too painful
but the decision is strongly bad to these nurses simply because most of them pay their money to learn in these various colleges so government should employ them its too painful
kaya zanu zimenezo
People they wl die jst bcox of shortage of nurse plz Malawi gorvrment open job opputunities people dey need job for basic needs
They only insults people rather than working, so our government is not wrong,…
muzifula agalu baxi mupite kumikolongwe
Sindikufuna tchito kumalawi?ndanenelatu.
Ha ha ha you are a riar, Malawi has more nurses than required, akuti ayambe za interpreneurship azigulitsa mankhwala, don’t be surprised say I won’t to be a thief when I grow up, cause akumva.
Mukazangoona boma likutero ku Umoyo dziwani kuti lalephera basi…..Deepartment of health as general ndi lofunikila kwadziko lililonse…..And palibe chinthu chomwe chingayende bwino dziko ngati mbali imeneyi Boma silikuchitapo kanthu…..Watch out kumapeto azimenezi…..
mmmmmm any Department ndiyofunikila nt only yazaumoyo….tink abt agriculture………
simungakalime ngati akulu mudwala. ganizani bwino angakhale citukuko cimene cimafuna anthu athannzi
Akathawa kupita maiko ena muzayambe zanu zija eeeeh brainstorming! Chibwana ichi
Koma ma nurse ena eeee moto wawa
Ndiye masukulu wotu mutseke
Kuti tiwunike ma nurse ochepa alipowa ndi omwe anaphunzitidwa mu nthawi ya kamuzu .kapena wana ndi ophunzitsidwa ku private za catholic ndi anthu achfundo church .pomwe boma chakachilichonse limapanga ma budget koma osalowesa ma training course .
Leaders of civil servant are there for business toget something & benefits themselves ,not to help the nation.
kwaamene alibe achibale awo kumipando sangalembedwe ntchito,poti masiku ano opanga intaviyu ena olembedwaso ena.dziko kukondela
Ha ha ha so hilarious
sukulu za CHAM anthu.amapitako chifukwa makolo awo al nd ndalama osat chifukwa cha maphunzilo ndipo atenga anthu ena opanda ma sciences kusiya anthu ophunzila bwino ndipo awawa asawalembed tchito akayambe kugulisa zitumbuwa amaona ngat ife sizit wawa
Malawi is in ruins