Minister of Information and Civic Education who is also a Member of Parliament Patricia Kaliati on Tuesday made a proposal that might impress any austerity-minded Malawian.

Speaking after opposition MPs led by People’s Party’s Elias Wakuda Kamanga had disrupted the proceedings of Parliament because government was not clear on their loans, Kaliati challenged that Members of Parliament were not worthy of being paid that day. She said on Tuesday.
“We are paid to come here and deliberate on issues, not just to protest. I would like to propose that we do not get paid this day’s allowance,” said the vocal legislator.

The Mulanje West lawmaker argued that the House should have given attention to the debate about the National budget other than arguing about things like loans which only benefit them other than Malawians out there.
She was however cautioned by deputy speaker Esther Mcheka Chilenje who said the members had transacted some business for the day.
Commenting on the matter, political analyst Laudon Malingamoyo Phiri said Kaliati’s remarks were just a political ploy meant at scoring some political goals.
“In this regard the minister made a pertinent point. However, there is no doubt in my mind the minister capitalized on the situation to score a political point. The fact is, voters have more say than the voted; voters are watching, come the next election they(MPs) will pay the prize if they continue to put selfishness above service to their constituents; or profitability above professionalism,’’ said Malingamoyo Phiri in an interview with Malawi24 on Wednesday.
The MPs continue deliberating on the national budget presented in parliament earlier last month.
sucker ! her pockets is full
Fuck president,fuck kaliati fuck u all
But are you sure that this can work. We are not children enjoy your salary don’t talk nonsense.
Koma kaliat akuwoneka ngati kachidoli kapena ka bby toy kkkkkk
cheap politics
Chikhalireni pampando apa mai ndakugwirani chanza no1 ngakhale kuti tikuziwa kuti sizingatheke koma bola mwanena
Minister of stupid affairs…
kkkkk koma picture imeneyi,
I see no difference between her and Jezebel, LOL.
Fuck u all of u in parliament
Did she double check her proposal before dishing it out yes its a poor nation but it must run they too have children n dem dream too
Not all Mps has enough money to sustain their life as well as to offer development in their constituency others rely on salaries. so if she is pointing out that Mps should not be paid be she z also one of the member it shows that she has enought, let others alandile coz they are working.
Ministers first you stay away from salaries.
kwangali yangapochelela makobili mowagano,ngatiga naga ajikwitejikwite neku wechetagayele ,
Kaliati Tell The Presdent To Start Paying Tax
kkkkk ukuona ngati ndi part time eti-i wonder why teachers are so noisey
What about Ministers??????
mxm my farther antill now naver gate pasion money, wt fucking government this. stop come with your dity mouth and tell us shirt.
Koma mukuphoda udyo akweni
Akweni inu ZANU zidayera kale
guys u must read first b4 u comment. the pay she is talking is not a monthly salary but a day’s allowance coz the mps disrupted the proceedings of the house
Its a gud thinking bt wth greedy politicians we hav idon’t think it wil happen
We are sick and tired of listening such nonsense stories just do what u deciding and people will follow it. Its nothing we benefiting from u guys these days!.
kkkkk kodi ku parliament anthu ayamba kuukirana eti?? kkkkkkkkk ndudabwa nazotu
kukalamba nkufuna
Akweni haha dats great?
Kweni kukamwa
Yaasa uko nde kuganiza
Ministers too
Kkkkkkkk how can they work without payment ngati mayi mwakalamba mngozisiya
Kweni albino2
what about ministers? shaa! koma mwabadi zambiri!
Newspapers, why do you keep on showing the very old photos of some politicians especially Hon. Kaliati? Are you implying that there are no recent photographs of the honourable member? Or what are you portraying? We need some changes and move with time.
Ministers as well
Though fallacy but its great opinion
Vimimba vanu ma mp mose mwapulika!!
such an auspicious topic has been long overdue: thus all holding political portifolios shouldn’t be entittled to salaries. they should be receiving sitting allowances, this effected malawi will neverever witness politically motivated murders and bickerings. malawi can develop beyond recognition. malawians are robbed of their hard earned monies through heavy taxes to feed these otherwise jobless people. Kaliati has been whispered to by God after having heard the weeping and gnashing of teeth by its children.
Good idea mama ma mp onse akhale ma volunteers
Mbuzi ya mmayi asamalandile a DPP anzakowo koma anthuwo azilipidwa basi z our money si ndalama za umanako zomwe amalandilazo iyayi wandikwiyisa kwabasi
kkkkkk muziona ma MPs mumatinamiza inu mmaka mpeni kumizi kuno timanga zipatala miseu yabwino mukawina mkutithawaso
Kaliati umagula kuti make up imeneyo?? Inenso ndukuifuna
Anakuti kale.wabelabela boma nkumanena pano.zopusa.
Kkkkk nalikwangwa watulukiraso
uchita zala yakali ngati usopa chiponde.
Akufuna u MP ukhale wa charity ☺!!
KKKKKK Koma ma MP akumalawi ndi zitsiru kwambiri.nkhani zake zimenezi m’malawi zimuthandiza chani? mwakhuta misonkho ya amalawi zokamba zambwelera.VIMIMBA NGATI MATUMBA ASOYA
Michael Jackson ali ku Malawi mwamuona uyu
Musawapatse adziwe kuti mphawi amakhala bwanji m’midzimu kopanda ndalama zaka zaka
She gets pay as a minister not as an MP: not surprised
The first sensible thing I have ever heard this woman say!
We need MPs to run for two terms only. Not you recycled mps
Komatu zomwe ndikumva kwa aphungu athuwa zayamba kundipatsa mafunao, komatu chamba chisanayambe kulimidwa motsata malamulo nanga chikayamba ndiye zitha bwaa?
Pep-g Kagolo
Ndi Pamene ena akufuna wi-fi yaulere
kuti munthu ankhale mp zake zimapita.amalawi amadyelatu zawo pano akubweza.komabe ngati ndichoncho mipando yandale adzainthawa ngankhale amene akulamulawo.
Aphungu Athu Ndi Zitsiru Amapanga Zinthu Ngat Ana Nthawi Zonse Amapanga Zofuna Zao Osat Zofuna Za Anthu Ndibwinonso Kukhala Opanda Ma Mp.
kaliati waponda mwala.. coma acool neynar zo war nah mar yi you…
Zinekaliatizo sizingatheke anthuwa amaziwa malamulo angonenapofunakutisangalasa koma nzosatheka gyz
She’s talkative don’t mind her
Kkkkkkk chithunzi chimenechi Chimakusangalatsani kwambiri palibe China?
akapanda kulipidwa uziwadtetsa ndiye? mufuna mubenso zanzanu koma abale iiii. chepetsani kuphoda enatu banja latha zimenezo
Akuyenera kumalandira koma kungowatsitsira malipiro awo, chifukwa ntchito yayo tsikuoneka akungodya ndalama za ulere
Kkkkk,sindingathyole Nkhwani Apa
Another cashgate kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Zoona amayi kufunila dziko lanu zabwino
Nice idea, come on Dpp
ntchito amagwira MP ku Malawi sindimaiona & ngakhale office alibe koma mwezi ulionse ndalama mbweee kuposa mphunzitsi kapena dokotala yemwe anakaphunzira ntchito zawo,sakulakwisa pamenepo…
Starting from the president the ministers mps councillors &chiefs they ought not to be paid which govrnment department do they belong where do they attend interviews including advisors alipo ambiri anthuwa amene akusaukitsa dziko la MALAWI.
that is imperatively sensible; eveyone holding a political portifolio ought not to be paid at all, instead they should only be entittled to sitting allowances. these indeed the ones impoverishing the nation. why should an employee dictate his/her own remuneration? there should be a protracted debate on this auspicious topic.
kkkķk ndie ngati zitero ndie sidzikhala bwiñotu nanga achaķwera adzapangira chani kampeni ya 2019 poti alibe even ka business kogulitsa kanyeñya komwe ?mfundo imenei isapitilire inu muthetsa nawo chipani chopanda ma well wisher chi cha mcp
She will always open her mouth to talk shit.
mmayiyu ndi mbuzi.pano walemera ndiye uzibweletsa maganizo opepelawo.bwanji sunanene nthawi ija ya muluzi usanayambe kusamba. Pointless.
akuyesa ngati popezera mpamba ife tikuvutika,
Kkkkkk tiguliled chimanga kkk
Chonde kaliyati kuli osauka achna chakwera akudalila pomwepo osatero
Timasalary tawoto tigulile m’mela bac iyaaaa!! Nyc idia aunt big up!
though this indicates that her purse is now saturated with what she has stolen over two decades, but if expressed in good faith that would allow malawians to usher to parliament only individuals who love their areas and the country as whole. because the current crop of parliamentarins are mere fortune seekers.
U have impressed me here!
am humbled by your recognition, your honour.
You impress me alot
am marvelled at your complements @ Max and Cassim. we’re duty bound.
i marvel at your complements @ Max and Cassim. we’re duty bound.
Wathunya makola mzala.
kodi mu parliament ya malawi muliso azungu?
Kaliyati kulongolola kkkkkkkkk
Kaliati akakhala kuti chonena alibe samasowa
so is the ministers
OK asalipidwe koma costimecs yavuta
Ngati amagona ndalama phwiii akuwapasa nde misawalipile? Ma absent mbweee, azitenga matress popita ku parliament awa.
Yes! they shouldn’t be paid azilandira allowance yokhayo komaxo paja ndalama za LDF sizioneka ntchito imene zimagwiratu nde aziba zomwezo bas
is that a photoshop
asamalipidwedi isaaaaaa
waba zambiri poti wakhutanazo mwina asiye kaye ma minister kaye poti amalawi sanawa votere,,,poti unatenga ndima munawako yemwe,,,,k
A Kaliat asiyeni anzanu amalize ndime yawo ndiye mtdzanene pa 2019,,,,mwakutadi inu
Yah they should not be paid indeed…they volunteer themselves to work for us not the government
Ungavotele Iwe Osakupatsa Ndalama. Asyeni Adye Ndalamazo Anafa Kwambiri
Nanga munthu kule-kule, azikapempha free wi-fi ku parliament anthu akugona ndinjala pali nzeru???.
Just shut up if you dont know the impotant of wi-fi ikakhala njala tinachita kubadwa nayo tisamaphatikize zinthu nkana amalawi timakhala ogona m’mayiko anzathu
kkkk koma yes
Kkkkkk izo
Nde komwe uliko iwe Gift wi-fi yaulere ilipaliponse?. Bodza ayi apa
zizindikiro homes zimaonetsedwa phwiti akakhuta
Anaba Zambili Ameneyu Eti? Akagwere
kkkkk enatu sanamalize kulipira ngongole za campaign
Ooh,so she knows that some people are paid for sleeping on duty
If thats the case Let her pay back the money she has been earnin as an MP zinveka
kikkkkkk koma Kaliati zoti anzako enawo anagulitsa ma farm ambuyawo ndalama kupangira campain ukuziwa?..All in all its an welcome move.
kkkkkkkkkk,mpaka kugulitsa plot
kkkkkkkkkk,mpaka kugulitsa plot
Davie ndi nthawi yobwezeletsa imeneyi,nde Kaliati akuyesa.
Koma wa phoda kwambiri kaliati!
Ndipo asalandiledi kumene
Sakulakwitsa ameneyo
wayambapotu,ngati ukufuna kutchuka nde watsata njira yolakwika
kma akuzfunira zabwino?