The Mzuzu Chief Resident Magistrate Court on 8th June 2016 sentenced a primary school Deputy Head teacher to 18 years imprisonment with Hard Labour for defiling his 14 year old pupil.
According to Deputy Public Relations Officer for Mzuzu Police, Cecilia Mfune, the incident occurred in December 2014 at Chamalaza FP School in Nkhatabay District where the girl was doing a self-boarding.
State Prosecutor Lyson Kachikondo told the court that on the fateful day the girl was called by the convict into the house when she was coming from the bathroom. He then had carnal knowledge with her and threatened to kill her if she were reveal to anyone.
The victim remained quiet until on 10 July 2015 when she felt serious pains and developed sores on her private part. She narrated the whole story to her mother.
When the matter was reported to Police, the girl was referred to hospital where defilement was confirmed.
The court found him guilty and convict said nothing during mitigation.
In his ruling Chief Resident Magistrate Texas Masoaphambe said the courts should be vigilant in protecting a girl child by giving stiff punishment to offenders.
He said although the convict is a first offender what he did was dangerous and he has to be punished severely.
The Magistrate further said it was sad that the convict saw a woman in his pupil instead of looking for women of his age.
The court said by giving her sexual transmitted infection the girl will live with the trauma for the rest of her life therefore serving a jail term of 18 years suits his character.
The convict Albert Zunda 49 years of age hails from Chitungulu village, Traditional Athority Katumbi in Rumphi district.
Eish! Kodi nchitidweu udzatha liti
Koma Judge ameneyu ndi oberek? I doubt, Proscutor’s should apeal the sentence, he must rot in jail
Moyowake onse kumaula ameneyo asatuluke akatuluka tiweluza tokha milandu kumwamba amen
A magistrate namwme mwakhoza soni,pa kweruzga mlandu uwo mukaba normal? panyake mukamwapo 18 M O N T H S nadi? Waba nokia 1110? Panyake kukolelera nakumupa matenda? Malaw24 did the teachr really caught doing it?
Its 18 years sir. Apologies
Wow! atleast 18yrs is betta for his lust.An apology to our MZ.city R.M.C.J for the any of the bad comments about ths nws.it was MW24’s fault.
Stupid judgement
Kodi mumamvamo chani mwa tianati? Kukhwima chani? Mahule otchipa osewa
Aaaa no comeon, only 18??? For real?? U guys are not serius watever u call yoselves.
Apa ndie palowa chinyengo chinyengo basi chaka nditheka sizoona.
zopepela basi,miyez ingati????
How can I explain this testimony to the public about a great man who help me outin serious illness I have HIV AID for good 3year and I was almost going to the end ofmy life due to the way my skin look like all I have in my mind is let me just give up because life is not interesting to me any longer but I just pray for God every day to accept my soul when ever I’m gone lucky to me my kids brother run to me that he found a doctor in the internet who can cure HIV online he help me out on everything, the doctor ask for my details, so he can prepare the herbal medicine for me from his temple after all he ask is doneone week later I started getting more stronger my blood start flow normally for 4to 5 days I start getting Wight before 6 days my body start developing my skin start coming up after 8 days which he told me that i will be completely healed, I went for HIV test and I was tested negative I’m so happy that I can say I’m not a HIV patient if you have HIV/AID or any sickness he can still help you in getting your ex-back to you please contact him viahis email: [email protected], or whatsapp him on+2348143143878.
ya Malawi is now ajoke mxiew screw dat magistrate! !
Chinyengo chenicheni 18 months only wadya zambiri
Laws in your country are defiler friendly….try to do the same in Zambia. The minimum you will be slapped with is 15 years….
Kodi inu ogwilira bwanji simugwilira ana ama magistrate??
Your saying 18months r u serious?
Point of correction, its 18yrs n’not 18months…
its unfair….just 18 months??
Only 18monts
18 months rape Infecting the child destroying the future of the child =?? what a joke!!!í ½í¸ªí ½í¸ªí ½í¸ªí ½í¸ª
Yrs not months!!!
Really? Malawi is definitely heaven for criminals
#Andrew mofat#adzikageletsa nkumalandira mwez ukatha.
18 months only?
Big up teacher!but you lacked tyming/tactics
Anawaso amayesa.. …
Big up teacher next time when u out of prison rape that judge’s daughter mayb he wil learn to sentece u more years
18 months???? Such a joke.thats not justice.its so unfair to the victim.I guess the judge was bribed.God z watching.
18years Osati Months
Zachepelatu awonjezele mwina 60 moths
Kodi Ndiye Malamulo Amayang’ana Anthu Ndikomwe Akuchokera Coz This Is Very Unfair
18 months is too little, he needed 15 years so that it saves as a lesson to others,
It can’t be 18 months with that case,maybe 18 years and also the way i’ve read the story its supposed to be 18yrs and not 18mnths ok
18 Months Basi?Ayi Zachepa
Eish!!? Disgusting double crime double punishment
Chaka chimodzi ndi theka kugwilirira komanso kupele matenda? Kumeneko nde kukolezera mchitidwe onyasawu
Not fair
A Malawi 24 auzeni anthu zoona its 18 years and not 18 months!
He didn’t only rape the girl he also infected her with STI and this is what he get??? Come on Magistrate this is not fair at all,Was he not supposed to get double sentences? #corruptionatwork
Dem-hell,”it could be more….18’s nothing as such man,”yerrrr….
18months zoona malawian judges.nde bola munakagomusiya basi
may be this matter was dealt wt Tumbuka (criminal) vs Tumbuka (judge) amakondelana makosanawa.
VincentKatopola. mbolatu apa
18 months or 18yrs??
Mmmmm nde mwati 18months bac?? Mukufuna kuti azayambiletso kapena ayi?? Mxiiiiiiiiiii shame on u malawian judges!!
Hey bra its 18yrs but on the headline they said 18months it might be a mistake n i think u didn’t open the link coz if u open u might got it clear
18years not months kungoti amalembayi samatha kusiyanisa
18years not 18months
18 month only? mmmmmm koma abale
18 yrs not 18 months open the link.
Mulamulo athu salibwino ofunika kusinthidwa 18 months it’s nothing tazifunsani maganizo awathu musanakhazikise lamulo tapinani mu middle east mukaphunzile zomwe Aluyah akuchita
Woba Nkhuku Mukut 18 Months,wogwililiranso Chimodzimodzi? Aaaa Khalani Serious Ama Court Mwanva? Tsiku Lina Adzakhala Ali Mwana Wanu Kapena M’bale Wanu Weniweni Mzaona Mene Zmapwetekela
eighteen months?what a joke.
18months only???
Aphunzitsi mukutipatsa manyazi,,,, mxiiewww!!
18 months nde nkumati ena atengele phunzilo chaka ndi miyezi six mukuganiza bwanj
chachepa chilango
Kodi adzikaphunzitsabe?
Wopezeka ndi chamba mukuti 8years inpresonment mmmm only God knows
Ena atengerepo phunzro.
which is which 18 months or 18 years?