Their relation ship has always been a cat and mouse affair but finally they have reached a stage where they have fallen in love with each other.
Gender activists in the country have commended President Peter Mutharika for being gender sensitive in appointing Commissioners for Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC).
National coordinator for NGO Gender Coordination Network Emmie Kaliya made the remarks following the appointment of new commissioners for MEC.
Kaliya said what Mutharika did is commendable since there is gender balance.
“I am very impressed with this because it clearly show that there is gender balance which is good,” Kaliya explained.

Commenting on the appointments, Chairperson for Malawi Electoral Support Network (MESN), Steve Duwa, urged the chosen commissioners to work for the public interest.
According to Duwa, the newly appointed commissioners should work with the aim of serving the public at large.
Duwa added that Malawians will be waiting to see the kind of fruits the commissioners will bear at the end of their tenure.
The eight MEC commissioners are Mary Nkosi, Killion Mgawi, Jean Mathanga, Clifford Baloyi, Evelyn Mtafu, Moffat Banda, Linda Kunje and Yahaya M’madi.
Chisilu mwazisilu
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Ndiye zukanidwa zo kumalawi sikuyendela ngati ku Swaziland kwa achina king mswati . Tikudziwa mkazi mmodzi yemwe munauzi dziko kuti mwakonda mayi ameneyo . Zibwana zosiyilani achinyamata . Ma advisors angokhala chete kulekelela zosowa khalidwe zikuchitika zauhule. Mapetoache timva kuti mwatapa cashgate kukamangira ma Paris zibwenzi .
Amadyera limodzi!!!!!!
I hate president’s doing so i cant comment anythng.
Good mr p
money talks munthalika is gd husband
Kagwere kutaliko we can’t associate no sense. Watikwa!!! Kuba ndalama basi
T was sounding like…………..b4 i finalised readng de whole story ,,,,kkkk bt malawi 24
u don’t know mutharika Admin,he don’t listen to any one like (HIV Aids).
kkkkkkkk no mistake he is HIV Aids munthu wanji osanva zanzake.this man is evil
Black envelope full of money handed to them kkkkkkk. They are stupid prostitutes
My message to male activists is “You are gay dudes” hahahahahahahaha