Arthur Peter Mutharika is not a weak character, he is not a tolerant character either. He is a lomwe by tribe who also suffers fro the nepotic regime of his brother.

Recent remarks and letters and declarations of Thyolo and Mulanje being a sovereign republic by one Vincent Wandale are not rants of a mad man as others in government want us to believe. They are remarks of a man bent at causing civil strife who is only surviving in the free streets of Malawi owing to his tribe.
Sometime back people in the Northern region started making a case for federalism and before long, the government was up in arms rallying together chiefs and whoever they could afford to dismiss that idea. Rumours also indicate that the proponents were threatened with arrests and bankruptcy declarations that they decided to keep quiet.
Compare with how the claims of a separate state by Wandale were met. Vocal information minister Patricia Kaliati simply dismissed Wandale as ‘wachamba’ and instead of rattling Wandale, she went ahead to rattle the journalist who was asking her questions. Talk of barking at a wrong tree.
Malawi Congress Party MPs were once caught on the social media dreaming loudly. What happened next was that the APM machinery went to town grilling them, arresting them and persecuting them. You would think the members had decide to declare Lilongw and Salima separate countries for the calls of their punishment were louder than the calls for the forgiveness of Wandale.
Now I did not want to stock tribal tensions but I have mused over the decision by government to keep quiet and dismiss Vincent Wandale when the latter is busy designing currencies, designing flags, hijacking Universities and writing the UN. I have tried my best bit in thinking and I am sad to report that I have not found a much better explanation than that it is simply because Wandale is Mutharika’s village folk.
My explanation to all the kid gloves that Wandale is being treated with is that simply because he is Lomwe then Mutharika cannot stretch the government machinery to crush Wandale. I can even say that Mutharika thinks that Wandale is a joker on a stage with Mr Jokes each time he declares other parts of Malawi a republic.
Granted, Wandale has no resources to force Mulanje and Thyolo cede from Malawi. However what he is doing is setting a bad and dangerous precedent. By letting Wandale go free with chants of separatist movements, it is not only casting a bad light on the Presidency of Mutharika, it is also telling every other person who can afford to assemble five guns and hundreds of disgruntled youth that it is possible and not criminal to have for yourself a part of the country.
This is dangerous and suicidal
Eeeeh koma nde mungavte nga kalombo ka HIV.koma kholo limeli,Malawi nchani makamaka?apa zikuoneseratu poyera kuti taiwala MULUNGU,demon tampasa danga atizunza eeeee!! .
Am failing to undastand til nw,where is malawi Going wth such nepotism?
AQ $
To be honest, i support the views of the writer of this article. As a country President, APM has to be neutral. He is not a president for Lhomwes or whatever tribe. We have constitution which treats everyone equaly. Akuchita Mkulu uyu akuti Wandaleyu, ndi zinthu zomwe zidayambitsa mavuto adzaoneni mmaiko ngati DRC, somalia, Mali just mentioning afew. This guy has external support. Ndiye boma likuona ndithu kuti dela limeneli likhoza kudzakhala la zigawenga akungoyanira poti akuyambitsawo mngovina TCHOPA omwe ndiwa atsogoleri adziko, ndi zoopsa kuchitetezo chadziko lathu lamtendere ili though losauka koma umphawi sazonda. Pliz my free advice as one proud and patriotic Malawian who always enjoys to see a United Republic of Malawi, is that regardless of tribe or any form of loyaty somebody maybe, allow our national security bodies responsible to crack dpwn this nonsense Wandale’s ideas before its too late. yes mivi woyang’anira suchedwa kuboola diso. Kukhala kovuta kuthana naye ameneyu akaitanitsa ma jet fighter amakono. Kenako adzalanda southern region yonse.
Let ask inu nonse mukudana ndi wandale’s project, what do yo benefit out of tea plantations in Thyolo and mulanje? And when do u think people in Ty and Mj will see de light,out of hunger,economic etc problems they are in? Though their motherland is vast and fertile??
People don’t mess up,,, nkhani ya fedral za atumbuka zija idali deal,,( it means anthu ochepa okha amangofuna kupezerapo maudindo basi) pomwe za Wandale-zi ndi mission,,( it means de whole mulanje n thyolo lomwezi will get through de tunnel) ,,,,
I therefore edge Mutharika to support dis mission,,, as a well wisher.
Wandale Morefire!!!!!
zavuta basi
Koma peter nde mumadana nayo koma kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk still ruling inu ndi ambuyanu muli mmanja mwake basi akulamulabe
Tumbukas raised a brilliant idea of federalism as a governance tool, they were called names…. but now some body from Thyolo wants an independent state people including akweni are smiling
petter muthalika akukhala ngati adachita kumuuza wandale kuti anthu tiziti sakondera kwawo koma chilungamo chikadziwika pa 24
Ndinasiya kucommenter nkhani zokhuza atumbuka ine.
Peter Munthari is typical a nepotist he broke federal issue cause was raised by northerners though him muntharika b4 he became a president he propose the same federal to be adopted in malawi
Coconut head pm
Just wait and see ee mwe sizikum
Edison Matewere
The worse President Malawi have ever had, Peter Mtharika. Empty headed idiot.
Same to you baba
Yap I know that the only damn bloody people like you cooper, could be smiling to all the shits ass that this fucking Moffie is doing.
chidebe cheni cheni cha president
Akakhala pamnkhate sapheka khoswe
andichitsilu chamuthu muchiuze chomcho pathakopake peter
a region can become federal state within another country but will still be under that country but two districts cannot become sovereign as claimed by wandale the UN cannot recognise tht country so speaking against wandele would b a waste of time as it is not practical to happen
a region can become federal state within another country but will still be under that country but two districts cannot become sovereign as claimed by wandale the UN cannot recognise tht country so speaking against wandele would b a waste of time as it is not practical to happen
a region can become federal state within another country but will still be under that country but two districts cannot become sovereign as claimed by wandale the UN cannot recognise tht country so speaking against wandele would b a waste of time as it is not practical to happen
is it true so you mean north malawi can become a federal state while under malawi govt
yes its possible..nigeria n south africa r clear examples in africa before we can talk of USA…what happens in federal system is that some central govt powers are devolved to local management am not reffering to decentralisation here a country is divided into states and each state has leaders who manage the affairs of that state such as roads schools etc but that is done in the whole country not only nothern region…with current system it will mean we should change the govt system fro the current unitary to this federal system where there is still a national president and governors of states who are also voted..the president is this case is the head of government not state coz there are many states headed by governors, so yes to your question
Paja munaphunzira kuti
@chisomo mukufusa ine?
kkkkkk kma kumeneko…. a john mukufunsa ngat muliko anai bwanj mesa mulipo awiri ziyankhanan pamenepo….kapena mwina munaphunzra ku Malawi University of Northern Region hahaahah
Wandale isn’t a fool since fools don’t feel governance….let’s all see what comes next
Wandale isn’t a fool since fools don’t feel governance….let’s all see what comes next
simukunama nde poti akuzitama kwambiri oky……mwina kamba kachuma..
simukunama nde poti akuzitama kwambiri oky……mwina kamba kachuma..
simukunama nde poti akuzitama kwambiri oky……mwina kamba kachuma..
Treating wandale with kid gloves is a grave mistake altogether, little by little he is bringing in ethnic rivalry in the country and take my word! Not everyone thinks he is stupid. The tree he is planting will bear fruits too sour to digest one day
Koma kumeneko
Sidzikumveka chonde
Sidzikumveka chonde
Komadi Chifukwa Chani Mulanje And Tyolo Palibe Kukanakana Kulikonse, Pamene Za Kumpoto Zija Anthu Amakana Poyera, Even The President Said Let People Vote 4 This, While About Wandale Its Few Indviduals From Outside Gov,. Who Conderm It Why? Tionepo Bwino Apa,
Komadi Chifukwa Chani Mulanje And Tyolo Palibe Kukanakana Kulikonse, Pamene Za Kumpoto Zija Anthu Amakana Poyera, Even The President Said Let People Vote 4 This, While About Wandale Its Few Indviduals From Outside Gov,. Who Conderm It Why? Tionepo Bwino Apa,
Ndizosatheka mpake a president sakufuna kuononga mpweya wawo pazinthu zopusa and zosatheka
Azingomanga zilizose
Akuluwa basi palibedi ichi akuchita
Point of correction: IT IS NOT the PRESIDENT who issue an ARREST WARRANT.
He can order an arrest warrant to be issued!plenty people have been arrested when a president announces an arrest at rallies!
my follow up question is, “is a statement made at a political podium the same as issuing an arrest warrant?”
Waxowa cholemba eti?
tamalembani zothandiza inu,mungolemba ndi za ziii zomwe,mukufuna ndiye titani aaaaah
wasala pang’ono kufa uyu Ambewe tiyeni tingomuleka asowe chonamizira
fredom has limits dont go beyond #take care