The Malawi President Peter Mutharika has expressed concern over the refusal by Mzuzu City Council to disburse the K7.7 million he donated to flood victims.
Confirming the development, Presidential press secretary Mgeme Kalirani said Mutharika “trusted” that the council will disburse the money to the victims.

But the council said that they are will not disburse the money arguing that well-wishers already donated money to the people who were affected by the floods.
The council’s official responsible for disasters Felix Namakwa said Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) donated K20,000 to each household.
“ADRA and other well-wishers have been donating money to them, they got K5,000 later they got K15,000 each household in total they got K20,000,” said Namankwa.
The donation has since led to chaos in the camps with the flood victims threatening to demonstrate if the council continues to refuse to disburse the money.
During the 2016 floods in Mzuzu, six people died and agricultural land was affected.
let’s get the facts straight. The council did not refuse to disburse the money. in fact most receipients have already accessed the money. The council wants to: (1) give the money to victims tat did not benefit from the initial money disbursements. (2) give money to those in camos so they can go out of the camp and rebuild their houses (3) remove ghost victims from the list.
Let us learn to be patriotic. name calling will not get us anywhere.
kind of a kiss to the face and a kick to the sitting side. Northerners do’nt worship money mr president
kind of a kiss to the face and a kick to the sitting side. Northerners do’nt worship money mr president
the stupitest pipo in malawi are the chewa all we know the pipo who lyk to eat, fucking,lazy to work hard even at xool and the ignorant,everytym talking shit,u think the government is kudambwe ,even if we can dived the country into two we northerners we are the best on our on,fuck u chewas and your malawi
Bravo, u have got nice name bt ur head is full of water. R u telling me that there are no chewa people among those flood victims?
Northerners the contenders
namankwa simulomwe ameneyu angomuza zimenezo ndi dilu yawo aha asayinamepo apa
That’s crazy why politicize people’s lives
More fire Nothernors
Anthu avutika nthawi yamvura yonseyi ! Panondiye mukufuna kuthandiza . Tikamati moyo wozunzana wena mumaletsa . Mumafuna munvekaye kuti anthuwo aluza miyoyo . Ayi tiwonana pa mavoti 2019 pano.
Komatu inakakhala sukulu kuti ndimene imatukula dziko tinakaonera inu. Chdabwitsa ife mijomba tikatukuka timakulembani ngati oyang’anira magen athu. Chonsecho munali kuuniversity
Naye Mutharika kuyendayenda, mpaka kumzuzu woooo!! Ithink Mutharika doesn’t knw malire adziko lamalawi.
Eee guyz koma mukuona
Koma ziliko
Makhansala a Ku Mzuzu ndati ndikufunse panthawi yomwe mumakana thandizoli munakananso ma siting allawansi anu? Inutu mwalakwira anthu ovutika mwaiwala chomwe anakusankhirani anthu. Mukungofuna kutupitsa mimba zanu osati kuthandiza ndikuimilira anthu ovutika mu Council yanu. Muganize bwino ndalamazo ziwafikire anthu okhuzidwawo ndalamazi sizanu bwanji mukukana ngati akukupatsani inu.
Tek de money straight to de victims see if dey r goin to refuse it mabwana mukupwetekesa anthu ovutika u want more money to put it in ur big pockets (ur hustlers)
Its just unfotunate kuti anthu mumanyoza anthu akumpoto as if kumpoto kumakhala mtundu umodzi wa anthu,kuli alomwe ambilimbili you can be suprised to find them even in the romotest areas there,come September and October you ll see boarding buses to the north and in there large numbers thet feel north bound buses,and you wonder if the Northerners are so bad why do these good alomwes treck there in there large numbers,honestly we hate the Northerners because most of them stand for what they believe and they are not hand clapers,after Malawi is one be it North or where ever,we can have our differences its normal let us toralate each ,our Prezdent gesture cant be appreciated by all but he should not stop doing good,
Ithink abig blame should go to advisors of the president…Why splashing all that money to Mzuzu flood victimz? Now do u see wht type of embarassment hv u guys brought to the head of state… Munthu osayamika ndi osayamika basi.. no matter wht sangayamike….. we hv pple inthe south who are still failing to recover following last years floods… why not giving this money to them and see the form of thank u the head of state will be showered with. Even kuwapasa just aplastic pale they will say thank u….. Zikutinyansa ife kaya…Malawi as anation has more problems that require money and ngati ena ali ndi mtima wa ufiti osayamika osawanyengerera. Ofcourse Iknow amene akunyozawa ali ku blantyre, Lilongwe ndipo kuti achangangawo ndi amene nyumba zao zagumuka ku masasa ndi madera ena. If u guys were really intelligent why did u allow ur azimbwiye kumamanga is such diaaster prone areas?… NOSENSE..
koma ndiye mwakhuzidwa tu man, pitala ndi malume anu?
kodi mumafunabe thandizo kuchokera ku malawi?simumanena motumbwa kuti mwayamba dziko lanu,makape anyani zitsiru,osawapasa kumene azaphwekesa kkkk
calm your tits brotherman, its people like you malawi aint going nowhere, your governments has failed us ever since after kamuzu yet you still regiobalistic
Ur realy stupit n the whole lyf
Unalengapo muthu pa dziko lapansi iweyo? Sukutukwana ife koma Mulungu cifukwa ndi amene anatilenga.pitiliza kumutukwana mulungu.
Komaso aguleko mano amati pangisa manyazi kumwako shaa!!!!
Anthu opusa amangovomereza zirizose, more fire mzuzu
Last week world bank yapereka 57 million dollar yothandidzila ma flood victims ndiye muipange times pa USD1=MK700x57 million ndi ma billion angati? Nanga bwanji akuwapatsa change chokha zonsezo zapita kuti?
U must be from enukwenu or hora.. iguess…. We had floods inthe south bt we never heard of such nosense…. Iblame those who advised the president to splash the money to stupid idiots omwe sadziwa kuthokoza. pliz can u concentrate on rebuilding flood hit areas of nsanje, chikwawa as well as phalombe and atleast u will get athank u whole heartedly with even giving abeneficiary just apale.
World bank kupereka last week almost 40 bilion kwacha zoona angawatemere 7 milion? Is not even a billion, where is other money? Bolani othandizawa azingobwera okha basi asamapatse mbavazi
Yasimin Mahala Ulije Ur Mind Z Basin On Racism,dont B Flattered With Small Amount V Money.The Donation Z Too Huge.How Can They Gv Them A Change??They Want To Confuz People’s As If They Hav Uz The Whole Amount V Money Yet They Are Corruptv.We Want Dvt In Our Country Not Squanderin Money Anyhow.#note: We Want Malawi To Conect The Oil Pipe Line Route Connectin Tanzania And Zambia For Internation Trade For Malawians Would Beneft Alot Since It Wil B Cheaper As Oil Car Tankers Are Goin To Get Oil From Chitipa Or Karonga.
Ndalama zipite kwa eni wake anapatsidwawo basi kaya politics or no politics. A council akufuna kulowetsapo umbava apa• Council imalandira funding from the Government. Stop racism, let’s love our country. We are all Malawians
uli chi ntchewe cha mbula vinjeru viwa chewa vwa bweka bweka
Nkhani iliapa sindale koma mwina President wachita respond mochedwa pamavutowa.
Kkkkkkk stop cold war guys,lets build a better Malawi.My mother is from Mulanje & my father from Mzimba.Please guys together we can move Malawi foward.
A mzuzu city council umbava unachuluka kwambiri ndalama sizinachoke mthumba mwanu ndemupita nazo kuti
Achewa aba ndalama za mzuzu city council.
Muthalika anangofupa 7million imeneyo nanga muthu oganiza bwino ungapeleke ndalama kuma victims mumalo mopeleka zofunda or zakudya.ngwaboza Muthalika
That council pipo ndimbava mfundo akamba apayi njosamveka,nowadays 20000 ndindalama yoti wina adzikulalatila mawapatse ndalama zawozo,akapanda kukupatsani mukamkutumule galu ameneyo,umfiti chiyani
I would rather to say jst develop the country wherever necessary to
Malawi yake ndee iti?dzikolo ndiye pakona pa dziko aaaaaa likanakhala dziko limene
mtundu ovuta kumvetsa
Nyini ya mako wava
Kkkk kakubaya kale mtumbuka? ???
Hahahaha mMalawi tsano. Wabwira kale zachipepeso. Munatokhala bwanji abale?
osangowasiya bwanji?? palibe mtundu wopusa and kaya Ndi umbili I don’t understand tumbukas…. they are even that pipo oneka izisata zinthu koma ndi mbuzi…. if you have you have anything to complain inbox mi.
Mtundu oputsa ndiomwe amuna akwatiwa that is the reason mumati Muthalika is a Malawian poti anakwatiwa mudziko muno. Akabudura othera moyenda inu Ana akamwini.
hahaha bra…. you funny…… what do you min??
he’s Malawian biologically that doesn’t matter wether he grew up outside…. it’s better kulamulidwa ndi munthu ophunzira…koma foreigner than a stupid Malawian and racist damn tumbukas…. hell to be with you
Your argument is fallacious..
You are disgraceful to your parents I have no doubt that you are mukamwini komwe uliko
yeah…. unless these tumbukas stop this whole political thing… anthu ozikonda so fascinated that you can’t even understand tha they want…. hell to be with you tumbukas
Tumbuka will always be ahead of you even there you pay rent to them
Kuteroku umayankhula zimenezo utakhalila mutu nkumaona ngati zanzeru, chitsiru!
noooo you are the disgraceful… you tumbukas you claim to be educated but you are literally illiterate
Mesa ndiwe ukuti atumbukafe ngophuzira; ukudwara mitsara nkani?
aaaaah iwe…. ndinu mburi zophunzira… coz you don’t understand the concert of education
you got that
Samala polankhula! Osaoneke ochenjera
Guys We Are All Malawians Kungoti Anthu Timaganiza Mosiyana Anthufe.Its Nt Dat All Tumbukas Are Fools Similary Nt All Chewas Ndi Mbuli No.U Wll Find Such Pple In All Regions And We Dnt Knw De Reason 4 Wat Happened.United We Stand,lets One Nation
Guys We Are All Malawians Kungoti Anthu Timaganiza Mosiyana Anthufe.Its Nt Dat All Tumbukas Are Fool Similary Nt All Chewas Ndi Mbuli No.U Wll Find Such Pple In All Regions And We Dnt Knw De Reason 4 Wat Happened.United We Stand,lets One Nation.
John you talking…. thas the concert of unity we looking for
my friend…. I’m that undistructive thing…. I don’t fear fellow person…. only God… whatever needs truth I speak for the benefit of future generation to come….
Suzapeza atumbuka mumafamu koma achewa nda Rhomwe basi. Mukagwira tchito yabwino ndi security inu. Mtonga and Tumbuka eni ake BT and LL ma landlord osati akamwini achabe chabe anthu opanda sogolo
Kkkkk koma zi apazi!! Osanyozana chitere abale mwatotani?? Mesa mesa nonse amalawi kodi? There is interdependence msaiwale monga enanu mnakwatirirana mpachibale chanu, achewa amapita kumpoto akumpotoso kupitaso kwao kwachewa. Enanu ndinu angoni nonse fufuzanani
Ine Ndiye Ndidzakwatira Mchewa Although Am A Ngoni 4m Nothern
@Yomba.I hate munthu woti aziximva superior too much… I talk bra… what’s the point we all Malawian koma tribe ina izikhala ngati iyo yo nde yofunika
Alimi a2 inu.enanu ndinu masoyala2 ku vphya forest.winawe ndiwe buluzi busy pa khonde pa anthu
Ngati timakubowa bwanji osangozipha ayise uyiwale zaife, ine ndekha ndili ndi a tenant asanu ndatatu onse ngakumwera Konko akalandira amagula njinga ndi radio cassette after two months akugwilitsa, malipiro pokolora kutha kwachaka
kkkkk foolish you pointless… than means you the first recognised poorer among your friends…. coz you fellow tumbukas build madziko Ku Blantyre
Kuti ulemele uyenela ukhale mudera laathu oputsa anthu osaganiza zamawa ngati akumweranu. You work hard for less.You good on spending kkkkkk. Moti I’m running a project in BT
Iweyo nyini yako wava stupit u are mad bitch umazitenge ngati iweyo boma ndi mako kape iwe mbuzi
haha idiot…. I wish I could you by face
…you that parson if I could open a messeum you would be the first ape to kip…. for the coming generation to do reasech on you
The guy is a bustard, kapena kuti street kid mwana okula opanda bambo, bambo ake anathawa kuchikamwini ali ku theba, his role models ndi mayo anzake ogulisa ma Memory card anyimbo kale mu townmu nkuona chanzeru kwaiye ndikukhalako pa fb kumatokota xa atumbuka! Galu
bra…. this Nicca is a fool…. but well we jus have to understand them…. he’s tumbuka… to argue with him is like having a debate with akid from nursery.
I can out smart you
You are nothing but a useless man on earth.mwinaso mako anachindidwa nditumbuka that is why ukutha kulemba chingelezi pano, Mwana wahule usamenye anthu olezera kutheka kumenya bambo aliako kkkkk
You r a big fool urself nicca, coz ur such a hater for my tribe, gat sam life bustard
Kungoonetsa kupusa kwako, zikugwirizana bwanji ndi mtumbuka izi,English is ur enemy, read the headline, mtumbuka, chewa, yawo, lomwe n ndi mitundu ina yonse niyomwe yamanga malawi (malawians)
you wanna fight or to make a good conclusion to this… coz what everybody is lookin for is a good Malawi…
gangster you can’t fight with me… komwe upitako ungazandidandaule moyo wako onse…. even know to talk better than you….
To talk rubbish? I’m worse I can teach you a lesson kid. We out smart you
Kumpoto kuli atumbukaokha? Mwinamumangomva?
there are so many tribes
Mwana opanda bambo usanyoze or kumenya muzibambo wina aliyetse uzatembeleredwa.inu ndiakabudura othera moyenda
Come on!
kkkkkk come…. you are a baby seater make you load you gun
kkkkkkk whose sister?? they are non of you types… she can’t even mustarbate you asshole
you see?? thas where you illiteracy is
you think kulaula that something chadzeru out of dignity…. I’m so sad
winawe uma claim kuti uli ndalama… anthu a ndalama aren’t savages as you are…… by the way anthu azochita have no tym for Facebook
Man tachezapo basi, i am xul goer (@MUST), so enjoy bustard, lova wachabechabe
kkkkkk you can even find aunts in ZOOOs it’s not place for big fives only hihihi
You call it a zoo then? What keeps you laughing here? You full of cannabis
Forgive this idiot, asshole , he mean opposite,
And Where Is Your Wisdom? Dont Think Mzuzu Council Has Tumbukas Only Working There. And Wat Do U Gain Cllng Us Names? Am A Proud Tumbuka Who Respects All Malawi Tribes, Why Talking F U Av Nthng To Say? U R Not Ft To Be A Malawian.
A big he goat.
nda tumbuka atayeni
you talking bra.. thas what I noted even taking words on them it won’t make sense…. chi munthu chikulukulu mpaka is this ishu that wina nkumatukwana??kkkkkk Ku town kwa bwino….. my friends come visit Blantyre, Lilongwe you won’t find yourselves…. jus for a tour kuyenda kwa bwino kumaphunzitsa mybe kawu savage nkutha coz I’m calling Savage’s…ithot Kamuzu, Bakili andv Bingu was wrong but now undrstsnd them kkkkkk
Kod Mzuzu Pipo Are Also Malawian??
Ukamalemba uziganiza kaye kut zomwe ndulembazi za zelu?ihope ur no educated.
Yah, Am Not Educated, Am Just Wonder Why Ths Mzuzu Refugees Always Amafuna Azchuluka Mzeru? Zachamba
Wa bullets mwana opanda bambotu,Mwana wapalowa ina you need DNA test
We Are Not Here Coz Of BB, Ndafunsa Kt Kod Mzuzu Refugees Are Allowed Kumalowerera Zamzko Mwathu Muno? Are U Malawian Too?
you ryt I support you… these pipo are stupid either… why would they turn everything political??? nonse
……we all tired of them…. nobody understands them
Amapanga Makani Chonsecho Alibenso Kanthu Mu Dzko Muno, Shame. Chlichonse Ndale Eti? Ufiti Chan?
inu nose awili machende anu musatisokoselepo mzamkutu mufusanzo? iwe ankuwuza kut malawi amayambila kut ndipo amathela kut
Aaaaaa Malawi Wayambira Nsanje Kulekeza Pamene Pathera Anthu Oyera.
Y u always turn to tackle with the northreners?
Bcoz The Northenez Always Amafuna Aztumbwa Hevey. Kuzpatula Ndkuzkonda.
Oyera? fallacies
Iweee yami iwe kuyera kwako kuli patpo pamenepopo? Mumaiwara zot muli ndi ma profile pic muma account mwanu nkumanyoza anzanu kkkkkkkkk gyz lowani ku ma pic ake muone ngat ali oyera munthuyi kkkkkkk komanso mupezako waima ndi nkaz kumenekoko
Tchuzi Kaye Ndkufuna Nddye.
You are wa bullets poti olo bambo wako sumudziwa ndiwe mwana wahule palowa ina ngati Bwapini amene.who are you after northerners? Uphawi wakupatsa kaduka to hell nyawu yanthengo
Kkkkk Mayo Ndawaputa Atumbuka Ine, Ndlandsen Andpha
Bweran Muzawone Kublantyre Anthu Akumzuzu, Muzazweko.
hahahaha BT yake ukhala mukantchichini basi BT kufela dzina kkkkkkkkkkk uuuuuu
BT ndiyatumbukafe nosenu ngolipira rent kwaife
Pamene Ndkukhala Mukhitchn Wina Akusowa Ndkhtchn Yomwe Kt Agonemo Kkkkk Mzuzu City Woyeee Mmmmmm City??
Iwe nyini yako ako wava kape? Ngati umazitenge boma ndi la mbuye ako kapena la bambo ako stupit u are mad?
Achewa ana achabechabe inu, bastards kapena kuti ana okula opanda bamboo. thus y u lack morals kumangobwebweta chilichinse atumbuka angapange coz u lack respect from a father. foolish baby manufacturing people.
zandale n’zandale bas.zkatero zalowa ndale