Bingu National Stadium ready for use this year

Bingu National stadium
Bingu National stadium
Bingu National stadium to be opened this year.

The world class Bingu National Stadium under final phases of construction in Lilongwe will be ready for use before the end of this year, government says.

According to Minister of Sports and Culture Grace Chiumia, this is after the Ministry got funds allocated in the 1.2 trillion kwacha budget which she says will also be channeled towards the completion of the facility.

The 40, 000 capacity stadium now remains with the maintenance of the sewer system, planting of network and electricity cables among others-activities which recent revelations said requires a whooping 500 Million kwacha to finish.

But Chiumia remains optimistic that by the end of this year everything will have been done and the stadium should be opened officially for use.

”The money the Ministry receives will get to the project. It is our hope it will be ready before the end of the year”says Chiumia.

The Chinese government pumped in 26.6 billion kwacha for the project.




  1. Anangoononga ndalama zomangira stadium mmala moti akanagulira mankhwala coz timuyo imangoluza kulikonse mmmmh akutu flamez bola ingokhala phala

  2. Abale, maiko anzathu amaika maina a anthu kumene vuto lamalawi chili chose timalowesa mundale sicholakwika kuchula bingu ndi katakwe

  3. what a dull mr of spirts we have here in malawi who doesnt know anything about sports rather than keep on kuyimba n’goma in praise of his boss? kodi unasamba patiopo kuti the cabinet reshufle imupitilire? i rate thid ministers perfomance as 1 : 10.

  4. Unless the proposed name of this studium has been changed to malawi mnational stadium,it shall never be completed being named bingunnational stadium.

  5. Yaa guys its a true story abt ur comments thats which u said.And indeed it makes nonsense coz we always lose the is better to take that money whose they used for construction abt that stadium and to give all the patients in the hospital

  6. Zosangalatsa kwa Walter ndi Ernest anthu amakani kwambiri
    M Malawi mpira ulipo koma umalowetsedwa ndale,Minister wa sports ali ndi osewera ake,Walter osewera ake ndi coach nayenso osewera akenso ndiye inkhalabwanji team yapfuko,a Malawife kaya ndi kupusa kaya ndi chani,tili ndi anthu amene mpira amaudziwa ingankhale alibe maphunziro,anthu,anthu atatu azipanga amalawi tonse kunkhala opusa pankhani zampira. Muzichemerera nokha nyasi zanuzi, ine ndayamba kusupporter DRC

  7. Mudziko mwathu mulibe mpira kuyambila kale kale sitinatengepo Africa cup of nation nde tulira chani umphawi wachuluka basi

  8. aaaah stadiumnso tingoyigwetsa kukhale kopanda. a very beautiful stadium like this, for nothing chi team cha flems choluzacho

  9. Ife kwathu kuno koma ufiti osati mpira m’malo mopanga maplan owina mungoti sory in every game tiyeni tizingotamba tisalimbane ndi mpira

  10. Poti ndikupita kukafusa chindapusa chothesera flamez ndie azimenyapo ndinani??????? Ndikufuna team ya flamez ithe ine pamodzi ndi nxanga Robert Chiwamba…

  11. Mwina ma players ali pa straka kufuna stadium samakonoyi kut mwina akuiona kuchedwa,basi tonse maso ku Boma kuti litsegule Bingu stadium mwina agaluwa azidzawina kma ngat azizaluzaso ili ndikulumbila pamaso pamulungu mbuzi zimenezi zizafuna dziko lokhala not Malawi,anthu opsesa mitima ya anthu awa MXM

  12. Koma ka stadium kake kangarowe anthu angati ?kudenganso kulibe ka shelters kumangonyowedwa mpira musanawonere mpaka kumalowa ndi ma ambulela .

  13. Koma ka stadium kake kangarowe anthu angati ?kudenganso kulibe ka shelters kumangonyowedwa mpira musanawonere mpaka kumalowa ndi ma ambulela .

  14. Koma ka stadium kake kangarowe anthu angati ?kudenganso kulibe ka shelters kumangonyowedwa mpira musanawonere mpaka kumalowa ndi ma ambulela .

  15. kodi dziko la Chinalo linatipatsa ngongole yosakwana kumangira stadiumyo? kapena 500yo mufuna mugawane agung’ung’u inu?

  16. That stadium tizingopusisanopo ndi manyaka athu amusuper league-wa basi osati national team ndiye ayi tizaluza myoyo ya a Malawi ochuluka coz of heart attack kkkkkkkkk aaaaa Malawi chilichose nchotivuta basi

  17. Vuto ndi administration ya mpira mdziko mwathu muno, angamulore bwanji coach kutenga maprayer eight ku team imodzi out of sixteen superleague teams? is this national team or club?. This means that kumalawi kuno kulibe mpira, ndiye musamatitukwanitse kumaiko ena.

    1. Kkkkkk pa ma player 8 kukamenyesa atatu basi ungofuna kuononga ndalama komanso kuichedwesa club kumenya ma game amu league basi.

    2. There is no football in Malawi let’s agree about it Barcelona produce alot of players to national team they ended winning euro twice and world cup if our players can’t even play in South African league so hw do expect the national team to win

  18. I thought they said, the stadium will be ready towards the beggining of this year??…but now this is June, anyway we are just grateful for that we will have a fantastic stadium for whatever time it will be ready for use…

  19. How do you build a nice stadium for “ASHES”……better a tomb stone with epitaph reading, “Here lies the Flames”

  20. How do you build a nice stadium for “ASHES”……better a tomb stone with epitaph reading, “Here lies the Flames”

  21. England national team last won a trophy in 1966 and despite all the billions of pounds invested in them, no supporter is that retarded to humiliate his own country. This just shows how foolish and unpatriotic some Malawians are and its funny that alot that say bad of the Flames have never been inside a Football stadium and neither do they follow football. They just jump on the result, 90 percent of them dont know who Malawi is playing next and on which date, , if you dislike the flames, take some keys, drive to hell, wish you a nice journey. we are here to stay wether at your approval or not. Go to hell and you wont be missed

    1. iiii ndiabale ako kuchita kulalata chonchi.ationjeza anyamatawa!ndalama akuononga ndi misonkho yathu.tisekelele zopusa.nchifukwa chani anthu aku africa kuno amadzipha ngati timu yao yagonja ku ulaya?amaikonda!ife tilekerenji kulilira dziko lathu!

    2. iiii ndiabale ako kuchita kulalata chonchi.ationjeza anyamatawa!ndalama akuononga ndi misonkho yathu.tisekelele zopusa.nchifukwa chani anthu aku africa kuno amadzipha ngati timu yao yagonja ku ulaya?amaikonda!ife tilekerenji kulilira dziko lathu!

    3. iiii ndiabale ako kuchita kulalata chonchi.ationjeza anyamatawa!ndalama akuononga ndi misonkho yathu.tisekelele zopusa.nchifukwa chani anthu aku africa kuno amadzipha ngati timu yao yagonja ku ulaya?amaikonda!ife tilekerenji kulilira dziko lathu!

    4. its hurts indeed when the team loses but insulting the players is wrong. its always every footballers wish to play for his national Team and I tell you no player can wish his team to lose. The people in the field of play representing Malawi know quite well the impact of a win and a loss and they are Flames supporters also. You dont literaly cry when Malawi loses, they do and I know what am talking about.

    5. its hurts indeed when the team loses but insulting the players is wrong. its always every footballers wish to play for his national Team and I tell you no player can wish his team to lose. The people in the field of play representing Malawi know quite well the impact of a win and a loss and they are Flames supporters also. You dont literaly cry when Malawi loses, they do and I know what am talking about.

    6. its hurts indeed when the team loses but insulting the players is wrong. its always every footballers wish to play for his national Team and I tell you no player can wish his team to lose. The people in the field of play representing Malawi know quite well the impact of a win and a loss and they are Flames supporters also. You dont literaly cry when Malawi loses, they do and I know what am talking about.

  22. tigulitse ku zimbabwe ife tigule maplayer a national team kkkkk.ndaganiza bwanji kodi?khululukire paja sagula osewera a dziko.ndabalalika ngati flames!

  23. Mavuto ali pa Malawi, ngakhale atazatsegula nthawi ya kampeninso zizanunkhha kanthu? Akuti kuyitchera kumeneko, kampeni amuyambe panopa sopani, abwezeletse zinthu muchimake, kupandayapo mtoowoo!

  24. Ife a DPP tati titsutse zoti Flames yaluza 3-0. Cheni cheni pa nkhaniyi ndi choti Flames yagoletsedwa zigoli 3-0. Kugoletsedwa ndi kuluza ndi zinthu ziwiri zosiyana. Munthu ukhoza kugolotsedwa koma osaluza. Tikudziwa zonsezi ndi otsutsa boma omwe akufuna ayipitse utsogoleri wabwino wa Prof. Arthur Peter Muthalika. SIGNED ~Hetherwick Ntaba

  25. Tatsekulani tizawonelele team yafuko ikuthidzimula neba.

  26. Tamalizani paziseweredwa premier league paja national team tilibe

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