Malawi has banned traditional healers from doing their business in the country in a bid to reduce albino attacks.
High court judge Dingiswayo Madise on Wednesday granted an order banning the traditional doctors who are widely believed to be one of the reasons for the increase of albino attacks.

Three residents of Mzuzu residents made the application for the ban through their lawyer George Kadzipatike.
The three also asked the court to ban advertisements by traditional doctors in the mainstream media.
A similar ban in Tanzania is hailed as the reason for the reduction of attacks against persons with albinism in the East African country.
According to reports, 18 people with albinism have been killed in Malawi since 2013.
Yalakwa nde ……….. Sachiza ku Chipatala kkkkkk..
Traditional doctors have no problem,cos no any albino killer has said that he sell de bones to de Malawi’s traditional doctors.
Mr. Thindwa of Secular Humanist is right ………
Mr. Thindwa of Secular Humanist is right ………
Government should be ready there will be now illegal trading of these healers business.
Nde gondolosi azitipanga supply mndani?
Nde gondolosi azitipanga supply mndani?
This has nothing to do with traditional doctors, since the market for selling this kind of busness is nt here in Mw doing so just shows that government is failing to fight against these people who are conducting this busness, people who are engaging in this busness are nt traditional healers
This has nothing to do with traditional doctors, since the market for selling this kind of busness is nt here in Mw doing so just shows that government is failing to fight against these people who are conducting this busness, people who are engaging in this busness are nt traditional healers
#Steven Katelele ndiwe chitsilu ndipo ulibe mzimu. Ndinakakhala ndimakuziwa bwezi nditakuponda. Albino ndimunthu ngati ife tomwe
Zili bwino
That is the best solution
That is the best solution
nkhan nd yot aliyense okupha kapena ofuna kupha ma albino aphedwe, bas! osat zimenezo
It’s ok taamvaa!! Nanga opha mablacks anzawo solution yake ikhala chani??
yho! !!
Za zii! bwanj osangonena kut mukulephera kunena zoona.uzani dziko kut zigawengazi ziziphedwanso?
Za zii! bwanj osangonena kut mukulephera kunena zoona.uzani dziko kut zigawengazi ziziphedwanso?
Za zii! bwanj osangonena kut mukulephera kunena zoona.uzani dziko kut zigawengazi ziziphedwanso?
Hunger,Diseases,Envy,God bless Malawi…
I lyk that! bravo Dingiswayo Madise, last tym it was same court , same honourable Judge who put an injunction against Mathanyula, gaysm n lesbianism!
I wish it would b same court same judge who could judge on 2014 Elections!!
I greatly respect Mzuzu High Court, !
chimenecho,sichilango tapangani chilango, chaopha ma Albino..chifukwa kumene akugulisa ziwalozo , mwina amagulisa kunja tangopangani chilango cheni cheni osati zachamba, shame!!
That is’nt a solution,why thinking lyk chickens.What if these people find other markets like mozambique are going to ban tradition doctors from that side as wel.There are beta solutions than that!!
Ngati nsika uli ku Mozambique akaphanso ma Albino akomweko, ndichifukwa atalesa ku Tanzania mchitidweu waamba kukula ku Malawi.
Sopano ife tikadwala mutu tizipita kuti poti zipatala zaboma zija panopa ndu za pvt
Olo mulese okuphawo azikagulitsabe coz they know themselves where de market iz
Gvt my ass
am coming with the millions of Ak 47 with loaded bullets to share to the Albino people so they can protect them self becoz government fails to protect them.
No Jobs in Malawi so we rely on them to be Rich. I know where to sell Albino Bones if u promise 3 Million Kwacha cash and a 20 Jobs to 20 people i will reveal
No Jobs in Malawi so we rely on them to be Rich. I know where to sell Albino Bones if u promise 3 Million Kwacha cash and a 20 Jobs to 20 people i will reveal
bulshit fuck you
steve kanjo go to hell you stupid rat
Samala,,pano sipopangira chibwana,,,anthu akumangidwa nazo,ndipo Ambuye akukhululukire
Tinkhani nkunama?? umphawi si gwero la zonse??
bt nthawi yatha mulandile yesu, ulemelero uliko kumwamba …..mutaye luciffer pakuti mphavu zake ndi zapansi pompano
steven katelele walemba zopusa wangoonesa kupanda umunthu kwako
man pangani delete ur coment, ena akakupangani report mukhonza kuka sever, pliz remove it
Hooooo! Thuu! Vomit s**t coment
Hooooo! Thuu! Vomit s**t coment
U think u’re clever, but u’re not clever enough.
Bloody idiot Steven Katelele
Musamunyoze steven ingoyikani zonse mwa ambuye kuti akhululukire macímo ake
comment yako yomwe ikhoza kukuonexexa mbonaona. Zomba maxmum ukuiyambai2 iy.kayaaa wakula watha!!
Katelele ndiwe chitsilu ndipo ndiwe mbuzi
Wamala ndiwe nipo niwe chindele pala wasangika mwawi ningauwuzemba haaa kweni kukoma kwenecho awo mafupa yawo yakusunga makopala. vauchendele ine yayi
Steven Katelele u r an idiot
Koma osangowalesa ,,,zikufunika implementation
Anthu amenewa akuwononga dziko,,kulodzana ,kuchotsetsana ntchto,,kunkhwimila pa malo kumadabwa mkuluyu mmene wakalambila position sakuchotsedwa abzake pesion analandila iye ayi
Kulesa asinganga dziko litha kuyambaso kuyenda bwino,,koma zufunika kulimba mtima nkhondoyi mulimbana ndi satana
Koma osangowalesa ,,,zikufunika implementation
Anthu amenewa akuwononga dziko,,kulodzana ,kuchotsetsana ntchto,,kunkhwimila pa malo kumadabwa mkuluyu mmene wakalambila position sakuchotsedwa abzake pesion analandila iye ayi
Kulesa asinganga dziko litha kuyambaso kuyenda bwino,,koma zufunika kulimba mtima nkhondoyi mulimbana ndi satana
boma ndi satana kala kulikonse pamenepo akungopesa kuti mwina awonekeko bwino
boma ndi satana kala kulikonse pamenepo akungopesa kuti mwina awonekeko bwino
boma ndi satana kala kulikonse pamenepo akungopesa kuti mwina awonekeko bwino
Chadza ndiyani poti ena ife timadalira zisamba zomwezi kuti tidye
Chadza ndiyani poti ena ife timadalira zisamba zomwezi kuti tidye
Mwango banner anthu osalakwa boma limangopaka matope anthuwa vuto ndiwowo asatinamize government is involved doing the business
Mwango banner anthu osalakwa boma limangopaka matope anthuwa vuto ndiwowo asatinamize government is involved doing the business
The malpractice started in Tanzania, where more than 60 Albino killed, how can u said the Government is involved????????
just ask me to come up with evidence in Tanzania is no more why Malawi? Ar u in here or south africa so that u dont know what is going on? May be u are taking as a simple issue? what is ur stand after all? wat do u think government shud do to arrest de sitituation? ls government doing enough on? imagin hapens to ur own brother or sister?Pot maliro timalira mosiyana
The problem is to implement that ban.we are good at banning but action is paramount. We saw you banning ma rider but today people are drinking ma rider than that time before the ba n,shame on us
The problem is to implement that ban.we are good at banning but action is paramount. We saw you banning ma rider but today people are drinking ma rider than that time before the ba n,shame on us
The problem is to implement that ban.we are good at banning but action is paramount. We saw you banning ma rider but today people are drinking ma rider than that time before the ba n,shame on us
Mazibusa a fake abele anthu sopano nanga so anthu one akakhala ndi timavuto azithamangila komweko,time will tell.
Please do whatever you can to stop this disgusting behaviour. Even death penalty if found guilty
Nt Ku Wa Bana Kokha Or Atawapha Coz Akuwnonga Miyoyo Ya Nzawo Albino Nawonse Ndi Anthu Ngat Iwowo Ndye Akumapagwiranji Stupit Thngz Like Zat.If Iwo Adalegwedwa Kt Ndizizimba Za Anthu Sibwenzi Ambuye Atalola Kt Adzipedzeka In This World Ali Ngt Anthu Nawo Amafuna Moyo Okoma Ngt Wathu Umwewu Ndye Ang’ang’a Akupangranji Zmenezo.We Jct Ask God Kt Atithanddze .Asasowe Peace Albino Plz Plz.Kwa Anthunso Omwe Mukumaba Albino Lekani Khalidwe Lonyasali Mukamatero Mudziwe Kt Musangalala Pansi Pano Kma Mukumbukre Kt Kumwamba Mudzakayankha Mlandu,,,, Zat Iz A Fool N A Sin B4 God.
Nt Ku Wa Bana Kokha Or Atawapha Coz Akuwnonga Miyoyo Ya Nzawo Albino Nawonse Ndi Anthu Ngat Iwowo Ndye Akumapagwiranji Stupit Thngz Like Zat.If Iwo Adalegwedwa Kt Ndizizimba Za Anthu Sibwenzi Ambuye Atalola Kt Adzipedzeka In This World Ali Ngt Anthu Nawo Amafuna Moyo Okoma Ngt Wathu Umwewu Ndye Ang’ang’a Akupangranji Zmenezo.We Jct Ask God Kt Atithanddze .Asasowe Peace Albino Plz Plz.Kwa Anthunso Omwe Mukumaba Albino Lekani Khalidwe Lonyasali Mukamatero Mudziwe Kt Musangalala Pansi Pano Kma Mukumbukre Kt Kumwamba Mudzakayankha Mlandu,,,, Zat Iz A Fool N A Sin B4 God.
why??mutu wa nkhani pakhale lamulo lakupha anthu amene akumapha ma alubino.shaliya law basi!!
why??mutu wa nkhani pakhale lamulo lakupha anthu amene akumapha ma alubino.shaliya law basi!!
why??mutu wa nkhani pakhale lamulo lakupha anthu amene akumapha ma alubino.shaliya law basi!!
paja ma plan a Boma ndiofuna kuyamba kulipiritsa zipatara ndiye aona kti akapananda kupanda kuletsa ang’anga kuchita maula ndiye kti siatorera zambiri kubomako.kkkkkkkk ndangodutsa
paja ma plan a Boma ndiofuna kuyamba kulipiritsa zipatara ndiye aona kti akapananda kupanda kuletsa ang’anga kuchita maula ndiye kti siatorera zambiri kubomako.kkkkkkkk ndangodutsa
paja ma plan a Boma ndiofuna kuyamba kulipiritsa zipatara ndiye aona kti akapananda kupanda kuletsa ang’anga kuchita maula ndiye kti siatorera zambiri kubomako.kkkkkkkk ndangodutsa
Whether banning the traditional healers bt still omwe akupha ma albino ali mommunobe, choyamba akanagwidwa kaye make gang’aa yo
Shaa dikirani kaye, ndikatenge nsenda wana kwa Moffat Moyo
They will go underground !
ndye sitizamwaso nchape shaaaa
That is very very stupid . The Govt of MW thy fail to deal with those pple who kills albino………………….. then- then -then- then- then… Musandirankhulise chibwibwi mwamva inu shit!!!!!!!
So you must enforce the ban if we are to have positive result.Otherwise it will be a far fetched dream to eleminate the vice.
aaaaah problem is not tradision doctor No that ppl is doing that so mukuganiza kt mutawalesa albino azakhalabe? don’t blam ng’ang’a stoped brothes and sisters
poyamba amat ufit kulibe lero ndi izi akut asing’anga asiye kuthandiza anthu akalozedwa. Kukokoloka kwamaganizo.
nanga aneneri onyengawa mupanga nawo bwanji???
Pali asin’ganga amitundu iwiri, ena amachita zamatsenga monga kuwombedza, kuchita zamatsenga ndi zina zotero zoopsa. Pomwe ena amangothandidza anthu mankhwala pamatenda popanda zizimba pongogwiritsa ntchito zisamba basi. Ndiye onsewa mwawaletsa? Asing’anga anayamba kalekale kugwira ntchito yawo mdziko muno azungu asanabwere. Chabwino aletsa koma zimenezo ndizovuta. Tayetsani kupedza njira zina zothana ndi mchitidwewu.
Achita bwino.Sing’anga wankulu ndi YESU.
kkkkk tipume kuonetsedwa njoka abale
Banning traditional healers worked for Tanzania in reducing cases of abducting people living with albinism why cant it work in Malawi??vuto nditokha a Malawife poti we dont believe in ourselves
Malawi is Malawi. …And Tanzania is Tanzania.
Malawi is Malawi. …And Tanzania is Tanzania.
Zimenezi za satanic,asing’anga alibe vuto,vuto ndi afiti komanso a satanic
eeeee tiona ngati mukunena zoona
Koma bwana,sakulozani mukuwaputawo? Offside tu imeneyo
bola zitheke chifukwa sikungotipusisa akagwidwa ndiye apolisi azitilesa kupanga zimene tingaganize apolisi omweo ndiamene amayamba chinyengoso.
kondaine tizikapeza kuti si deal
Angokulodzanipo apa
owo chabwino
This is killing all lizards in your house assuming they grow into snakes.
Thanks even Tanzania have banned dea
ndiye solution mwaipeza ndi imeneyo bcause singanga sangalamule ndalama zimene tikumazimva kwa anthu okupha alubino mwina tiyese zimenezi kma ndikuona ngati pofunika kufufuza kwabasi bcause titha ku bana asinganga kma opanga zinthu ali phee, timamva za satanism anthu akuuwulula kma anthu angoti zii olo kuchitapo kanthu timamva akukamba ma radio mu za zoipa. zimene amapanga kma aboma ndi amabungWe angokhala zii
Zosatheka zimenezo. Popeza ma customers awo ndi ma politicians and apolisiwo
Politicians will die
No sense dere? Hw many Traditonal Doctors haz millions of Kwachas to pay for coast of 1 Albino as pple say that they coast more than 15million K’s
I dont think this will yield any positive results unless culprits are brought to the book of Law
Simuwatha amenewo opusa ndomwe amawanvelawo
Moti sitiwaona mmisikamu? Last tym heard opatsa opempha kanthu twn azimangidwa koma ngati ndaonapo zasintha ine. Kaya ine ndi masamba asiyana.
Odalila mphini zamuwawa….
zimenezo zamveka koma nanga anthu ambirimbiri omwe akuphedwawa ndi achifwamba muchita motani kapena mubananso POLICE SERVICE YA MALAWI?honestly anthu ambiri akuphedwa daily kuposanso ma albinowo chifukwa polisiyo ndiyofooka ndiye bananinso polisiyo
apaso akuyenera kulesa fanz kuyenda usiku. ena amanamizira ngat akupita kumabala pomwe ndzigawenga….. mwachidule aliyese by 7:30 azikhala mmakwao unless akuchokera kunchito, anali paulendo
Dela la kwathu zinayamba,
Dela la kwathu zinayamba,
Who still believe in witchcraft in 21st century? Next stop religion
Destroy even their shrines
ompha mnzake amphedweso
ku magowa wotcha basi
Number one! That is fine
Koma zitheka zimene kuti asiye kugulitsa mikwapukwapuyi
achita bwn athu woyipa amenewa
A kapezeka muziwatani