Farmers want to decide tobacco prices

Alfred Kapichira Banda

Farmers Union of Malawi (FUM) says tobacco farmers should be allowed to decide prices of their leaf.

President for FUM Alfred Kapichira Banda said it is sad that buyers and government are at the forefront in deciding prices.

”Tobbaco farmers are sidelined in making prices of tobacco when the farmers are the ones who cultivate the green gold but are not allowed to price it,” said Banda.

Alfred Kapichira Banda
Kapichira Banda: Says farmers want to have a say.

He added that the farmers are the ones who knows how much it cost them to bring out quality tobacco so they are supposed to have a huge say in setting prices.

According to Banda, government and buyers do not farm so they must leave the pricing to the farmers themselves.

Banda also called on all stakeholders including tobacco farmers to come together to formulate a Tobbaco Act that is fair for all.

Every year tobacco farmers in the country protest about low prices and high rejection rates at the auction floors.