An international organization, Malawi Relief UK has disclosed that many Malawians are at risk of losing sight due to authorities’ delay to treat eye diseases.
An assessment by the organization reveals that Machinga district has registered one hundred and fifty thousand people who have eye problems.

Malawi Relief UK general secretary Muhammad Mangera called for the need to have eye problems treated in Malawi.
Mangera added that the situation will force more Malawians into poverty arguing that blind people cannot be engaged in productive work.
Authorities from Machinga district hospital have since called on government through the ministry of health to allocate more resources for treating people with eye problems arguing that the hospitals lack equipment.
The organization has since set up a camp in Machinga district where people are being treated of eye problems.
Ndiye ndikafunsira bwanji akazi
Pliz stop writting shit!
#Malawi Government incompetence.
Mmmmmm.koma zoopya bwanki..
Kkkkkkk kuma nde gagan’diwa sopano malawi 24 iiiii hu
Kkkkkkkk tiye nazoni ma member abale zinazi
Muzilembako zoona bodza basi ine ndaona pa news mupereka umboni wabodza
Anthu ake akutiko. Mabodza basi.
ndizoona pa ZBS Analengezanso
Wang’ombola kapena wakanula?abale ndichani?
Komandiyetu wang’obolatu
kuno nde Ku Malawi
Koma Kumenekunso Ndekaya,mphepo Kapena?
Malawi wanga wawola