Amid increasing cases of abductions and killings of people born with albinism, the Malawi government says it will send some delegates to Tanzania to learn how to end the malpractice.
Speaking at an interface meeting with religious leaders from the northern region of Malawi conducted at Mzuzu state lodge, the state president Peter Mutharika said government is doing all it can to end the killings and will learn for the measures undertaken by his Tanzanian counterpart John Magufuli.
The president said what is remaining as of now is a go ahead from the government of Tanzania as well as Uganda where other delegates will also be sent.
“I think something has gone wrong in this country and I think we need to work together to pray for this country. Am sending a delegation, just waiting for permission to go to Tanzania and Uganda to see how they dealt with the matter in their countries,” said Mutharika.

He added that he was saddened with what happened in Ntcheu district where a man with albinism identified as Fletcher Machinjiri was found dead with some body parts chopped off. Mutharika said he does not expect human beings to do that.
According to Mutharika, apart from sending the delegation to the said countries, he has also introduced a committee which is being led by Dr. Hetherwick Ntaba to deal with the barbaric killings of people with albinism.
no need to send delegates there. just ask them through emails or other internet means.why waste money?
ndipamene muzikhulupilira kuti ziko lathu tikulamulidwa ndi munthu obwela kodi Peter kwao kweni kweni inu mukukuziwa????khalani abale anzanga apo biii anthu athu akutha
Ma delegates amenewa akapita ku maiko mukuwanenawo ndi ma allowance angati omwe boma litaononge “Munthalika just want to spend money for nothing inorder to sort out the problem in our own country, Born Kalindo’s Idea of killing those who affected with this crisis I think it’s a good Nzeru ndithu
Hqhahahaha. Mpaka wina adye allowance zoona? So it means we can’t handle this situation on our own. How long will it take to act on this inhumane act? Lord hear our prayer.
Zisiru inu mukamanyoza president mumatenga ngati ndinu anzeru nkamwa monukhamo agalu inu.
Meaning iweo pitala zakukanika kuthesa izi et ?kod anakusankhan ndani inu? mzeruso mulibetu man weh ,Tanzania ipezerapo mwai otilowera apa ka ija ya nyanja ija inuso ndye ai mwina amai aja anakaesera
mukakambilaneso za nyanja ijah, tel them that nyanja ndyawo atenge
Adabwa bwanji chule m’madzi muli mwake? vuto ndrakt wakhala pam’khate ndichifukwa chake sakuphedwa.anakakhala kt ndi anthu wamba omwe akuchita m’chitidwe uyu adakagwidwa kale-kale.ndikupempha ABALE ACHILOBINO VALANI ZILIMBE NKHONDOYI IKUONEKA KT ILI KUMIPANDO
Malawi athu azelu wot mkusova vutoli alipo angonenani kt mukafufuzaso misika koma athu asamakundaule ziko lose potidi mudalowa miyendo thats y apita mudakakhala alubino bwaa?
Mapresident akachasu awa,,,,,
masiku omaliza ano ndipo ndikwa Mulungu yekha komwe maalubino angapeze chitetezo not in this world.musayembekezele kuti dziko la Malawi lingapeze njila or kuti maiko ena angapeleke njila yotetezela malbinis palibe zimenezo,oniy God can.the goverment is behind of this so angapeleke bwanji njila yothetsela mchitidwe umene pamene iwowo nde akutuma zigawenga?Mulungu yekha ndithu ndiye akudziwa.
Apa klibwino kulowa pansi ,kodi ndi chiyn?kukalamba kapena kuzitama munthu mwana wako kukampasa munthu oti mwa mbo wawo sukuudziwa.ngati zavuta apeleke mpase anzao
Tangowafunseni akuwuzeni, kupitako kwa chiyani? Ithink malawi must be closed.
Koma a president inu? paliso zoti mpakana apa? Nanga pa nthawi yomwe anthuwo ali kuma mphunziro ,what measures have been put in place to protect those people ? Ma onsewa kuti anthuwa adzifabe, khaniyi ndiya straight forward iyi boma liku dziwapo kanthu
That’s good, we have a lot to learn from Mwagufuli though
Nde kuti panokha bwana Pitala simungapedze solution?
umbuli umaonongetsadi ndalama. ndatsimikiza lero ndithu!
umbuli umaonongetsadi ndalama. ndatsimikiza lero ndithu!
Peter he is stupd pres… He can’t thk him self how rong start this stupd thing lik this
Akukafufuza za misika ” tikukuonani tu” po TZ ndikuchimake
kufufuzako muzikafufuza chani pamene anthu akutha taiikanimalamulo okhwima
zomwezi mpaka Tanzania?isa
Anthuwa akufunika mob justice,angapezeke atapha or kupezeka ndiziwalo za ma albino or munthu wamba, akuyenera kulandila darth sentence live to public,kumanchosa chiwalo chimozi chimozi until atafa, kuti ena atengelepo phunzilo,he or she must feel how painful is to kill someone without a reason, they must die the same way, they hv to feel the pain no mercy,
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when a was young,,, people told me that albinos maliro ake saoneka,,amangosowa,,,,now i know,,,this practice has been there for years now,,,God is trying to reveal to us ,
Malawians don’t be fooled by exaggerations, today Magufuli this ,magufuli that.Most of the stories you hear are not realistic,Magufuli didn’t bring in any solution against the albino issues it is Jakaya Kikwete.Mind you if Magufuli was a Malawian leader you would have decorated him as a total dictator and destroy his PR against donors for the gentleman is tough and does what he knows best also don’t take advice,whatever he thinks, he does.Stop making stupid exaggerations.
Peter u must be stupi!!!!!! U knw everything about this killings of albinism, so dnt take malawians like they are stupid,,,,,, what kind of president you?????????????????? F*ck!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pempho: ngati ukuona kut English is a problem u better write ur comment in any other language that afew ppo can understand other than zosamveka mukulembaz. What is more interesting is that most of those who are doing this ndimadolo pa Chichewa, i know them! Kapena ndatukwana?
Kkkkkk hahahahaha
Mkuluyi akufana ndi Mr IBU bwanji?
i hv been hearing stories of albinism, but i understand nothng. What is it o about?
Nthawi yakwana Yesu wayandikira adzafunafuna mtendele koma sadzaupeza
Kkkkkkk a bakha aku thyolo akuti amasambila mu shire musadabwe kkkk
Kkkkkkk a bakha aku thyolo akuti amasambila mu shire musadabwe kkkk
Welcom idea though it exposez our failure securitywize.
Welcom idea though it exposez our failure securitywize.
Boma rili lonse sirimarepera zonvuta zake akufuna achibarew anthe kay bas adzawulur 2019 kma kurakwat akudziwa ndi murungu
Boma rili lonse sirimarepera zonvuta zake akufuna achibarew anthe kay bas adzawulur 2019 kma kurakwat akudziwa ndi murungu
if iwere pitala icouldn’t have done that playing with ur enermy!!!! think twice!!
Pitala he knows about fucken shit,dont take us like we’are stupid.He is a one who bring this kind of rubish
Pitala he knows about fucken shit,dont take us like we’are stupid.He is a one who bring this kind of rubish
Offer them with guns so that thy can protect themselves
Offer them with guns so that thy can protect themselves
Sizikufunikanso ziko lina to be involved fada presdnt jst aprove death sentence for the killer,do u mean the whole malawi we cant find ways of protectng our brodas n sistas with albnism? Dont u consider public hospitals are runing out of medication while our huge tax money wasted in trip allowances to tanzania.useless idea
Sizikufunikanso ziko lina to be involved fada presdnt jst aprove death sentence for the killer,do u mean the whole malawi we cant find ways of protectng our brodas n sistas with albnism? Dont u consider public hospitals are runing out of medication while our huge tax money wasted in trip allowances to tanzania.useless idea
What kind of president are u?.Stupid idiot the same Tanzania is fighting for our lake now u want to send pple to learn ways of protecting pple with albinism? Chimutu chachikulu chopanda mzeru kukamwa ngati bakha usatinyasepo apa président wopanda mzeru iwe futsek.Do u mean that mitu yonse iliku parliament njopanda nzeru mumangodya ndalama zaboma zaziiii hope ur part of this.
What kind of president are u?.Stupid idiot the same Tanzania is fighting for our lake now u want to send pple to learn ways of protecting pple with albinism? Chimutu chachikulu chopanda mzeru kukamwa ngati bakha usatinyasepo apa président wopanda mzeru iwe futsek.Do u mean that mitu yonse iliku parliament njopanda nzeru mumangodya ndalama zaboma zaziiii hope ur part of this.
mwina munthuyusotu zikumukhuzatu nkhanizi bwana kkkkkk aakudabwisa bwanji
It’s sad u call ur head of State all those ugly names.
And come Sunday u carry ur Bible to go to church, and perhaps receive communion. Remember what u saw is what u reap.
U saw heartrad u reap it.
U need DEVINE intervation with ur language. It’s really sad. ????
It’s sad u call ur head of State all those ugly names.
And come Sunday u carry ur Bible to go to church, and perhaps receive communion. Remember what u saw is what u reap.
U saw heartrad u reap it.
U need DEVINE intervation with ur language. It’s really sad. ????
Shatap Fatima Hak,,, Fi You Are Involved In Dat Business Youll Perish Together With Yor So Called President Or Ngat Kwanu Kulibe Albino Sindiye Kut Utnyase(utbowe)
Pachithako panupo
Pachithako panupo
Palibe chazelu chomwe mupange apa
Palibe chazelu chomwe mupange apa
koma president uyu bwanji?A Bingu adakasova kalekale vuto ili koma Pitala amaona ngati u president ndi ufumu osiilana.Akudziwapo kathu ameneyi ndi khani yofuna kuonongera ndalama iyi?kapena akufuna anthu aziphedwa kuno winayo akukanamizira kufufuza.Bwanji osafusa ife eni dziko poti zeru za class mulinazo koma zeru za umuthu mulibe apitala.nkhani ndi opha mnzake aphedwe/life in prison with hard labour. za chamba basiiii
koma president uyu bwanji?A Bingu adakasova kalekale vuto ili koma Pitala amaona ngati u president ndi ufumu osiilana.Akudziwapo kathu ameneyi ndi khani yofuna kuonongera ndalama iyi?kapena akufuna anthu aziphedwa kuno winayo akukanamizira kufufuza.Bwanji osafusa ife eni dziko poti zeru za class mulinazo koma zeru za umuthu mulibe apitala.nkhani ndi opha mnzake aphedwe/life in prison with hard labour. za chamba basiiii
Bakha kwake ndikusewera mmatope
Bakha kwake ndikusewera mmatope
Tanzaniayo inaonera ndani?? Mw low self-esteam bax.
Tanzaniayo inaonera ndani?? Mw low self-esteam bax.
Mmmmm pitala idont like to use foul languages wamva?? koma zomwe ukupangaziii let me tell u kuti ndiwe mbuli yamunthu. Death sentence it’s only one way to finish this so called mulpractice, nde ukufuna chilichonse tizisolver after kuonera maiko ena??dammit!!
Mmmmm pitala idont like to use foul languages wamva?? koma zomwe ukupangaziii let me tell u kuti ndiwe mbuli yamunthu. Death sentence it’s only one way to finish this so called mulpractice, nde ukufuna chilichonse tizisolver after kuonera maiko ena??dammit!!
There are no albinos in Tanzania, if they are found they are killed, so is our president going to Tz to learn how to kill albinos….
There are no albinos in Tanzania, if they are found they are killed, so is our president going to Tz to learn how to kill albinos….
i hop the government is happy wth bcause it high time we hv bn hearing,such cases, y cant u just make ur own raws to b folowed? wat is the use of parliament? eeee anthu akuthatu chison bwa?
i hop the government is happy wth bcause it high time we hv bn hearing,such cases, y cant u just make ur own raws to b folowed? wat is the use of parliament? eeee anthu akuthatu chison bwa?
Meaning kuti pitala payekha sangakwanitse kuthesa mchitidwe onyasawu. Eshiii what kind of a president we have in this country? Aaaaa meaning pitala sangakwanitse kuteteza miyoyo yaamalawi. Shit usless man
Meaning kuti pitala payekha sangakwanitse kuthesa mchitidwe onyasawu. Eshiii what kind of a president we have in this country? Aaaaa meaning pitala sangakwanitse kuteteza miyoyo yaamalawi. Shit usless man
Zachisoni poti Bingu anamwalira, kunakakhala kuti kumanda amapanga (BAIL) ndinakayesetsa kuti achokeko. Olo zina samachita bwino koma apa pokha sizinakatheka kuti mtundu uyu azifa ngati mkhuku chonchi.
Zachisoni poti Bingu anamwalira, kunakakhala kuti kumanda amapanga (BAIL) ndinakayesetsa kuti achokeko. Olo zina samachita bwino koma apa pokha sizinakatheka kuti mtundu uyu azifa ngati mkhuku chonchi.
Apo zikuwonetseratu kuti mdziko mwathu vuto ndiutsogoleri,there a certain lack of patriotism in current regime that’s y we need to learn from Tanzania to deal with such simple matters.Recently DPP led gvt sent troops in Mulanje mountain to deal with charcoal burners without seecking for any advice from any African country, today we need to learn from Tanzania on how to deal with albino killings i really can’t understand what the President was trying to tell these clergy men.My President so you are telling me you want to learn from Tanzania how to tighten security in your own country?
Kkkkkkkk fundoless papa.ingopitani inu mukabe zelu zina.titha ife mukapanda kulongosoka
Tikuwonelani bwana chifukwa chilonda chopha albino pano chikunyeka
Thts is nonsense malawian president y u send tht people to another country ithnk smethng it happened uknw tht busness u dd wit people of albino u r fool fool of shit nonsense
Banja li lonse limene kuli a zathu alubino atengeni mupite nawo ku police station then asilikali abwera awanyamule apite nawo mnyumba za boma more nyumbazo ndi misonkho yathu by force by fire
Nkhaniyi njofunika changu pozindikila kuti anthu athu akutha ndikuphedwa.maganizo anga ngakuti musanatumize anthu ku tanzania let all district councils through the DHO,councillors etc give them enough funds to transport ma albinos onse to a camp in all three regions take there details etc .Malo onse akhale akutetezedwa ndi asikali ….
ena ndi ana amafuna kupita ku school, ena ndi mabread winner ama family awo ndiye mkaz ndi ana awo azidya chani. ndi anthu ngat iwe ndi sungawachotsa komwe ali ndikuwaika malo amodzi, malo akhalako for how long ?. solution ndikuika death penalty kwa okumpha abale anthuwa komanso kumafufuza kut anawatuma ndani
ena ndi ana amafuna kupita ku school, ena ndi mabread winner ama family awo ndiye mkaz ndi ana awo azidya chani. ndi anthu ngat iwe ndi sungawachotsa komwe ali ndikuwaika malo amodzi, malo akhalako for how long ?. solution ndikuika death penalty kwa okumpha abale anthuwa komanso kumafufuza kut anawatuma ndani
Kutereko ndikuwaphera ma ufulu awo,
I wrote this comment in regarding to the situation now that almost every day we hear an albino has been killed this means that lives of our brothers and sisters are at risk.I understand its challenging but see we are loosing many lives now.
Yaa luciano akunena zoona zili kwaiyeyo kukana kupita ku camp or kuvomera
i think thats the point brother there is no way we can look at this …for long.Anthu akutha mmizimu are you happy with that ??
to put them in camps ikhala ngati issolation
Pa cump? Pamenepo nde azawatenga onse pagalimoto,,pano anthu saopa wachitetezo,,
Mukufuna kundiuza kuti apolicewa sakudziwa komwe kuli mtsika wa ma albino amenewa? Kupita ku Tanzania ndikukafunsa mzeru ndi kutaya nthawi ndi ndalama.
Different views indeed, mine is ‘loading…’
Different views indeed, mine is ‘loading…’
it will be not necessarily isolation but the aim is to save their lives.you can agree with me that the situation is getting worse day by day..
I think it would be more much better if you yourself could go there, because almost everything is a puzzle to you; or else is there anything you can say, see I have done this myself?
Ndiye kuti Mr president mukudziwa kumene kulisika ,chifukwa palibe chimene mukupangapo ,tsongoleri kungokhala waziiii basi
Heey ngalondeka
Iwe ndiye wadya manyi a mwana basi, sending delegates to TZ for what? Stupid President
Kkkkkkkkkkkk typical of a failed state..all these emails watsapp facebook mixit mpaka ena apangeko ma allowance migolomigolo zomwezi???intesify internal security that is o mr president though the seat doesnt suits ur shallow thinkin..kenako mufunsa nzeru kwa ma donors asa!!!!
So all heads are empty? Shame on the voters
Tsopano tiphatikiza malamulo athu ndi a Tanzania? Mwamwa kachasu kodi? Tanzania ndi omwe aja akufuna kulanda nyanja…WAKE UP!! Eish!! Sinachionepo chizereza ngati ichi ine chiyambire maprezdent. Tizidikira nthumwi , ana athu akutha kuno?
Anthu akudulidwa ziwa Bakili Muluzi anamuuza Gadafi kuti atani paja?? Mwina mwaiwala
Anthu akudulidwa ziwa Bakili Muluzi anamuuza Gadafi kuti atani paja?? Mwina mwaiwala
Mmm koma galu uyu ndiye wationjeza Ku Tanzania akatani? Zopusa basi
Mmm koma galu uyu ndiye wationjeza Ku Tanzania akatani? Zopusa basi
Hatred & kusakhutitsidwa kungapangise munthu kuyankhula molakwikwa. Ths is sin. No man can change ths world but God. Hav trust in Him & Him alone.
Malawi. This needs home-grow solutions. Always repairing other people’s products! Be it cars, tv, radios etc and now this. Meanwhile we have to wait for our tourists to study;analyise,make recommendations,approval then action! On the other hand our brothers and sisters continue getting killed while tourists get hefty allowances.
Alibe pulobulem.Kkkkkkkk going to Tanzania for what?
Chilichose Malawi kuthandizidwa ndi maiko ena
Mmmmm kutengeka, Tanzania nde kuchimakeko komapha ma albino athetsa kuti bodza lawo
utsogoleli wabwino umachokela kwa mulungu osati mmabuku,ndi ophunzila babayu koma akulephela kulamulila bwanji
poor in thinking capacity do u thing Tanzania send delegates to another country to come up wth solution . I don’t c use of president , ministers , mps , police let me tell you malawi you wll remain poor az you are if you don’t wake up . since 1919 now 2016 you are still blind shame on you
point of correction,DAVID FLETCHER MACHINJIRI was from Thete,malirana,DZ. Tiziwuzana zoona apa
president knows something on the killings
Kutha mapulani #pitala
everything its difficult for you , I can’t even figure out one gud thing that u have come better why only malawi , I don’t think in africa is os blind country lik you malawi . I don’t hate you but I feel sorry on you
eish my malawi kaya malawi malawi no when u think u gonna wake up for you even sleep during the day shame on you
upite iweyo ukaphunzire kayendetsedwe ka dziko
Zowona apite iyeyo
Kutha ma pulani presdent kkkkk eshiiiiiiii
Budget yadutsa ma allowance ayambike!!!!
Tanzania kuti ufiti ulipo then ananena kuti no sing’anga opanga makhwala kapezeka kundende no mercy kaya umachiza matenda chabe uzikanenera konko. Koma sudzatuluka life inprison
Magufuli Uchimenye Mbama Chi Muthalika Chimapanga Ndachimenechocho
aaa tiyisova tonkha osavaya out
Zoongoononga ndlama izi za ziii. Ena alandilepo ma allowance basi nkhani yoti tikhoza kuthana nayo tokha konkuno. Nanga kukanakhala kuti there is no tanzania in the world, mukadawatumiza kuti?? Wat kind of president do we have kodi?? Munthu okanika kupanga ma decision payekha zoona???? Koma awa nde malodza ndithu. Ine munthuyu wandikwana bwanji?
Wakwana tonsebwana sinunokha. Waiwala kuti akufuna kumulanda nyanja.
ine ndkuona ngat bomali likudziwapo kanthu pankhaniyi…. ndzovuta kuvesa koma ndkamakumbukira za nachipat zija….ndkumakhalabe ndmaganizo onena kut …………
Watikwanitsitsa ameneyu i dont think kuti tili ndi president kuno. Ndinkhani yopita naye kunja iyi
mbudzi ya munthu iyi. .atsogoleri osasankhidwa ndimulungu awa
Mukawone zonse zimene zikukukani
I don’t think these words are coming from the president
That’s one of the greatest move the President have made. Because this is the serious issue than it looks
Your president is crazy in mind
On this one he is not bcoz the the Tanzanian President is one of the best African leaders so far.
Welcome development. Wokaona nyanja……John Pombe Magufuli has done much more wealth learning from; talk of fight against corruption, fiscal discipline, good governance, respect for rule of law, you name it….. Much as we are also making strides in most of these, there is still room for improvement. Let’s learn from our good neighbor.
and where did magufuli learn all that?..#jstaskng
All we have heard and seen is he is doing better, where he learnt it we don’t know and it may not be necessary for now. However, should the need be, the delegates may ask him, I hope he might be willing to tell them more
Does it mean that malawi as agovernment has failed to deal with the killers?
No need to send people to Tanzania. We have the police and community to work on this. A don’t care heart is the one which is fuelling the killing of these innocent people. We have to act all of us!
Tanzania?? I doubt it.