Police in Dedza district have arrested a house servant after he raped his boss’ six year-old child.
Dedza police deputy publicist Cassim Manda identified the servant as Akim Sitifano who was working for a businesswoman in the district.
Manda said on Thursday the woman went to her business as usual leaving her daughter and the house servant at home.
When she came back the little girl told the woman that the house servant had raped her.

The mother reported the matter to Mtakataka police post who later arrested the suspect. A medical examination confirmed that the child had been raped.
Meanwhile police deputy publicist in the district Const Cassim Manda has warned rapists that they will go to prison because of their barbaric acts.
“Am very poignant with the augmentation of defilement cases, but as police we endeavour to sensitise people through community policing meetings.
“Let me compliment the courts for the sentences they are passing to perpetrators. In Malawi any girl under age of 16 whether with consent or her own intention or without it, is not allowed to have sexual intercourse, consequently, let me warn you, having sexual intercourse with such kind of people is prohibited under laws of Malawi, if you continue, just know that, you prepare yourself to sing 371 song in prison, while serving your 15 years jail sentence,” said Manda.
Akim Sitifano hails from Tembetembe village in the area of Traditional Authority Kachindamoto in Dedza and he will soon appear in court to answer the charge of defilement which is contrary to section 138 sub section 1 of the penal code.
bola ngati sanaphatikize amai ndi mwana
Such people don’t deserve any mercy
Such people don’t deserve any mercy
Ndiye usilu umenewo
Ndiye usilu umenewo
gondolosi + chamba + mkalaubongo = kugwilirila. 🙂 Oops! una User formula yachabe mkulu
nanuso azimayi munyanya employing a male servant pamene muli nd mwana wankaz osapanga employ watchito wankaz bwanj
Howard Johnson”s Hotels,Toronto is now recruiting workers from around the world for their June/July session to fill in these vacant positions : Receptionists,Room service,Pool management,Kitchen references,Securities,Gardeners,2Cashiers and Hotel drivers….forward your cvs to [email protected] if interested….or
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Countries where shalia law is being followed,okuba akagwidwa amadulidwa manja kuti nxt tym asazabenso. And ogwilira akapezeka amadulidwa chomwe anagwilitsa ntchito pogwililiracho kuti nxt tym asazayambilenso. Ilove such punishments.
Ee sorry zinazi ndi zamanyazi kambanga mwala
Mulungu wanga wotchan moto dziko laipa ili…..!!#dzikolaipadsengabayccap
Amatsekula Njira Ya Ku Mpoto
Samampatsa mpata amayiwo adakatani munthu
Aaaaa! koma ameneyo nigalueti. akazi akuyenda ovulavulawa sakuwaona .alandile chilango chokwima ameneyo.
Kugwilira mwana akadzi onsewa akuchita kufunsira amunawa???? Or wa cash and carry bwanji?
ana amasiku ano naoso awonjeza, mbina kukula ngati mayi awo,choncho wantchito angalimbe?
ana amasiku ano naoso awonjeza, mbina kukula ngati mayi awo,choncho wantchito angalimbe?
Zagwaaaaa zzatha! No whre to run RIP
kkkkkkk No comment
kodi charger cha nokia bwa?
Amgomusiya vuto ndi amai ake amwana.
Abwanawo ndekuti malipiro samamupasa nde apwetekesa mwana.
Pafika pa chizolowezi alangidwe ndithu.
Let him sing 371 songs in jail but makolonso ngolakwa mistake yaikulu athokoze chabe sanampatse matenda mwanayo zinazi tiziganiza.
Gondolosi sizinthu!!
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk e ko guyz zinaz tikamamva ayi ndithu zoseketsa et
Zangovuta kuti zagwela kwa mwana.
Koma ndikuona ngati mayi wonso anali ndi cholinga polemba mamuna kusiya atsikana akuvutikila mbweee akusowa ntchito.
Don’t blame him ndye kut mwanayo sanakhale bwino
Malawi 24 malo molemba zofunika kwa a Malawi monga zokhudza chilala muli busy kulemba apolice akumanga anthu kamba kolakwa. Anthu a kupanga izi kamba koti chakudya alibe kumudziko choncho akamangidwa ndi kupita ku ndende akadya zaulere nanga boma ikungokhala Mp ali busy kugona ku nyumba yamalamulo alibe chochita. Ndiye anthu pano azindikira zopalamula kuti akadye zaulere ku ndende.
Zofuna zimenezo ma hule ambiri ku bar bwanji osakapuma kumeneko
Zofuna zimenezo ma hule ambiri ku bar bwanji osakapuma kumeneko
Why not asking her girl’s mother to do with her instead of small girl like this, shame to you man.
Why not asking her girl’s mother to do with her instead of small girl like this, shame to you man.
Eish ine ndiduse kae
Eish ine ndiduse kae
Koma zochitika zaku dedza ndizovuta
Koma zochitika zaku dedza ndizovuta
Koma akamumanga,azikathandizika popwepweta misonkho yathu.So,I see nothing to be excited on.
Koma akamumanga,azikathandizika popwepweta misonkho yathu.So,I see nothing to be excited on.
Was this rape or defilement????
Was this rape or defilement????
Kuchepekedwa nzeru basi kukavulira kamwana kakang’ono umvapo chiyani.Lamulo igwire ntchito basi
Kuchepekedwa nzeru basi kukavulira kamwana kakang’ono umvapo chiyani.Lamulo igwire ntchito basi
Kkkkkkkk umasambitsa kapena anakhala udyo?
Kkkkkkkk umasambitsa kapena anakhala udyo?
Anakhala udyo
Kkkkkk death sentence
Azimai Ena Kuzinva Kwambri Ana Muzilera Nokha,naoxo Adao Mahule Oxewa
Azimai Ena Kuzinva Kwambri Ana Muzilera Nokha,naoxo Adao Mahule Oxewa
If I was related to the little gurl ndikulumbila maniwa sakanakafika ku police ali amoyo
Imeneyo nde Dedza ndimadziwa ine mmmmm its too much
Ameneyo wawonjedza penapake Kamlepo Kalua ndayamba kumumvetsa pajatu ananena kuti iye amafuna kuti yemwe agwilira mwana azimuthena, nanga chonchi mwana wa zaka 6 amati amvapo chani kusiya ma D 7 angoti mbwee.
langizo: lembani wancito wamkazi ngati pakhomopo pali ana aakazi chonde chonde
Mbuzi yimadya pomwe wayimangirira
Koma pali ndi chakudya chake man.
Amalekelanji kudya makeyo??
Umfiti,akazi onsewa bullshitt.
Ukuaona ndiwe akazi-wo mzako akawaonera kut pot amagwra ya pa door.
Andimange andimange bola ine mwana ndamutcholera.
Sitifano adakatan nanga daily akumuona mwana mene akukulira kkkkk
But in this case the boss was a lady @ Willard Greasham so there wouldn’t have been anything like that
Ameneyo ndiyu #malawi#
Employing a female servant puts the life of the servant at risk of abuse frm the male boss,,, no where to ran
But this was a female boss so there was a choice
kkkkk malawalawa kulawa po pa mwàna lero ndi izi wàkundende malipiro kusoķoñekeràtu pamenepo nanga tinene ķuti akupàsani amwezi uno simwalandira ķale pamenepo
Ladies pliz let’s be serious for once!!..how can someone employ a male servant to be taking care of a girl child and u expect everything to be fine..zinazi nzopeweka azimai pliz… let’s not put our children in danger zadala ngati izi..Antchito aakazi kunalibe?
azimaiwo satha nchito zapanyumba ndiye amaopa kuti maid adzawalanda mamuna. simple.
Ndiye kuti businesswoman yu amamu yuzanso man yu ngati mamuna wake.
How can a single woman employ a man ?
I thought as much..coz ndi m’mene ma rape case anachulukira pano anthu ambiri anasiya zimenezi
Eishhh mpaka kulawa mwana wa biggie,koma nde anaonjezatu eeeh,ndakaika ngat za mwei uno atalandire
(Rip) Rest in prison
koma mwana wamkaz chomamusiyira pakhomo ndi wa ntchito wamamuna ndichani???pena makolo mumaziyamba dala nokha,,,akanatani ekhaekha wantchito…
14 years in jail with hard labour. Zandwopsa bwanj?
Ngati umboni utapezeke alandile chilango.
“In Malawi any girl under age of 16 whether with consent or her own intention or without it, is not allowed to have sexual intercourse … ”
Yup! That is true according to the Penal Code. However, the Constitution says that the minimum age for marriage is 15 (with parental consent). That means the husband cannot legally… you know … until his bride is 16.
Ma—–la—–wi in the past we use a motto of UNITY and FREEDOM now our motto is VANDALISM and TORTURE
Dedza, Dedza Mwanyanya Aaaah! Kodi Bomalo Ndalama Zimabwera Chifukwa Cha Zimenezi