Malawi Police denies recruitment scandal

Peter Mutharika

The Malawi Police Service (MPS) says there was no corruption in the recruitment of police cadets.

The development comes as some individuals are pointing fingers at the MPS for chasing away over 200 police students who were supposed to go for police training at Kanjedza Police Training School (Kanjedza-PTS).

A student at Kanjedza PTS, who asked for anonymity, said there is corruption taking place at the Malawi Police Service.

Police recruitment was reported to be hit by favoritism.

He said more people are going into the department without proper qualifications.

The source said it is not a secret anymore that top officials at the police headquarters in Lilongwe are corrupt. He said he has some friends who found themselves a place for the training by buying invitation letters at the police headquarters.

“What is happening is that they are surprisingly chasing students away from the training school for no proper reasons. This is giving an image that they are doing this with a special reason because no person can be chased because of sneezing and coughing, that’s not a disease.

“You can imagine that last Friday after chasing over 180 students we were 771 students and in the next morning surprisingly the number increased and we were 863 students. I have some friends who bought invitation forms at K150,000 from the headquarters,” said the source.

He added that the police officials are chasing some cadets saying they do not have proper qualifications, to give room for people who have given the officers money.

However, deputy national police publicist Tomeck Nyaude, said there is no corruption happening and those being chased away are not qualified to be trained as police officers.

He said it is their duty to end corruption and added that no officials at the headquarters can be doing that.

Nyaude added that they advertised for the post and interviews were done and these people know that they did not qualify.



  1. Tchimo ili lokha akuyenera kuvomera:::: akumbukire kt ulendo okapezeka kumalo komwe anthu anaitanidwa unali ogula angakhale minibus patsikuli zinakwera mtengo::: tulo tomwe oitanidwa ochuluka aja anagona tinalinso togula angakhale maroom anakwera mtengo:::chakudya chomwe chinadyedwa patsikuli chinali chogula angakhale chiimilire nacho chinakwera mtengo:::angakhale zovala zinavalidwa zinalinso zodula::: tikakamba zamafuta onunkhira nd zina ayi ndithu ana awa anazipereka::: koma zonsezi zosakukhudzani ayi mukukatenga nkhalamba zogwa mkumina mwati zikathamange?? Zkathamanga chani mitsempha itapora kale? Mukusiya achisodzera ozipereka ngat amenewa?? Kuno ku Monkey-Bay kokha kunachoka minibus 7 zodzaza ndi achinyamata kuthamangira mtunda uja munkat wabalaka koma zovetsa chison Mangochi yense otengedwa an2 awiri??? Mmm ikanakhala UNIMA imatero bwenzi ma graduate tilipo ochepa zedi PEMPHO KWA OSIYIDWA musataye mtima khulupilirani kwa wolenga

  2. Àkanapo chiyani awa. They are only increasing the number of crooks in the security system. No wonder we have a lot of unsatisfactory delivery of security services. How can a real police officer drink beer in uniform; be drunk on duty…

  3. Ok,ngati mukukana do you think those pple will manage to serve the interest of the nation & her citizens?Aliko iwonso akudziwa no interviews koma pano mwawatenga

  4. Corruption of course it’s everywhere but mmmm we have come to know more money & very greedy It’s shame , police should not defend themselvese here , Gtv departments are doing very silly things there in Malawi in general

  5. Corruption of course it’s everywhere but mmmm we have come to know more money & very greedy It’s shame , police should not defend themselvese here , Gtv departments are doing very silly things there in Malawi in general

  6. Mukavomera sindiye kuti mumachita ndinu…timaona ndi ana ife…..2009 de munatiimba….koma i thank God am abroad…coz munandipondeleza ine kukamera kwina…..zoti ndinalephera muja munandiuzira muja ndimakaika…yang’anani ma file mwanu nde munditsutse

  7. Mukavomera sindiye kuti mumachita ndinu…timaona ndi ana ife…..2009 de munatiimba….koma i thank God am abroad…coz munandipondeleza ine kukamera kwina…..zoti ndinalephera muja munandiuzira muja ndimakaika…yang’anani ma file mwanu nde munditsutse

  8. Stupid, our police instead of fighting corruption ndamene ali pa tsogolo ndi ziphuphu

  9. those who trainied are the relatives of some ministers but remember u ministers without poor people like us who based at remote areas u could not be there,why u segregate our kids who applyed for that?they are well qualified bt nt taken

  10. Mr nyaunde tsakumane mundva kuwawa!!!!! Tel me what kind of qualfication do u want????!!!!! Mxiiiiiiie

  11. Thi Is Indeed Very True, they tel u that u r 2 short, koma akudziwa kuti akufuna kuikapo mzukulu wawo, mapeto ake achinyengowa ndizo mbava zotheratu,

  12. Olo iweyo bambo ako atakhala insepector wa police adzayambira iwe kukulemba ndi abale ako ,ana azichemwali ako, nonse mudzi mwanu ndiye ukufuna uyankhule chani za zi ukukambazo dont talk no sence!

  13. Olo iweyo bambo ako atakhala insepector wa police adzayambira iwe kukulemba ndi abale ako ,ana azichemwali ako, nonse mudzi mwanu ndiye ukufuna uyankhule chani za zi ukukambazo dont talk no sence!

  14. Olo iweyo bambo ako atakhala insepector wa police adzayambira iwe kukulemba ndi abale ako ,ana azichemwali ako, nonse mudzi mwanu ndiye ukufuna uyankhule chani za zi ukukambazo dont talk no sence!

  15. Olo iweyo bambo ako atakhala insepector wa police adzayambira iwe kukulemba ndi abale ako ,ana azichemwali ako, nonse mudzi mwanu ndiye ukufuna uyankhule chani za zi ukukambazo dont talk no sence!

  16. It’s your time please be doing that but leaving deserving candidates at the cost of what you know is a total shame this nation.How can you say that those who were sent back did not qualify.We might be interested to know as to who gave them the letters that’s the bottom line.But forget not that there’s always tomorrow God is watching .Of late know clear answers were given on the buying of promotions and now you are in again SHAME.

  17. This is incompetence for Mr Nyaunde a public officer lying to Malawians where are they geting the addups when they chase un qualified ones? Everyone is aware about the corruption taking place in police service. Be ashamed of yourself by trying to defend yourself from doing evils with your men in uniforms.

  18. This is incompetence for Mr Nyaunde a public officer lying to Malawians where are they geting the addups when they chase un qualified ones? Everyone is aware about the corruption taking place in police service. Be ashamed of yourself by trying to defend yourself from doing evils with your men in uniforms.

  19. Akukana chan apa, it pains when some pipo did the oral, written, and the fitness test and pass jst ended up being replaced by some one jst becoz he is a relative of a ceirtain Officer Incharge, or top brass of Police, ndimsambi. police of today r incompetence, they dont kno what to do as law enforcers, kuchulutsa ziphuphu, kumanga anthu chifukwa chot ena awalamula, no wanda people have now opted mob justice in dealing wth criminals becoz they hav no trust in our police service.

  20. Akukana chan apa, it pains when some pipo did the oral, written, and the fitness test and pass jst ended up being replaced by some one jst becoz he is a relative of a ceirtain Officer Incharge, or top brass of Police, ndimsambi. police of today r incompetence, they dont kno what to do as law enforcers, kuchulutsa ziphuphu, kumanga anthu chifukwa chot ena awalamula, no wanda people have now opted mob justice in dealing wth criminals becoz they hav no trust in our police service.

  21. It’s not only Malawi Police Service ntchito zamasiku ano pa Malawi amene muli kutsogolonu m’mangotenga ana anu ndi azibale anu kumawavutitsa anthu ndi ma training komaso ma interviews koma osawatenga. Zimatiwawa mukafuna kutulutsa vacancy muzingouza abale anuwo ndi ana anuwo osamazibweletsa pa public. Anthu m’mangowazuza ma certificate akungowola m’midzimu sikuti anthuwo safuna kukhala pa ntchito, koma odzagwila ntchitozo m’makhala mulunawo kale. Ndiye cholinga cha xool masiku ano ndichani? Kulibwino muzingowauza mukuwadziwawo osati zomazuza anthu ena kumati kwatuluka vacancy ya Police, Army etc. Zimapweteka ngati sim’madziwa!!!!!

  22. Apolice Musakane Kuti Mumachita Ziphuphu Polemba Anthu Ntchito. Example Ndine Ndemwe Ndapangapo Ma Interview Kokwana Ka Tatu Koma Otsanditenga. Ndinauzidwa Kuti Ndipeleke Ndalama Yokwana K30000 Kuti Munditenge Koma Chifukwa Choti Ndinalibe Ndalamayo Ndinasiyidwa Maulendo Onse Panopa Sindinapangeso Umve Umenewo. Mumalemba Ana Anu Ndi Abale Anu Basi Nde Mukukukana Chani? Umboni Ndilinawo Akufuna Kudziwa Zambiri Nambala Za Anthuwo Ndilinazo.

  23. mbuzi ya munthu iwe ukunena kt no corruption. Akufumbatitsani nthawi yomweyi .agalu awanthu .ndikunena abakha inuyo aMPS .bwanji osangowauza anthu kuti tidzilembana tokhatokha ,wasuta chingabwe eti

  24. Had it bn kuti potekanso Asembe,M`busa or Sheikh kumakha zinyengo zambiri bwenzi tunyadila kuti uthenga ufalisidwadi koma zomangana zomwezi eish nayenso akayamba ntchito m`bava zichulukad bcz chinyengo chizingopitililabe

    1. Chinyengo chili paliponse! Ku unsembe nde bolanso a polisi. Tafufunvani mutha kuulilira mpingo wa Yesu ndithu!

  25. Osewasegulira kaye mlandu anthu 200 amenewo inuyo anthu apanga chinyengo osawamanga kaye bwanj? inuyo kuwapanga release anthu oti apezeka ndizachingo pamenepo Pakufunika ACB izafufuze

  26. Do you not denny this is truth,90% of police recruitments are sons and Daughters of DPP leaders( ma CADETS AWA)

  27. Deny it all you could but truth remains, cadets are being thrown into the police and sooner than later this country will be in turmoil because of police incompetence. If only you knew what people who gets jobs from a silver platter do

  28. its true they were selling invitation letters at a price of K50000.00 @ Limbe PTs

  29. ine mzanga kuno sanalembere nawo zapolice ine ndinalembera ndipo ma interview onse kupanga nawo, koma chondikwana mzangao amachta kuneneratu kt akukayamba ntchto ku police, ndikunena pano aliku mtakataka, adalandira kalata koma osapanga interview, ndiye musatibowole mmakutu ndizanuzo.

  30. Choncho muyembekezera kuti chitetezo chikhalapo , yet anthu omwe atengedwa they are based on politics and relationship. Anthu mukuwazuza ndi ma interviews yet otengedwa aliphe kudikirira ankolo amenye nkhondo , tikati tidandaule mukufuna kutichotsa moyo , paja in kupha anthu sinKhani. But there is one from above watching who can not be pleased with the oppression you are doing to us, my God see my Malawi where is it going what good are we doing . Shame on those on power. Pope a ndinu tumilungu ta pansi pano Mulungu mwini akuoneni

    1. Anthu andale khalidwe lawo ndiloyipa.kumalawi kulibe dpartment yoyima payokha.andale akulamula palipose.mulungu angowona tym izakwana azawakantha

    2. Chibale basi i wish they must also be sending police to nigeria to fight #bokoHaram stupidt thats y poverty will be impoverishn NYASALAND 4 EVA

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