The Midima senior resident magistrate court has sentenced an 18 year-old man to six years in prison with hard labour for sexually assaulting a girl.
Assistant Public Relations Officer for Limbe Police Widson Nhlane said the man, 18 year-old Patrick Lede, assaulted a 16 year-old girl in February.
“The incident occurred on 28 February 2016 in Limbe Township where the convict unlawfully and indecently assaulted the 16 year-old girl,” said Nhlane.
He added that the matter was reported to police who arrested Lede and charged him with indecent assault which is contrary to section 137(1) of the penal code.
On Tuesday, Lede pleaded guilty to the charge and senior resident magistrate Benson Chisakamile slapped the convict with six years imprisonment with hard labour saying the sentence will deter would be offenders.
Lede hails from Belethe village T/A Makhuwira in Chikhwawa district.
Nothing to forgive he knew what exactly he was doing,
Wauyamba moyo wina pamenepo
Kkkkkk Koma Wodala, Kkkkk Munthu Wa 18 Year Ndi Old Man, Sentence Zaka Six Pa Sexual Abuse, Koma Wina Wa Zaka Above Makumi Asanu Ndi Mfulu Ataba Ma Million A A Malawi. Kkkkkk Esh Koma, Only God Knows.
Ana nao mavalidwe ndiye uone minyendo chaaaaaaaaa!!!!!
What is the meaning of “man”?? 18yrs old man??kkkkkkkkkkkkkk thus y our court has no spirit of forgiveness.
Basi ukangoyambako std eight Ku ndendeko ukamadzatuluka utalemba ma eight.
child care protection justice act # 22 of 2010 igwile ntchito nat imprison wth hard labour ndimwana ameneyo
Pamene wakupha albino 18 months. Shame!
Hmmm !mwina m’mawa ndine .20 yrs
Hmmm !mwina m’mawa ndine .20 yrs
yet someone who stole millions is being charged 3 yrs. Shame
yet someone who stole millions is being charged 3 yrs. Shame
mavalidwe anyanya masiku ano kumbali ya atsikana
Akuvala bwanji tatiuzeni? Zafika ngati Ku sasafulika??? Mmmmm
Umeneo ndie moyo walero
akasova yekha
chibwenzi chikatha muzimangitsana? zosachenjera bas!