The country’s department of forestry has engaged the Malawi Defence Force (MDF) to start protecting Mulanje Mountain which has suffered massive deforestation over the years.
The country’s defence force has been granted permission to look after the mountain by the city councils of districts that surround the mountain which include Phalombe and Mulanje itself.

The development follows increased cases of charcoal burning and logging which are making the mountain look bare.
According to director of forestry, Clement Chilima who was speaking during a meeting with MDF officials, the illegal charcoal burning and timber harvesting is depleting more resources in the mountain making it to lose its attractiveness.
He said the aim of engaging the soldiers is not that people should get scared but to bring sanity in as far as the management and conservation of the mountain is concerned.
“We have involved the MDF to make people comply with regulations in the management of forestry reserves though it is just on temporary measure,” said Chilima.
The development follows the involvement of MDF soldiers in Dzalanyama and Chikangawa forest reserves amid increasing cases of deforestation.
Mikoko yogona ilukukanikani ku TZ uko pano mkulimbana ndi anthu osauka ozifunira okhA chAkudya mmapiri
Asirikali kulondela blue gum ndi mulanje sider
dats good idea ma soldier awa alibe zochita amangodya ndalama kkkk
bola pamenepa
thx ncy
Mlonda ntchito yake ndiimeneyo, bola nanga azingotafuna ndarama zaulele?
aforest akulephera ntchito amakakhala pa roadblock eti kumagwira makala, kumalandira nawonxo ziphuphu pamene amayenera kumakakhala kuthengo komweko!
just deploy them to guards our dear friends Albinoz simple.
Aaaaa Mwina Tikanangomenya Kakhondo Ka Friendly Kaja Ndi A Tanzania A MDF Akanapeza Chochita Bcz Boma Powatumiza Kumeneko Lawona Kuti Alibe Chochita.
Thanks you for your support,I can’t be happy to this mountain open
they are there to protect us and the nice country go guys go komweko mukapeza anthu akuchita chipongwe ma a;bhino pitani guys
We could even go well with some replantings
Nice one government
Good development mitengo imadulidwa kwambiri.guys dere r other things dat u need to appreciate dis is one of dem,thanks to de government of dis old man..
Kkkkkkkkk zoophyat izi aforesti agwira ntchto yanj? Ndye azidya ndalama zamahalat
kkkkk agwileni ntchito anthuwo amajomba kusukulu dala lelo akudula mitengo mosasamala oh these pipo amzathu amdf ayi gwilani ntchito……..akachitamakani shoot them or let them go to school
alibe job yogwita amenewa bola azilondera nkhalango basi
ziri bho nawonso a Lomwe muwawonetse Kkkkk
Mufuna MDF ipheso a2 muja achitil ku dedza / dzalanyama
Tikumva kuti asowako angapo kumeneko osasewela ndi mulanje anyamata
Anthu ena amwalirakonso ngati zija zidachitika ku Chikangawa.
but its too late…, the mountains hav been shaved to the point that you can see the ground from miles away… But its queit a good development
Defence kkkk
Shaaaaa apapa nde yalakwa heavy! Nonse okonda kudula mitengo mu mj mount stop bxz muwona zomwe akuwona anzanu ku mdzalanyama forest.
So its only Mulanje moutain and Dzalanyama forest that matter and not Chikangawa?
Aforest kuba ndiomwe aononga chilengedwe ambili ndi omwe amadula matabwa mukampeza ogwesa mtengo opanda chilolezo aponyedwe nyakula mangochi
Mother malawi
Amenewo abwere tithamangisane basi,apa ndiye kuti mizimu yakwiya.
komatu anthu azuzika kumeneko These Guys are too harsh
komatu anthu azuzika kumeneko These Guys are too harsh
They should do that too with Zomba mountain..
kkkkkkkkkkk,let them go n guard chikangawa too
iq believe they will work professionally not wat they are doing in Dzalanyama, anthu akuzuzika gwirani tchito yanu ya ulondawo not harrasing innocent pple,
The Malawian who will come to vote in Zambia will be killed. Their is a rumour going round that Malawian registered to vote in Zambia……be careful otherwise you will be killed zambians are sad.
Are u trying to start a war????
Good move
Makape munalandisa nyanja pano mukulimbana ndi zazi ,a forest ntchito yawo ndi chani
Koma malawiiiii…. Zoona sojala mkumpatsa ulonda wa mibwabwa ? Kkkkkk
apheso anthu kumeneko?
koma osapanga chinyengo azakutumizilani njuchi ambwiye muthawako kohiwa!!?
koma osapanga chinyengo azakutumizilani njuchi ambwiye m
koma osapanga chinyengo azakutumizila
Ayi boma likufuna liziba ndalama zomwe azungu azibwelesa akamazaona nkhalangoyo.
Kalanditseni nyanja kaye guyz
Tithamangitseko matupiii ndkale lija.
K palibe chachilendo mavuto ndiosatha Emeneyo ndiye Malawi
Kusowa kokamenya nkhondo zida zikufumbwa?.Think twice en respect our soldiers iyaaaaa from Mdf to forest security?
agwanya bwanji pamenepo kkkk
Bola asaipute mizimu kumenekuko uku.Akachita masewera athako kumeneko ndikusowa mmodzmodzi.
But I thought it claimed to an independent state?
Good development especially when it comes to preventing natural resources, but my worry is tourism industry will go down. The way MDF uses their power,can a tourist have hiking at mt mulanje again because when we talk of tourism in Malawi then we talk of mt mulanje n lake Malawi.now MDF controlling kaya.forex sitiyithawisa
Amalawi timanyozesa asilikali athu. Mmesa apita kunja kukalanda phiri ku united states of mulanje and thyolo?
eeeee acyirekoni azanu tchito yoronda
Naaaaaaaa u r wrong,they r there just 4 training nd last month some were here (SengaBay) for training in preparation 4 peace keeping
Tht means mwalephela kuteteza nyanja? kkkk ndiye mwati bola muphe anthu amziko lanu kkk Pitala kkk
Nkhan yabwino nkhalango ndiyofunika kwambili
MDF is supposed to protect us from external forces not internal!internal is for police
I think if we will continue with the tendancy of using our respectable MDF to protect some minor issues we are devalueling or demoralising them.Although Malawi is apeaceful country but we should not measure the toughness of them by protecting minor issues.Are you trying trying to say that our Police officers have not trained well to protect such issues? For sure litle by litle many will recognise the weakness of our respectable Soldiers.I totally disgree with this move.
Good idea,if you find anyone cutting trees kill him!!.
Oo Zafika Pamenepa,shame To Those Pipo Who Did That.
Nde angaope ndani zimenezo?? Makala aotchedwa bax!!
Eeee kma gyz! Malawi saza2kuka bas kuyika ma gud mnkhalanga?
Mpaka akalondela sapitwa?
Mulanje mountain?? Why not Lake Malawi?? Mukuisiya basi nyanja ipite?
Shaaaaa siiiyaaaa mpaka asitikali. Zavuta azikangopha basi
good development, anthu anyanya kuononga za chilengedwe.
some of them they must go to lake malawi kkkkk ! we dont want our lake to go!
mdf kulondela nkhalango ? kkk…! bwanji azikalondela nyanja ya malawi tiwone ngati sakachokako ndi mapama? ntchito ya a alonda a forest kumagwira asirikali adziko haha….ha! amalawi ndiye tikanali pama vuto a wumbulitu
MDF more fire
Hope u wont beat n kill poor villagers as u did at Dzalanyama
Nkhani yomvetsa chisoni .kodi aforest azilipidwa za ulele? Nanga asilikaliwo azikwanitsanso chitetezo ku ma camp malile adziko?
Apa pokha ndiye mukathyoledwa miyendo alomwe inu imeneyi ndi #Malawi_Army sinamenyepo nkhondo iyambira painu kuyesera zida samalani
kkkkkkkkkk! kuyesera zida kodi sunawacheze bwno
Kkkkkk ndikuuzani bro #Gerald zikalira mfuti kumeneko kkkkkk
Kkkkkkkkkkk koma wandisekesa mpaka kuyesera zida
Kkkkkk #Esther ndithudi anthu amenewa zida zao zinatopa kalekale zimangokhala kkkkkkkk
Kaphateni basaya mungawagumana anagwanda mitiwo na ale anawotcha makala,lekani kuwathibula tayu muwapange asiye basiene.Mungachita tepo basa yanu inafamba mwadidi.
I wish you could teach me your language.
Mwatero wankulu tikanakhalirana pafupi bwenzi ntakuphunzisani mchisenatu chimenchi
good 1 a malawi kunyanya kuononga chilengedwe,mukaapeza ootchamakala ndi odula mitengo akwapuleni ndithu,congrats mdf
koma kulephera kuteteza nyanja mufuna kulimbana ndi amphawi opanda or mpeni odulira mitengo eish mix magetsinso akumavuta koma Malawi
Thats what we are waiting to see and hear its nice as well
mdf zitsiru za anthu.kumenya anthu osalakwa ndiye ntchito bax.panopa agalu amenewa akulanda chimanga anthu osalakwa akut kuthesa njala.ine nde i hate MDF
Kinyanja mukuopako chiyani? Kupezela anthu opanda zida.
Ha ha ha ha ha army kulondera mitengo makwathu kuno unduna wake wovuta kufotokoza2…..
Abwrenxo kuno ku NDIX phiri lkutha iri.. cha mmudi dam umu
It 2let nkhalango yatha kale shame.
Lake Malawi ikupita uku.Osakalondera kumeneko bwanji?Why mulanje?
But they must stop treating people like animals becouse @ dzalanyama people they suffered alot becouse of those cows they think poor person he can feed his family with soil me i hate them so much
People are. Acting like animals nowadays
eya kagwireni ntchito adzajaila amenewo
Hakweee kagadileni nyanja uku.
Anthu mulile sopano eshiii zmachedwa kuti
Its a welcome development
Am happy
long overdue