Malawians, many of whom live on less than a dollar a day, will now have to pay more than K1,000 every time they access medical services at public hospitals.

According to reports reaching Malawi24, a child accessing medical services at government owned hospitals will be charged K750 while adults will have to fork out K1,650.
The user fees will be introduced from July this year, according to minister of health Peter Kumpalume.
Kumpalume said in an interview that the ministry has finished working on the policy and they are waiting for cabinet approval. ”We are waiting for cabinet approval and this is in line with the public reforms which were introduced.
“We want to make the health sector more efficient and hospitals should generate funds on their own through the fee that people will be paying when they want to access the medical services and will also want to improve the conditions in the government hospitals,” said Kumpalume.
People u r claiming that villagers will die, go into villages and see how they are reproducing,are we in old testament? Everybody should take responsibility,its when villagers will use contraceptives properly,those in against freed your private clinics for those called poor but irresponsible people to access health care for free @ ur clinic
It’s high time the Malawi government and collaborating partners focused on the upstream factors influencing ill health. If we continue to invest in curative interventions or health care, we should know that we’re changing but a little. Let’s focus on socioeconomic deprivation. Umphawi is the source of all these health problems.
Even our neighbouring countries amalipilitsa ma hospital services awo,
Hlw Haw ru
Hlw Haw ru
Zilibwino. Tizolowera.
This is nonsense poor always will be a poor he must go to hell
Za boza izi
Za boza izi
Za boza izi
Amalawi phuma Paja Siayemweyi Amati Sazigawa Mbewa Kwa Anthu?
Iye Ankaona Ng’ombe Ngati Mbewa Chabe Chifukwa Amagawa Ndi JB Inu Munkati Koma Ameneyi. Kodi Sopano Mukufuna 2019 Itafika?. Ayi Munthuyu Sanakhazikike Osampasa phuma Munamfunisisa.
Ife Tifunika Tizilipira Mzipatala Chifukwa Choice Imene Tinapanga.
Ndipo Tisamayankhule Zamwano Ife Tizidikirira Nthito Za Chala Chathu Zitichitire Umboni.
Amalawi phuma Paja Siayemweyi Amati Sazigawa Mbewa Kwa Anthu?
Iye Ankaona Ng’ombe Ngati Mbewa Chabe Chifukwa Amagawa Ndi JB Inu Munkati Koma Ameneyi. Kodi Sopano Mukufuna 2019 Itafika?. Ayi Munthuyu Sanakhazikike Osampasa phuma Munamfunisisa.
Ife Tifunika Tizilipira Mzipatala Chifukwa Choice Imene Tinapanga.
Ndipo Tisamayankhule Zamwano Ife Tizidikirira Nthito Za Chala Chathu Zitichitire Umboni.
Register with moyo cover basi….bwanj kod kuzikaikira……
Anthu amalipira akapita mwa asing’anga, mission hospitals but suddenly it bcms an issue when govt says pay… Sitingatukuke kumangofuna zinthu zaulele iyaa everywhere else ppl pay except malawi then we hv our neighbours flocking at our hospitals for free services cz we are apparently so charitable! Wake up malawi!
Anthu amalipira akapita mwa asing’anga, mission hospitals but suddenly it bcms an issue when govt says pay… Sitingatukuke kumangofuna zinthu zaulele iyaa everywhere else ppl pay except malawi then we hv our neighbours flocking at our hospitals for free services cz we are apparently so charitable! Wake up malawi!
Kutipha uku
Good move….
Apeter nyamako! !!!!!!!!!!!
Koma mk 1000 sindalama pa mw pa mw anthu ali ndi darama
Koma mk 1000 sindalama pa mw pa mw anthu ali ndi darama
Dzana Mmati Odwala Azilima Chimanga, Pano Mukuti Azilipira? Shame On You, Boma Lopusa, Stupid Gvt Kutengera Za Kwa America ?
Dzana Mmati Odwala Azilima Chimanga, Pano Mukuti Azilipira? Shame On You, Boma Lopusa, Stupid Gvt Kutengera Za Kwa America ?
kuipa khope ndi mtima womwe pitala. komaso a good gondwe nanuso ndinu chitsiru cha munthu. kungovomereza zili zonse basi . bola mwalandila salary yanu kuli kusamala nchele wanu. tizawona 19 may sipatali .
kuipa khope ndi mtima womwe pitala. komaso a good gondwe nanuso ndinu chitsiru cha munthu. kungovomereza zili zonse basi . bola mwalandila salary yanu kuli kusamala nchele wanu. tizawona 19 may sipatali .
Dikishonale ya mma 2000
Dikishonale ya mma 2000
masiku otsiliza amenewa osAdabwa iyayi
masiku otsiliza amenewa osAdabwa iyayi
masiku otsiliza amenewa osAdabwa iyayi
kkkkkkkk.,ndine ngati? si ine ayi,.kkk.tidzazolowera bwana!!!!!! kkkkkk.mwana akalirira nyanga ya nsatsi nsemere, …..
I’m crying for my NYASALAND MALAWI WHERE IS MY COUNTRY GOING. JESUS, WE PAY TAX day and night.are we the hoes of de Govt?
I’m crying for my NYASALAND MALAWI WHERE IS MY COUNTRY GOING. JESUS, WE PAY TAX day and night.are we the hoes of de Govt?
I’m crying for my NYASALAND MALAWI WHERE IS MY COUNTRY GOING. JESUS, WE PAY TAX day and night.are we the hoes of de Govt?
Izi nde mbwerera.
Izi nde mbwerera.
My psychic readings focus on positive thinking & positive change. It may assist in bringing clarity to a confusing situation, help you prepare for the future in a more focused way and may empower you with positive potential. If you are seeking spiritual guidance with your relationship, marriage, love, family, career, money, health matters, or life’s daily issues, my insightful accurate psychic reading will help you answer the questions that weigh heavily on your mind. I would love to assist you with making the best decisions for your Future. No matter where you live I can help you.Call +27738951830 MUNIL SALEH, I do Whats-App, Face book/munilsaleh, Phone and personal readings.
My psychic readings focus on positive thinking & positive change. It may assist in bringing clarity to a confusing situation, help you prepare for the future in a more focused way and may empower you with positive potential. If you are seeking spiritual guidance with your relationship, marriage, love, family, career, money, health matters, or life’s daily issues, my insightful accurate psychic reading will help you answer the questions that weigh heavily on your mind. I would love to assist you with making the best decisions for your Future. No matter where you live I can help you.Call +27738951830 MUNIL SALEH, I do Whats-App, Face book/munilsaleh, Phone and personal readings.
Really what is different btwn private then? Mr president where r u?
Really what is different btwn private then? Mr president where r u?
They banned manufacturing of tiny plastics, we accepted. They banned making sachet beer, we agreed with them. And now they want to ban life. Are we gonna bow down to this one as well? Just look at this guys, we are already struggling to get medicine when we visit public hospitals and our friends and relatives are dying day in/out due to this problem. Then the government is also coming in to say that we should pay the doctors for killing our brothers and sisters. Isn’t this what we call madness? For my money(in my opinion), this is tantamount to banning life in Malawi.
They banned manufacturing of tiny plastics, we accepted. They banned making sachet beer, we agreed with them. And now they want to ban life. Are we gonna bow down to this one as well? Just look at this guys, we are already struggling to get medicine when we visit public hospitals and our friends and relatives are dying day in/out due to this problem. Then the government is also coming in to say that we should pay the doctors for killing our brothers and sisters. Isn’t this what we call madness? For my money(in my opinion), this is tantamount to banning life in Malawi.
very bad last weak monday i went to central hospital with my baby due to fever i was forced to pay 2500 inorder to be attended, den i asked how much for aldut??he sayed same Price why my malawi???
very bad last weak monday i went to central hospital with my baby due to fever i was forced to pay 2500 inorder to be attended, den i asked how much for aldut??he sayed same Price why my malawi???
Dictatorial Type Of Leadership At Play….Who Can “Define” The Term PUBLIC HOSPITAL….Am Afraid To Disclose Its Meaning…How Much Will Local Citizens Be Paying At Private Hospitals??? Thats My Million Dollar Question,,,,,azigogo Athu Kumuzi They Are Even Failing To Buy Mchere Wa K50,,do You Think They Can Afford To Pay K1000 Fee At Public Hospitals??? FOOD FOR THOUGHT I REST MY CASE…The Warm Heart Of Africa Has Turned Out To Be A Mere Playing Ground…CASE CLOSED.
Dictatorial Type Of Leadership At Play….Who Can “Define” The Term PUBLIC HOSPITAL….Am Afraid To Disclose Its Meaning…How Much Will Local Citizens Be Paying At Private Hospitals??? Thats My Million Dollar Question,,,,,azigogo Athu Kumuzi They Are Even Failing To Buy Mchere Wa K50,,do You Think They Can Afford To Pay K1000 Fee At Public Hospitals??? FOOD FOR THOUGHT I REST MY CASE…The Warm Heart Of Africa Has Turned Out To Be A Mere Playing Ground…CASE CLOSED.
Bullshit president
Bullshit president
How much is for looting out of every K1000? Iam sure this was factored-in when making the break downs to reach the figure.
How much is for looting out of every K1000? Iam sure this was factored-in when making the break downs to reach the figure.
Oaps… idont understand why thousand instead of small amout which poor pple can manage to pay.
mulidziwe dziko.
mulidziwe dziko.
mulidziwe dziko.
Mmhuuu only god knows
Mmhuuu only god knows
Mmhuuu only god knows
Apa nde mwatipha basi. Kaya tilimba kaya mmmm! Only GOD knows.
Apa nde mwatipha basi. Kaya tilimba kaya mmmm! Only GOD knows.
Apa nde mwatipha basi. Kaya tilimba kaya mmmm! Only GOD knows.
Good Development But The Poor Eldery Must Be Given A Cupon
Good Development But The Poor Eldery Must Be Given A Cupon
Good Development But The Poor Eldery Must Be Given A Cupon
Aaa zakhala bwino,amalawi tikuyenera kuchangamuka ndikuthetsa ka syndrome komangofuna zilizonse zikhale za ulere.Nothing for nothing basitu..
Aaa zakhala bwino,amalawi tikuyenera kuchangamuka ndikuthetsa ka syndrome komangofuna zilizonse zikhale za ulere.Nothing for nothing basitu..
Aaa zakhala bwino,amalawi tikuyenera kuchangamuka ndikuthetsa ka syndrome komangofuna zilizonse zikhale za ulere.Nothing for nothing basitu..
ayi !
Remember its un official news
Abwana apa nde mwationjeza, ku road traffic munakweza molapitsa ma services onse, pano mwalowa kuzipatala,ayi chabwino,tonse tingofa mutsale ndiinu.
Hw foolish r u? To come up with dis idea, dont u see de way we r surfering.
If so then no more tax coz we do pay tax to support gvment,if they hv decided so no problem coz we can nt afford to pay VAT+PAY &hospital fees
ever since i was born nearly 4ty decades ago i have never paid single tambala in so-called public hospitals..how come now that i should pay in public hospital? can someone tell me the meaninging of this shit?
lol !!!!! then the government betta have them cleaners ready. surelly saying the closest bushes to the hospitals gonna be in trouble. now imagine what that means. #OUT_BREAKS of diseases like choleras…………. move made dont fit many malawians. many wont be able to pay tha mentioned amount. now how are they gonna help themselves when call of nature calls ? closest bush. anyway,thats what i would do too.problem solved
Ndiyeno nsima ya abitchi izigulitsidwa pa bwanji?????? Nanga ya myama????
Ok fine.my question to you Mr President, where will the tax payers money be allocated to ????????????
Ngati mwatopa tulani pansi osati mukamafa ndi BP mutidandaule ife pano apaseni anzanu anzeru atisogolele.. Zoti kuli njala simukuziziwa….poti muli ndi ndalama mukuona ngati wina aliyese alinazo? Koma muziwe kt wina aliyense okufa mwapha ndinu!
Yoooh zinthu zavuta p a malawi kulibe chaulere
2019 Dpp must fall
Too bad in malawi haaa whats that rubbish?
Too bad in malawi haaa whats that rubbish?
Zoonadi man bc, its 666
Zoonadi man bc, its 666
Poor!!_—@risk of death…Malawi -new world order plan progressing.
Poor!!_—@risk of death…Malawi -new world order plan progressing.
Ngati akuba panado what about money
Ngati akuba panado what about money
There Are Other Pple In Rural Areas Who Dont Even Able To Find K500 In Aday To Take Care 4 Themselves So Do You Think They Will Be Able To Pay 4 Medication In Public Hospitals?Plz Lets Consider Our Relatives Who Can Not Manage It.
There Are Other Pple In Rural Areas Who Dont Even Able To Find K500 In Aday To Take Care 4 Themselves So Do You Think They Will Be Able To Pay 4 Medication In Public Hospitals?Plz Lets Consider Our Relatives Who Can Not Manage It.
Congratulations Malawi,just to ask is this money including kids under 5 years, can you please improve the service I mean doctors service plus cleaning services,and food must also included to those admitted I mean health food and enough,and please we don’t want to see patients on a flow and not so many guardian around patients bed.
Congratulations Malawi,just to ask is this money including kids under 5 years, can you please improve the service I mean doctors service plus cleaning services,and food must also included to those admitted I mean health food and enough,and please we don’t want to see patients on a flow and not so many guardian around patients bed.
Ngakhale tizilipirabe Xtl muzitipangabe momwe mumatipangira maka kwa ife opanda mainafe tili pa ukapolo.
Ngakhale tizilipirabe Xtl muzitipangabe momwe mumatipangira maka kwa ife opanda mainafe tili pa ukapolo.
Dollars and Kwachas… lemons and oranges..
Dollars and Kwachas… lemons and oranges..
Its not fair mpakana pin……
And better services
Mooweee!!!! Kookhwaa!! Kohin’nda Yoowani [ndalira chakwathu]
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkķ zala zathu
mlibe zeru nanga anthu amasiye azigogo ndi anthu osauka ayitenga kuti ndrama mkufuna anthu amwalire tidzakuonani 2019 a Peter mdzachoka
Nyamafu Wa Oswel still in health centres they start playing, is what the article is talking about
Oh my motherland do u think this can be better solution for gvt to earn money?wat about the greedy leader. and pipo will pay for that poor services nde zafikapo pano tisamanamizile kuti ziko ndi loosauka koma tilibe atsogoleli abwino. ngati boma limasowa ndalama nanga munthu waakumuzi 1000 its too much ganizanipo kachiwiri apa
zilibwino ife amumidzi zaulere sitimadziwa tinazolowera za mission zolipira nanunso lawaniko amutown poti ndimomwe muli zaboma
I support the move
Ndizoona ngati ndizoona it means peter and his cabinet there or stupid dog anyani
Ok sizikulakwika tizilipira but make sure we have mankhwala okwanira and ma doctors/nurses must treat patient with dignity bcoz we are payng 4the service we are not payng for panado koma full treamnt komanso ma ambulance anasowa tkuena wapasi tikadwala
malaw wamkaka uja akupta kut mayooo! ndalila chakwath
Iyi ndie yolakwansotu guys
we have 4 departments in our wards of which each caters 20patients / day who have poor-mans illness related (either due to poor hygine or poor nutrition dute to having little money) so 20*4=80 admissions per day,,, 80*750=60000/day taken away from less pocketed malawians or 80*1650 = ??? if u do the math to see how much per wk can the hospital make out the patients attending it u’ll be shocked. then how do u think these will develop themselves?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, its a nice move introducing the fees but at least k500 is better.
Its not a bad idea, it happens in most of the countries
Kuyambira ku ministry of healthy kumalizira ku ma workers kulibeko wabwino all I can say that they are thieves
Others were just saying its a good move it will improve service delivery even me literary ithink so but let us think about atypical rural grany who is failing to raise five kwacha for soda .ithink all we poor Malawians our tym have expired
If aperson have no money to pay for they children at primary school their children will be illiterate,but what if they hav no money for hospital???
what abaut poor people can they manage?????
Chifukwa chomwe ndimadana ndi politics mwazina ndi izi pamenepa wina akuti wapanga plan yotukula dziko tsek to hell with yo plans
Paying in government hospital a better idea and in primary xulz as well bt the rates must be fair enough to pro poor malawians to aford…………. Eg xul of 10000 students at k500 per month will realise a sum of 5million kwacha in cash nanga choncho sallary ya aphunzitsi ingasowe? Dzuka malawi dzuka zaulele tikafikanazo kut? The government has tried to adjust tax rates bt could nt aveil co we are many 17 million plus boma silingakwanitse
asogoleli akumalawi ndi anthu osakonda dziko lawo kodi akudziwa kuti kumidziku anthu amatha mwezi osapeza k1000 yomwe akunenayo ndiye munthu akudwala ayipeza bwanji mudzayankha mulandu wakupha kwa mulungu komaso tiona ngati muwinaso 2019
mayooo!!!! malawi walila chokweza dzika la mkaka ndi uchi lija lasandunduka dziko lomvesa kuwawa
This is a good move. (ngati wa kumudzi amakwanitsa kulipira kwa asing’anga ndiye akakanike ku chipatala?)
when a government officials recieve k35000 just for 5 hours its called benefits(allowance)..when the same money is given once to local malawian in FISP annually it is called waste of reasources,,,,when govt can spend 5 million to one govt official just for check up is called caring, free healthy care to ordinary malawiann is called waste of reasources…tell me what strategies are you following
referral hospitals like Queens every thing is paying. if you want free services go to health centres
kodi ndi nthito iti yomwe tingaphese ndalama yolipila ku chipatala bwanji boma osaganisila anthu sinthito soti asigwila kuti akwanise kulipila mangwala m’sipatala ziko la malawi tili pa chiopweso cha njala ndi mathentha aku boma ganisani bwino yinuyo mukulandila mulibe vuto koma asibale anu Sa
mmm i just feel like we are all stupid coz we are just wasting our time speaking,wrtting on internet, why don’t we start mademo so that our president will knw that his people are not happy with his goverment!!!! We are same like people who are in prison.!!!!!! Let do mademo people coz apapa tikuyanganira muvi ukubwera patali koma tikayanganira kwambiri utilasa mmaso ok!! Inu mukuona bwanji my people malawian???!????????!’
mmm i just feel like we are all stupid coz we are just wasting our time speaking,wrtting on internet, why don’t we start mademo so that our president will knw that his people are not happy with his goverment!!!! We are same like people who are in prison.!!!!!! Let do mademo people coz apapa tikuyanganira muvi ukubwera patali koma tikayanganira kwambiri utilasa mmaso ok!! Inu mukuona bwanji my people malawian???!????????!’
Very good to say.
But these judiciary department will say we are wrong..you know why?
coz what there know corruption
The problem is not paying… But who is paying…some of this guys don’t even have transport to hospitals so how and where to get this money… Please Malawians lets help the government and find out the cost of them not to pay …. We must dig deep in our pockets and settle some of this issue. And we have stayed long in this poverty thing, Malawi is a peaceful nation so why is it not prosperous. Where ever their is peace also their is prosperity. But not the same in Malawi. We must not wait for west to come we all the aid we must help each other…local generated NGO, will help some where. If 1 million Malawians gives K10 everyday ..we will have k10 00 000 per day take it to 30days then take it to 12months At lest it will help . Government can’t do every thing. We are also part of the government. When we talk bad of our government we will have bad government,lets prayer for them and , as long as we are in this situation… We also must work with international NGO
for services assistance like drugs etc. God bless Malawi.
The problem is not paying… But who is paying…some of this guys don’t even have transport to hospitals so how and where to get this money… Please Malawians lets help the government and find out the cost of them not to pay …. We must dig deep in our pockets and settle some of this issue. And we have stayed long in this poverty thing, Malawi is a peaceful nation so why is it not prosperous. Where ever their is peace also their is prosperity. But not the same in Malawi. We must not wait for west to come we all the aid we must help each other…local generated NGO, will help some where. If 1 million Malawians gives K10 everyday ..we will have k10 00 000 per day take it to 30days then take it to 12months At lest it will help . Government can’t do every thing. We are also part of the government. When we talk bad of our government we will have bad government,lets prayer for them and , as long as we are in this situation… We also must work with international NGO
for services assistance like drugs etc. God bless Malawi.
Let God be GOD.
Let God be GOD.
Basi Asing’angatu Apitilize Zintchito Zawo Kumbali Ya Mankwala Achikuda
Queens anayamba pakanthawi kulipilitsa
Bolani Apostoli
This is a good move for development, a thing which has enriched many countries but for sure it cant work with Malawi coz of Corruption and overdependence. So it worries me kut mankhwala a donation tizigulisananso.
munthu wadwara ndirama ayitenga kuti apitara!
Zimene likupanga bomalanulo ndi ufiti wina, akudziwa kuti amalawi ambili sali pazintchito ndikumakamba zokhuta zaozo kapena akufuna amalawi ayambe kuba kuti azipeza ndalamazo komano ndibwino popangazinthu aziona kaye ngati iwo ali ndi ndalama sikuti ndi onse alinazo ai,aiwala kuti pomwe amavoteledwadwa anthu amafuna kuti mwina zinthu zikhalako bwino koma ndipamene zikuonongekelatu pano
No more public hospitals in MW.bcoz word”public”means something free eg,public toilet,etc.am just saying welcm PVT hospitals.
Poor country
lets stop complaining,its time to pay the price of our foolishness.We dug our own grave lets lay it.next time make good choices.Foolish poor malawians
Kukamwa kwangotu ummaa!! kwangoti umaaa aaaa.
chonsecho…..athu aba ma billion nkungowasunga…..kumalorela kugwa mukhothi bola aseve ndalama zomwalila kwa athu ndinjala alibe nazo tchito…am always feeling sad and shame to my mother land Malawi
That’s alter nonsense
Malawi wake up I think it will not wake think those in vg will afford to do that. Best thing is national ID although Malawi u have realize madzi atafikakhosi remember this new system it be beyond than cash gate coz doctors or nurses in high positions they will be richer with our money feers if so government must plan carefully abt this if it was 80s 0r 90s not now ur making people nautically.
Nyasaland Malawi, in dis case are poor MALAWIAS STIL paying tax to GOVT or not? 2019 is not too far u shall need us. U shall need our vote but it will be too late itell u. Ok!
Anthu alipila panado kkkkkkkkkkk
But to be honest this government they don’t think abt poor people .Bolaso maulamuliro apitawo zinthu sizimkafika ponyasa ngat mmene zafikilamu komanso a Malawi tisamangovomeleze zilizose .Munthu amatha kudwala mwadzidzi ulibe or k5 which means anthu ovutika azingofa
Ine changa ndi chison
Shame azaweluze bas
Ma services akakhala abwino its ok. Kma zikapitilira zimene zimachitika zosowa mankhwala misonkho tikudula your govt is going to fall dwn
Mavuto alipo!
What I can say about this my Malawi not like other countries if u tired and u want to get relax u please before going down ur life same like ur brafo slow down other wize idio all members of parliament
Osamadabwa madoctor akamamenyedwa kukubweraku, bcoz aluvela sipano nde wina aziphweketsa ohoo!!
mu uzane kumeneko kuti ndinu anthu aufiti ankhandwe munthu osagwira ntchito ndalama akaba kuti ? agulitse tichimanga tochepa kaleto? wayambitsa zausiru ndani? mufuna mumve mkwiyo wa anthu? kungovomereza kuti dziko lakanika kuyendetsa ili mumangomva kuti boma eti? Mmalawi muno ndalama zilipo koma anthu otembereredwanu mumangogawana ana anu azigogo anu apongozi anu mumawapititsa zipatava zakunja
Adzilipira, anasankha okha dzinthudzi
things are very bad now. anthu azikayitenga kuti ndalama ngati. kudwala umachita kukonzekera?
To say this goverment does not care 4 the pple .lets meet 2019
Are you a nurse my brother Fedderick Michael Muyaba? This is a stupidest thing I have ever heard in my life, what if you are really sick not about your headache as you have mentioned and you don’t have that amount? It’s definitely you won’t be attended……… These people are robbers, they sell government medical equipments to private hospitals and they are now given this opportunity to steal more from the poor, this idea sacks!
dpp yawina chisankho inu nkumasekerera mwaziona zimenezi aaa munasankha olakwika zoona zake nd zimenezo !
Koma yah munthu uyu, now its 666 time
tinazolowela ife,kulipila tinayamba Kale kupita ku chipatala cha boma amakuuza kt mankhwala kulibe ukagule ku phamarcy,ndye chachilendO mcha? vuto si boma la dpp koma ndi amai cOz zOnsezi zabwela just becoz othandiza asiya kupeleka thandizo ndye olo muli inu mudakatan?
Suganiza bwanawe. Mizimu ya anthu omwalira kaamba ka policy imendyi should pour their blood on your spirit coz u dont kno that malawi z poor
achisiru ndemanga osangosiya amai atani apa
Pa mtchumbo pako iwe, amayi atani? Stupid. Osangovomereza kulephera kwa mkulu bwanji?
Muziwona Chaka Chake Ndi Chino Mr #Katunga. Amai Analakwa Kukuziwitsani Kuti Anthu Akutibela Munjila Ya Cashgate? Tiziwathokoza Amai Coz Anatisekula Maso Pano Tinawaziwa Akuba Onse. Mizimu Ya Anthu Onse Omwalila Kamba Kosowa Ndalama Yolipilila Kuchitala Ikukathe Iweyo Amene Ukuti Zilibwinowe.
kdi aboma za VAT xizikukwana.
Wandilasa ok ophunzila ukhale iweyokkkkkkk
I would suggest the best option for the payment system should be creation of a health insurance and it should use swipe cards for every client seeking medical service so that money realized should not be touched by dis-honest health officials. Perhaps hiring a private firm could be much better than the overused government services where there is a long chain of signatories to approve some minute document and eventually delaying the whole process on top of stealing / plundering the public purse, shame!!!
mmmmmmmmmm mmmmmm
tough times nowadays to my fellow Malawians eish God help us
U mean k1000 or k100, chilungamu ndichoti “NO MORE gorvnment hospitals nanga kodi muthu woti wachita ngozi ayitenga kuti nde kenakano timva zoti tizilipilaso miseumu oyenda pasife aaaaaa chaulere kuchokera kuboma aaa zikutha
Bolo ya amanu mukauzane ndi mathanyula boy wanuyo mbuzi ndiye ntchito ya msokho wanthu ndichani?
Bolo ya amanu mukauzane ndi mathanyula boy wanuyo mbuzi ndiye ntchito ya msokho wanthu ndichani?
Koma Boma Ili Ndilofuna Kuti Wina Alakwe Malakhulidwe. Ndiye Ngati Zili Chomwecho Misokho Musiye Kutidulaso Cuz Mumati Ndalama Za Misokho Mumalipilila Ogwila Ntchito Kuchipatala Ndi Kugulila Makhwala Ndiye Pano Chonde Mwapeza Njila Yopezela Ndalama Zolipilila Anamwino Choncho Musatiduleso Msokho Mwedzi Uno.
Koma Boma Ili Ndilofuna Kuti Wina Alakwe Malakhulidwe. Ndiye Ngati Zili Chomwecho Misokho Musiye Kutidulaso Cuz Mumati Ndalama Za Misokho Mumalipilila Ogwila Ntchito Kuchipatala Ndi Kugulila Makhwala Ndiye Pano Chonde Mwapeza Njila Yopezela Ndalama Zolipilila Anamwino Choncho Musatiduleso Msokho Mwedzi Uno.
Who are robbers?
Who are robbers?
Zili bwino, osati munthu kukhalira bawo tsiku lonse kenaka kumva mutu basi kukalandira panado wa ulere
Zili bwino, osati munthu kukhalira bawo tsiku lonse kenaka kumva mutu basi kukalandira panado wa ulere
But What Does Our M P S Say About This?
But What Does Our M P S Say About This?
Mwachita bwibo mwaneneratu tisanavote sukaiona yanga voti wandikwana!!
Mwachita bwibo mwaneneratu tisanavote sukaiona yanga voti wandikwana!!
Its cool but wat about to those hu can’t even afford to hv the money?
Its cool but wat about to those hu can’t even afford to hv the money?
U want money for 2019 campaign agalu fa inu. Nanga akafa asadalipire
U want money for 2019 campaign agalu fa inu. Nanga akafa asadalipire
the cabinet is full of ana a ku mkaka, amateurs. They insist on farm subsdies and not health. They took money from education and gave it to state houses. Money from health to malata/cement subsdy. Our lives do not matter anymore.
the cabinet is full of ana a ku mkaka, amateurs. They insist on farm subsdies and not health. They took money from education and gave it to state houses. Money from health to malata/cement subsdy. Our lives do not matter anymore.
Aaaaa!malawi tsopano wasanduka mbola
Aaaaa!malawi tsopano wasanduka mbola
I don’t know if Gvt ask ppls ideas about this issue cos poor pple will be difficult for them to manage even as a whole.Tizifa ndithu mmakomomu.
I don’t know if Gvt ask ppls ideas about this issue cos poor pple will be difficult for them to manage even as a whole.Tizifa ndithu mmakomomu.
jah mulowelelepo
Dziko likulowera kuti?mwaganizira ife omwe sitipeza kanthu pakutha pa tsikufe?
Dziko likulowera kuti?mwaganizira ife omwe sitipeza kanthu pakutha pa tsikufe?
Iiiiiiiiiii sizimenezo ndimaziwa ine,nde amalawi ambiri ndiosauka ndalama akazitenga kt? Aloreni amalwi apite kumanda mosakaikira
Iiiiiiiiiii sizimenezo ndimaziwa ine,nde amalawi ambiri ndiosauka ndalama akazitenga kt? Aloreni amalwi apite kumanda mosakaikira
Mr #Muthalika Hw many countries in africa are paying money in public hospital???
Mr #Muthalika Hw many countries in africa are paying money in public hospital???
Dziko laipa ili mulowererepo Ambuye moyo wathu ulimmadzi.
Dziko laipa ili mulowererepo Ambuye moyo wathu ulimmadzi.
munkati koma ophunxila
munkati koma ophunxila
Ndalama Ikuvuta Kale Pa Malawi Ndiye yakuchipatala tiziyitenganso kuti? Ndiyetu olo ana azingobadwira kwa zamba
Ndalama Ikuvuta Kale Pa Malawi Ndiye yakuchipatala tiziyitenganso kuti? Ndiyetu olo ana azingobadwira kwa zamba
money can save live indeed.. The poor will die surely
money can save live indeed.. The poor will die surely
Mwanyake mukutimukwaniskenge kulipila k1000 iyi kwe anyinamwe,awiskemwe na agogo winu mkutondeka nakuwatumilako k100 kuti wagule AZAM SOAP olo k100 yamchere,SONO KUCHIPALA WAMUPEREKAKOVICHI ANGANYA?Tose ise tikuti enya tiyambe kuwatumila ndalama wapapi withu.
Mwanyake mukutimukwaniskenge kulipila k1000 iyi kwe anyinamwe,awiskemwe na agogo winu mkutondeka nakuwatumilako k100 kuti wagule AZAM SOAP olo k100 yamchere,SONO KUCHIPALA WAMUPEREKAKOVICHI ANGANYA?Tose ise tikuti enya tiyambe kuwatumila ndalama wapapi withu.
Mmmm shameful
mayiķo adziko lapatsi ndiozuza guys
mayiķo adziko lapatsi ndiozuza guys
Gud move that is the only sustainable path face problems head on, time for pushing problems forward is gone. soon you will reduce tax coz we are heavily taxed.
Gud move that is the only sustainable path face problems head on, time for pushing problems forward is gone. soon you will reduce tax coz we are heavily taxed.
Malawi y?
Malawi y?
Ndiye madokotala adzichita mwano ndi ma peshent, mudzitibulidwa. munthu walipila ndiye mudziwatukwanaso.
Ndiye madokotala adzichita mwano ndi ma peshent, mudzitibulidwa. munthu walipila ndiye mudziwatukwanaso.
In my humble contribution, I hope this is long overdue. For how long are we going to wait for the government to provide us with subsidies, freebies etc. We don’t have a vibrant economy, we have been dependent on donors, we keep on importing even trash but feel as if everything is fine. We look the other way zikakhala kuti zathu zikuyenda and we don’t think about the plight of other people. Honestly, izi ndi zomwe zikufunika. Kodi anthu omwe kumadera kwao kulibe zipatala zaboma amatani,? Don’t we have hospitals run by churches where a small amount is charged,,? Zinazi tisamangoti boma litipangira….. Tibale ana,,, boma litirerera,, zoona,?
Yes, it’ll be a recipe for the people to wake up and demand both transparency and accountability from Govt.
In my humble contribution, I hope this is long overdue. For how long are we going to wait for the government to provide us with subsidies, freebies etc. We don’t have a vibrant economy, we have been dependent on donors, we keep on importing even trash but feel as if everything is fine. We look the other way zikakhala kuti zathu zikuyenda and we don’t think about the plight of other people. Honestly, izi ndi zomwe zikufunika. Kodi anthu omwe kumadera kwao kulibe zipatala zaboma amatani,? Don’t we have hospitals run by churches where a small amount is charged,,? Zinazi tisamangoti boma litipangira….. Tibale ana,,, boma litirerera,, zoona,?
Yes, it’ll be a recipe for the people to wake up and demand both transparency and accountability from Govt.
… Thank you…!
Kod iwe ndiwe waben kapena wa boma .sunanyoko ava chende lako mmalawi opusa iwe umalandila hw much iwe. Mata yako
Stupid dunderhead,,,, why can’t you raise your point rather than attacking my personality? Can’t waist my time with clueless nonentity like you. Shame on you
Polofesa Asa Pita Muthalika munkanfuna ujatu ndameneyu a malawi. Ndinkakuuzani ine koma kusamva!
Polofesa Asa Pita Muthalika munkanfuna ujatu ndameneyu a malawi. Ndinkakuuzani ine koma kusamva!
The government is inversting through patients shame on you Mr President ,where is poor people going to get money to pay medicine .I wonder why their do send their official outside the country to get better treatment while there is poor services in hospitals and the same public must pay .why do you let other leardship to take over. KUMUDZI had his system that you can follow go through his system you can make better Malawi for all.
The government is inversting through patients shame on you Mr President ,where is poor people going to get money to pay medicine .I wonder why their do send their official outside the country to get better treatment while there is poor services in hospitals and the same public must pay .why do you let other leardship to take over. KUMUDZI had his system that you can follow go through his system you can make better Malawi for all.
The government is inversting through patients shame on you Mr President ,where is poor people going to get money to pay medicine .I wonder why their do send their official outside the country to get better treatment while there is poor services in hospitals and the same public must pay .why do you let other leardship to take over. KUMUDZI had his system that you can follow go through his system you can make better Malawi for all.
Bola makhwala azipezeka,kupanda apo mudzamva kuti ma patient akupanga ma demo,oti tonse tife or zipatala ziziyasidwa.kod mnsokho wanga umapita kut?
Bola makhwala azipezeka,kupanda apo mudzamva kuti ma patient akupanga ma demo,oti tonse tife or zipatala ziziyasidwa.kod mnsokho wanga umapita kut?
Bola makhwala azipezeka,kupanda apo mudzamva kuti ma patient akupanga ma demo,oti tonse tife or zipatala ziziyasidwa.kod mnsokho wanga umapita kut?
guyz most of pple in Malawi spend less than a dollar aday …. Why always DPP imangobwera imangobwera ndi mfundo zopusa????
guyz most of pple in Malawi spend less than a dollar aday …. Why always DPP imangobwera imangobwera ndi mfundo zopusa????
guyz most of pple in Malawi spend less than a dollar aday …. Why always DPP imangobwera imangobwera ndi mfundo zopusa????
I think this may not address the issue at hand. How are they planning to stop people from stealing from the government. I believe the hospitals have money for other services to run smoothly but this is not happening because of theft.
I think this may not address the issue at hand. How are they planning to stop people from stealing from the government. I believe the hospitals have money for other services to run smoothly but this is not happening because of theft.
I think this may not address the issue at hand. How are they planning to stop people from stealing from the government. I believe the hospitals have money for other services to run smoothly but this is not happening because of theft.
Timva munsika tizipeleka gate-fee.
Timva munsika tizipeleka gate-fee.
basi tonse tikadwala tizongomwa annointing water ndi kugwira screen akamapemphera
basi tonse tikadwala tizongomwa annointing water ndi kugwira screen akamapemphera
basi tonse tikadwala tizongomwa annointing water ndi kugwira screen akamapemphera
i second thax
i second thax
Apeze njira ina yotiphera! amene mukuvomerezanu muzaona polekera, matenda sapanganika mwina muli pa moyo cover, timalizeni tasala pati.
Apeze njira ina yotiphera! amene mukuvomerezanu muzaona polekera, matenda sapanganika mwina muli pa moyo cover, timalizeni tasala pati.
Apeze njira ina yotiphera! amene mukuvomerezanu muzaona polekera, matenda sapanganika mwina muli pa moyo cover, timalizeni tasala pati.
Tsopani tiziti ndichaniso abale ndalàma zichoka kuti zolipilira
Tsopani tiziti ndichaniso abale ndalàma zichoka kuti zolipilira
i think that will help us to manage our resources well. imagine, some people just go to hospital, accessing panado, apun reaching home, they just dump it, expiring unused. zaulerezitu a malawi sitimasamala. tikamalipira mwina tizisamala
i think that will help us to manage our resources well. imagine, some people just go to hospital, accessing panado, apun reaching home, they just dump it, expiring unused. zaulerezitu a malawi sitimasamala. tikamalipira mwina tizisamala
i think that will help us to manage our resources well. imagine, some people just go to hospital, accessing panado, apun reaching home, they just dump it, expiring unused. zaulerezitu a malawi sitimasamala. tikamalipira mwina tizisamala
Palibepo chanzeru chakamba iwe, mphawi wakumuzi, ana amasiye, amisala ukuganiza kuti ndalama azitenga kuti zokalipila ku chipatala ????
Palibepo chanzeru chakamba iwe, mphawi wakumuzi, ana amasiye, amisala ukuganiza kuti ndalama azitenga kuti zokalipila ku chipatala ????
If u r bettr,u must kno tht som1 behind z starvng. Be wise my bro
If u r bettr,u must kno tht som1 behind z starvng. Be wise my bro
Anthu enanu Mavuto simukuwadziwa zoti anthu mmakomomu akundyera ndiwo zopanda mchere kuli kusowa k10 yoti agule mchere.ndye samala zolakula zakozo
Anthu enanu Mavuto simukuwadziwa zoti anthu mmakomomu akundyera ndiwo zopanda mchere kuli kusowa k10 yoti agule mchere.ndye samala zolakula zakozo
Nya mako galu
guys mowa ndizimenez tyen tizisianise tnatan a malawi
guys mowa ndizimenez tyen tizisianise tnatan a malawi
Apa nde ena tilemeladi. Kodi mitengo ya Jeep yayambira bwanji? Unused one!
Apa nde ena tilemeladi. Kodi mitengo ya Jeep yayambira bwanji? Unused one!
Apa nde ena tilemeladi. Kodi mitengo ya Jeep yayambira bwanji? Unused one!
Only God will heal me when I got sick,no need of paying money to Lord for me to get healed
Only God will heal me when I got sick,no need of paying money to Lord for me to get healed
Only God will heal me when I got sick,no need of paying money to Lord for me to get healed
Kukama ng’ombe za pa ngolo.Chonsecho kwalengezedwa njala. Aaaaaaaa MALAWI
Kukama ng’ombe za pa ngolo.Chonsecho kwalengezedwa njala. Aaaaaaaa MALAWI
Kukama ng’ombe za pa ngolo.Chonsecho kwalengezedwa njala. Aaaaaaaa MALAWI
Chilima iwe ndi mmalawi nzathu chabwino nzakoyo ndiwobwera mtchona ukutipweteka ukutipha tinakudalira koma hmmm akupha ndi wako yemwe.mangani motchale coz tizingodzifera.chauta akukanthe pamozi ndi mfiti nzakoyo mxxx.
Chilima iwe ndi mmalawi nzathu chabwino nzakoyo ndiwobwera mtchona ukutipweteka ukutipha tinakudalira koma hmmm akupha ndi wako yemwe.mangani motchale coz tizingodzifera.chauta akukanthe pamozi ndi mfiti nzakoyo mxxx.
Is it per doze or treatment?
Is it per doze or treatment?
Nde muwauziretu ma nurse asamalankhule zakunya akamatithandiza kuzipatalako tidzapalamula nazo mapeto ake wina ndidzatchilira pa iye
Nde muwauziretu ma nurse asamalankhule zakunya akamatithandiza kuzipatalako tidzapalamula nazo mapeto ake wina ndidzatchilira pa iye
Nde muwauziretu ma nurse asamalankhule zakunya akamatithandiza kuzipatalako tidzapalamula nazo mapeto ake wina ndidzatchilira pa iye
pipo in rural areas r in a very big trouble! Expect mo deaths!
pipo in rural areas r in a very big trouble! Expect mo deaths!
Kenako tidzamvanso kwabwela subsidised health services 🙂
Kenako tidzamvanso kwabwela subsidised health services 🙂
God see malawi we cant say any more but your grace and mercy be with malawi
God see malawi we cant say any more but your grace and mercy be with malawi
God see malawi we cant say any more but your grace and mercy be with malawi
Naye Mozambique anafoyiira heavy akanangomumalidza Malawi kukhala Mozambique bwenzi pano zithu Zikuyenda bho
Naye Mozambique anafoyiira heavy akanangomumalidza Malawi kukhala Mozambique bwenzi pano zithu Zikuyenda bho
Witch doctors WAKE UP!
Witch doctors WAKE UP!
Esh. Tsono ukalipira k1000 then mkupezeka mankhwala kulibe mkumati ukagule ndalamayo abweza?
Esh. Tsono ukalipira k1000 then mkupezeka mankhwala kulibe mkumati ukagule ndalamayo abweza?
Nice decision i support it
Geof but we need to stamp out corruption first otherwise this money will go into the pockets of hospital book keepers/accounts personnel
Geof but we need to stamp out corruption first otherwise this money will go into the pockets of hospital book keepers/accounts personnel
Dats de only problem. Bt de reason y am supporting it is dat tax goes there indirectly and wen u r not provided wit good services its very difficult to question de officials for as the we do in private hospitals. Dis time u can even hav some powers to ask de reason y u r not given good services bt u r paying
This is the beginning, musaione kuchepa ndalamayo. Ikwera posachedwa times three coz Malawi mankhwala idzigula kunja and mmene kwacha yathu ikugweramu aaaa! Mavuto alipo ndithu. Pano anthu adzitumikira boma mmalo Mwana boma kutumikra anthu. Matipate ndi nkhondo , ankatero kamuzu. Sankanena mfuti ayi, ndiimeneyi. Kuthana tokhatokha mwachinsinsi. My poor Malawi!!!
Pomafika 2019 aliyese oyenda pansi azizalipira
Basi! malo olima aja asanduka manda, maso athu atupa ndikulira maliro odza kaamba kosowa ndalama zokalipira kuchipatala. Where will poor people get money to buy maize, money to pay for medical expences, money to pay school fees, money for fertilizers, money for etc, etc. Only thieving DPP politicians will survive on the heavy tax money they milk from common people. nanga ndatukwana apa?
Sunatukwane komano pitilizani mwasiyazo big anthu amvetsetse
Sunatukwane komano pitilizani mwasiyazo big anthu amvetsetse
Sunatukwane komano pitilizani mwasiyazo big anthu amvetsetse
Big up bro, audze amvetsetse
Big up bro, audze amvetsetse
Big up bro, audze amvetsetse
Big up bro, audze amvetsetse
Chilichonse chili ndi nthawi.
Chilichonse chili ndi nthawi.
Buy buy basi
Wel done my brother, big up
Wel done my brother, big up
Koma Malawi 24 ndi kuchongetsa nkhani za bodza!!!!
Koma Malawi 24 ndi kuchongetsa nkhani za bodza!!!!
Malawi, Malawi,, pena tiyeni tiziyang’ana kusogolo komwe tikupita,, anthufe tili ndi vuto chilichose timangoti boma lalakwisa,, maiko anzathu ali ndizinthu zoti zimawapang’ila ndalama pomwe ife kwathu kumakhala kudikilila kuti tithandizidwe,, kupanda kuthandizidwa Malawi amakhala pamavuto osati masewela,, 1000 imeneyi itha kupangisa dziko lathu kumakhala ndi mankhwala okwanila muzipatala,, zaulele kuzesa usilu.. yasala Primary school
Akanati k1000 pa chaka per person aleast akanakwanitsa koma akuti each time you visiting medical facility mmmmm not good at all.
#mike gvt services to its citzens ndi zaulere? Umbuli bwanji. Ukamati zaulere. Ukuganiza kuti ndalama akugulira mankhwalazo boma likuzitenga kuti mbuzi yamunthu iwe? Ndi anthu omwwewo amakhoma msonkho womwe boma amagulira mankhwalawo. Ndiye zakhala bwanji zaulere. Mzipita kusukulu osamasapota chimbulimbuli agalu inu
The issue here is not one thousand kwacha? Those saying its a good move, do u really believe services will change coz pipo are paying a thousand? Do u think medicine will miraculously appear in hospitals because of that fee.. I dont think so. We have poor services and no.medicine in hospitals because of corruption, allocation of funds to hospitals and other health facilities is not enough. Kwa amane angakwanitse kupereka ka thousand its not a big deal MAY be koma kwamphawi wakumudzi ndikubetsa kumeneko chifukwa timaone thousand timeneto tipita kwa anthu achuma kale.. Tima 1000 tidyedwa mmene ndalama zansonkho zimadyedwera. If it was a different country MWINA ndikanati Bravo but not here..kubetsa ndalama yovuta kaleyi…
Atleast u can come out and querry as to y there is no medicine wen r paying and u can also hv power to shout at de doctor or nurse if u r not being attended to coz its not free as we do in private hospitals
Atleast u can come out and querry as to y there is no medicine wen r paying and u can also hv power to shout at de doctor or nurse if u r not being attended to coz its not free as we do in private hospitals
Atleast u can come out and querry as to y there is no medicine wen r paying and u can also hv power to shout at de doctor or nurse if u r not being attended to coz its not free as we do in private hospitals
U have a point but look at road traffic and immigration the hustle u hv to go through..this is the hospital and u dont hv strngth when u r sick..have u been to sm institutions where amakufunsa kuti kodi kandalama kake kati mukulalatilaka. Ka one thousand komweko? Its not a bad idea, but for our country av reservations..unless pipo change.mindset pipo will die after paying a grand and coming empty handed.
U have a point but look at road traffic and immigration the hustle u hv to go through..this is the hospital and u dont hv strngth when u r sick..have u been to sm institutions where amakufunsa kuti kodi kandalama kake kati mukulalatilaka. Ka one thousand komweko? Its not a bad idea, but for our country av reservations..unless pipo change.mindset pipo will die after paying a grand and coming empty handed.
U have a point but look at road traffic and immigration the hustle u hv to go through..this is the hospital and u dont hv strngth when u r sick..have u been to sm institutions where amakufunsa kuti kodi kandalama kake kati mukulalatilaka. Ka one thousand komweko? Its not a bad idea, but for our country av reservations..unless pipo change.mindset pipo will die after paying a grand and coming empty handed.
Remember pvt hodpitals is a busness and gvt hospital its not a busness thats y its not a big deal ngati kulibe mankhwala they think they hv nothing to.lose or no.one to impress.
Remember pvt hodpitals is a busness and gvt hospital its not a busness thats y its not a big deal ngati kulibe mankhwala they think they hv nothing to.lose or no.one to impress.
Remember pvt hodpitals is a busness and gvt hospital its not a busness thats y its not a big deal ngati kulibe mankhwala they think they hv nothing to.lose or no.one to impress.
our services are good that is compared to othr countries like Mozambique.. if u av ever been in districts wch borders wth Mozambique u wil agree wt m dat most patients being treated there are from Mozambique and putting a fee it’s a good move coux at least the is going to be a control on the flow of drugs..mwana nyumba amatha kudwala and amayi coux akuntengera mwanayo ku public hospital nawonso amatenga book lawo kut akangolembesa jux b coux zinthuzo ndiza free.ndie Pena ma resources timawononga tokha.and with de introduction of this contribution fee I thnk zinthu zambili zilondeka nzipatalamu
our services are good that is compared to othr countries like Mozambique.. if u av ever been in districts wch borders wth Mozambique u wil agree wt m dat most patients being treated there are from Mozambique and putting a fee it’s a good move coux at least the is going to be a control on the flow of drugs..mwana nyumba amatha kudwala and amayi coux akuntengera mwanayo ku public hospital nawonso amatenga book lawo kut akangolembesa jux b coux zinthuzo ndiza free.ndie Pena ma resources timawononga tokha.and with de introduction of this contribution fee I thnk zinthu zambili zilondeka nzipatalamu
But if people from mosambique are the ones receiving our medication it means there is wrong with our system.I dont tbink a grand.will stop immigrants from acessing the services. Go to immigration. Foreignors get passports undet oir nose. That fee will even give an advantage to those from mozambique. We can not compare ouselves with mozambique bro. We were suppose to be,way better.they have had many wat civil wars but if u go yo.maputo.its way advanced. U can not go to maputo hospital and get medication just like that. Ifeyo we need to change the systems first before we start thinking of a fee remember money does not solve everything. But mindset.of people.amawononga.maresources are not people who are going to be strained to pay a grand. U and me mau be we can aford pvt hospitalz without.a problem and that fee mau be too small for u and.me.but it will not have a real impact. Mwina tinaphunzira one or two things from.Botswana we wouldnt be talking about a fee to control medicine or prople who go thre. So system change does not really involve fees but rather being strict as a country. National IDs, sending to jail real calprits not smiling at already rich pipo who have seen an opportunity to steal from the poor. In our country we know to convice pipo with good paper work but implementing. What has been put on paper thats a different case all together. We have good policies as a country koma do we implement them or a few elite shave all the good policies under the carpert. Am tired of reading and listening to good policies that end up creating more misery than solutions. Like i said its good idea but my problem is i dont tjink its practical in our country.
and you should stop the following as well malata-cement subside and farm inputs subside. no free education every one has to pay. let alone donors provide things for free.
How can I explain this testimony to the public about a great man who help me out in serious illness I have HIV AID for good 3year and I was almost going to the end of my life due to the way my skin look like all I have in my mind is let me just give up because life is not interesting to me any longer but I just pray for God every day to accept my soul when ever I’m gone lucky to me my kids brother run to me that he found a doctor in the internet who can cure HIV online he help me out on everything, the doctor ask for my details, so he can prepare the herbal medicine for me from his temple after all he ask is done one week later I started getting more stronger my blood start flow normally for 4 to 5 days I start getting Wight before 6 days my body start developing my skin start coming up after 8 days which he told me that i will be completely healed, I went for HIV test and I was tested negative I’m so happy that I can say I’m not a HIV patient if you have HIV/AID or any sickness he can still help you in getting your ex-back to you please contact him via his email: [email protected], or whatsapp him on +2348143143878.
Guyz mu 2019 tiyese kuvotera mtumbuka mwina zizatithandiza chifukwa mlomwe mnzangayu mmn wationjeza
Ndizabwino nditu koma zafika mchaka cholakwika.IT’s good only to those who have cash what about to the poorman ?Are you going to feel happy if you see another man is dying because he has no k1000 to pay to the hospital,can’t you see you are killing poor malawians screetly i can asure you now the death rate is going to rise.CHECK THIS OUT.This people they voted for you free of charge.Did you try to ask the malawi nation?
Malawi will never develop bcoz we don’t have gud leaders ,all politicians r crook ,now the country is going to it’s down ,but the politicians don’t care busy eating our tax
Make sure dat dea iz proper medication in hospitals osati zouzananxo kti kagule panado coz tiribe madrugs ai
I hop its good decision although some people u r not happy with coz will b paying little and get treatment price more than that money
Basi! malo olima aja asanduka manda, maso athu atupa ndikulira maliro akudza kaamba kosowa ndalama zolipira chipatal. where will we find money to buy maize, money for medical treatment, money for school fees, money for etc, etc. Only the thieving DPP politicians will survive on the heavy tax they milk from us. Nanga ndatukwana apa? Kkkkk!
Basi! malo olima aja asanduka manda, maso athu atupa ndikulira maliro akudza kaamba kosowa ndalama zolipira chipatal. where will we find money to buy maize, money for medical treatment, money for school fees, money for etc, etc. Only the thieving DPP politicians will survive on the heavy tax they milk from us. Nanga ndatukwana apa? Kkkkk!
Basi! malo olima aja asanduka manda, maso athu atupa ndikulira maliro akudza kaamba kosowa ndalama zolipira chipatal. where will we find money to buy maize, money for medical treatment, money for school fees, money for etc, etc. Only the thieving DPP politicians will survive on the heavy tax they milk from us. Nanga ndatukwana apa? Kkkkk!
Only the rich will survive. Eliminating the poor under the disguise of new policies. Medication itself is poor. Should we really indeed pay for the service of saying ‘ Go & buy medicine for yourself? or were the medicine hiden in readness for this? Lets wait for this survivor of the fittest.
Anthu a mtown is okey to pay even more than that and many of us who are commenting k1000 is nothing but munthu wakumudzi woti akadya nyama ndi soya pieces wopanda tomato apa sanawaganizire and we’re paying alot of taxes to goverment.Mwina ndalamayo akufuna azibweza gogole za ma tracter zija ku dziko la Japan.
Zaulele sizabwino nkuwona timakhala pa nzele tsiku lose nkulandila panado ekha,, zikuwoneka Opanda phindu lelo koma mawa tizawuwona ubwino wake.
Iwe mike usaoneke ngati ozindikira apa, kumabank tikumayima panzere nthawi yayitali kuja timakatenga ndalama zaulere? Hand clapper…boot licker
Iwe mike usaoneke ngati ozindikira apa, kumabank tikumayima panzere nthawi yayitali kuja timakatenga ndalama zaulere? Hand clapper…boot licker
Iwe mike usaoneke ngati ozindikira apa, kumabank tikumayima panzere nthawi yayitali kuja timakatenga ndalama zaulere? Hand clapper…boot licker
Man oro mutalipira muzayimabe pezere tsiku lose zitsazo ku skin ku Kamuzu Central hospt you pay K1600 koma ndi tsikulose kuti unthandizidwe.Palibeso ubwino wake,tizingowalemeletsa ena cinaso ku Malawi kulibe cangu ma service ose ali slow.
Man oro mutalipira muzayimabe pezere tsiku lose zitsazo ku skin ku Kamuzu Central hospt you pay K1600 koma ndi tsikulose kuti unthandizidwe.Palibeso ubwino wake,tizingowalemeletsa ena cinaso ku Malawi kulibe cangu ma service ose ali slow.
Man oro mutalipira muzayimabe pezere tsiku lose zitsazo ku skin ku Kamuzu Central hospt you pay K1600 koma ndi tsikulose kuti unthandizidwe.Palibeso ubwino wake,tizingowalemeletsa ena cinaso ku Malawi kulibe cangu ma service ose ali slow.
Cnt xum 1 defend di poor?? Di strong wil survive
Admin ur mad where do u get this story?
kiss my black #ss….what about those who sleeps in the streets, they don’t have money,, nanga amisala kuzomba opanda abale,, what about disabled people, amasiye bwa, okalamba osowa anasi,,please think before you layout decision…
Ndinakuuzani ine kuti mbwampini pitala alibe phatso yautsogoleli,muthu wakumudzi amasamba opanda soap,kusowandalama yogula mchere weniweni othila ndiwowu 1000 angayipeze kuti.Amalawi tiyeni tidziwe kuti matenda sitikozekela ngati mwambo wagule enanu mukulakhula za mkutu kuti amakwanitsa bwanji kumwa mowa sikupotoka nzeru kokhakokhako kumeneku.
aaah nde misokho timalipirayi tchito yakendichani koma boma la dpp pa ndalama ai zaonjeza
What about ARVs??
Yes this is a better idea we need to sweat for program sustainability BRAVO Bwana for the good gesture i like it
bola inakayambira pa 500 kwacha for the sake of majority of poor malawians. we should expect more deaths in the villages with that K1,000+
bola inakayambira pa 500 kwacha for the sake of majority of poor malawians. we should expect more deaths in the villages with that K1,000+
This is madness guys
Provided you must be enable to give us the best medication we required . Back to Kamuzu-Malawi.
Provided you must be enable to give us the best medication we required . Back to Kamuzu-Malawi.
We as Malawians we hv no back-bone of our enconomy…this is a better move to enrich our Malawi….and to hv good facilities in our hospitals….K1000 is not that much….people are drinking kachaso for more than that money. .
We as Malawians we hv no back-bone of our enconomy…this is a better move to enrich our Malawi….and to hv good facilities in our hospitals….K1000 is not that much….people are drinking kachaso for more than that money. .
Machende anu man eva kuyambila liti zimenez zinayamba zachitika.ndemanga yako yopusa mboli yako wamva or even zimbabwe ndiyosauka kuposa mw y samalipira oweso kaamanyi et machende a dzimu wa gogo ako .nya mako galu iweso khumba et ndaniso iwe usandipangise kut ndiyakhule pa mbali kumatako kwako
Kuganiza mopusa ngati mbuzi mudzi muli anthu ovutika ambili nd matenda amabwela mwadzidzidZi angatani munthu alibe ndalama matenda monga cholera kumaganiza musanalembe ndemanga zanuzo mwanva
Kuganiza mopusa ngati mbuzi mudzi muli anthu ovutika ambili nd matenda amabwela mwadzidzidZi angatani munthu alibe ndalama matenda monga cholera kumaganiza musanalembe ndemanga zanuzo mwanva
Kuganiza mopusa ngati mbuzi mudzi muli anthu ovutika ambili nd matenda amabwela mwadzidzidZi angatani munthu alibe ndalama matenda monga cholera kumaganiza musanalembe ndemanga zanuzo mwanva
Muluzi analakwitsa kuchotsa ma resources ena amabweretsa ndalama. With ignorance timaombera m’manja. Ponyadilira timati zaulere democracy. Lero akunyozedwa ndi kuzunzika ndi ena. Lero ndi izi.
Anagulitsa zonse zomwe boma limapezera ndalama, nkudzachotsa khadi ndi msonkho.
Anayambanso kugulitsa zipatala.
Ife nkumati zilibwino, lero siizi?
Sitinati, awa ndi ma terazi chabe.
Muluzi analakwitsa kuchotsa ma resources ena amabweretsa ndalama. With ignorance timaombera m’manja. Ponyadilira timati zaulere democracy. Lero akunyozedwa ndi kuzunzika ndi ena. Lero ndi izi.
Anagulitsa zonse zomwe boma limapezera ndalama, nkudzachotsa khadi ndi msonkho.
Anayambanso kugulitsa zipatala.
Ife nkumati zilibwino, lero siizi?
Sitinati, awa ndi ma terazi chabe.
Ndiye kuti ndi Muluzi yekha wagulitsa zinthu?
Ndiye kuti ndi Muluzi yekha wagulitsa zinthu?
Ndiye kuti ndi Muluzi yekha wagulitsa zinthu?
Kodi ndinu wa zaka zingati? Anayamba ndi iye. Muluzi atangotenga dziko, pomwepo anayambilatu kugulitsa za boma. Kupusa kwa mtsogoleri osaphunzira, mu nthaka ya anthu osaphunziranso.
Kodi ndinu wa zaka zingati? Anayamba ndi iye. Muluzi atangotenga dziko, pomwepo anayambilatu kugulitsa za boma. Kupusa kwa mtsogoleri osaphunzira, mu nthaka ya anthu osaphunziranso.
100% agree with you bru ndiochepa…..amene amazindikila chonchi thank you for your comment
100% agree with you bru ndiochepa…..amene amazindikila chonchi thank you for your comment
ophuzilao ndiye akuchitanji kulankhula mosaganiza amalawi iye ziko la malawi munachuluka anthu osayamika basi nsanje thoo muziona simudakali moyo mutiuza simunati
there’s nothing wrong wth muluzi here its Peter who r leading the country not muluzi
Peter has just joined the country which has been spoiled in twelve years.
First spoil was of Muluzi (chimutu)
Second spoil was of Joyce (mfiti)
Do you think he manage the twelve year worst in 3 years?
The big problem is that, you the primitives don’t see, remember or know what’s going on. You used to be cheated due to your laziness.
uwauxe xoona
uwauxe xoona
uwauxe xoona
Chemwali #Mwase, tikamangogona nkudzuka opanda program, sizingatheke kuti tiziunikira choyambisa ndi zotsatira za nkhani.
Mapeto ake tidzakhala anthu opanda history.
Chemwali #Mwase, tikamangogona nkudzuka opanda program, sizingatheke kuti tiziunikira choyambisa ndi zotsatira za nkhani.
Mapeto ake tidzakhala anthu opanda history.
Chemwali #Mwase, tikamangogona nkudzuka opanda program, sizingatheke kuti tiziunikira choyambisa ndi zotsatira za nkhani.
Mapeto ake tidzakhala anthu opanda history.
BOMA LA MUNTHU mzeleza ilo,,,,,!
Deduction of votes in 2019.
Deduction of votes in 2019.
wow What???Chilango chili pansi pompano ndithu almost everything is confirmed dat we are in de last day what needed is to repeantng our sins and follow up the right way of God plz!!
wow What???Chilango chili pansi pompano ndithu almost everything is confirmed dat we are in de last day what needed is to repeantng our sins and follow up the right way of God plz!!
Timakwanitsa kulipira mwambo wa gule wankulu,zinamwali,koma kulephera kulipira hospital bill? 1000 kwacha ,is less than chicken price …adziweta nkhuku ,tizigulitsa tikadwala
Timakwanitsa kulipira mwambo wa gule wankulu,zinamwali,koma kulephera kulipira hospital bill? 1000 kwacha ,is less than chicken price …adziweta nkhuku ,tizigulitsa tikadwala
2bad 4 poor malawians!DPP is killing the poor!
2bad 4 poor malawians!DPP is killing the poor!
Zipatala zambiri za boma zimagawa panado.
Ndiye panado yemweyu ndikamulipire K1000 ?
Apa ndi pamene Peter agwere.
Zipatala zambiri za boma zimagawa panado.
Ndiye panado yemweyu ndikamulipire K1000 ?
Apa ndi pamene Peter agwere.
Izi sikuti zipindulila Peter,, timalandila panado ekha chifukwa choti sitimalipila
mike mvula. Timadulidwa msonkho wauukulu kale kumalawi kuno pachilichonse. Monga sukuziwa??
mike mvula. Timadulidwa msonkho wauukulu kale kumalawi kuno pachilichonse. Monga sukuziwa??
that’s good news,let’s contribute something kuti tikamadandaula kuti muzipatala mankhwala mulibe tizidandaula pa chiwone…
that’s good news,let’s contribute something kuti tikamadandaula kuti muzipatala mankhwala mulibe tizidandaula pa chiwone…
com on mamen…………..do u mean our taxes are nothing?
com on mamen…………..do u mean our taxes are nothing?
com on mamen…………..do u mean our taxes are nothing?
Our taxes are “something” but not everything,remember they only make up 60% of our gross income & without that 40% from donors,which is the case now,we can’t fully fund our hospitals and other services,so why can’t we do it alone by contributing something….
Our taxes are “something” but not everything,remember they only make up 60% of our gross income & without that 40% from donors,which is the case now,we can’t fully fund our hospitals and other services,so why can’t we do it alone by contributing something….
Our taxes are “something” but not everything,remember they only make up 60% of our gross income & without that 40% from donors,which is the case now,we can’t fully fund our hospitals and other services,so why can’t we do it alone by contributing something….
Zanu izo , ine ndinazolowera kulipira chifukwa za Bomazi chinyengo kulemba m`buku ngati akupatsa LAA pamene akupatsa asprine, mbava zokhazokha.
Zanu izo , ine ndinazolowera kulipira chifukwa za Bomazi chinyengo kulemba m`buku ngati akupatsa LAA pamene akupatsa asprine, mbava zokhazokha.
Bola kumangomwa achikuda zafikapa
Kodi azilipira pamwez mwina bwanj
kwene kutı tıvwıranenge nthnena wanthu wakusowa ndalama zachakurwa sono yakulıpırıra kuchıpatala yamufuma nkhunı apa ntchoto nazo kulıjeso pala mundaonepo lero muonenge nyıfwa kulondezgana nge nısısınya chıfukwa chaukazuzı wınu uwu.Bull shıt?
Ine kumagomvetsera
Dpp woyeee
ma cashgate ndiye achuluke tsopano. think of that of Ethiopia embassy while the other one is still not resolved. shaaaaaaa
ma cashgate ndiye achuluke tsopano. think of that of Ethiopia embassy while the other one is still not resolved. shaaaaaaa
Kodi Boma latani lapenga misala kapena??
Kodi Boma latani lapenga misala kapena??
Misala yengo yeni
Too bad
it has started ndimadziwa ine malawi sazathekanxo
it has started ndimadziwa ine malawi sazathekanxo
Long overdue
Here we go again in trouble
Munthu akusowatu yogula soda kuti aphike telele ndikugona osadya ndiye tikapeze kuti k2000
But they will always give you asprin and panado, sacks man!
hw wil one that he’s in Malawi ngat sakukumana ndizokhoma ngat zimenez.
No more free things!Malawians tikule!
No more free things!Malawians tikule!
Let’s change our mindset ” kumudzi anthu samwa mowa? Mukamati sangathe K1000 ,this is good initiative we need to support for better services
kmaso sionse anene amamwa mowa2
Let’s change our mindset ” kumudzi anthu samwa mowa? Mukamati sangathe K1000 ,this is good initiative we need to support for better services
kmaso sionse anene amamwa mowa2
mukupanga support kma ndondomeko yake simukuidziwa.Mukazaonano kuwawa kwake m’tsogoromu ndiye kuyamba kuwinya.Ndiye amalawi amene ndimawaziwa ine.mphuno salota anaombera mfiti m’manja.
why we have govt dwindling thou people r payin xo much? mbava petulo baxi….chala mwamba hahaha?
Amalawi tamaganizan mozama pali zinthu zambiri zomwe akaneleka kukomza anthu asanayambe kulipira,kmanso sitinafike polipira chipatala cfk kumeneko mkuberana dzuwa lili nde,tax akudule iwe osauka,magetsi angokweraevery 2months,madzi nao akwerenso,kuchipatala tilipirenso,bwanji osangot dziko landikanika kulamulira ena atithandizepo apa osamakamira zinthu zot zikukuvutan ai,lero zikuyamba mophweka kma ena alemererapo pomwepa cfk boma lathu atsogoleri ake ndiofowoka mukuganiza kmanso pakuchita,lamulaka mphawi dziko,ukakhala mowao ndie mupite kulikonse padziko lapansi anthu amamwa mowa sikt ndiamalawi okha ai ndie muziyika mfundo powona zakutsolo osangot pot gvt yatele inu chala mwamba,muzakukuta mano 1day you better believe me or nt
What do you mean by saying we need to support for better services?check your pay slip you will see how much your supporting to goverment.Mukuwombera m’maja za ziiiiiiii.
Akanati k1000 pa chaka per person aleast akanakwanitsa koma akuti each time you visiting medical facility mmmmm not good at all.
gud development we better be paying & get intended help
Mwalemba Chingelezi kusonyeza xul munapitako komaso mulipa ntchto koma dziwani kt siwose ali pa level yanuyo.Life z dynamic
koma phindu lilipati kusalipira kuchipatala kukhale kopanda makhwala
Kwangali worries. Coz muzipatala zina zaboma like zomba central anthu akumalipila.
Kwangali worries. Coz muzipatala zina zaboma like zomba central anthu akumalipila.
kumidzi anthu akuvutika sangayipeze over K1000
I Just Pity Girls We Boys Rarely Go There .When You See Men In hospas they are really sick
pa queens ndi 2500 ndinakaona ndekha
U mean including medication or
Mwayambapo kulongolora ,zisiyeni tizilipila bora ma services akupezeka abwino poti tikumakalipilabe Ku ma private hospitals
m’mene mukuonekera bwana wanga zikuonetsa kti m’thupi zikavuta mumapitadi kuchipatara.kma mwayamba mwaganizirako ena aja akumudzi aja!Mutakhara ndinthawi mutazungulirako.Akumidzi ndiye makasuwo
Mwayambapo kulongolora ,zisiyeni tizilipila bora ma services akupezeka abwino poti tikumakalipilabe Ku ma private hospitals
m’mene mukuonekera bwana wanga zikuonetsa kti m’thupi zikavuta mumapitadi kuchipatara.kma mwayamba mwaganizirako ena aja akumudzi aja!Mutakhara ndinthawi mutazungulirako.Akumidzi ndiye makasuwo
Koma anthu omweo akauzidwa kuti makhwala awa kulibe kaguleni amakagulabe .
Ndie mukuona kt ndibwino kumaombera m’manja zinthu zikulakwika kusiana ndikubwera ndi upangili wabwino?kd mankhwalao mukaona inu akupita kt panopa?nanga budget yaboma akuikilanji ndalama kuministry of healthy pomwe palib chomwe chikusonyapo,kulipirisa sisolution yoenela kma kuganiza kwatichepela n chikondi tilib amalawi
amene amakwanitsa ndi ochepa kmaso ndithu sikuti ikhara ndarama imene ikunenedwa apayi.Chitsanzo ndi FISP
amene amakwanitsa ndi ochepa kmaso ndithu sikuti ikhara ndarama imene ikunenedwa apayi.Chitsanzo ndi FISP
amene amakwanitsa ndi ochepa kmaso ndithu sikuti ikhara ndarama imene ikunenedwa apayi.Chitsanzo ndi FISP
they pay alot at lay clinics xo wats 1000?
they pay thousands kwa sing’anga
malawi 24 ,ee kayaa