Malawi Hunger: Mutharika insists no one has died of starvation

Peter Mutharika

Malawi President Peter Mutharika maintains no single person has died of hunger in the country during the current growing season.

Speaking when he opened this year’s tobacco market in Lilongwe, Mutharika said his government will continue to make sure that no one in the country dies of hunger even though he admitted that there has been extreme hunger this year.

Peter Mutharika
Peter Mutharika: Stuck to his guns.

He further faulted all media houses in the country that reported that a person died of hunger in Mzimba. He claimed   the person was a refugee and he died after he was left alone in the bush.

According to Mutharika, even though the country is facing a food crisis, still there is no one who died or will die of hunger.

“I have been told by the Malawi police service and the intelligence bureau that no one died of hunger in the country although some media houses reported the matter.

“There is also the Balaka case where it was reported that a baby died of hunger as her mother was trying to buy maize at an Admarc depot. Upon doing investigations, this wasn’t true and there is nobody who died of hunger there too,” said Mutharika.

He added that it is very worrisome hearing that some leaders were demanding a one minute silence in Parliament in honour of people who died of hunger.

“This is very a worrisome development, which people? This is total irresponsible leadership and from now am commanding to stop politicizing hunger. Hunger has not been caused by DPP, it is caused by God himself,” said Mutharika president.

He then asked people not to sell their produce to vendors and urged Malawians to unite with the aim of harvesting more food.



  1. Ndatha kuwelenga ma comment oso, koma palibe ndi comment imodzi yomwe yanenapo zoti m’bale wanga or oyandikana naye nyumba anamwalira ndi njala. Nkutheka APM akunena zoona2. Maganizo anga plz.

  2. akapitiriza statement yake yopusayi ndimulowera mtchire,ndithu ndimusalira kudya,ndilolera ndifenayo njala koma dandaulo limveke basi.

  3. sangamanene kt palibe atafe ndi njala pamene miyandax2 ya anthu akufa ndinjala yomweyo.aleke kuyankhula motere.zamandibowa.

  4. kodi abale tandithandizeni,kodi amati peter munthalika kapena peter wangotalika.Alibe nzeru he better widraw the statement

  5. the problem is that he is fed by poor people of malawi.but he dont appreciate.
    anthu opanda chisoni anangozolowera kukama mkaka ng’ombe yowonda basi.

  6. You are true,and when the situation is worse,is when they tell the truth and thats why these people develop achina BP and the like then collapse.Tell the President the real situation on the ground.Koma dyera ndi mantha.the quetion is,why ma Mininister of information amakhala anthu olalata?They are there not to inform the President but only to defend and back him.on every matter,even the President when he is choosing aminister of information,simunaone akaliat asankhidwa.why?amatha kutukwana anthu akamayankhula choonadi.

  7. If none has died of hunger then why declaring a state of disaster? Koma iwe mutu wakowo umagwira? Not worthy to be a president and its u who is irresponsible not the ones you are talking about. Why have you reshufled the cabinet? Uyankhe wanchotselanji ALLAN a Malawi mavotavotawa munavotera Mmerekano/ ntchona uyu njala ya 1949 anali phikinini moti njala sayidziwa chifukwa chake malankhulidwe ake akulankhula ngati si M’malawi ALL THE BEST OUR STUPID PRESIDENT. Bola mai amapereka chimanga ndi animals aja koma inuyo mu office phwiiiii zoona nkulukulu ngati iwe kumauza ma supporters ako kuti munthu anafa uja ndi waku ETHIOPIA mwana anafa kwa APONGOZI wako ujanso ndizabodza kuyambira lero akulu muziyenda ALANGIZI NDI NDUNA ZANUZO ZIKUKUBWATIKANI ZEDI. Ife ndimene tikukuwuza zoona. NDANI ANAKUNAMIZA KUTI KU MALAWI MTSOGOLERI ANAPHEDWA NDI MFUTI PAMISONKHANO YANU PAKUMACHULUKA MFUTI KWAMBIRI “Kuno siku states ai” MALAWI IS A PEACEFUL COUNTRY Wooooo chepetsani a polisiwo azikagwira mbava ndi ambanda avutawa. Amenewa ndiye malangizo nyatwa.

  8. Tidzakhala olira mpaka kalekale chifukwa amalawi anakunamizani maphunziro mumkanena kuti ndi ophunzira kuphunzira kuja lero kwasanduka chiphinjo chaamalawi chowatukwana dzuwa likuswa mtengo chenjezo likugweleni muthalika dziko limasintha mwabadwa liti?ngakhale muli ndi maganizo aumwana koma muzindikire ichi analipo anthu anzeru zao odziwa kulankhula osafanana ndiiweyo mkamwa monga ngati mwaika kumene chimachamotomo ayi koma lero alikuti?ndiye kulankhula pena kumabweza mau lemekezani anthu anu ngati mmene mmumkawalemekeza musanafike pamene mulipa ndiye kuti tsogolo lanu lidzakha lowala koma kudandaula kwa Mitima ya anthu khumi iweyo ukhoza kuona mbonaona pitilizani kulalatako

  9. true mr president, palibe afe ndi njala, koma zitati zachitika shiiiiii, dnt blame each other coz t oz prophesised on mathews 24:1………………tisalozane zala, Bible likuyenera to be fullfilled so a reader must b eyed.

  10. true mr president, palibe afe ndi njala, koma zitati zachitika shiiiiii, dnt blame each other coz t oz prophesised on mathews 24:1………………tisalozane zala, Bible likuyenera to be fullfilled so a reader must b eyed.

  11. Vuto losankha anthu oti atchona kunjako zaka zaka ndilimeneli..

  12. Vuto losankha anthu oti atchona kunjako zaka zaka ndilimeneli..

  13. But this is our father guys let us respect him any way dont spel private e.t c mm mwaonjezatu.

  14. Sadzapezekanso president mmalawi oti angakwanitse kuthetsa mavuto dziko lino coz muli mavuto wosaneneka tiyeni tizingolimbikira kupemphera kwa mulungu kuti zinthu zizayende bwino mudziko lanthu

    1. Remember this mulungu analenga munthu kuchoka chifaniziro chake …..ngati ukunyoza president ukunyozanso mulungu wako samala polakhula ..ukanakhala ndinjala bwezi sukulalata chonchi ndi nkhuto umenewo.

    2. Remember this mulungu analenga munthu kuchoka chifaniziro chake …..ngati ukunyoza president ukunyozanso mulungu wako samala polakhula ..ukanakhala ndinjala bwezi sukulalata chonchi ndi nkhuto umenewo.

  15. APM wangenda ku police,Kodi anakusakhani ndindani kuti mukhale mtsongoleli tiwonana mu 2019 ngati mungadutse zobela zizatheka.

  16. How can I explain this testimony to the public about a great man who help me out in serious illness I have HIV AID for good 3year and I was almost going to the end of my life due to the way my skin look like all I have in my mind is let me just give up because life is not interesting to me any longer but I just pray for God every day to accept my soul when ever I’m gone lucky to me my kids brother run to me that he found a doctor in the internet who can cure HIV online he help me out on everything, the doctor ask for my details, so he can prepare the herbal medicine for me from his temple after all he ask is done one week later I started getting more stronger my blood start flow normally for 4 to 5 days I start getting Wight before 6 days my body start developing my skin start coming up after 8 days which he told me that i will be completely healed, I went for HIV test and I was tested negative I’m so happy that I can say I’m not a HIV patient if you have HIV/AID or any sickness he can still help you in getting your ex-back to you please contact him via his email: [email protected], or whatsapp him on +2348143143878.

  17. Not dying bcoz of hunger doesn’t mean that people had food, but it’s God’s secret. If people would die in hunger conditions or in times of hunger, communities would have lost their values and neighbours surrounding the dead person more especially the bereavements. So is not an issue of standing on a Rock claiming that none has died with hunger, doing that is inhuman.

  18. mkulu ameneyu ndi chibwana akulankhulachi amafuna anthu ammudzi mwake afe ndiye avomereze kuti anthu ena adafa ndi njala? Vuto munthu ameneyu sanabadwe ndi utsogoleri zidangochitika kuti Muluzi ankafuna kukhaulitsa anthu amchipani mwake mapeto ake adakatenga munthu wapadera ndiye lero ndi izi zapota aChewa kuvutika osati masewera kulankhula ngati mzimai? nayenso uyu ofalitsa nkhani wayamba kuusenda mwano aMalawi tili pavuto ndale zonunkha zija ziyambanso ndi mzimai ameneyu kunyoza too much

  19. The problem is that the president is surrounded by people who don’t tell him the truth, people who when they look at the president they automatically collapse to the ground, president is fed with wrong information and he doesn’t even scrutinise it because he is rest assured what his men are saying is a maximum% . We have some people getting STIs in admarc isn’t that death? We have children dying of starvation isn’t that death? Aaaaaaah inu anthu inu muuzeni mtsogoleri zinthu zoona, Malawi will soon reach a point of begging maize and other financial help from some people such as Bushiri and others. We need to be realistic.

  20. Ukakhala pansana panjovu usamati kulibe mame; madalawa akuwoneka kuti zoti anthu mmidzimu akuvutika, ena afa atadya zikhawo komanso ena afa ndi matenda osoweka zakudya alibe nazo ntchito. Next time we will bring you malirowo, mwina ukufuna udzachite ndiwo.

  21. kkkkk àmene mukumutsànu ñgati akunama ĺembani maina a anthu omwe anafa ndi njalawo dziķo lidziwe osamangotembeleŕa muthalika apa? pitani nďimaumboni osammangotukwana apa demet zañu

  22. Problem was Money not Maize, chimanga chimapezeka koma vuto chimadula, timavutika kugula, ” ndalama yogulira zithu zodula panalibe choncho njala imavuta, ngati wins anafa ndi chifukwa chimenechi osati chimanga kunalibiletu!!!

  23. Problem was Money not Maize, chimanga chimapezeka koma vuto chimadula, timavutika kugula, ” ndalama yogulira zithu zodula panalibe choncho njala imavuta, ngati wins anafa ndi chifukwa chimenechi osati chimanga kunalibiletu!!!

  24. Problem was Money not Maize, chimanga chimapezeka koma vuto chimadula, timavutika kugula, ” ndalama yogulira zithu zodula panalibe choncho njala imavuta, ngati wins anafa ndi chifukwa chimenechi osati chimanga kunalibiletu!!!

  25. Why not telling people truth? ?????? Mr president please you are not leaving in villages people are suffering from hunger, you admits but why saying like that? ?????

  26. Why not telling people truth? ?????? Mr president please you are not leaving in villages people are suffering from hunger, you admits but why saying like that? ?????

  27. Why not telling people truth? ?????? Mr president please you are not leaving in villages people are suffering from hunger, you admits but why saying like that? ?????

  28. komadi mkovuta kuti munthu akalowe muufumu wamulungu et ndaona chifukwa cha pakamwa. toomuch talking koma sunapinde bondo kupempha kumwamba ukungoweruza ena . nanga iwe ufiti wako uja akuweruze ndan?

  29. komadi mkovuta kuti munthu akalowe muufumu wamulungu et ndaona chifukwa cha pakamwa. toomuch talking koma sunapinde bondo kupempha kumwamba ukungoweruza ena . nanga iwe ufiti wako uja akuweruze ndan?

  30. komadi mkovuta kuti munthu akalowe muufumu wamulungu et ndaona chifukwa cha pakamwa. toomuch talking koma sunapinde bondo kupempha kumwamba ukungoweruza ena . nanga iwe ufiti wako uja akuweruze ndan?

  31. Kkkkk why amalawi mukudabwa?munthu ameneyu amakhala pa corner office nthawi zonse.adziwa bwanji za amalawi akumwalira kumudzi?

  32. Kkkkk why amalawi mukudabwa?munthu ameneyu amakhala pa corner office nthawi zonse.adziwa bwanji za amalawi akumwalira kumudzi?

  33. Kkkkk why amalawi mukudabwa?munthu ameneyu amakhala pa corner office nthawi zonse.adziwa bwanji za amalawi akumwalira kumudzi?

  34. Njala wabwelesa si Peter, mukufunazo zosatheka you have to talk as a human being .muyenela kuzindikila za matsiku otsiliza ,Njala, nkhondo, zivomeledzi, matenda osiyanasiyana & etc. Zindikilani kuti nthawi yasala pang’onopang’ono uku kuyamba chabe zazikulu zikubwela chachikulu opani Mulungu.

  35. If you live in a glass house…………….. We know of people who died of hunger, people who spent days and nights queing for maize, women who sold their bodies to buy maize, gentlemen who lost diginity to buy maize, staff who took kickbacks, a hon minister who told us to eat once a day to save food(lol), and what does apm say. He has NEVER known how villagers suffer, no one is there to tell him. I lost 3 acres of maize and I INTEND to benefit from the insurance premium paid by govt last year.Someone sold us.

  36. muthalika ndakwiya nawe kwambiri komad uli iwe uli ndi mzimu waumunthu shupit wamva ulibe chison bwanji ndi anthu ako bola masten aja iwe mbuzi yamunthu osasamba choka apa

  37. Uya npeta wena muthalila silasi kant ini manje way ukhulu masimba kanjalo mala wena uzonya pitar next uzo kaka eishi ndiwedi mwana akana kudula litata sibwezi uku yankhula mbwelela zako apa adah n.dala iwe akukutumayo azaku pweteketsa adah ukulakhula manyi okha okha apa demeti

  38. koma gays mdala uyu akut ona kupusa eeeeee mdala iwe uzitenge bwino chifukwa mulungu akoza kukuona bwanji ukulankhula mpwelela chonsecho mamvuto awa akumabwera chifukwa cha inu andale kufuna ku phangira chuma koma day ina uzakumana naye mulungu wachilungamo ngiyanchela baba uyajwalela baba tikumana ife mulungu atiteteza kwa iwe chifukwa wasanduka khango watu sopano

  39. Ukakhala pansana pa njovu usamati pansi palibe Mame dara.Muli nawo mwayi anzathu amene dziko lapansi linakuyanjani chomwechi pakuti simungamve kapena kuona anzanu tikuvutika nanga si inu mumayenda mothamanga kwambiri.

  40. Shaaah,Ukakwera pa Msana pa Njomvu Usamati kunja kulibe Mame,Zoona thumba la chimanga linafika pa K20,000,Do Uthink poor pple manage 2buy Maize,Koma #BWAPHWINI sazatheka basi

  41. If you live in a glass house…………. We know of people who died of hunger, people who spent days and nights queing for maize, women who sold their bodies to buy maize, gentlemen who lost diginity to buy maize, a hon minister who told us to eat once a day to save food(lol). Apm doesn’t know how people suffered in the villages, and doesn’t care, and no one is there to tell him. Now what does he say. I lost 3acres of maize and I INTEND to benefit from the insurance premium govt paid last year.

  42. If you live in a glass house…………. We know of people who died of hunger, people who spent days and nights queing for maize, women who sold their bodies to buy maize, gentlemen who lost diginity to buy maize, a hon minister who told us to eat once a day to save food(lol). Apm doesn’t know how people suffered in the villages, and doesn’t care, and no one is there to tell him. Now what does he say. I lost 3acres of maize and I INTEND to benefit from the insurance premium govt paid last year.

  43. If you live in a glass house…………. We know of people who died of hunger, people who spent days and nights queing for maize, women who sold their bodies to buy maize, gentlemen who lost diginity to buy maize, a hon minister who told us to eat once a day to save food(lol). Apm doesn’t know how people suffered in the villages, and doesn’t care, and no one is there to tell him. Now what does he say. I lost 3acres of maize and I INTEND to benefit from the insurance premium govt paid last year.

  44. If you live in a glass house ………… We know people who died of hunger, people who spent days/nights queing for maize, women who gave their bodies to buy maize, a hon minister who advised us to eat once a day(lol) to save food. What does apm say? He doesn’t know how malawians suffered, and no one is there to tell him. Someone sold us.

  45. If you live in a glass house ………… We know people who died of hunger, people who spent days/nights queing for maize, women who gave their bodies to buy maize, a hon minister who advised us to eat once a day(lol) to save food. What does apm say? He doesn’t know how malawians suffered, and no one is there to tell him. Someone sold us.

  46. If you live in a glass house ………… We know people who died of hunger, people who spent days/nights queing for maize, women who gave their bodies to buy maize, a hon minister who advised us to eat once a day(lol) to save food. What does apm say? He doesn’t know how malawians suffered, and no one is there to tell him. Someone sold us.

  47. Anthu aja amalimbirana deya ku Nguludiwa mwayiwala kale Mr. Ibu???? Anthu avutika ena kumwalira kumene chifukwa cha njala lero nkumalankhula motumbwa kuti palibe yemwe wafa ndi njala m’Malawi muno zoooooona!!!!!!!!! Koma akanafa m’bale wanu ndi njala ndiye mukanavomereza?????? Nanga Dausi ndi munthu oti nkumudalira kuti akuuza zoona??????

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