Blantyre Water Board haunted by worried over vandalism

water crisis

Blantyre Water Board (BWB) has expressed concern over the increase of incidents of vandalism, which the board says are reducing its revenue.

BWB Spokesperson Priscilla Mateyu said the board is losing K40 million per month due to vandalism of water infrastructure such as pipes and metres.

water crisis
Water board affected by vandalism. .

According to Mateyu, areas such as Ndirande, Bangwe, Mpemba, Chirimba, Manje, and Chileka are registering a huge number of incidents.

As a way of reducing the malpractice, the board says it is working hand in hand with chiefs in the city to tell residents the effects of vandalism.

“Blantyre Water Board management sat down and came up with the sensitisation idea so that this issue of vandalism should be reduced,” Mateyu said.

She appealed to the general public to stop the malpractice so that residents should have access to clean water.