Minister of Trade and Industry, Joseph Mwanamvekha has expressed concern at Malawians’ tendency to buy foreign products.
The minister said failure by citizens to buy local products is affecting the country’s economy.
According to Mwanamvekha, if Malawians promote their own products it means that demand, production, and employment will increase.

“We would like to change the mindset of the people of not buying local goods, in the Buy Malawian Strategy we have managed to analyse some of the challenges why Malawians do not buy their own locally made products.
“Some of the reasons include pricing, lack of quality products, lack of access to markets and less production, therefore, we intend to enhance manufacturing, value addition, increase exportation of the Malawian goods and replacement of the importation goods on the market to help in promotion of the local goods,” said Mwanamvekha.
He further said government want to see increased production of local goods for exportation and less importation of goods hence the promotion of increased production of agricultural products.
Mwanamvekha also said that the strategy has come about after reviewing the Best Malawian Campaign which was launched in 2009, which has however not borne any positive fruits since its launch.
The Buy Malawi Strategy mainly aims at communicating to the public the benefits of buying local products.
Pandalama zanga zogwirira ganyu yolima palibe ondiletsa kugula zakunja
tamva bwana komaso presdent akadwala zomutumixa kunja xithe apo biii shut ur mouth
Za a Malawi kudula
Za a Malawi kudula
Muwauzekoso apulezident paj anat asiya kugula ndkuwelemga manyuz akuno nde mwin uthengau utayambir kulikukuk
Muwauzekoso apulezident paj anat asiya kugula ndkuwelemga manyuz akuno nde mwin uthengau utayambir kulikukuk
then ask the foreign companies to shutdown
Kkkkkk fundoless
Hon. point taken but u have to be the example the way ur talkin it means,useless coz u wearing imported garments and u using imported luxury cars ,Tv screens even ur plates and spoons all imported.so wat do you think your followers will do? think deeply when u making ur decision dnt bluff ordinary people here with all respect mr honourable
How do you tell people to Malawian made clothes when you are wearing a foreign tailored suit with an italian designer pair of shoes…?? Hypocrisy….at its best.
Upite mumanyumba mwawo everything is foregn
Upite mumanyumba mwawo everything is foregn
mw has no products ata all
mw has no products ata all
Iyeyo akugula zakunja ndiye ife chotiletsa ndichani?
Katundu wanu kudula
kkkkk madest ting
Iye zimene wavalaza anagula kwa amalawi? iya
Iye zimene wavalaza anagula kwa amalawi? iya
Muyambe ndinu a nduna kuwonesa chisanzo chabwino pomavala nsapato za plastic /kudyera mbale za plastic /kumafunda ma blanget achipiloni ngati simuchita izi museke pakamwa musauze anthu zomwe mwakambazo
Katundu wa mdziko momwemo kumadula kuposa wakunja ndiye anthu atani? Azigula zotchipa molingana ndi kapezedwe
How van we stop buying foreign brand if wr are not even in the country due to poverty, every thing is high our economy is worse work on it first then you can say that. Zimbabwe was worse is far better than us now
Sir don’t talk no sense see mzuzu coffee who can buy that coffee,very expensive like is from uk but here at mzuzu so what about clothes
Sir don’t talk no sense see mzuzu coffee who can buy that coffee,very expensive like is from uk but here at mzuzu so what about clothes
All of this is bull shit. Its only food we buy from mw but the lest poor product.i love mw but we manufacturet low quarity goods
All of this is bull shit. Its only food we buy from mw but the lest poor product.i love mw but we manufacturet low quarity goods
Just look at the suit he is wearing??.. So what was the minister saying again!!
Just look at the suit he is wearing??.. So what was the minister saying again!!
zachaaamba basi ife timadya zakuno ku south Africa
Eeetu Mr Mpenzeni uku akula uku apusa anduna azamalonda kkkkk asovenge
Mmm! nde sapato za plasticzo tikavalira kuti za ziiii.
Kkkkk koma man Proud Kapote
Even u Nduna u are buying foreign products what about me lova uisova
Zachamba zathuzi momwe mukudulitsilamo anthufe tingatani zakunja basi zigulidwe
Hopless minister, hopeless government, you import everything, even eggs, and you tell people not buy imported products? Irony
Hopless minister, hopeless government, you import everything, even eggs, and you tell people not buy imported products? Irony
Aaah! Malawian products kudula and yu expect us to buy expensive items with this sinking economy,
Aaah a mwamveka ayi nduna ya a munthalika kuteloko mukamatero ndiye kuti mwasowa chakuba ndi amwbwiyanuwo tazipangani za mzeru zothandiza anthu osati kumakamba zopeperazo tawaganizileni anthu pazachakudya ndi magetsi a DPP mzeru zobera amphawi munazama nazo but remember Malawians are not ignorance you will see one day
Ife nd umphawi tizigula zosalimba inu muzkagula maiko akunja xoxo
joe mwanamveka kkkkkkkkk onthu omuna hahahahaha
Zopusa osakamba nkhani zina bwanji agalu,
Iyaaa! Nyangwitayo
Zochitsiru umatigaira ukaba cashgate? undipangire zochita ndalama zanga? zamuno kuDULA pamene zakunja zimatchipa kagwereeeee
Ha ha ha koma zina ukamayankhula zimakhala ngati za nzeru ndithu ndalama yanga munthu akandilamule kuti gula za mmalawi momuno kuba yeti katundu muno ndiodula with Low quarity tidayela mmaso muziuza osaona zimenezo date waikayo kudzikhala maluzi chifukwa ife tidzinyanyala kugula zakatundu dzimenezo
just tell us that you want kukweza mitengo ya custom. ..nyasi
just tell us that you want kukweza mitengo ya custom. ..nyasi
kkkk owo inu musakupanga zolongosoka mukat angamazi3le ndan?
kkkk owo inu musakupanga zolongosoka mukat angamazi3le ndan?
Zikomo kwambili!
Zikomo kwambili!
Ngakhale mwana nvekhayo amagula zakunjanso or suti wavala iyeyo nja ku mw?.
Muuzanenso inu a mwenye ndi ena ama company ife a Malawi si mbuzi zodya udzu! Quality products we need
Just make sure your products meats our needs…as far as style is concerned…
aaaaaa zakunya zomwezo!! uwone mmene akudulira sugar ngat kuti ndiwa gold.. ukooo!!
We don’t like them
Ndizodura kwambiru
You idiots who are you trying to fool? Your children go to foreign schools, you shit in imported toilets, you patronise foreign hospitals. What do you want to tell us. Even your shit is foreign because you like foreign food.
You idiots who are you trying to fool? Your children go to foreign schools, you shit in imported toilets, you patronise foreign hospitals. What do you want to tell us. Even your shit is foreign because you like foreign food.
Think b4 u talk pls sir bcs in south Africa we do buy Malawi product
Think b4 u talk pls sir bcs in south Africa we do buy Malawi product
What abt ur product u send to other countries ?
What abt ur product u send to other countries ?
Ukunama Iwe Sitisiya Kungula Ngati Ndalamayo Umatipatsa Ndiwe Ndiye Pabveka. Koma Ngati Ndinthukuta Langa Hahahaha Ndakaika Zoti Ndingaibve Imeneyo Man.
Ukunama Iwe Sitisiya Kungula Ngati Ndalamayo Umatipatsa Ndiwe Ndiye Pabveka. Koma Ngati Ndinthukuta Langa Hahahaha Ndakaika Zoti Ndingaibve Imeneyo Man.
Malawian products are underquality and too expensive!
this campaign started long ago, but doesn’t get any support u know y? even raw materials, preservatives , containers, labels, etc we get them impoted, ontop huge tax! wat do u expect?
Malawian products are underquality and too expensive!
this campaign started long ago, but doesn’t get any support u know y? even raw materials, preservatives , containers, labels, etc we get them impoted, ontop huge tax! wat do u expect?
Kkkkkkk mwakwiya gys
Kkkkkkk mwakwiya gys
zachamba eti ngati simukupezeka ndi ufa nde mungamagulitse chani kulankhula kosaganiza kuti dziko lanu ndilosauka vomerezani basi kuti zativuta
zachamba eti ngati simukupezeka ndi ufa nde mungamagulitse chani kulankhula kosaganiza kuti dziko lanu ndilosauka vomerezani basi kuti zativuta
Does he buy malawian
Does he buy malawian
Ngati kuli mbuzi ya munthu number one ndi iweyo galu.
That means the country has to base on there products
Waziputa wekha tikutukwana ukhawula ndalama ndizathu tizigula chimene tikufuna ngati mulibe chonena amwene ndibwino kukhala chete anthu ndiokalipa ndinjala inu mukutitukwana yapa mupepesa kwa a Malawi onse pa mfundo yanu iyi.
the problem is, chinyengo too much pa our own, brands, normally, the first brand imakhaka ya bwino just to make pipo like it, 2,3 days uona zalowa china, za fake zaturuka nxaaaa!!!!! copyright too much with our own Malawian brands…..
tastes and preferences is one of the factors affecting demand
ufa wa zambia k9000, 25kg. ufa wa rab processors malawi k8760, 20kg. kkkkkkkkkkkk dont make me laugh
Stupid speach
Kodu ma speech amalemba ndi obwera moti zimuona kuti katundu wathu ndi okwera mtemgo
Uziuza ana ako zimenezo
let other countries hear about this trash and they shud also stop buying our products, we shud c if we r going to export anymore
anthuwa amayankhula ngati sakhala kuno. Katundu wamuno amadula kwambili. Iwowo ana awo amaimba kuti sukulu? mutsitseko misonkho inayi. Ma company benefits ambili mucotse, zimangokwezetsa mitengo ya zinthu. Muyambile ku nyumba zanu.
Mudzifutsa kaye anthu kuti tikapanga ichi, chikhala bwino
This guy is day dreaming
Wasowa chonena
Idiots speechless
Mmmm awa unduna akanangosiya palibe chilipo
siyan kulankhula zopusa sugar amapangidwa pa dwangwa komaso ku nchalo kudula kwambir while sugar yomwe amachokera ku zambia amatchipa chfukwa chankhwidz mpaka kuletsa kuli kupweteka osaukafe
Before they tell us to be buying Malawian products, they should work on these things: quality, price and availability of these so called Malawian products. Most of our products are substandard but very expensive due to high taxes that producers pay.
Please tell the president to lead by example. He said he can’t buy Malawian News papers shifukhwa imawanyoza kwammbiii kkkkkkk tell him ayambe kaye wankulu
His made……ngat boma likulephera kupanga control zithu…don’t blame forign ndiamene….coz for them they got no time to think about developing the country what they know it’s only colupition and thinking about second election that’s all they think about so live forein aron
tisapite patali ndufuna ndege ine nduze mmalawi muno koti ndipte
Mr speaker wat u shud knw z dat u cn nt manage 2 hav all de things in malawi same as zambians,we jst hav 2 help each other.we whre all created by one God.we luv u our neighbours
Anduwa awanso kodi DPP inatola kuti?allibe mfundo mkonse……Mwina anasowa cholankhula….
what do you idiot have there? foolishness
This is bullshit and doesn’t make sense at all…!!!!!
Ndiye Ku Mozambiki Amakatani Nanga Inu Musiya Kutumiza Katundu Wanu Kunja? To Me This Is Not A Solution Pezani Ina . Abwana Minister Musaononge Ubale Wabwino Ulipo Kale Ndi Maiko Ena Ufa Waku Zambia Iz Cheaper Than Wanthu Kuno Ine Ndikulandira Kandalama Kakangono Ndisiyeni Ndigule Katundu Ochipa.
HAHAHA….kupusa; iwe bwana Malawi tilibe petrol,diesel,parrafin olo matyre kkkk!!!!! wakhuta uchema uyu
phone made in Malawi kkkkk
musandikumbutse ucema, the g/man’s brew.
kkKkk ucema eeeh no alcoholic percentage
Kkkkkkk…you have to be kidding with me…kodi Malawi ali ndi industrial base yoti itha kupanga supply ma needs athu?…kodibmukakhuta ma allowance a bomawo bwanji osamangokhala chete…? Akakhala atomato, achina anyezi ndi anzinzawo NDE timagula Malawian…koma ma finished products nde simukwanisa kutipanga supply nawo!!!!!
mwasowa zokamba aboma udzifunse wekha katundu uli naye iweyo mwanamveka umagula kuti? wasowankhani eti?
Kkkkkk kusowa nkhani
Malawian products, my foot! Wat products????
Hahahaha very . funny….Hon. Min.can u tell me that u do not buy foreign products ?????
Ohooo! Nchifukwa chake agaluwa akufuna azipanga control fb ndi Whatsapp kt anthu aziwanamizira pa MBC? Amalawi ayamba kuchangamka pano. Iye avala wrist watch nde anthu akagula kt watch yopangidwa mmalawi? Ummmmmm zinazi, pali nzeru apa? Ndakaika
first honourable ministe you should start by example…cause your children are sent abroad to buy foreign education when my fellow malawian is learning under a tree
We go for quality, quantity and price zachamba eti
Kufuna kutipusitsa basi, ku mulhakho kwanu komweko mudzinamizana choncho
kodi nawo awa ayambaso kuchuluka nzelu?
Awa olo tie avalayo ndiopangidwa kunja nde akufuna atiuze chani apa
Mr Minister, this is non starter. The government is failing to protect local investors. That’s why we have alot of imported goods on market than local products. For example, Chinese traders have even penetrated in Rural Trading centres. Secondly, the local products are produced in very low quantity compared to the ever increasing population.
Mr Minister, this is non starter. The government is failing to protect local investors. That’s why we have alot of imported goods on market than local products. For example, Chinese traders have even penetrated in Rural Trading centres. Secondly, the local products are produced in very low quantity compared to the ever increasing population.
Kodi ndi chan chomwe ife tizigula kumalawi kuno kapena bread k800:00 kkkkkkkk
These are theories and dreams that will never materialize. First things first Bwana, empower Malawians to have the capacity of producing World class services and products and then you can tell us to stop buying from outside.
Kkkkk liers @ their best…Why when you go out of Nyasaland be it for work or whatever you comes with heavy bags of stuff made those sides..? Why you dont wanna come with empty hands ? You even buy plastic sandals there but stil more we do have plenty of them in our streets localy made.. ” Imwe abhwana ni boza ilo mukamba ka apa “
No TV made in Malawi, no car Malawi made and a lot many things, what are they talking about?
Which are these Malawian products,where can we find them and at what price
It’s only Carlsberg probably we can buy without complaining. But not others
Tell Joseph Mwanamvekha Machende amake*this indicates that Malawi is governed by drankers;If ur days r numbered plz don’t spoil other pples tym;just die Hell is waiting 4 u!
its brilliant just need to reduce the price coz its more than expensive
If you can check what he wore when speaking this, all are made overseas but he stress the nation to buy locally. What a mockery is this? Anthu azigula nsapato, spoon etc za plastic koma inu shopping mkupita ku US, Dubai, UK. Idiots!!!
More than Idiots indeed!!
He is so stupid bro
Iwe ndy walasiratu bwanji
Kkkkkkk afuna wana wawo azitchena wanu ayi!
Calling a spade a spade
Kkkkkk koma ndiye anthu osaganiza
tru! Call it hypocricy
Nde Tixazamve2 Kut Boma Lagula Ndege Or Mankhwala Kunja,akafuna Ndege Agule Ya Uyu Wakuujeni Wapanga Ndegeyu,akakhala Mankhwala Nde Azingogula Kwa Asing’anga,.Ma Suit Axagulexo Akunja Azingogula Nsalu Kwa Mapeto Nkuxokexa Magwanda Mmakabudula,zikangotero Nde Kuti Nanexo Jiggies Ndleka Kugula Mmalo Mwake Nzigula Jumbies,ngakhale Sakoma,ndileka Kuchapira Boom,mzichapira Maluwa Ngakhale Sayeretsa,ndileka Kuxuta Laif Mzisuta 2010 Ngakhale Tili Mu 2016,ndleka Kudya Bela Superghett,mzidya Izi Akupanga Amwenye Zoxakomaz,ndleka Kudya Apples Wa Southafrica,mzidya Zathu Zopinimbirazi.
Kkkkkk koma
koma chani?rose
ester,nchani ndimathacho?bwno2 oxandmangsa apa.
Zachamba eti! katundu opangidwa mimuno kudula kupisa wakunja and wakunjayo wa quality osati nyasi zathuzi mixiiii
Our products are quite expensive for example fish is cheaper to buy from Zambia and Zimbabwe than our one lake Malawi fish. With this tough economy who can go for an expensive thing when there is cheaper one of the same
But if you buy elsewhere the economy will just get worse
True .which means it comes back to government that should find means that will increase people’s disposal income instead of still punish Malawian with taxes which consume people income and leave them with nothing to spend.
We dont need fake things
Zazii, kumatiuza kuti tizigula zachimalawi iwo atatchena ma suit akunja
Local products are of low quality and expensive than the imported ones you must encourage the local companies to start producing products that can compete with imported products
what matters is standardisation. Malawian products are not fit to be consumed.
Local products r too expensive, dem beta do sumfin about di prices
No true at all,its the government failing its own people, coz their want to eat poor people’s money
Zopusa inu mumagula zakuti?