Catholic Church Condemns same-sex marriage

Bishop-Martin Mtumbuka

The Roman Catholic Church in Malawi has condemned same-sex marriages describing them as “sinful”.

According to Bishop Martin Mtumbuka of the Karonga Diocese, same sex-marriages go contrary to teachings of the Holy Bible.

Mtumbuka was speaking during a Catholic Women Organization annual meeting held in the diocese.

Bishop-Martin Mtumbuka
Bishop-Martin Mtumbuka: Says homosexuality is a sin.

Speaking at the function, minister of foreign affairs and international cooperation, George Chaponda said Malawians have power to approve same sex marriage without interference from the international community.

“As a country we may wish to have same sex marriages but we need to consider what Malawians want, even in the United States of America, not all states have opted for same sex marriages because the issue is sensitive,” said Chaponda.

Meanwhile, the United Nations (UN) has commended Malawi government for dropping the charges levelled against two gays, Cuthbert Kulemela and Kelvin Gonani, who were arrested for being suspected of having sexual intercourse.



  1. This is last days ichi ndiye ndi chilombo chomwe Daniel anati tizagwadila uloxxi ukuyenela ukwanilisidwe ndigoti amene Ali ku yelusalemu asasike thawi yatha

  2. Sorry Malawian is your president ended is Malawian former please try to rehistory him to know well about his former.He want to destroy Malawi remember since Dr H k.banda I remember never happened sinful things like that ,please Malawian be together and stop it evil things in your country try to be like Mugabe.

  3. After all the questions are,where are we going as Malawians? where those aid will read us to? if it is to better Malawi late us wait and see.

  4. After all the question is,where are we going as Malawians? where those aid will read us to? if it is to better Malawi late us wait and see.



  6. Mpingo wa katolika ndiye umagumula ana ku Vatican,ichi ndi chiphimba mmaso,posachedwa iwo amati tikambilane zachiyani?

  7. Ndibwino kunena chilungamo apa,osamapusisa anthu ngati ndinu opephera pamene mukukolezera mchitidwewu. Ngati pali mpingo womwe ukulimbikisa mathanyula ndiwakatolika. Kwa amene mumawerenga ndikusatira bwino nkhani zomwe mpingowu umalemba mmapepala mosogozedwa ndi mtsogoleri wawo padziko lonse mutha kundivomereza kuti mpingowu udavomereza mathanyula. Malingana ndi kusithidwa kwamalamulo komwe papa wachita mwaiye yekha pochosa lamulo 7 mu bible ndinjira imozi yolimbikisa chigololo. Komaso walimbikisa ana kuti azilemekeza makolo awo omwe ndi amuna kapena aambo okhaokha ngati njira imozi yolimbikisa mathanyula. Mukamati mpingowu ukulesa ndakayika. Pokhapokha omwe akulesawo atakhala a new katolika yemwe mtsogoleri wake si papa ndingakhulupirire apo abi ndiye kuti akuzipalira okha moto wakujahena. TULUKAMONI MUBABUKO AMALAWI PAKUTI MUNGAYANJANE NDIMILILI YAKE NDIKUMWA VINYO WAUKALI WAKE PAKUPEMBEZA MAFANO.

  8. Kodi nkhani ili apa ndi ya ma catholics? Or gay? Why do ppo hate the truth?,,,akanalankhula prophet wafake nde mukanayamikila eti??? Born catholic, raised catholic, stay catholic, die catholic,,, proudly catholic, the universal church,,

  9. sadly in the end same sex marriage will be adopted and put into law. whether we resist this or not, its spreading already. then I say to you who is a God fearing person , the time has come for you to be more rooted in your faith. a lot must happen in this world to show that the end is to come. hang on to what you belive in ,

  10. My Bishop thumb up!It does not even qualify to call it marriage.A skirt and a brouse completes the dressing of a person covering top and bottom.How can one who has put on only two blouses you begin to call it full dressing?Whoever suspended gay arrest in 2013 is to blame and should have been condemned.

  11. Kodi akupanga zimeneziwa ndi athu agalu? Pokhalira pa mamuna nzako ungapange napo chani munthu wabwino bwino chamba kapena Chan? Zimandinya kwambiri makape amuna inu akazi osewa akusowa amunawa mulekeletu stupid

  12. langa ndi funso why this shit ar not happening in the muslim countrys? thats the reason why American dont like muslim coz a muslim dont torerote with shit things.

  13. Akhristu amene amadziwa ndi kuwopa Yehova sangavomereze maganizo opusawa. Choncho inu Re. Father Mtumbuka yesetsani pogwirana manja ndi mabishop anzanu kukana mchitidwe wonyasawu. Tiyeni aMalawi anzanga tilemekeze banja monga adalilemekeza mwini wake Yehova Mulungu.

    1. Iweyo ndiwe wa Catholic and ufufuze zomwe zikuchitika ku Vatican and iweyo ufufuze zomwe Bendict wakoyo akuchita,kaya ukudziwa kuti anasitha limodzi la malamulo a bukhu? Do u knw dat ?? Anyway u hv ur faith just keep it up God will judge you according to wat u hv bn doing and sakayang’ana Church yomwe mukuchokera coz palibe chomwe mukudziwapo kapena kumva,kapena mudzitha kupanga view nkhani za ku America,coz Pope mogwirizana ndi America zinthu zisitha and ambiri a Catholic especially akulu akuluwo ndi a Satanic,kapena uwonetsetse zomwe zindodo zawo zija udzawonapo sign yake.

    2. Akatolika Achabe Inu.Mumalakwira Dala Cholinga Tikakudzudzulani Mudziona Ngati Timadana Nanu.Mukamaphunzitsa Kuchokera Mu Bible Mudzasiya Kutsatira Zanu Zosemphana Ndi Mulungu Weniweni.Bwanji Mumamuikira Kumbuyo Mdyerekezi??

    3. I second you bro.. awawa akubweretsa zimenezi vuto lake otsatira awo ali mumdima koma nthawi ikubwera ndithu they will know the truth… and Sunday law is around the corner zonsezi zikuchoka komko

    4. Vatican controls the money even that USA dollar, they report to Benedict. awawa aMtumbuka wa nawo ndi mbuli. zoti ku maseminale amakwatana kumatako sakudziwa?? useless, akawelengenso Revelations 18 bhobho ngati sakumvetsa atifunse we will break it down for him who does nor know about Roman Catholic. 666 ViCARIUS FILE DiE, …… i have been there ndipo eeeh this Church ayi ndithu

    5. And akuwona ngati kuti mndani amene adzabwere kuwuza wathu kuti ayike chilembo cha 666?? Ndinu nomwe a Catholic in short ngati umaonera WWE ufufuze Wrestlemania ya 2015 and utsimikiza kuti anthu ena ayambapo kale kuyilalikira nkhani ya 666. Oyimba ambiri ku America ndioti ali mgulumo like Rihanna,Kanye west,Beyonce and Jay Z,Chris Brown and mudziona bwino akamayimba kapena kuvina amaonetsa ma sign a Satanic,if u dn’t blv me just remind me mawa ndikuwuza Disc yomwe muli nkhani zambiri za anthu awa komanso makatolikanu,Can u blv kuti imfa ya Micheal Jackson it was a set up?? Jack once was a member of this Satanic group,and anasiya that’s why anamuchita zimene zija, mu Disc imeneyi Kanye west live on stage anauza anthu kuti He sold his soul to the Devil,utafufuzanso dzina lomwe ankatchuka nalo Beyonce nanga kuti akhale Beyonce wa tsopano zinakhala bwanji, Rihanna analowa kumeko coz of Beyonce mumawawona akamavina machitidwe awo, do they care za thupi lawo and why?? Tsono simufufuza zinthu and tili m’masiku omaliza even Bushiri,TB Josua ndi enawo ndiye aneneri onyengawo,mutamva za ulaliki wawo onsewo mutha kuwona, akuti just type Amen and by this xmas u will reserve miracles,U will have a gud house,cars? Zoona kapena tafufuzani T B Josua pompa and muwone zomwe zikuchitika kuma post omwe akutengedwa ikatha service yawo nanga ulalikiwo ngotani? These are sons of Devil, wamulungu salemera mwaumve choncho pakanthawi yochepa and wat Bushiri said? Akufuna kumanga church plus hotels and akuti chokwana kulowa anthu 60,000 if am not mistaken but thus wat I heard and chimangidwa ku SouthAfrica and now tell me, Bushiri wayamba liti zolalika,ndalama zotere zikuchokera kuti? Illuminant thus where they get it from tsono inu mudzakodwera kumodzi tili mchimaliziro ndithu wake up . Search dat word ILLUMINAT u will find all the ans to these prophets,they say if u ar a Musician,Pastor,politician

    6. #Peter ayambe kukhululukira papa wanuyo …ndipo Yesu pomwe anali pansi pano sanasintheko malamulo khumi a Mulungu nanga uyuyu mphamvu akuzitenga kuti?? wake up bro book of Revelation zinalembedwa izi no wonder mumakanika kuwerenga chibvumbulutso coz akudziwa chinsinsi cha beast wanu Pope chili kumeneko watch the space dzukani kutulo bambo sinthawi yolota ino..

    7. About the laws it was a hoax “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.” Depending on who’s counting, that’s the Eighth or Ninth of the Ten Commandments. Either way, it’s part of the Ten Commandments, which makes it both ironic and unfortunate that so many falsehoods are spread about the Catholic Church and the Ten Commandments. Here are three that you might have heard. You can read the whole story here

    8. Ku Soldom ndi Gomora,mudziwo munalinso abwino komano tikamakamba za Catholic sikuti tikukunyozani koma kungowunikila sikuti inu mukupanga nawo ayi koma sungani chikhulupiliro chanu,Mulungu Sakayang’ana Church yomwe mukuchokera koma Ntchito zanthu Zomwe tikuvutika nazo pansi pano.

  14. Pa 7 Mwezi Wa 7 Chaka Chomwechi Papa Mtsogoleri Wa KATOLIKA Adanena Kuti Kukwatirana Amuna/Akazi Okha-okha Sichimo. Izi Adazinena Ku Ecuador Mu Mzinda Wa Quayaquil. Ndiye Inu Mufuna Muziwaputsitsa Anthu Pomwe Ndi Mpingo Wa Chi Beast Omwewu Ukuyambitsa. Just Go Forward To See New World Order, We Will See Catholic Beast Denomination Pushing Sun-Day Worship. Daniel 7:25.

  15. ulamuliro wa pa dziko lapansi ili mmanja mwa SATANA. so give to Caeser what belongss to caeser and to GOD what belongs to God.I would just edge true Christians to stay away from worldly matters

  16. takuyandirani abishop athu pitilizani kutimyera nkhondo ndi kuti mpephelera poza mtsogoleri wathu ndi amene amamvomereza munthu uyu ndi wakwa amereka akufuna kuyendesa ngati kwa amereka ise toto.

    1. Man ngati pali mpingo ukulimbikisa ndiwakatolika. Angotiphimba mmaso. Ngati uli pawatsapp drop ur # in my inaox ndikutumizire maspeech a Pope

    1. I wonder South Africa is Rich country and accept Guy, wt about a small and poor country in the name of malawi, bt Nomal pple cant sex wth fellow male, Accept it we want chithandizo

  17. The Constitution Of Malawi Is Set Up Of Democratic Based Principles. Lets First Go Back To One Party System Thus When This Can Be Impossible.Democracy Has Only Principles And Not Rules Where As Bible Is Made Up Of Rules.Malawi Will Not Reject Same Sex Marriage Unless Catholic Leaders Change The Constitution Or Become Donors To Malawi. Country

  18. Money its all abt money accepting evii bcoz of money MALIWI where r u going MALAwi.,,,if ur God bcame angry American cn nt save u Malawi.ok i prophecy 2 any1 encouraging same-sex in this God fearing nation may hi never see good days in his life.may soon his life ended some1 take his job may his children bcame orphans bcame beggars atill he knos that this is aGOD fearing nation.

  19. We have no choice for that we are already accept leadership of the devils in 1994, no matter what we are ruled by them even those bishops etc they knows but they just cover us with out bible shame of u…………….. Luck dube song said! Is this freedom or freedom of devils

  20. bt wy only in Malawi ??? in Ghana gay are killed and no any so called Americans come out to critic or say something, ,,does it mean that our leaders here in Malawi are weak? ??

  21. Leave these idiots do what they want.after all kumatakoko ndikwawo.lets talk of our ailing economy,water shortages,our wrong vote of the Blue party,Blackouts etc…..go to Italy homosexuals are every where.why should we waste time with nonsense.

  22. Kkkkk koma,now you’ve seen it as sinful,you better saying this from deepdown your heart,osati chiphamaso.after all if you’re against it,that’s gud idea.

  23. CCAP already condemned homosexuality basing on Biblical perspective in 2010. I concur with the Bishop in saying NO to Homosexuality.

  24. The bible is clear, in the last days shout of homosexual rights will increase. We can condemn but happily we say time is up may The Lord Jesus come

    1. Zatopetsa nkhani imodzimodzi chiyambireni mavuto athu ndiye ali mbwee!Sitchimo ili lokha Mulungu akalangire munthu ena sachita izi koma akupanga za ufiti kukangoda ndi zina zambiri.Ufiti sitchimo?Mffiti kugwidwa kupita naye ku bwalo milande yake imapezeka mmalamulo a dziko koma anthu akuphunzitsanabe?Zitayeni izi sizinayambe lero ndi zoti zimachitika anthuwa angofuna kupeputsa pomangidwapo akapezeka.Mukawataya we will remain the same everybody upon his/her judgements b4 Lord God.

    2. Yah brazi, muzipatala no drugs, hunger everywhere, zinthu kudulaa, aphunzitsi no pay koma others are busy complaining of guy marriage instead of better solutions affecting many pipo in da country…

  25. a president apangise referendum osati apange zinthu zoti asangalase ma donors pomwe ife a malawi sitikufuna zokhumba zawo.

  26. Same sex what a shame.Its not only roman catholic but truely patriotic Malawian will never agree such sinful practice.

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