Two locked up for attempted rape in Dedza

Cassim Manda

Malawi Police in Dedza are keeping in custody two Mozambicans for attempting to rape two Malawian girls in the district.

Dedza deputy police publicist, Constable Cassim Manda, identified the suspects as Patrick Benjamin and Hillside Saulire who were looking after the cattle of a Mr Mataya.

He said the two victims were residing at area 23 in Lilongwe and went to Dedza to attend a wedding ceremony and were chosen to be in the bridal party.

Cassim Manda
Manda: Confirmed the arrest.

After the wedding, the bridal party was given a room to spend a night and it was at this time that one of the victims was surprised to feel somebody removing her underwear.

Constable Manda said the girl pushed intruder away and shouted for help.

When she calmed down, she was surprised to see another man also attempting to rape her friend.

Manda added that the girls recognized the man to be one of the men who were sleeping in the other room of the house in which they were sleeping.

Meanwhile police have opened an attempted rape case of which if found guilty; the suspects may get married to life in prison as a court punishment.

The two suspects hail from Kalomwe in Mozambique and were in Malawi to work.



  1. Idali 50<->50 ndipo ikuyenela kuti anthuwa padali mgwilizano koma kungoti idavutapo ndi cash after mwambowo ndiye ma gal nawo osainva palibe zobandula mwamahala kkkkkk idali mbiri yakale –mogwirizana awiriwa adangoti tiye tiwaneneze kuti atigwiririla….. ..shame let dem to go inpeace ngakhale ndi anthu ankhanza mukafika mdziko lawo especialy amapholisa.

  2. Koma kukhala zotheka kt amuna awiri akaziso awiri kugwiliridwa nthaw imodzi,???? Aaaaa panali agreement pamenepo issue ndimaforena tiyeni nao bas 11years yakalavula gaga

  3. Kod anthufe mitma yathu yatan only 3min achanguöso simakwana zikatipangitse to living in trouble maybe about 12yrs tien tizikamba nao anthuwa nanga zomwe zot ulkapanga lero mawa ufuna upangensoz bola ukanat uzit ukapanga nd okongolayo wapangilatu

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