Ex ruling Peoples Party (PP) leader of house in Parliament Uladi Mussa has claimed that Malawi can have good governance if the country were to be led by an alliance of Malawi Congress Party (MCP) and the former ruling PP.
According to Mussa, the two parties have potential to bring the donor era back within a month if they were to rule the country.
“We can negotiate with donors to be supporting us and we proved that when Joyce Banda was President, she negotiated with donors and they came,” said Mussa.

He also outlined some of the things a PP-MCP alliance would do to coax donors.
“First we will make sure that the house is in order, we will clean the mess inside because these donors have demanded that the K92 billion cashgate under late Bingu wa Mutharika should be audited or else they will hold the aid if we will not meet these demands.
“PP and MCP have experienced leaders, I have been in the house for over twenty years and I know better how things are handled for the common goal of the country,” said Mussa.
Mussa further urged the media in the country to be writing positive stories on the possible alliance of PP and MCP during the 2019 general elections.
PP and MCP remain prominent parties in the opposition benches in the house after United Democratic Front (UDF) moved to government side.
Uladi was just suggesting,re-read the content guys,after all expecting dpp again in 2019, mmmmmmmm maloto anjoka ofuna miyrndo ndi matako,with my Malawi, pliz forget about dpp in 2019 or else pazafa stranger ndithu
MCP z oredy strong on its own ,,,,,Uladi ngati wawona kuti PP yanuyo yachepera usatibweresere mavuto a cashgate Ku Chipani chathu ,,,we don’t need UA support kuti tiwine we will win de election on our own,,,,DPP taifoola tokha NDE muzibwera tiyeni tigwirizaneni kulibe zimenezo ,,,,tamangopitilizani Ndi Kens Msonda wakoyo ma cashgate nokhanokha
Ngati kuli mbuzi ya mano kusi ndiye ndi Uladi Mussa.
mgwirixanowo ndi wabwino..koma achedwanawo..2014 was a good yr fo that
Kkkk kukwatr mbava…ai 2019….tiona zachlendo….tarmeck..plus zngwe zlipo ngat mungazafune..afta..kuluza
Mbava zokhazokha izi.
Ndikugwirizana kwatunthu ndi Charles Blair.. “Alekeni akufa ayikane akufa okhaokha”
Good moVe! udf ndi dpp anayamba kale. I see No problem go ahead.
If I’ll be the next President and my wife be the vice hen yes to good government. As for all of u whose nose sticks out for Kwacha(money). Forget good Malawi
It’s a good idea, BUT don’t fool MCP. We know who you are!
Kumeku ndi timati ku zingwa ka mfuse tembo chipan chimene chidzakhale ndi mpata waukulu chidzakhala cha newwan motsogozedwa ndi dpp inanu mudzasova
M’malo mopanga gwirixano oti bwampiniyu timupha bwanji zaziiiii
two wrongs does not make a right
Alekeni akufa ayikane akufa akhaokha
Alekeni akufa ayikane akufa akhaokha
Zipan pwilikit ngat anapiye bwanj zipan ziwiri zimatiymirr dpp ndi mcp bac
Kkkkkkk odiiiii ukooooo,pamenepa ndetimatino mantha ndi DPP mmmm why u guyz always fond of copromising ur followers? MCP is very strong party PP too but why all this? These 2 parties are helpless the dont even know what they are doing,I regrate why mr Tembo retired and hand us to this foolish Chakwela.
aaaaa tufuna maso mphenya a dzikoli azioneka.sitimadziwa wabwino ndi woyipa.Let Phanvu ya satana take them all Out.We are looking on the bright side of it,of their separations.Coz zambiri zimanveka pakakhala choipa and popanda gwilizano.
Za ziiiiiiiiiiiii………….!
Mgwirizano ulibe phindu taonapo mbuyomu zipani zikupanga zimenezi koma atsogoleriwa amankhumudwitsa masapota awo chifukwa anthu m’maderamu aliyense amasapota chipani chake ndiye kutenga awa ndi awo kuti agwirizane ndi zovuta kwambiri.
Ask JZU n ACHAIR akuwuxani xonse hw they were humiliated
Bingu once said and I quate “phatikizanani ndipo ndidzakunyenyanyenyani”. Kkkkkk change goal akatero akufuna kupita ku MCP.
mwati pp ikufuna kutani ndi mcp? Pp idali momo zaka zamasi za dpp koma idangobako dollar osapanga chitukuko, ndiye mufuna mukabakule zina ndi mcp. Mukuopa kuima panokhatu Peter akukuopsani simungamuthe nonse patikizanani azakuphwasuleni limozi Peter, kkkkkkkk! Ndiye change goal simulowasa chipani cha Peter kumusiya mayi wanuyo
Kuti muzizaba ndi kupha anthu mosavuta?
They know that, is not easy to defeat dpp.
Herode Ndi Pilato Kugwirixana What A Mess
hahaha gwirizanani azakupunthireni limodzi 2019
Mudzaluza movetsa chisoni gwirizano wa pp ndi mcp . Yelekezani olo mavoti Mcp azatsikilatu , ichi ndi chimene chakhala chikugwetsa mcp. Poor decision. Amalawi akuziwa tikuzumzika chifukwa cha pp.
a bunch of losers….
Koma eeee….tibeledwa apa
dongo ndi chitsulo kodi zingasakanikilane?
Pp kusonyeza kuti ndiyolephela payokha singathe kupanga zinthu
Phatikizani muwoneso 2019 wina azakozedwaso muonaso
Ndale zikupwetekani….
thats good! 1.4 + 1 = 2.4 and 1.9 + 0.7 = 2.6. dpp moto kuti buu. kumpoto, pakati nanga kummwera.
Dn’t get political gains&favours Mr Uladi u were in de system & u failed de country so wat?dont fool us ur tym is gone.give Peter chance.its nt over yet.
I guess no body will be 100% for this position.. y thy need the benefit of their pocket first.
Wait 2019..
Kodi PP ilipo??? Kkkkl koma zoopsa
No problem that’s part of democracy and dont forget that the best party will win and UDF and DDP alliance is probably the best and they will win landslide believe me or not that was my thought and that merger will be called UDDP thus United Democratic parties
That will be gud, since there is a saying that says united we stand divided we fall, but mcp shud be careful bcoz pp has links to cashgate and this might scare some voters. As for me i say better devil mcp and pp than devil dpp and udf.
Amalawi 24 muli ndivuto
Thats why i say God has plans for this nation,running away from Him and now planning to asociate with cashgaters this z to tell us who this man z.
PP ndichaninso a Uladi Mussa????
mxabeso ndalama dxina
Kumeneko kulingati kusakaniza diesel ndi petro&Mudzaluza ngati mgwirizana wa aTembo ndi Bakili kkkkkk
There is no possibility of MCP and PP to lead Malawi in years to come. Stop dreaming about it even if u make an alliance
Golochenji walira kotokoto walira kotokoto kulilira boma afuna tikayimbe?
Olo mutapanga alliance wanuyo ku DPP kuli mafana odziwa tsado yapa computer mwayandama kale
apopo ngati mungakharedi union boma munthu kuzatenga Koma ngati za oukirana peter alamulira mpkana 2024
Palibe wabwino amene ndikumuona apa. Mbava ndi wakuba, onse ndi ofanana. Angosiyana mainawo.
Chipani cha PP pambava chinadutsa chili pa Mbivi kkkkkk
mwayesa njira zonse zavuta imeneyi nde mwaona kuti ithandiza mulira magazi muona
change golo
PP ndi MCP? wat about cashgate?
No this PP failed us MCP can deliver alone!
Anga ndi maso.
Musaiwale kt 90 mins ikakwana change goloyo amathawa. mcp plz beware
Satana ndi lusifala kufuna kupanga mgwilizano omwe uzatchedwe mdielekezi
good idea:::mature political
Olo mutakha zipani 10 simuzayitha DPP moti 2019 kupitilira kulamula basi, mwachita kuoneselathu kufooka kwanu apa makape inu
Agalu inu # MCP # PP.. munaluza chifukwa chani? Mwachepa hvy DPP Boma mulakhula mutopa nokha ife tili phee…..Peter woyyeee amene zimuwawe akakolope nyanja tnavotera peter ndifeyooo osat inuyoooo
Pangani alliance yanuyo adzakuthidzimulirani limodzi
20 yrs in the house? and what do you have to show for that? Manyazi bwanji Uladi?
Vingawa makola comene
Ndi amodzi anthu amenewa, gwirizanani ndiye bwino 2019 peter adzakuphofomoleni double kick
It is just a matter of time. DDT will soon come to an end.
Umangodziwiratu kuti uluzaluza. Kodi Aford ilipo?
gud plan fellaz
Let us sit down and read some pple’s comment.
dont twist words. Read the speech with sober mind.
Asiyeni agwirizane ndianyenyanyenya.
M’BALE ndiyamba ntchito Monday.
zilibwno mudzafele limodzi 2019
Peter to merge with Mr Ibu
kodi inu anthu awa pachibale?
twin brothers kkkkkkkkkk no doubt abwt it
kkkk ndimadabwatu!
Mumufuse Bakili, Akusimbilani Za Mcp Mu 2009.
Mcp alliance wth PP dats great news i lyk most,dis wil help Mcp to take over de votes from northen region as wl as central region,,ife a mcp tisadere nkhawa kungomenya northen & central yonse tidzatenga boma,,,anthu a dpp akuchita manyaz kunyoza chipan chawo ngakhale chalephera kuyendetsa boma,,so to mi dat alliance is agud news.
man mukunama mwanva,if u follow population satistics, mundivomereza kut ku south kuli anthu ambiri zed,and pa centra+north kuliso anthu ambiri a kumwera 4buznes,so awo ndi maloto chabe!
Mwatha mzeru inu simunati mukodza cbikazi.
Or mutaphatikizana nonse Dpp simungaigwetse Dpp woyeeeeee
Moti muzikambilana mfundo zachitukuko koma busy ndi aliance yopanda phindu! Kufuna kuonjezera mavuto, wait4 2019 its nt time 4 campaign , dekhan phuma bwanj? Mukungoononga nazo image yanu, angeres always sum up problems. tatopananu.
Water underbridge, y not before?
Kaya kumeneko .Mukatopa musiya nokha kulankhula .
Olo mutaphatikizana,the machine DPP will come wth clean shirt in 2019.a mcp musaiwale kuti mudachita mgwirizano ndi udf in 2009 and you failed.
Nonsenu Pankhan Za Ugey Palibe Chomwe Mwakamba Mungondsokosa Za Zi!
That is the opinion of Malawi 24,as far as I know MCP has not said something, JB has also not said something, so you Malawi 24 is Uladi the owner of PP? you like twisting stories that’s poor reporting
Kkkkkkkkk the end of MCP
what would b the name of that party? NG’ONA CASHGATE PARTY?
too late…
Nzika ya Malawi yomvetsa chisoni. Yothawa kwao
Bola iyeyo ali moyo, koma winayo ali pa saluyo anafa ngati nkhuku!
Ha ha ha ha bola uyu anafa ngati nkhuku koma mai akowa maliro ao adzayenda pakhasu ngati manyi.
Ha ha ha ha bola uyu anafa ngati nkhuku koma mai akowa maliro ao adzayenda pakhasu ngati manyi.
Munamvapo kuti kuti mpinga ndi bar zipanga mgwirizano kapena kuti. Nsing,’anga ndi m’busa akukhala nyumba imozi. Ndekuti zao ndizimozi
An alliance with PP will comprimise MCP’s integrity.
An alliance with PP will comprimise MCP’s integrity.
That will be the end of PP, the greatest mistake for MCP. PP is one party that has no base. Munachuluka a tidye nawo. MCP will definitely be soiled with PP’s dirty history. Think about cashgate. Above all there is nothing common between PP and MCP apart from the fact that they both are on the opposition side in parliament. MCP and PP have no common policies.
So pp cant make it by itself koma kudalira ena?Kungodziwiratu that they know that they are failures
pangani alliance yanuyo makapeee tidzakuphwasulireni limodzi sagwada 2019 ngati ndikoyamba ngati? Mcp ndi udf 2009 anachita chimodzimodzi tinawanyenyanyenya apapanso yelekezani tidzakujandulireni limodzi ana osasamba
Ndipo abambo amenewa sitiwafunanso kuno ku salima wina amutenge
Mlandu suwola,kungatalike Peter ndi anzake adzayankha mlandu wa ndalama zomwe adaba nthawi ya Bingu,pano ali busy hunting JB and her associates which is very sensible while they are also busy taking taxi payers money to buy a lot of vehicles.UDF idatha,yatsala ndi PP,enawo asova aziona kolowera zaka zikubwerazi,,..mapeto ake tidzakhala ndizipani ziwiri..Akuyambitsa zipani zawo panopawa akungochedwa.
palibe zomangidwazo iwe. ma pulezident onse ndiakumwera sangamangane. from Muluzi to peter wamangidwa ndi ndani? peter sanabepo bambo
@stevie muuze ameyi,komaso mpaka muyaya ife akumwera tizakhala tikulamula.
Kulibe zamuyaya,wamuyaya ndi Mulungu yekha…mukafunse Kamuzu Banda kuti zidakhala bwanji paja munkati ndinu amuyaya,akakuwuzani.
mwayamba kale kunjenjemelaaa!
A good move. Tikuvoterani basi.
A dog and a rat can not make a genuine alliance maliro salowaso mnyumba
Its a good move.
Change gaol is back kkkkkkk apusise amenewa
Kulirira Boma a Opposition ana achepa Dpp Woyeee
What a silly speech,
uladi musa has archeaved nothing in his political carrier,
he is just a desperate man seeking chances to steal some more money again,
go to hell uladi,
it would have been better had it been you mentioned mcp only
It is like an alliance of a hyenna and a dog
If MCP makes an alliance with PP ungoziwira2 kuti MCP yatha basi ndipo sizalamuliraso Malawi.Bambo Chakwera mudziwe zimenezi.Asakupusitseni Mr Change goal
Iwe wadpp ikukukhuza chani alliance imeneyi? ukuopa?
MCP flows in my blood en Dr.Chakwera 2 me z an ideal president kma pa izi zokha I can’t gv a smile.PP so chipani man that’s y a malemu a Bingu ankati ndi cha mu briefcase. Aaah My MCP z gone!!!!
kasawala i think you know politicians vry well ths iz true
U all thieves how can u come up with a good governance since all u know is to enlarge ur stomaches and never mind about welfair of people? U are just like this curent government
makape inu mcp and pp u can not rule this country again bcoz u r murderer and big cashgate
hahahahahahaha poti akulamulawanso ndi amene akukhudzidwa kwambiri ndi cashgate, palibe wabwino apa!
iweyo bosco ndiwe kape…. waiwala mabilion omwe adanya akanganya adpp…..shit
Bola ineyo nanga iweyo ndiwenso kape @ simba
U ladi dyela limamuvuta change golo zavuta apa Kkkk Sizikuyenda akalime kulifizi kwawo kuchipoka kusalima hahahaha
azikaweza azikagulitsa pa jinale
mbuzi za dpp
iwe ukhala ndani ngati uli munthu nzanga @ ndomsoni kwenda
Ameneyi ndimpatsa dzina ndine,iwe N.Kwenda ndi khoswe wamva???
He’s right
Timadziwa kuti zanu ndi zimodzi koma musayese kuti mudzalamulanso dziko la Malawi, Ndipo PP sizapedzanso mpando uliwonse pachisankho chilichonse, (Mark my words)
who is you? wamithenga wa dpp
Ananyenyedwa kale amenewa
Phatikizanani APM azakunyenya…nyenyani nonse!
Useless cashgate+murderer end of the Country awo a Ulad akalime kumudzi he is a liability
Where is the 577 billion cash gate report?
It was dpp with udf nw pp with mcp, I forsee malawi having only 2 strong parties in the near future. that preclues a healthy politics one for the ruling and the other in opposition. osangoti zipani mbwee!
Ajambulitsa mu uniform kkkkkkkk ali nseteeeeee kkkiest
Kkkkkkk choka iwe
Za nzi,,,kd MUSSA!umaganiza bwanji?
Kkkkk past is over
mnalephera kale inu
True!! Ibu out!
Anzanu Anayesa Kale Zimenezo Sizitheka
I wonder if this information is true but then, if it is, MCP is really proving to be a misled party. First it was a non-successful merger wth the “then opposition UDF” against the ruling DPP..now theyR nursing ideas of an alliance wth PP?….Ths wl make DPP more popular methinks! One tends to wonder what the Reverend z thinking…he really must b scared
MCP and pp ?w
hat a shame
Ife sitilora kuti muyambitse nkhondo.. Just Pray 2 God, He Wl Ans Us.
thats good,,we need this unity,if all the parties were like this,am sure malaw would go further though it has come too late