As some workers are complaining that their cases are being delayed at the industrial relations courts, Malawi Congress of Trade Union (MCTU) says government need to increase workers’ salaries at the courts in order to speed up cases.

A complainant, Fidreck Kadzombe who was working for Terastone and realized that his working hours were being abused, took his case to the labor office and he was not helped. He then took the matter to the industrial relations court and now, nine months later, nothing seems to have been done.
Kadzombe has called on government to increase the number of workers at the courts in order to speed up cases. However, general secretary for MCTU Pontius Kalichero said that there are few workers at the industrial court because of low salaries.
“At the moment there are few workers at the courts and there is a need for government to increase funds at the industrial courts in order to quicken cases at the courts,” said Kalichero.
He urged labor offices to work effectively so that other cases are handled by their office and that would ease work at the industrial relations courts.
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