Activists to Mutharika: ‘Stop being reckless!’

Billy Mayaya
Mayaya: We need change..

Besides being told to reduce his spending on travels, Malawi President Peter Mutharika has been asked to wake up from his slumber to end corruption as well see to it that donors get back to Malawi.

A petition that was presented by Human Rights defender and social commentator, Billy Mayaya to officials at the Lilongwe City Council officials in a vigil on Tuesday has drilled the Malawi leader on several issues that have been hitting the nation lately.

The peaceful demo according to reports saw law enforcers outnumber the demonstrators and also had low turn up because there was another ongoing vigil in the same city.

Among other things, the petition breathe anger over dwindling of health service delivery in Malawi hospitals.

Demos on SDGs had parallel aims with the other vigil.

Speaking after presenting the petition, Maya said that the patronage was not a set back and the fact that the petition was delivered, it was enough.

“Day in day out we continue to witness the continued decline in quality of services in provision of service delivery in key sectors such as health, education and energy. We demand the President to address these concerns,” said Mayaya.

There were no cases of violence reported by police.

The other demonstration was aimed at raising awareness for locals to support and own the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The petition titled “SDGs are the hope for millions of Malawians let us unite to implement them,”

Activist Luther Mambala led the demos.