First poetry DVD to be launched in Malawi

Sylvester Kalizang’oma

Malawi is expected to have its first poetry DVD as a way of taking poetry industry to another level.

The DVD titled ‘Unkalindanji Moyo’ by renowned poet Sylvester Kalizang’oma is anticipated to be launched in Blantyre this month.

Sylvester Kalizang’oma
Kalizang’oma confirmed the news.

Kalizang’oma described the move as the promotion of poetry and culture in the country.

“Our culture is going down because these days, people are lazy to read about culture so I have just decided to put these poems in a DVD since videos are in fashion now.”

“This will help to preserve culture and on other hand bring entertainment to the audience when watching the poetic videos and this will help in uplifting poetry in our country, so I thought it is of great importance to give my audience my talent in a different form,” said Kalizang’oma.

Kalizang’oma who is also publicity secretary for Poetry Association of Malawi (PAM) urged poets to start putting their poems in videos in order to keep the talent more favorable for all people.

Unkalindanji Moyo DVD comprises of 19 poems and carries messages touching on romance, culture, lifestyle and many other day to day issues.