There was drama in a bus travelling from Malawi’s capital Lilongwe to Blantyre on October 14 as a self-acclaimed evangelist left passengers quarreling after he demanded offerings from the bus after feeding them spiritually with the holy words.
The evangelist who boarded the bus belonging to MM Investment at Wenela bus depot gave each and every person who was in the bus a delicious, holy meal as he preached of God’s love in reference to scriptures from John Chapter three verse 16.
Soon after his ministering in the bus, the evangelist gave the passengers his mobile number saying there were others who may need private prayers.
He urged them not to be quick in taking numbers of herbalists while leaving numbers of the recommended ones.
He was silent for some minutes before telling the passengers that he also receives offerings from those who may wish to do so.
Later, a man who seemed to be in his 30s asked the use of the offering saying that if it was in the church, it could have been used for other church activities.
The development angered some passengers especially ladies who shouted at the man for asking a silly question.
He was later joined by other men to balance the equation that ended up with half of the bus opposing the idea to give the evangelist some money saying doing so is like selling the words of God.
The other half supported the idea and said the money could help the preacher look smart. All this happened as the preacher stepped out of the bus at Kameza roundabout with the money in his pocket.
In a vox pop at Wenela bus depot, Maria Banda, 27 from Bangwe in Blantyre said it has become the tendency of most preachers in buses to be demanding money from passengers which she said was not good at all.
She was joined by other two men who said they are now tired with this development saying had it been that they just preach and not demand something, it could have been good.
However, Fyness Moyo who was coming from the capital city said the money helps those men who work tirelessly for God. “Remember it is written that no sweet without sweat, and also remember that we should not touch His anointed men.
What could happen if someone gets into the bus and starts preaching whilst smelling bad? “The money is to help them to look clean and smart,” said Moyo.
This is not the first time to have such scenarios happening as reports indicates that last April, police in Lilongwe arrested a man who injured a friend over such similar disputes.
thez ppo r not even pastors
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Amen! George Malunda Banda, zimene wanenazo ndi zoona.
Fake story, next…….
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wa bus adzadyaa za m bus kkkkk, muuzeni abwere ku tarven adzadye ndi kumwa kuno timuguliranso suit akakhala akazi nde osayamba paja akazi anthu awo
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amapanga zambili kupoxa yomwe akwelela kkkkkk pijons
the pastor didnot demand it was up to you to give or not. Eni ma bus amaopa kuwaletsa kukwera akuti kuopa minyama pa ulendo
looking at the picture in this post I thought I will be hearing that somebody is arrested. as for the preachers I dont have problems with them coz sapisa mthumba mwamunthu. its in your own interest to give or not, so plz just close your mouth
Malawi24 fuck you all.ngat mumasowa chochita kuli bwino mudzikangodzithandiza
picture ikukamba zina, head line zina and zili nkati mwa nkhani zinanso koma makosana inu nde mwafikapotu kkkk!
nde mwati mouth watering?kkkk
Police,ndi nkhani imeneyi zikugwirizana bwa?
Ndinaziwonapo ine ndikubwera kuno ku Joni,Bus yomwe ndinakwera itafika paDedza,ndipamene ndinawona mtumiki wamulungu akulowa muBus ndikuyamba kutilangiza kuti, Tikuyenera kupita kujoni ndicholinga wosati kukaledzera ndikulowelera.kenako anati…Ngati pali yemwe wakhutitsidwa ndiwuthengawu akhoza kugwetsa komwe alinako, koma chodabwitsa palibe anasonyeza chidwi poganizila kuti Ulendo waku Joni unaliwautali.Choncho munthu wamulunguyo anatsikamo nkutisiya ife tikuseka.Ine maganizo anga ndiwoti azitumiki inu musamachite kupempha pazachithandizo maka mukafuna kulalikila mu bus, ndibwino kumachita izi kumakachisi anu ndi nkhosa zanu.ulaliki ndiwaulele popeza Yesu christu anatifera kwaulele.Tsiku lina mudzawona malawulo.
The Most Spread & Fast Running Buzinez Lyk Bush Fire Is Work Of God,if U Want To Become Rich B A Prophet,pastor,reveland,deacon 2day
Malawi 24 at it again. You journalist did you pass MSCE? You always give us substandard news. Do you edit? Why police koma ukukamba za pastor?
ansembe mu bible samaloledwa kulima amauza kut azikhala busy ndiza mu church funso nkumat chakudya amachitenga kut?? The offerings that people make in the temple are the one priests use to feed themselves so what do you think those people those who preach in buses got their food?? Its from you people who board in the bus because the bible is teling them that they should be busy preaching Gods word. U can answerer this questin for your self. In the Bible when Jesus starten His ministry have ever heard or read that when He came back to His fathers home He was stil helping His father doing capentry???? If you have never heard or read why so??
what kind of journalist are u?ukut bus from malawis capital to blantyre…bt munthuyo anaakwerela ku wenela bwa????? #nosense
I noticed that too. Stupid reporters
Masiku otsiliza anthu azagulitsa mawu a Mulungu
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Masku otsliza aneneli onyenga aja ankawanena Yesu aja amenewa akulandliratu zawo kudyera dzna la Yesu,tsoka odzanazo!!!!
Do not judge others god will nt judge you let them to feel free so that only god know wat their doing the shall see at the end.
mmmm comment loading……
Bus evangelism is so boring and irritating
God is de only judge.
Blessed are those who got the message and do atleast something!
azibusa amenewa anandikwana heavey koma wina ndidzamphaphalitsa ndi makofi m’basi mommo
U’ll see pple coming to u preaching,not all of them r real preachers but they r using my name to fill their stomaches.that’s the warning,am not the one saying this.
I dont see sense in this nosense written by Malawi24
You will know them through their works, for a tree is known by the fruits it bears. A thorn bush can not bear apples .
Kuthandiza munthu wa Mulungu sikulakwa….kulakwa ndikukuuza kuti ugule special prayer pa 10pin. Mtumiki uyu sanalamule koma kupempha anthu akufuna kwabwino
Ine sindimaona kulakwika kulikose kuwapasa kangachepe chifukwa amasikila panjila pobwelela amatenga tex.komaso sangamangolalika siku lonse opanda kudya.
Bus from Capital city then from Wenela bus Deport ndikuzaima pa Kameza round about………eish..very confunsing to follow up.
sizachilendo izi palibe nkhani ina?
Amene sapereka ndalama kuchipembedzo chake atha kudzudzula alaliki am’basi popempha ndalama. Aroma-chantulo, ccap-chamasika, bible tikugula. Ngati simukufuna kupereka musamalankhule mau a chipongwe mudzapeza nazo tsoka
kupereka mun2 sufunika upemphedwe ai, ungochinva wekha bas.
Mbuzi Iwe Usaopyeze Apa,ngati Mulungu Amamva Zako Zokha
Iwe ndi nkhwere wamva. Yesu ananena kuti ”Ambuye amafuna chifundo osati sembe.” kagwere uko ndi Aroma akowo wamva. Akuposeni Asilamu kumvetsa Bible lanu lomwe. Agonthi inu muzamva liti?
mazibusa amenewa musamawapase ndrama,muziwapasa mikanjo ngati ija ankavala achina aloni,mose,abraham etc
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Wamukachisi amadya zamukachisi
Salvation is free, anything more is not for God
Kodi m24 ndi xool imene anthu akuphunzilirapo utolankhani? Kapena mukuopa kulemba akatswiri kuti azifuna malipiro ochuluka? Bwanji muzilemba muchichewa chifukwa chingerezitu apa ndiye chikuvuta
The only thing I like about these evangelists they preach and at the end they ask for offering indirectly like”mwina pali ena mwainu mukuchimnva kuti mumuthandize mtumiki wamulungu ndiya soap kuti azioneka bwino,”(with humble voice) mpaka ma bus 11 ,masiku,miyezi,zaka,mkumatha!!SINDIKUWERUZATU INE!!!!!
kkkkkk u hav
sikuti muwope mwanena zoona ineso amandikwana.Ndi geni yomwe amapanga ija.
Ambiri ayitenga ngati bizinezi dairy mu deport.komaso muulaliki wao komaliza umalunjika pa chopereka,ine zinandikwana
Azikapempha Bushiri Ma Ten Pin. Sanalakwise Naye
Kodi nanga bwanji ku Airport, Railways safuna kukawalalikira?
I thought nako ma passengers amakhala ali pa ulendoo?
Nothing is free in life,Thats not thefty by trick. There are many ways on how to kill rats or making end meet,this is one for him,iyeso ndimmene amadyera.thats a spirit of interprenuarship-business, killing 2 birds with a stone i.e. procraiming God word as wel as doing business.
Pastor or hustler???kkkkkkkkkk
It seems like the one who wrote this article was not even at the place, so the problem is that the one who gave him or her the information did not give him enough information. Its hard to tell where the bus was heading.
thea r some preachers they will nt false yu to gv them money..munthu umapeleka wekha ndi momwe uthengao wakukhuzira.az a token of appriciation yu r sopoz to dip in yo pocket and gv them kenakake..BUT samakakamiza
komano is the story making sense mukuti bus from malawi’s capital to Blantyre and in your second paragraph mukuti the evangelist amakwerera ku wenera bus deport ndikutsikira pa kameza round about I wonder kuti bus imeneyi amayenda bwanji kwenikweni
Also confused I was thinking may be its me now it makes two of us it doesn’t make any logical sense on how the bus was travelling
Dont be surprised this is Malawi 24 imeneyo imatero simalemba zomveka
am also confused ku last akut ndani ndani anakwerela ku lilongwe kupita ku btzee
kikikiki these people at least akamalemba nkhani zopeka they should use their brains to make it real pamene apa alo mwana waku mkaka akhoza kuwaposa kikikikiki or whom do they think they are writing to
This is total rubbish! Akufuna kutiuza chiyani? Sizikumvekadi & @ first I thought that my brain was having some problems in getting what’s written here.Good observations patie patie.
Nzosadabwisa malawi 24 ndi mbwerera bas.
These Guyz, Are The Profession Journalist Or MBATATA Za Atola Nkhani?
Do they have an editor?
komano ma photo amene mumayikawo ndi nkhani ah zimandiwaza
kkk no wonder #malawi24
Ntchito za Mulungu ndizaulere ameneyo akayambe yowotcha chips ku Sangano.
Bambo ako anakakhala m’busa sibwenzi ukuyankhula zimenezo, Think first before u comment,where do you think these pastors are going to get their daily needs for free,when people like you are even failing to help them,Focus You Creature open ur eyes n mind.
You are a fool.. Read the Bible carefully. Who fed Jesus? Who fed John The Baptist? Kufuna kudyera amphawi basi Mulungu wake uti amene mumapembedzayo? Fodya eti..
Osadanda Tionge,omwe azibambo awo amapanga izi akuwayikira ku mbuyo,chilungamo chidutse basi Mulungu akawalanga chifukwa cholinga chawo ndi kupanga ndalama komwe ndi kulakwa
You can say watever,koma iwowo they are not Jesus neither John, and this is modern time my friend,even Jesus blessed fisi and bread just to feed people n he get them fr6 people nowhere else.get a life learn to give.
Wina wake khate linamubwerera chifukwa cholandira malipiro pantchito za Mulungu. Za Mulungu ndizaulere ndipo ngati mumangoti manja lende ndimtima wakuti mukalarika mupeza ndalama mukuzitsekela njira yakumoyo osatha.
Kikkkkkk truth hurts
Ndiye ndi chithunzi mwaika apachi zikugwirizna bwanji? Kuganiza mwaupumbwa2 uku admin.
In Zambia Last Week a Pastor Turned Into a Snake. Be Very Careful with Those Pastors, some are in Business.
Kwisa side kuzed fyachitike ifyofine and wat hapend to or wit th pastor/snake?
IN Kitwe’s Kwacha T/ship. A Mob of people fought Running Battles with Police and later Torched Te
Wilabepa iwe.anyway,u are agood story creator if u hav jst made it up na cup kutiwawina.in Kitwe ayi?thts agud one.
its true it was even in a newspaper.
Pheshaj or whatever you call yourself, learn to Research more before arguing. it Looks immature to argue without a Fact. The news was all-over Zambia, on ZNBC, ONLINE and Other Printing Media. I dont even Remember asking You to Reply to my Comment.
ok eish mulungu ali paliponse
Nanga adya chan munthu wamulungu!
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