Tobacco buyers killed Bingu – Mutharika

Bingu wa Mutharika

…claims they made him a fool

Angry Malawi President Peter Mutharika who spoke to the Malawi nation yesterday on the sidelines of his extravagance at the UN summit on New York has revealed that tobacco buyers in the country duped him on the price they will pay for the leaf this season.

Bingu wa Mutharika
‘Tobacco buyers killed Bingu’

Responding to a question from a local journalist who asked him if Malawians will have to bear a burden of having to adhere to the hard conditions that will be set by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Mutharika went about to explain how the tobacco buyers cheated him.

“I met them in Washington and they told me that they would buy tobacco at a good price but when the time came, they went back to their old ways,” said a visibly angry Mutharika.

He disclosed how in his meetings with them they assured him that they would give Malawi farmers good prices.

Mutharika as well hinted that his brother was killed by the same tobacco buyers.

“I will not shout at them (the tobacco buyers) like my brother did because in the end they said let us go after him,” said Mutharika in words that commentators have said would mean that he knew some way in which the tobacco buyers brought down his brother for his tough stance on them.

Bingu wa Mutharika’s final public appearance was at the tobacco auction floors in Lilongwe where he fired at tobacco buyers for their exploitation of Malawian farmers. After making that appearance, the elder Mutharika collapsed at State house a few days later under controversial circumstances.

Mutharika’s death sent tongues wagging and lately former minister of information Kondwani Nankhumwa said that it was his Vice President at that time Joyce Banda who had killed him through witchcraft.



  1. At first you said JB killed Bingu, now it is the tobacco buyers. OMG. Chenicheni nchiti abale?

  2. Alibe Zeru Awa Zokamba Munthu Wamkulu Zimenezo Mo Over Prsdnti?Adafa Adafa Basi Olo Mutero Sangadzuke Next Ndiweyo Ufaso Chomcho Jst Get Ready

  3. man nanu tamalembaniko nkhan zoona,,,,timamvera nawo2 confrence ija anatelo,,?anakambako zimenezo,,,?anthu enanxo mkamaika macomment mudziiona nkhani kut ingakhale yoonadi don jx comment coz yu’v much hate ndamene akunenedwayo,,,this page is full of lies ngt smukudziwa,,,,,smumadabwa kut nkhan zawo zonxe zmakhala zomukamba mun2 mmodzi yekhayekhayo,,,?tazkambaniko zanzeru nkulu mukmalemba nkhan inu,,,,

  4. koma panafika mbuzi inja pozonyaso muthu chara aaaa muthu ngati amakozera paipi chubu,kunazikozera mkati ndemuzikati chani,komanso athu anafika podandaula dairy ndeathu million akadandaule muthu modzi kukhala moyo?

  5. Iwe Pitala kupenga kapna kukalamba kkkk ukuoneka kti ulibe opnsion,iwe oyamba kufa ndi bro wakoyo kukalamba konseko

  6. Ngati amasuta chamba chaku nkhamenya pano ayenera kusiya kaye chfkwa chikumamupangitsa aziyankhula za manyi President wanuyo chifkwa chake axigogo anthu akati machona apa mudxi musawapase ma ufumu ndizimenezo pano

  7. Ngati amasuta chamba chaku nkhamenya pano ayenera kusiya kaye chfkwa chikumamupangitsa aziyankhula za manyi President wanuyo chifkwa chake axigogo anthu akati machona apa mudxi musawapase ma ufumu ndizimenezo pano

  8. SITICHEDWA KUYIWALA – By Melifa yao
    Padzana Mabanja anali kutha ati chifukwa wina anachezera panzere wogula mafuta a galimoto,
    Makono Mabanja akutha ati chifukwa wina akumachezera kotunga Madzi a pakhomo,
    Kafufuku naululula kuti Chipala chinatulutsa Amalume ankatiyang’anira nthawi yovuta mafuta,
    Ndichipalanso chomwecho chinatulutsa Amalume akutiyang’anira panthawi yovuta Madzi inoyi
    Tilimbe Amalawi, Mabvuto akadali, ntheradi anthuwa ndamodzi, angosiyana Silang’i (Slang).
    Onena nkumanena, Amalawi sachedwa kuyiwala!

    Tsano yatentha nkhani ya UNGA, mosasiyana ndi kutentha kwaku Jahena,
    Koma yayi, Mapulezidenti athu, ku UNGA ndiye kokaziziritsira kummero,
    Enawa kuwadzudzula kuti ku UNGA mwatenga khola la Mbuzi latunthu
    Iwo akubweza mokumbutsa, amvekere enanu padzana mmatengera makola a Nkhuku ku UNGA komweko,
    Nkhuku zake nazonso, Misoti yokhayokha, a Tambala makamaka akuda ali phee kulera wana pa Nyasaland,
    Nkumapitiriza amvekere, Amalawi sachedwa kuyiwala!

    Tichilimike posunga bwino nkhani zochitika Masiku ano,
    Zidzukulu zathu zisazawaphonye za a katswiri a amasiku ano,
    Palitu akatswiri oyenda mmalere,
    Palinsotu madolo ena akafuna kutsuka nkamwa ndiye kuti apanga kapinyolo,
    Pakuti iwo wawo, ndi ukadaulo wopanga ‘Chenji Golo’ ndalama za boma nkukhala zawo
    Nkhawa ili bii kuti angakhale mmodzimodzi manja awo ayamba kuvala maloko,
    Akuwerengera kuti posakhalitsa sikisi julaye izawatulutsa,
    Pakuti Amalawi sachedwa kuyiwala!

    Wati Zii Mpira wa Ntchemberembaye, pamene wina akunyadira kuti waja ankati ndichoke aja pano andiyiwala.
    Zisankho zayandikira za woyang’anira mpira wa miyendo, inde matchona akumati mpira wamapazi,
    Achulukirenji wofuna kuyang’anira, a Samvamgugu nkati okakamira mopanda Manyazi
    Tawafunsani za ndondomeko za makobidi mmene akhala akuyendera, amayankha thima lili zii,
    Ali ngati wafunsayo ndimmalawi, osandaula, sachedwakuyawala.

  9. Amalawi khalani serious plz, Peter ngati wakanika kumuziwa adamumpha mchimwene wako pilizi ingo khala chete adamumpha webstar bingu ndimulungu mwini zonse osati munthu panthawi imeneyo inu mudali kuti kuti bayarayo akamupase Bingu lifiii yo?

  10. aaa ili ndi bodza lakukhuniza asaa kale paja mmati jb ndi amene anapha Bingu pano mukut anthu ogula fodya timve ziti

  11. Thanks Peter Mutharika for giving us a clear picture on how the former Presdent Bingu Wa Mutharikas death. We get wrong answers from one of your cabinet ministers Mr Kondani Nankhumwa that JB killed Bingu.

  12. So many important people have died what was BINGU to me if its true why r u delaying kill this puppet we will cerebrate like did to hell DPP

  13. kodi zukhala bwanji. Joice banda anapha Bingu. Tobacco buyer anapha Bingu. Heart Attack inapha Bingu. kodi ABinguwa ifa zimenezi utchuka iwowa. tatopa nazo tsapano mabodza anu.

  14. To those intelligent enough it is almost clear now that killing Bingu wasn’t just a one man’s show.JB collaborated with azungu and staged a take over,the proof is there remember in her own words she used to say”azungu andituma”.so who do think the latter was talking about? Behind Jb’s big nonsense mouth was those tobbaco buyers APM is talking about.

  15. Govt should stay out of interfering with business. They struggle to run the country so why get involved in something where you are useless. Also business is for the fit, young and dynamic, not the old, recycled men Malawi has as poloticians.

  16. mmmh!!!!!!!!…..angopanga legalize chamba Bax awone forex itamabwereyo…..sitizadandawulaso za barley wawoyo mxiew!!!!!!…..

  17. Malawi24………mmmh!!!!!!!!…..angopanga legalize chamba Bax awone forex itamabwereyo…..sitizadandawulaso za barley wawoyo mxiew!!!!!!…….

  18. Malawi 24 Nkhani Nkhani Imeneyi Mwaitenga Kti? Kdi Mukufna Kusokoneza Anthu? Ndakwya Nanu Kwambri Cz Mukusogolera Mbuli Zimzanu Kti Zitukwana Munthu Wosalakwa.Munene Ndlit Lomwe President Wanena Zmenez? Mwna Cizungu Cmakuvtan Kumvesa Et? Mwna Abwelez Muchichewa Mumvese Bwno Mbuli Inu Et? Ndakwya Nanu Ndkuctan Block Zisulu Inu.Stupid!

  19. Malawi 24 Nkhani Nkhani Imeneyi Mwaitenga Kti? Kdi Mukufna Kusokoneza Anthu? Ndakwya Nanu Kwambri Cz Mukusogolera Mbuli Zimzanu Kti Zitukwana Munthu Wosalakwa.Munene Ndlit Lomwe President Wanena Zmenez? Mwna Cizungu Cmakuvtan Kumvesa Et? Mwna Abwelez Muchichewa Mumvese Bwno Mbuli Inu Et? Ndakwya Nanu Ndkuctan Block Zisulu Inu.Stupid!


  21. guys read the whole story first .the tobbaco buyers stressed the elder to give him cadiac problems. and these tobbaco people are not just doing this to malawians all African countries.last year and this year was a bad year for all african tobbaco farmers .but they paid good prices to the white farmers.

    1. jesus christ have mercy on u luhanga,ndazindikila kuti ndiwe mtumbuka ukuyeneladi kuyankhula motelo ndakuvetsa paja munali ndi chipate afta his death

    2. Kinali kulemekeza Maliro kumeneko ati heart attack. ARVs amapha choncho. Anali ndi matenda a dziko a Nigga aja. Anali okonda a mayi kwambiri. Aids inawasiyitsa ulemelelo wadziko.

  22. May his soul rest in peace aah bingu anali tate not znazi even pple 2 vote 4 mphake amaona ngati apitiliza zntchto zake koma go ndkuwononga basi ndzakusowani tate wa malawi

  23. Kkkkkkkkk now tobacco buyers koma ku malawi kwavuta ndithu.

  24. God was tired with him, he acted so stupid towards innocent malawians, and God wiped out our tears by just took him amongst us, which is contrary to what pitala is saying.

  25. Fodya timalima tokha kuno ku Malawi koma price yake akupangila ku Britain tida lakwanji ife alimi kulima kumawa kwambiri….Munatipheranso chisulo cha njanji Moses wa lero eish Malawi sazathekaponso. …Malawi adapita ndi kamuzu banda popeza adatenga chuma chonse cha Malawi……

  26. Kkkkkkk koma pulofesa petulo basi mutu wake suugwiladi aaaaa nde Ife timve ziti? Iyayi JB killed bingu, iyayi blablabla and now its tobacco buyers; kukalamba kapena bwanji???

  27. Mulungu anachita kumuyenga yekha bingu atanyasidwa naye ndi mmene amazunzira mtundu wa amalawi , ndye kagalu kena kasamaname kuti ndi ndani ndi ndnani, choti mudziwe ndichakuti mulungu akanagwirabe ntchito padziko lapansi.

  28. Iiiiiih koma abale zinazi kuseketsa…. Kodi Bingu ameneyu anamwalira kangati??? Coz JB anapha Bingu, aMP ena ake nawonso anapha Bingu, adokotala anapha Bingu, Ifenso tinapha Bingu, pano ndiye ndima Tobacco Buyers???? Tiziti Bingu akafa amauka, kenako wina kumuphanso ndi kuuka etc…??? Khalani serious, woyamba kumwalira padziko pano siBingu, ifenso tinataya abale athu ofunikira kwambiri koma sitilodza munthu chala coz timadziwa kuti ndi nthawi…. And ifenso ulendowu ngwa konko kumalembe…. Pliz musatisokose, shupiti!!

  29. Good day friends am coach adeyemi frank dare am from south africa my club are looking for young talented footballers who can play football very well if you are interested to join the academy please add us on facebook on adeyemi frank dare or EMAIL us on frankanton0000@

  30. Mr president, Nankhumwa will sue u bcz of lying who killed Bingu. He(Nankhumwa) knows somebody else. Govt of contradictions is here. Blar blar blar! These pple have lost direction.

    1. Enawa musawadabwe makolo awo akususa nawo Ndlama za Bwampiniyu nchifukwa chake akulolera kumatukwana apa ati tikunyoza bwana wa makolo awo koma ndi Bwampinibe mufune musafune #STEVE

  31. Yes I have to thank u Mr President bcoz you fighting for better prices of Tobacco,But some of Malawians cant appreciate very sorry.

  32. this is a mad president Malawi ever had, he fooled on us that jb killed Bingu, today he has hit the wall again saying tobacco buyers killed Bingu. which is which? is this president normal or what?

  33. you are not good repoters. U need to understand the whole context of the story b4 u write. Not just run for the negative view of the story ayi. This is no-sense

  34. Good day friends am coach adeyemi frank dare am from south africa my club are looking for young talented footballers who can play football very well if you are interested to join the academy please add us on facebook on adeyemi frank dare or EMAIL us on frankanton0000@

    1. Zindikira mawuwo akupita kwa munthu onga iwe pena atate wako amene, ungamve bwanji? Nzeru zako nzopusa chikutumbwewe, come 2019 let your uncle be the candidate I’ll vote him for the first time, foreigner iwe!

    2. u guys are not serious, iwe msowoya wakumpoto nakanyako aka ka chisale, ,,are u related tu de mnthalikaz family? wats yo concern ova Dan’s comment?or shuld we say u don’t share the suffer wit us set on by dis stupid toothless presdent of yos? God z wit hm wa chan apa? du u tink God z happy wit yo presdent? den god en nat God, ,,i wul feast heavily shud yo presdent kick da bucket .

    3. to the bwampini i say REST IN PEACE in advance…!! Paja mkulu wake tinamupatsa 100days koma sanafike mapemphero atayankhidwa mwachangu ndi Mulungu wathu…

    4. I support u Daniel…inu omwe mukumuikira kumbuyo bwampiniyu mukuona ngat wayankhula za mzeru pamenepo..? if our economy depends upon those so called tobacco buyers…. why insulting them that they killed the head of state…? mukuona ngat iwonso angakondwe nazo zimenezo..????

    5. Am not a politician or support what Peter said. Koma osafunira nzako kufa, bwanji osafunira iwe mwini or your family member ngati nchokondweretsa? Some are getting rich everyday here in Malawi, mwamvapo ndi Peter akuwapatsa chuma? Kaalimani ngati ndi business limbika azakupatsa basi woperekayo, mwini chilengedwe ndi zonse zakumwamba..Amen!

    6. #Jame thambo wangoonetseratu umbuli wako wonse kuti sunawelenge nkhaniyi,zomwe walembazo is nonsense its people like you who dont kno anything about business and yet your busy commenting shit! next time open the link,kaya ndi free data I don’t kno.

    7. Romans 13.Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God.So anyone who rebels against authority is rebelling against God.

    8. This kinda Authority comes from flaud votes not from God thats why u see everything is turning into miserable, we can not say loud that he truly win votes, if so why is he failing to run the country? God can never choose a man who makes thousands to suffer never!

    9. some of u ppo u were just born with fixed minds. ngakhale munthu alakwitse simuona kut akulakwitsa jst bcz u were born like that..! mind ua language #BEN otherwise wise u don’t kno whom u’r playing with.

      once more. .. I #strongly support #DANIEL for his comment

    1. In democray munthu ali ndi ufulu uliwonse kuima papresidencial rase no matter you tittle him overstayer.Even iwoyo you dont want die young,however you want overstay.Justfy your mouth.

    2. Zikuoneka kuti Bwampini yu akuponyera ambili mafupa eti, nanga mmene akuyendesera dzikoli pangamapezeke ena omubakila asakudya nawo? Mushoshedwa nonse amene mukumubakilanu

    3. Zikuoneka kuti Bwampini yu akuponyera ambili mafupa eti, nanga mmene akuyendesera dzikoli pangamapezeke ena omubakila asakudya nawo? Mushoshedwa nonse amene mukumubakilanu

    4. Hahaha i can either be an idiot over something which is normally abnomal, at the same time i can be clever by saying truth, u are group of people who are eating and drinking from BWAMPINI thats why u are mad at me, but u know the truth that the way this man is governing the country he’s not serious he need to step down, so #ANGEL am srry am not one of ur Mulakho

    1. Troll,comment yopusa.mufufuze link ya azungu ndi Jb before she took over then you will see kuti killing Bingu was not just a one man’s show.

    1. binguyu nkachani kuti asafe iyeyo..? Akafe yesu ka bingu nkachani sono..? Akafe micheal washington…#eliness ankadya punani yako malemu uja etii..?

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