Bushiri puts God for sale

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri

…Malawians question: Why selling God’s blessings?

The self acclaimed Malawian Prophet Shepherd Bushiri continues to leave Malawians with more questions than answers following his decision to sale what he calls ‘special prayers’ for MK10 000.

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri
Bushiri, puts God’s blessings on the market.

Bushiri who jetted into the country on Thursday for his Mzuzu crusade, ordered people to pay the said amount for a sticker for them to have a one-on-one with the prophet.

Readers of  Malawi24 complained that the prophet’s demands were nonspiritual.


Francis Kanduwa Mwina ndi sin’ganga nde 10 grand yo ndi chipondamthengo….nanga tinene kuti bwanj!!!, A comment which compared Bushiri to witch doctors who demand money prior to giving any treatment.

Wage Dan NamaQa kutolera za misonkho ku Malawi za Joni kodi Zachepa eee koma dyera ndi la chabe olo kuti palibe cha ulere mmmm zawonjeza malo mothandiza akuti bela eee am so khuzd mwamva zandi khuza hevy uthenga wa Mulungu mulengi wa ziko la pansi tasandusa malonda ndi kumabera anthu koma pa Judgement daY Ziliko ndithu.

Robert Kaphuta Nyirenda Mu Bible mulibe mneneri amene anagulitsapo mapephero. Ngakhale Yesu amene sanagulisepo mapephero. Zimenezi zikuwonesa kuti bushiri ndi mneneri wonyenga komanso ndi wakuba anthu akuwona kaya anti coruption irikuti. This is pure cashgate.

Câptâîñ Sôldiêr Do not judge and u shall not be judged, all we have sin against God. tisaoneke ngati abwino poweluza zomwe zathu akuchita koma timpase mau abwino kuti amutengere njora yolondola. Zoti akulakwitsa kapena sakulakwisa akuziwa ndi Mulungu, tiyeni tisiire iye poti amaona zonse ndipo kuweruza ndi kwake

His ministry is one of the richest following revelations that it sales different branded merchandise with his name and face.

As if that was not enough, local traders were warned to refrain from selling their commodities as his ministry was busy making money out of the gathering.

It was also discovered that all the spiritual products such as anointing water and oil were not for free. Contrary to what the bible says, Bushiri’s ministry was selling a 25 millilitre anointing water at MK 2, 500 each, with the anointing oil going away at MK 5, 00M.

Anointing stickers were being sold at MK 1, 000.

The controversial prophet, whose miracles sparkled debates, has been warning people that they will die for castigating and questioning his ministry.

Contrary to how Jesus Christ entered into Jerusalem, the pompous prophet arrived in Mzuzu City on a jet he claimed was his and had a palade full of police bands into the stadium.



  1. SHEPHERED BUSHIRI IS A SIMON THE SORCERER AND HE IS USING HIGHEST LEVEL OF METAPHYSICS AND SOLIDIFYING THE AIR BY THE POWER OF SUB-LEVITATION AND BI-LOCATION TRICKS,MOVING OBJECTS FROM THE DISTANCE AND ALSO USING DIVINATION TO DRAW MUCH CROWED AND MUCH GAIN LIKE THAT GIRL IN ACTS 16.SO HE IS SIMON THE SOCERER THE GREAT ONE WHICH IS BEING TRANSLATED”MAJOR ONE”.THIS IS WHAT GOD HAS REVEALED TO ME WHEN I WAS PRAYING AND SEEKING TO KNOW THE TRUTH WITH ALL MY HEART.”But there was a certain man, called Simon, which beforetime in the same city used sorcery, and bewitched the people of Samaria, giving out that himself was some great one: to whom they all gave heed, from the least to the greatest, saying, This man is the great power of God.” (Acts 8:9-10).

  2. sanalakwitse amakamputa dara ameneyo nawo azimayi akumalawi kodi baiburo limati bwanji za aneneli sanati last ndi john babatst yohane 10 :3″””-7 wolipidwa sakhara m’busa 10.000 kupempheleredwa 20.000kudya njoka

  3. akulakwa kma akusocheletsa anthu osazindikira!!! may God 4ge him…y sellng God??? chingauluke bwanji chidzatera mulekeni

  4. Abushiri mumandisekesa moti mulalikire zakubwera kwa a mbuye amati inuyo dzina lanu ndi so so mumakhala kufupi ndi chakutichakuti a bushiri siyani za utumiki ambuye akukanthani zimenezo siyani si mbali yanu koma mungoyamba za usinga’nga. Basi iweyo si major ayi major ali ku barracks

  5. exactly…from a distance you can not be sure if something it’s a cabbage or a lettuce. He is clever than we are, with power he gained while he was a son of God. He came to Jesus in the wilderness one day and promised him a big city!! Another he will come with job opportunities… with the natural eyes it’s difficult to note

  6. Do you think the Devil will always come with trouble and wars? No…not always! sometimes he will come calling on the name of the Lord, doing many wonders and healing the sick….I tell you before so that when he come you will know…. Jesus said

  7. Vuto ndifeyo anthu kusowa chikhulupiliro mwa Mulungu wanthu wamoyo…. What i know is if u PRAY wth FAITH chozizwa chimachitika…… Sindingapembedze milungu ya bushiri ine nevr… Mulungu wanga ndi wa moyo.

  8. You Malawi people don’t realise what you are having, you are busy judging. He who sits on the throne is a judge. The man of God has a heart for his country but you are busy accusing, may God forgive you. “Touch not my anointed one”

  9. simuziwa chomwe mukuyankhula muziyamba kaye mwafunsa musanalembe mwadya chamba uko munalemba zopusazi ambiri ainu mungolemba koma simuziwa kuti zimakhala bwanji munthu chilichonse kuti chitheke chimafuna ndalama akanakhala kuti akugawa zaulere muzitinso wasatanic kweni amnalawi mumafuna chani simumayamika mzanu akamachita bwino ndiye NDIKUZENI OR MUSHODZE OLO MUNENE BWANJI IFE NDI NGA NGA NGA NGA PAMBUYO PA BUSHIRI PROPHET WATHU WATHU anthu oipa inu koma zikanakhala za mathanyula ndiye kuyamikila muzafa opanda kanthu cfkwa cha nsanje ndichifukwa atsogoleri aboma angokubelani ndalama za mitsonkho cfkwa chokhala busy kunene miseche GOD WILL PUNISH YOU IDOTS

  10. Oh my God mpakana zafika pamenepa? But u must know these ali wotembereredwa yense wogulisa mphatso ya uzimu yomwe iye anailandira mwaulele kwa christ Yesu, pakuti sanatidzodza ife ndi mzimu woyera kuti tikawalipirise koma tikaphunzise ndi kuchirisa onse omangidwa ndi mthenda ya satana mdyerekezi mwaulele.

  11. Masiku omaliza soka kwa amene saziwa mau ndi amene akutengekanazo abale musakhale m’tulo ayi dzukani muwone kuwala kwa manso mphenya inu inu kaya zanu izooo

  12. Akulondola mesa akugulitsa mau amulungu ngati iwowo ali m’busa mkumalamula kwa amene akufuna kwa pemphera ndigeni akuchitayo amene ali ngakhale kuti akudwala sangalandire mapemphero mchimodzi modzi malonda ngati ulibe ndalama sungagule kanthu ndi aneneli onyenga amenewo

  13. Akupanga Bwino Kwambiri .. Kodi Mukulimbana Ndi Bushiri Bwanji? This Z Time To Make Good Relationship With God, Or U Wil Find Out That God Z Judging U And Throw U To Hell.. Be Busy With God Not Man.

    1. Without a a good relationship with with jesus you can not have the spiritual eyes and spiritual ears, as a result you can judge the way those people who are not Christians can thinks about him, we need to have the Holly spirit to connect us to God who knows the secrets anything.

  14. Kwa asing’anga anthu amapereka Chipondamthengo kuti athandizidwe, ndiye uku poti mkwa Prophet, anthunso akuyenera kupereka Chipondamtchalichi.

  15. Mbuye mene munali pasi pano munkavala mkanjo ndi khwaira simunayende ndi olemera abwezi anali amphawi anaimba kale soja

  16. I’ve been here opposing this man Bushiri that he’s a fake prophet koma tiatsikana tina koma ayi mumva bebe lero wabwera,wakwera ndege yake,wajambula chithuzi,wayenda m’malele heee koma mukhaula aaahaaaah!!!abale ndichani?lero siizi akuti mulipire chipulumutso,za annointed water zachepa koma ayi pemphero 10pin.koma uyuyu ofunika aone zomwe anaona Matiki ku BT’s wajayira tsopano wabwenjeza,wabhowa,koma iiiiii!!!abale anzanga yesu pamtanda paja munalipira zingati?popeza Yesu akachiritsa munthu amati pita usakanene,koma awa izi,zinazi,izo,koma uko akuti Pay for Prayer (PP)hahahaha!!!kkkkkk!!!khakhakhakha!!watchout Malawi

  17. oyitanidwa ndi ambiri koma osakhidwa ndiochepa,if not by God u ll stop prophet bushiri, if he is choosen forget it,no one can stop the plan of God,tiyeni tivomelezane apa ,mulungu ndiwachiungamo where is ur faith,things of God r understands by them that let God to sho them,ur not hamble,ur selfish fighting lose battle,how can God answer u since u already choose what u think is right,ur looking for majority hahahaha u ve neva started,i admire this prophet bushiri he is a true man of God,he is strong no matter how much ur condeming him,may God use him much

  18. masiku omaliza ndiwamenewa palibeso tidikilile kuuzidwa ayi

  19. ine ndinali komweko palibe aliyense amene amalipira, mulungu akukhululukire chifukwa ukulimbana ndi munthu wamulungu chilichonse chinali chaulere

  20. Where is this prophet getting the healing power?is he buying?Jesus sufferd en died for us including this man 4free!why is he selling Gods wisdom?Jesus perfomed great miracles 4 free.Nanga ichincha?

  21. Ngati mukunena zowona mawu amulungu saenera kugulitsidwa chifukwa kwa okhulupira ake mawua anaperekedwa kwa ulurere kma ngati ndizabodza Mukuchimwitsa athu pakulakhura through their comment

  22. Nkhani simenelo asowa job mcifukwa asankha ncomco ndiye phaseni khasu ndi munda akalime ayipeze kuti 10pine imawawa bwaji

  23. my MAJOR 1 please leave him alone n who are you to judge him go to hell maan,PAPA I LOVE YOU n they can say whatever about you i know that you are true savernt of GOD

  24. Chisomo cha Mulungu sagula amapereka yekha bolani ukhulupilire. Analipira kale ndi mwazi wake Yesu ndipo palibe ngakhale verse olo limodzi mu bible lomwe ananena kuti tidzagula ndi ndalama madalitso a Mulungu. Zakumidima ndizomwe mumagulitsana.

  25. Madalamadala Profit bushiri.tiyenazo ayele mmaso ana.sarvation is for free koma ofunika anyeledwe kaye.ofunikaso piksy nyimbo wayimba ya mthudzi ija apepese. #via_ipad_capture

  26. ine ku mzuzu stadium,ndinali komweko,ndipo anthu ambiri anapempheleredwa popanda ma k10,000.nkhani imeneyi siyowona.

  27. Sakuganizira uphawi omwe ali nawo anthu kma ngati mpingowo uli wa mulungu samalipilits kma ngati akupembedza ziwanda dzina ayi akuyenera kutelo adziwe kwa mulungu nd chlango chake.

  28. Vuto laketu anzathunu munatenga dzina lachiweto chopusa, “Nkhosa” iyeyo nakhala “M’busa” ndiye mumati nkhosa ingalimbane ndi m’busa wake? ? ?

    Akuberani kumene ndipo simunati sinanga anzathunu mumakhulupilira miracle kwambiri mwayiwara kuti ngakhale Satan amapanganso ma miracle.

    Inu Mulungu safuna munthu wina mpaka akulumikizeni pakati pake kuti inu mumvane naye, ndiye Atumiki omwe aja anabwera aja basi. Inu unthuyo janabah ya chaka chatha inakalipo ndiye kumati akupemphereleni? ? ? Ha a a a a mumandiseketsa ndi kundimvetsa chisoni ndi umbuli wanu paza Mulungu wo bwanji!!!! Mukapitiliza kukhulupira izi mudzakathera kung’anjo ya moto mudzaona!!! Apapa simungandikhulupilire kma tadikirani mukadzangosiya kupuma ndi kupenyako

  29. makawa amanena zoona kt ambuye angobwera kt adzawamenye makofi aneneriwa coz alowerera kwambiri mau aMulungu ayesa business

  30. If he is Charging Malawians K10,000 for special prayers how much does he charge when he is in S,Africa? Our local Churches we give tithe not pay tithe; Prophet Bushiri why sell Gods wisdom thru special prayers? Some time l always wondered how Pastor Salanje got so rich a few years after dumping his Church in Chilomon; So the secret is selling Gods prayers, my footy: Its good you came to expose your secrets to Malawians’–Now l know why the late James Handley Chase wrote a Novel called Whats Better Than Money; Shame Bushiri – K10,000 its too much for an average Malawian who is in need of special prayers:


  32. am happy that Bushiri he is a businessman osamudandaila ndi enterpreneur wankulu dont spoil somebodys business agwirizana kale 10 grand ndi 10 grand basi no discount amene sakufuna apite kwa Prophet Liyabunya

  33. Matsiku osiliza chilichonse chikuoneka pomwe Bible linayakhula kale…..Aaaa so wat picture shud we have pa bushiri ndiwe otumidwa ndi mulungu kapena unangofika kuzapanga money?… Coz za mulungu ndiulere2 mmmmm God have on us

  34. Ndikuganiza kuti zikufuna kungokwanilitsa zomwe malembo ananena zamasiku otsiliza, nanga ataukitsa wakufa angati zingati?

  35. kmano kutengera ndimene chaka chino zithu zkuvutra ndkuona kt a Bushiriwa sakulakwitsa chfkwa iwowa nthawi ya mbiri amakhala akutumikira mbuye ndeno mukut ndalama ayitenga kt pamenepo!!!?

  36. Bushiri alipaukapolo jaji ment day ndioyipa osamumvela olo pang.ono amene akupusitsika mukuyenela kudziwa kt bushiri ndi chiwanda chenchen chofuna kusocheletsa khosa za mulungu ine ndachikana chiwanda chimenechi holy ghost fire

  37. ngati wolemba nkhani ukutinamiza ziwa kuti bodza ndi ntchimo pamaso pa YEHOVA ndipo ukuyenera kulapa mu dzina la YESU ngati ndi zoona mlekeni nansongole ndi tiligu akulire limodzi azasankha mwini, bible kumanja osaiwala kulimbana kwabwino ndikupemphera

  38. tiyeni tiyike zopemphela kaye pambali. nigeria earns a good amount of money thru TB Joshua thru ppo travellingt to scoan and the nigerian bottled annoiting water. inu u have bushiri amene akugwedeza kunjaku koma kumupanga defame. akankhala Kuti he was based here bwenzi kukubwela anthu kuno. he prefer kumene akupeza ntendele uko.

  39. ndibwino ngati mulungu wapeleka mphanvu yochiza matenda pitani mzipatalamu anthu akuzunzika kulila usana ndi usiku ululu osatha akulakalaka mutawachiza

  40. Myeyo mndani kodi kuposa yesu ngati angadzutse wakufa ngakhale atati K10.000000 ntchito imeneyo ndiyaeni akulowerera kodi Yesu analandira zingati poti iye ndamene anagwira ntchito yopambanai Oky

  41. Opusa ndi anthuwo iwowo mwawokha ndichikhulupiliro chawo kupempha mulungu sangawayakhe? Kumbukirani mau aneneli yesu( ndizakhala ndikukupirirani paka liti inu anthu opotoka mtima nanga chikhulupiriro chanu chili pati.)ngati iyeyo bashiriyo amakhulupirira mulungu ndichifukwa chani akuyenda ndi ma bord gud kumukayikira mulungu kuti sangakwanitse kumuteteza komanso muziwe kuti yesu anakana ulemelero wa ziko lapasi chifukwa chake analola kuzuzidwa nanga iwowo akulipiritsa pembero akuyembekeza chani kwa mulungu

  42. Sanalakwise ayi, panopa zinthu zambiri zakwera mtengo nde iye wayeneranso kukweza kwa ofuna kuti awapemphelere, mudziwa bwanj komwe amakatenga mphamvu zakezonso akweza.

  43. Amene akupemphera mpingo kapena chipembedzo koma iye saperekako ndalama ayambe kudzudzula bushiri. CCAP kuli yachitupa, aroma kuli chamtulo, bible tikugula. Kodi kumeneku sikulipilitsa mau a Chauta? Bushiritu wangozibweretsa poyera ngakhale zikuchitika mwachinsisi m’mipingomu.

  44. Amalawi mungooneseratu kuti ndiinu amphawi tamvesesani akuti AMUMPINGO WAKE osati WANU ayi asiyeni amumpingo wake azipereka macoment osaukawo athawa okha inu amafellowship inu opemphera mmakalasi chikukukhuzani ndi chiani achamba inu chikukukhuzani ndichian amatisheti ataliatali inu amashati amadigadi inu amatrouza aturnup inu amajekete a 1 ng’amba inu asapato za?mark inu ndi mahule onse amene akuona kuti azibambo akayamba kupereka ma 10 pin game yayo yagona musaperekenso macoment tisiire zikhwaya za mchurch mwakemo azipereka ndiponso ndiyochepa kwambiri iweyo ndi ine tizingolira ndi uphawi wathuwu basi mapolofiti ena inu kupeza mwayi opita kunja bandukani ndichifukwa Bushiri anaiwerenga kuti amalawi amxanga ndiasiru umphawi too much lero tinapereka madaliso kwa anzathu akusouthafrica MAJOR 1 MORE FIRE usazabwerenso uzingopita ku Amereca ndikubwerela konko ku SouthAfrica

  45. Anthu zomanamizira munthu wa Mulungu sibwino,komanso bible linati usaweruze kuti uzaweruzidwa kodi zanu mmachita zinja amakunenani ndindani musiyeni Mulungu aweruze yekha,ndipo iye mukumuthandiza kukwera ,komanso kuti dziko limuziwe koposa poyamba amene sanachimwepo azikamba,koma ena tonse ochimwa tikhale chete.

  46. Ndimasowa umboni woti bushiri ndi wabodza apa ndiye ndawupeza mpaka kulipilitsa mdalitso yesu sanachitepo zimenezi iye wazitenga kuti

  47. Bushilli ndi friend wanga ndiye ndingokuwuzani mmene amapangira;Adaawa akapita ku Moshico(Mozambique) amakatenga chithumwa cha miracle money,ndiye akabwera kunoko ndi mmene amayamba kupanga ma miracle money komano chithumwa chija chikatha mphamvu iyeyuno amayenera kuti apeze ndalama zoti akapangitsenso renew chithumwa chija, mwamva?Ndiye mumaganiza kuti ndalama panopa mmene yavutiramu iye apanga bwanji?(Musamuuzetu tingasiye kucheza)

  48. Bushiliyu asing’anga amchulukira, ndiye atani?Pa usatana wake anayenera kuti apemphe ndalama kwa onse omwe Mulungu sanawatsegulebe maso.Onse omwe amapereka ndalama kuti apemphereredwe si ma born again koma ndi kagulu ka anthu kamene kanatopa ndi kupita kwa asing’anga,nanga atani?Bushili is an African doctor.Lets open our eyes and see that Jesus isnot a man to lie,He warned before about false prophets like the Bushillis,nevertheless Bushilli is not alone.

  49. Akuluakulu amipingo akhale naye pasi amufunse machitidwe akewa ngati ndizoleledwa pa zauzimu kapena. Afotokoze kuti Bushiriyo zimenezi anawerenga kuti. Chifukwa. Chiphuzinso cha chilendocho mulibe mbayibulo.

  50. we malawians,we were born jealous but remember,”the more we oppose him,the more GOD uses him and perform more miracles than before”.Let God Judge And Not A Person.Which Church Doesn’t Want Money??

  51. inu oziwa mau lalikani za mawutu osati kunyoza mneneri mwachitapo chani pa ntchito wotumikirayi,inuyo mukuoneka oziwa mau lalikani osachita phokoso lopanda ntchito,mukuoneka azeru apa mukanakhaladi anzeru mukanapanga zanu,iye woitanidwa ndimulungu sazaleka chifukwa chamibwebwe yanu,hahhaha tioneseni zoonadizo,let me tell u God is God of impossibility,zosatheka ndi anthu zimatheka ndi mulungu kwa iwo achikhulupirilo mwayesu,tioneseni chikhulupiliro chanu!!!!!! mumangoziwa za satanic basi ,hehehe sumunayambepo

  52. Tsoka kwa omwe akudzikundikira chuma cha dziko lapansi, wamsonkho uja atalandira YESU adalonjeza zobweza khumi kuzomwe amawabela anthu.

  53. zizindikiro za masiku otsiriza,many will come in his name (Jesus) claiming they are prophets yet they are agents of the devil,but behold brethen do not judge,Only God can judge for human can not judge human,and judgment its for the almighty alone

  54. Ndimafuna ndikumbusane nanu amene mukumanena kuti anthu akamapele ka maganizo awo pazomwe Bushiri akuchita inu nkumati anthuwo akuchita nsanje chonde ndikupempheni modzichepesa kuti ngati muli anthu oti mumapita ku church ndipo choonadi mukuchidziwa chonde awuzeni zamomwe madalitso amapelekedwela pamunthu kuchoka kwa Mulungu. Kodi Mulungu akanati anthu adzigula madaliso ake inu mukadagula inu? Ngati muli nthumwi zabushiri wanuyo anthu simungawauze zoona coz inuyo mukudya naye ndalama zotembeleledwazo, anthu inu musaiwale Yesu akanafuna kuti azilipitsa pazomwe ankapanga ndukuuza ni panalibe amene akanakwanisa kugula coz anthuwo zowaeneleza analibe, nde inuyo wanuyu uyu munthuu wapambana chani kuti nkumagulisa madaliso? Iyeyo ndi Mulungu? Nkutheka kuti madalitso amene akunenedwa apawa ndiathumba osati ochokela kumwamba mwina pali njila zomwe zikusatidwa kuti muzinamiza anthuwo, musaiwale mfumu ina phwando litakoma anaamba kunyazitsa Mulungu, mundiuza ndinu zomwe zinamuonekela amene uja, awuzeni njila yoti anthu akapulumukile osati zokonda ndalama zanuzo Mulungu akukuonani ndipo kulanga kulipo ndithu.

  55. If it is true that he sold God’s blessing @ K10000 then don’t trust him but if you have forged kumunamizila then sorry for you

    1. he didn even charge for the prayers. On saturday nit he conducted a dinner and the charges wer ten thousand. The prayers wer for free.. Anthuwa angotengapo nazo thembelero

  56. osayiwala kuti Mulungu wampingowo ndiiyeyo ndiye akutchaja cauz mphamvu amazitenga akuziwa iye#Anthu achulukirenji omusatira oyipayo mmmmmh Ndimangonjenjemera ndikaganiza mphamvu yamulungu.

  57. You haters of bushiri u r just jealousy of the. Prophet bushiri komatu one thing u should know is that its a curse to talk bad about the man of God.pitani uko ana a njoka inu nonse mukunyoza papa Wa ine major 1

  58. kodi mau amulungu amalipilisa abale?mmm koma tsiku lomaliza kuzakhala tchito abale tichenjele ndi atumiki onyenga angatisochelese poti chikhulupilillo ndi cha iwe ndi ine tichenjele

  59. ndi nkulu wa belizebuli ameneyo musadabwe naye zonse akucitazi ife tinaziwelenga kale ndipo sitikudabwa cifukwa zili mmalemba.

  60. kkkkkk iye akadye kuchipatala? ndani safuna dollar ameneyo ndiye sing’angayo angokupatsani zizimba zaulere hahahaha

  61. I am not the follower of the guy, but the truth is that the guy is just honest because there is no single church that does not ask money from its church members. Honestly where do you think the man of God would get money to hire venues like the Mzuzu Stadium, run his private to enable him reach out to many needy souls or even feed his family as his sole job is spreading the word of God. The 10 000 for a prayer will help him reach out to many elsewhere.

    1. Ndipotu he didn even charge for the prayers. On saturday nit he conducted a dinner and the charges wer ten thousand. The prayers wer for free.. Anthuwa angotengapo nazo thembelero

  62. Ngat mzakwamulungu ziri bwino more than best,koma ngat ndizina ,the opposite is true,NB. Its not for us bt GOD Himself to reveal ameniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

  63. If it is for God it is free becoz we recieve for free but if it is for aperson it is for sell and more over things from prophet TB Joshua is for free why to pay to other one dont get any coin from people of god becoz Is not cheated

  64. When a dog bites a man its not an issue but when a man bites a dog it brings questions.The problem is this issue seems as if people are against Bushiri and his followers but the best thing is ask religious scholars both christians and Muslims to answer that coz if ordinaly people comment his followers think they are against him.

  65. Koma iyeyo bwanji…TB Joshua ndim’modzi mwa aneneli koma ndamene amapeleka chithandizo kwaanthu osianasiana ena kumalipilila xool….tsono satana amene amapembedza uyu mukumuti major ngotani kwenikweni?

  66. Service ina iliyonse yochokera kwa munthu wa mulungu sagula ndi ndalama choncho a Bushiri sakulondola, nkutheka mwina achita misala

  67. Kungot amasuta chamba amene, YESU, amachiritsa anthu akhungu, osaona mwaulere,mneneri onyenga ameneo masiku otsiriza chenjerani imatero bible

  68. Kulikonse mwalowelako mpaka kuma challenger gulu. Mawa ine ndikakhala prophet ndiye muzandiyamikileso. Hahahaha! Be strong to your belief but mukakhala ngati deya osatila madzi mupusa. Umphawi watifikapo, munthu kungokhala ndi chuma basi timukhulupilire? Omwe anapita ku mzuzu akuti kunali kuukisa akufa, i can’t blv that.

  69. Zabwino anthu samayamikila amayesetsa mu njila ill yonse kt munthu ukhale oyipa iweo loko atakhala akulipilitsa chakukhudza ndi chan? Akukakamiza munthu kut apite akalipile? U pipo u hv 2 leave Bushiri alone mind ur on business coz mukuchedwa he iz nt ur level samadziwaxo kt muliko inuo

  70. if the story is true bushiri is totally wrong cz GOD gave us life for free why him can’t do the GOD’s work for free? he better stop GOD himself will give us another prophet!

  71. Rastaman talk it
    put not your money inna pastorman pocket
    fi enter Zion gates seh yuh no need no budget
    just clean up yuh heart en yuh soul coz yuh no need no ticket!

  72. Sızowona zımenezı mpaka k10,000?munthu asıye kukagula nthumba lachımanga ndı matemba adye ndı ana zowona akagulıle mapephelo?bola munthuwe upephele wenkha kwamulungu dırect ndıpo amanva.palıponse palımulungu ndıpo nkhutu yake sılogontha

  73. No if God send you to spread His good news to the people you dont have to take an advantage of it to make business,it just shows that his prophecy is not real


  75. ambuye amava pemphero lako munthu bola chikhulupiliro so wat z bushiri,k10000 4wt madalitso bas mulungu sankalipilitsa or amat imadya pomwe aimangilila.

  76. Nanga osowa ‘monga wakhathe uja tikawerenga bible anakha zaka 38 osowa omuthandiza kuti agwere muthamanda muja,tsono pali anthu ambiri ofuna mwai ngati umeneu koma alibe pogwira atani?

  77. Prophet Shepard bushiri is a true man of God he’s the lord Gods voice if you don’t believe him you can just leave him alone.touch not the annoited ones

  78. Vutondiloti wabwela public ndiyemukumunena. Alipo ambiri. Inumukuwona ma prophet akugula ma private jet amazitengakuti ndlama? Don’t blame him. Phuzilani kupepelapanokha yehova azakuyakhani more fine prophet akang’athe 10 yachepa.

  79. Ernest O Nyirenda#thnx 4 yr comment.koma ngati nkhani yolipiritsa madalitsoyo ndiyoona.ai si munthu waMulungu.ngati anthu angopeka,tsoka kwa iwo

  80. Muwelenge Buku La Mafumu Lose Mumve Zomwe Zinachitikira Ana Ena Amaseka Zadazi La munthu Wamulungu Kunatuluka Chinyama Chomwe Chinadya Ana Ose Samalani Mulungu Angakutumizileni Zoopsa, Nanuso Amalawi24 Mudzatembeleredwa Zaeni

  81. anthuwa tinawazoloweza tokha pomawathamangira ndikuwapatsa ndalama komanso ena tikumawakhulupirira ndiye kwa amene zikutisangalatsa tiyeni tiziripira but know whom you are serving. In the bible palibe amene analipiritsidwa so mulungu wake ndi uti? popeza ndikumdziwa ine anali, ali ndipo adzakhala (samasintha)

  82. Ngakhale Masiku Amose Ena Anamunyoza Mose(Kumbukilani M’baibulo Miliam Atanyoza Mose)chinachitika Ndichani?Samalani Zingakuchitikileni Osanyoza Atumiki Amulungu Kuweluza Ndikwa mulungu Mungadzapange Nkhate

  83. all pple who r against man of GOD,bushiri,its waste of time…u can not understand him becoz he z preaching things of spirit so be n spirit…viva major 1,continue putting satan n PHENI,N JESUS NAME……..about money u miscought him,and remember aprophet iz not welcomed n his home towm,jesus said,look at the case of tb joshua, pple n nigeria create alot of bad stories for him but they hv failed to stop him why?they found themselves busy fighting against GOD,So do u think they can win?????so we malawians will win bushiri????JESUS HAVE MERCY!!!!.

  84. It is bushiri ministry owned by himself bushiri so if u are not in terms with his policies @ his ministry u can join others or form u’rs but stop spreading false news agains u’re own fellow son of malawi ,,,,,remove that envy from u’re heart MALAWI

  85. Eeeeeee! Munyanya anthu inu, apa wapanga bwino kuti manthongo achoke m’maso mwanu ndikuyamba kuwona. Ife tikamati ameneyu si mneneri wa Chauta paja mumatsutsa mumvekere the Major one, Man of God. Apatu mwadziwa kuti mkuluyu ndi man of devil eti? Baibulo limakuwuzani tsiku ndi tsiku kuti ambiri adzadza mu m’dzina langa, tsono inu mumati Baibulo limanena ndani?
    Kutengeka a Malawi ndi zinthu za ziiii zonunkha, machiritso kapenda mapemphero amalipiritsa? Hahahahahaha!

  86. kkkkkkkkkk ananena kale mawu Masiku omaliza kuzabwera anenili onyenga azizatchula zina langa. ndy mufunilanji umboni winaxo kupoxa umenewu zoxatheka muthu kumatunga madzi kuchisime kumakakhutula kunyanja athu okuwona aziti chan

  87. Nde Bushiriyotu tsopano nde ndi businesi,,,ai this is too much wayesa kuno ku SouthAfrica anthu akumapereka ma R5000 kuti akupemphererere iye osasiyanitsa bwanji mmene kulili kwathuko pano ukaitenga kuti ndalama yonseyo,,,,,anthu pano tikudandaula ndi ma fees a ana boma nalo mmene lakwezera,,yooooooooooo ,Ambuye muchitireni chifundo Bushiri sakudziwa chimene akuchita.


  89. Mukapita kwa sing’anga mumapeleka millions of kwacha kufuna kanthu, izi za dzina lamulungu mufuna zaulere. Let him charge.

  90. This thng is becomin 2much now…Peter wakukanikan and u r becomin poorer everday and u are silent… leave Bushiri alone and focus on ur povty….Mind u sakhala kumalawi kuno….Maliwias to much jerouse

    1. Simunaphunzile phiri that’s why u are inferior kwaBushiri, jealous yachiyani munthu alikubela anthu ndalama ndidzina lamulungu its time for you to wake up and stop dreaming ,Pitara alikutenga ndalama zaanthu so? Chamba ethi

    2. Shame on u Shaya and Colla,,,,,,Av ever heard Bushiri stealin taxpayers moner????If u r not interested in him just him alone and focus on politics and cashgaten

  91. malawians we must love one another osati kudana nkunenelana zoipa ai bushiri anakakhala wa dziko lina bwenzi tikumuyamikira.chikondi chathu chinapita kuti amalawi anzanga inu but any wei God achitebe chifundo kuti tidzikondana wina ndi nzake.

  92. ineyo sindidzakhulupiriranso mneneri ngakhale mmodz even ataonetsa mamiracles kaya kudzutsa akufa or atasunthitsa phiri kulichotsa malo ena mkuika pena coz ngakhale saturn ali nawo ake mamiracles so palibe wina mneneri owona angadzuke pambuyo pamneneri owona waola lino BRANHAM ena onsewa ndaneneri akumadz sindingaopenso kunena zimenez coz amandimenyera nkhondo zanga zonse ndimulungu yemwe anali mwa branhamyo

  93. Keep the fire burning #Admin this man is a disgrace. Only fools can be decieved by this so called prophet Bushiri!

  94. bushiri sakulondola chifukwa olo mu baibulo palibe pamene panalembedwa kuti ambuye yesu amagulitsa amalipilitsa anthu amene amawapepherera/kueachulitsa iyeyo ngati ali mtumiki wa mulungu akuyenera kutsatila zimene ambuye yesu amachita,komanso akuyenera kudziwa kuti pali anthu ena amene ali ofunika mapemphero koma sangakwanitse kulipila ndalama ngati imeneyo nde akufuna kunena kuti anthu ngati amenewo saziwathandiza

  95. Even shaytan/satan can do magic, so becareful you who just trust anything, we are in the last days remember and no person will enter in paradise without being tested in this world, watch out

  96. kod A tumbuka analakwa chani?? Nzeru ndizathu mukuona ngat mungalande?? ma Brainz akubadwabe mukhaula. Morefire a TUMBUKA!!!!

  97. Akulondola zedi, koma wopita kwa iyewo ndi amene akupenga ndithu…Mujlungu sangachhite kuti tikhale popanda mayeso padziko lino, wamisarawo adzaoneka….Bushiri alibe chifukwa, koma omwe akupita kukapheredwawo ndiomwe ndikuona kuti misara irimo kwambili mumitu yawo….

  98. Mukamamva za zero pa 10 ndiye zmenezo, mpaka K10000! osangogwada wekha ndikupemphela kwa mulungu wenweniyo bwanji.

  99. Koma zinthu zake nzovuta kunena kwake chifukwa ndi mmalawiso ndi kwawo kuno ndiyeno bible limanena zoti mneneri satchuka or kukondedwa kwawo komabe limanena kwa njilaso yoti masiku osiliza zinthu zizatelo lokhaso limanena kuti usaweluze.ndiyeno pa zonse ndatengaposo mawu akuti anthunu muzisamala kunali simon wamasenga uja anasokhanisa ndi kusochelesa ambiri koma atamwalila zonse zii zinatha winaso uja chimozimozi koma ngati uyu ndi olondola tchito yake yizawonekaso mapeto ake.#@fra

  100. Eeetu, ukadwala pamafunika consultation fee. Inu simukuona Pitala akulipiritsa muzipatalamu. Bushiriyu si Yesu, ndi munthu wamba wa business yake. Ma employees ake awalipira ndi chani. Apa chofunika ndi anthufe kuchenjera basi otherwise akuberani mukuona.

  101. Wabizinesi uyu kodi amalawi tulo bwanji osamuuza apite kusentro hospitor uko anthu akumvutika ndiye akunamizeni kuti ndikumphembelerani pali aliyense chikulupiliro mumtima basi izo ndi mbala .

  102. pa bizinesi yake walondola, pot nayenso ali ndi mulungu wakewake, am tellin u amene akupembeza mulungu wa #bushiri will pay d@ amount, koma kwa onxe amutxata mulungu wamoyo will b shown d right way. adzaulura onxewa pamapeto, ngat akubona CHRIS BROWN kuli bwanj iwowa. GOD will fynd a way.


  104. mutati mupange kafukufuku you u go find that most of his service attendants are women, komanso tikatengera mbiri ya mau a Mulungu kuchokera mu buku la. Genisis mpaka chivumbuluso mutha kuona kiti women are easly deceived than men can do, nde musaone chachilendo zimaenela kutelo, bajansotu baibulo limati women must shutup before men. Nde bushiri mpake kumawanamiza azimayi athuwa.

  105. 1 Timoteo 6 vs 10: pakuti muzu wa zoipa zonse ndiwo chikondi cha pandalama; pamene ena pochikhumba, anasochera,nataya chikhulupiriro, nadzipyoza ndi zowawa zambiri.

  106. Good but mukaone kwa JIMMY SWAGGANT [ SONLIFE TV] amagulitsa zithu zingati and ndichani anthu amatenga mwaulele? ali ndi tima buku amagulitsj 28$ kamodzi, alindima dvd amagulitsa 48$. tipite kwa TB JOSHUA anthu kuno amagula anntwater pa 25000 kwacha and pali L MUMBA amagulitsa zithu zingati? Iweyo ngati umapephera bible adakupatsa ndani? mesaudagula? nanga thawi ya yesu amagulitsa mau akewo? Mulibe nzeru zauzimu koma zakuschl zomwe sizingakupulumutseni!

  107. We are Christians and what ever a miracle we may perform is received as a gift from above for free and for free we shall give.
    I don’t knw which chapter from a bible is this man of God telling to sell miracle.
    The bible clearly tells us that freely you receive & freely you shall give.
    May God work in this prophet so that he may realise his wrong doing.

  108. Mmmmh paja amalawi muli ndi vuto ntchito kunyoza basi zazii mukhalira yomweyo ndimtima wanu onyasao zikukuipirani chifukwa bushiri ndi wakumalawiko kpma akanakhala wakunja kukanakhala kumusapota umbuli kusazindikira ndinkuona muli ovutika ndi osauka chifukwa cha mtima wa mkhwidzi eishhhhh!!!!.

  109. wina aliyense amene amanyoza mneneriyu alape ngati sakufuni mulungu amene anaitana mneneriyu amulange let it b cased avery work of these wicked people from today,mneneriyu amakhala akupephera iweyo ukunyoza,tell me ur good enough,reiceve ur pushiment to day, malawi osakonda abwino ulindi soka

  110. Business.kkkkkk.Mulungu amatipatsa ife zinthu zambili kwaulele so how come bushiri is he truely worship God or he is using devils power?mmmmmm masiku omalizadi ano we need to pray hard.

    1. in every church we pay money,we even buy the BIBLE,,where wl they get money to run the church if we just dance there,,manna from heaven?

    2. koma a prophet mwaonjeza tiziti ufumu wakumwamba ndi ogulitsa?Kumbali ya chopeleka yesu ananena kale zaka esala zipite kwa ka esala za mulungu kwa mulungu,nde iyeyo akufuna kusandatsa church kukhala money maker instead of soul winner,God should 4give you

    3. tamuuzadi ameneyu coz sakudziwa chomwe ali! Musadaweruze anzanu yang’anani zintchito zanu. Inu a Malawi24 ndiangati amakumandaulani? Mumaona ngati mukunena zachilungamo apo ayi! zimene mwalembazo amene adayambitsa ndi mayi wina ndimakwera naye minbus amene akut m’muna wake adamusiya mkukakhala m’londa kwa bushiri iye adali msilikali. zonse mukunena apa ndizabodza and zogulitsa tima frag, buku, ndikulikonse!!

    4. Whu Falce Yhu To Like Dis Page? #wongan
      Atumbuka Nd Atsilu Kumene…2019 I’ll Bi Runng For Prezdent When I Wl Won I’ll Kill O Tumbukaz Who Stay In Southen En Central In Mdubx. Thats Ma Manufesto Lol.

    5. ‘WHen U wiLL Won’ hahaha Conditional, may b bt God wil strike u 7 times before u kil Tumbukaz masewera eti!

    6. #viclaxi usataye tym yako thinking about things which can’t happen……atumbuka mdiwomwe tikutukula dziko lino…..ndichifukwa chani u don’t federal government ???????? u know kuti atumbuka they will be successful in everything man…..although government ikubweretsa njira zambiri zoti atumbuka asamapite kuma college aboma but we still maintain the position of most educated tribe in malawi……….open ur eyes #vic

  111. Mmmmmh bola sng’anga…iye nde akudya ganja2…mapemphero amalipilixa??…ngat akuxowa doka akalowexo mkalasi…munthu wamulungu amatero…”zopuxa”

  112. Iyeyo anachita kugura utumikiwo ngati watopa asiye kuwuruka komweko ndiphaso yochokera kwa murungu imeneyo asatero ngati akufuna tigwirizane

  113. Beware of the the false prophets who teach about the Earthly things. Survation is for free, don’t be miss led by their miracles such are the powers of Satan.

  114. Ineyo ndikuti sanalakwitse vuto ndife anthu kuti timumvese munthu zimavuta kwambiri mmalo mwake tikutukwana ndiye akulakwitsa ndidani pamenepo kumbali yanga ine ndikusowa nditakumana naye koma zimavuta kwambiri amene muri naye pafupi chonde pangani zoti ndikumane naye ine olo r500 ndipereka bola zanga zitheke basi sizomwe mukunena apazi mwanva

  115. Yesu Anenelatu Zakubwera Kwake Chiyambi Cha Masauso, Y dnt u jux let him fufill the scripture 4 it was written, so it shall b done. As 4 me am jux lukin 4ward 2 the doomz day

  116. Am not here to point a finger to any one.but what I want to say is that , Just stand constant on what you believe.dont be shaken.follow the teachings you taught .cra finish. but always pray that GOD take me to the right path like you did to all prophates that are mentioned in the bible.

  117. mh…GOD…whea au? Y cant u jst cm? ? open our spiritual eyes and ears so dat we may be able to hear and see both fake and annointed prophets…other wise many wu go astray ….

  118. Zandikumbutsa Ulaliki Ku Utatu Oyela Ku Kawale,

    Ophunzila Wa Yesu Amaletsa Mpolofeti Wina Kuchotsa Ziwanda
    : koma yesu adati, asiye musawaletse, poti nthawi ikudza sadzachotsanso ziwanda mudzina langa amenewa; lelo ndikunena kuti;~ those who is not Against Us Is 4 Us: Mark 9 vs 38~41
    Wadzulo Woti: Ngati Muchita Mantha Kudzudzula Anthu Akuchita Zoipa; Ndithu Mulungu Adzaweluza Ekha: Anthu Mwachita Kufika Podzipatsa Mphamvu Kuposa Mulungu Mwini; Samalani Masiku Omaliza Ndi Amenewa, Mukatengeka Mutaya Chowonadi; Kenako Nonse Wakumoto.

  119. Apa pokha ndilankhulako bcoz if the bible says salvation is free, why some1 is made it to be apayable salvation. Adakayamba kulipiritsa ndi ambuye Yesu bcoz adapanga ntchito yotamandika pa dziko lapansi pano. Tili ndaneneri ambiri padziko pano bt they prefer kuthandiza anthu osatikudyera anthu. This means that salvation is 4 only rich pple nt poor ones. I cannt judge nw bcoz judge of judges wil judge himself that time. God has mercy,grace & love upon us amen.

  120. izi zokha nde mwanama…wat i heard z ma bus omwe amapita ku mzuzu anthu amalipira ma 10grand..not this. kapena mungofuna kumva ma comments a anthu.zaziiii

  121. aaa mpakana malipiro, tidelanji nkhawa ngati tadwala malo mongogwada pansi ndikupempha kwa Mulungu, iye amamva pemphero lamunthu aliyense, ananena yekha kuti ndiyeseni, palibe cosatheka ndi mulungu bola iweyo ungomupempha ndichikhulupiliro, aliponso anthu ambiri anadwala kapena anapezeka ndi matenda koma pawokha atakankhila kwakuya Mulungu anawakhuza ndipo iwo anacila, sibwino nthawi zonse kumangodalira kupempheleledwa,machilitso sagulitsa ndi mphatso yaulele yocokela kwa Mulungu.

  122. musana lembe nkhani muzi fufuza utha kulemba zosangalatsa dziko ndiziwanda koma choonadi ukuchidxiwa ndiwe watsoka kusakha kunamizira mtumiki wake ngat zinaku bowa kunayenera kupeza zako koma pot satana wakugwiritsa ntchito yonama mulungu akumasule

  123. A devil iz a lie i mean bushiri iz a notolias”what knd of prophet is him? Tiziti aliyense amene akufuna kumulandila yesu adzilipila” mot tiyang’ane kwa khristu amene anatifela bas busy worshp the sinner as us..bwnj osangotenga ndalamayo ndkupatsa ana amasiye kapna osowa? Koma ndalama yathu yomwe kukagula ziwanda….nonsese”!!

  124. zaboza basi yemwe walemba khaniyi ngati alibe ufiti ndi mwayi musiye kuwononga mbiri ya bushiri panga zako zokuthandiza osati zowono ngelana mbiri,live my papa alone plz do ur own bussines satana iwe

  125. robt mwalmba sukuvetsa pati abusa amalandila maliplo osati kulipilitsa malipilo ezi ndizachilenda zikutantauza akakhala ndi nsokhano anthu amane alindimavuto osiyanasiyana asanapemphele azilipila!!!abusa amalandila zachopeleka osati kuliplitsa pemphelo.sanaganize bwino!!azilandila zachopeleka mawu amatelo kuti

  126. Ndakayika Kut Bushiri Watero!! Ngati Watero Basi Mense Ndiwake Mpingowo?? Ndinanena Ine Maprophat Ati Bweee! Akufuna Chuma??


  128. Vuto anthu onyasa n’kamwa ndinu achigao chakumwera ndipakati, ife tikukuuzani zinthu zoti tikuziona ndimaso, inu makani kakakakak!! Jelasi basi!! Bwerani muzaone ngati angazakulipilitseni aaaaaaaah zikunyasa pano bwanji, kusowa khani eti,,,,,, osamanena za peter ndimene zilili zinthu kuno. Wayiwala chisotso chako chilimasomo bwanji so fast to ur frndz lol bta change end do ur bsines plz! Mzanu alindidege inu or njinga mulibe.

    1. if yu kno u r saying the truth then u dont need to swear(kutukwana). .it wont stress yo point but rather tarnish it..just speak yo mind and let ppo decide whether to blv u or not..its up to them to decide …

  129. kungoti anthu ambiri ali mu mdima wa maganizo,ndipo sakugwiritsira ntchito chenjezo la Yesu khristu la pa Mateyu24 vesi 23 mpaka25.Komatu Yesu pouza ophunzira ake anati,munanalandira kwa ulere patsani kwaulere,kutanthauza kuti sayenera kulipiritsa.Nanga uyu lamuro loripiritsa walitenga kuti?kungoti afuna agule ndege ina,ameneyutu ndi uja adzakanidwe ndi yesu kuti chokani pamaso panga sindikuziwani,Mateyu25 vesi 41

  130. 10,000 ndiyake ya bushir, zamulungu ndizake za mulungu. dziko lapansi kulibe prophet opanga za mulungu, zomwe amapanga ndi njila yongopezela ndalama basi.



  133. Bt do u blive is true?? musathamangire kunyoza, kutukwana, kuweruzaaaaa!!! pezani umbon woona, kenaka comentani. anthu angotembenuza nkhani kut zimudere winaaa!! watch your mouth pliz.Kod olo mumutakwane Bushiri yo, Mulungu akumverani? mupindulanji a Malawi? Lalikiranitu anthu adziwe choonadicho kusiyana ndi kutukwana nde mchikunja akabwera, atolapo chani za chikhristu?? mukamatero mukuonjezera misleading the ppo. Malawi akadali mmavuto.

  134. I don’t think so kuti nkhani ili choncho and Find other story that pple can aggue.This connot benefit the nation

  135. lets play to God people izizi tichimwa nazo mulungu amaona zonse za padziko nde even bible says dont judge nde kwakukulu musasiye kupepedza mulungu

  136. achamanza osaopa munthu mayaz! koma kuima njiii pa yehova! awo anazolowela kudya ndalama za magaz nde mwina ku mtundu kwawoko anthu atha! koma nanu athu kusiya kuyang`ana kwa iye mwin ndikumalimbana nd sasamba ngat ameneyo! nankha akanakhala kut mulungu anamupasa iyey miyoyo kut azigawa kwa anthu kod enafe bwenz til nawo!?

  137. akamati satana azapanga zozizwa kapena kusochelesa anthu sazabwela satana weniweni koma kupeleka mphamvu kwa anthu a mizimu yoyipa ngat buchili wanuyo.lalikani uthenga wakut,tembenukani popeza ufumu wakumwamba wayandikila

  138. Awa siathu otumidwa ndi MULUNGU ngakhale sitikuyenera kuwaweludza, bt tisiyanise amasenga omwe amatha kulosera ndi omwe akalosera dzomwe Mulungu wanena, akamuudza muthuyo osati dziko zomwe Mulungu wanena

  139. Ndipake ine sindimakhulupirira mneneri aliyense coz alibe mphatso ya utumiki ochokera kwa Mulungu. Munthu ndiwodwala ndipo ukufuna kuchiritsidwa kudzera mumphamvu ya Ambuye sumapereka ndalama. Izi zapansi pano. Mateyu 15 v 13 amati mmera onse umene Atate sadaubzale udzazulidwa. Bashiru simmera wa Ambuye koma Satana.

  140. bible linanena kuti za kaisara zikuenera kupita kwa kaisara za Mulungu kwa Mulungu amene akupembeza bushirl akuenera kulipira kma ngati uli wa Mulungu zaiye nza ulere

  141. kod bushiriyu nd kanyama kanj? dats bu shit! akulu akulu chenjelan zukan ndpo yang`anan kusogolo ndipo muona kut nd masiku osiliza wasoka okhulipila munthu kusiya mwin wake chauta! kuba muzina la kumphela uli nd soka lalikulu iwe bushit! chomwe ungazwe nd chot iweyo nd kape usamanamize anthu iyay! ndpo iweyo s prophet koma ndiwe okuba! kod moyo uli nawowo anakugulisa nd ndan? kod mesa mumachita ntcito za chfundo? ndakwiya nawe wamva! ndipo kuyambila lero ndikukulamula kut utule pans udindo wako ozipasa wekhao! koma ukumdukilenso kut kukubwela moto ku sogolo kwako! ine ndilibe mpingo ndpo sndngakhulupilile mfiti ngat iwe mayaz! ukuyenela ubadweso mwa sopano! sndimaopa munthu unzunza nthupi koma yekhayo opeleka moyo! ndipo usithe zna lakolo coz silikupeleka tanthauzo! may almighty jah b wit u bushit!! wakuba iwe nd wakumba!

  142. IN WHOM DO YOU PUT YOUR TRUST?? Jeremiah 17: 7 “But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. 8 They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” WHY ARE WE NOT SURPOSE TO TRUST ANOTHER MAN….. >ANSWER: Verse 9 says; {The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?} 10 “I the LORD search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve.” In the Old Testament people trusted in people like; Moses but he ended up disappoint them by marrying that girl…… Even in these own very days, it might happen that we trusted in a certain; Preacher, Pastor, Prophet, Bishop, Apostle, Evangelist, Political Party Leaders, Priest, may be your Wife or Husband BUT they ended up disappointing you. It is for this reason the Bible is clear that we put our trust in GOD, because by doing so we shall be called; BLESSED!
    ~~Like our page~~
    ”Apostle Paul Jossam” and be inspired with the word of God. what we hear determines what we become. We are made who we are by the information given to us and in us…..

  143. funny hw anthu timakhala akhristu enieni when point out zolakwika za wina. Tathu ta mseri tija atatiika apa bwanj? Anyway am nt supportin this guy akuonjezera kupusa kwa anthu opusa enaake

  144. Yesu amapempherera anthu odwala mwaulele.Pamenepa akhristu tizindikire zankhani ya aneneriwonyenga/ They exchanged the truth of God for a lie,and worshiped and served created things rather than the creator 1:25

  145. Propaganda mukuona kwanga palibe church kapena muzikiti opanda kupereka chopereka ku mpingo wake nenani pano momveka bwino .Mpingo uli onse umafuna ndalama kuti mpingo uyende. mukamanena kuti ndalamyo yachuluka bwenzi ndikugwirizana nanu malinga umphawi wa dziko lino.

  146. Ndalama mukufupa kwamzanu apa pomwe painu nokha mutapemphera mulungunso amva pemphero lanu,mwaiwala kt ikubwera rainy season muzakhala mukusowa fertiliser kumaenda onyowa kwinaku mukutukwana president kt satithandiza,mwaiwala kt ndalama zanu munafupa juga kupelekeza olima bas,dzuka malawi kumaona patali dziko kwachuluka okuba muzina lamungu

  147. Mtumiki wa Mulungu sazitamandila yekha mmene achtira maprophets alerowa ngat Bushiri, iyeyi akungoonekeratu kut ndi ziwanda zachabechabe. Muchenjere amene mwachiritsidwa ndineneri ameney, you are not saved by God but Devil is in your side

  148. Ndiyeno munthu amene samamva tsopano akumva, samayenda tsopano akuyenda, muzimayi samapita kumwezi tsopano akupita, samalankhula tsopano akulankhula. Ndiye inu anthu amavuto oterewa mukanawathandiza bwanji? Kudzera mumunthu mukunyozayo Ambuye apereka yankho!!!

  149. I was at Mzuzu Stadium all the 3 days he was ministering, he led people through mass prayers and he also prophesied, prayed for individuals as he walked amidst the people. Diliverances, healings, miracles followed these prayers and in no way this man of God demanded K10 000. Where did you get those lies? The devil is a liar and a father of all lies. Spiritual things and spiritually discerned. Check yourself, lest you find yourself fighting the ONE that called him. The Bible talks of Prophets, Pastors, Teachers etc at work in the body of Christ. BE IN SPIRIT FOR YOU TO SPIRITUALLY DISCERN!!!

  150. Palibe chorakwika inu lero olo matapita church chilichose kumakhara chopeleka zikusiyana kuti iyeyu wa nenera koma 10 pin ikuchepa iNe ndipeka 100000….bora ndi ndilemere

  151. kutengeka ndizilizose azikulipilisani kumene buku loyela linanena mwachimvekele kuti masiku omaliza kuzabwela aneneli onyenga ndiye ndizimenezo muli busy kupembeza ma prophet mwamuyiwala Mulungu shame on u 10.000 yachepa bola azikulipilisani 50.000

  152. Sindikukhulupilira kuti Mulungu angamafune ndalama kuti achilitse kapena kusitha munthu,Mulunguno tafika pomusewelesa,koma choti tiziwe mkweyo wa Yehova ndi owopsa,tisamatumikile satana ndikumanama kuti tikutumikila Mulungu,ndipemphero langa kuti Mulungu alowelelepo ndipo awonetsele chowonadi chake

  153. osamatiyesatu penapake! iwe ukona kuti akulondora?? kupusa eti!!! cholinga tika commenter mudziti timatukwana. wi all know that he is stupid fool why kip talking abt I’m??

  154. Simudzava anthu akunyoza munthu wakwawo ngati mmalawi, kulikonse mmalawi amanyoza mmalawi nzake tili ndi vuto ,kwacha lets go n work titukule miyoyo yathu ngati ndiwabodza ndiiyeyo ndi mulungu,ine ndukagwila tchito musova.

  155. Aaaah capturing in spirit eeey koma …..awabele bas amalawawiwa basi ntchito zikuvutazi akadya kut nzanu ,,,buzinez itheke pa zamapemphero …..koma tikangopsapo nazo ulele mutalongezedwa ziwanda zawina ndithu,,,,,

  156. Poyamba ndikhala ndikuyakhula mbiri yayesu ,aa tikawerenga bbl litiuzakuti yesu chrst adakhala akuchilitsa anthu ndikuwa pephelera koma osalandira kathu kwamunthu,Aaa bblxo litiwuzaxo kuti aaa pamene yesu adali malo ena kudabwera akulu asembe kuzamuyesa iye kodi tikuyenela kupeleka chakhumi iye adafunsa nati kodi khope ilipandalamayi ndiyandani anthu adati yakaisala yah kaisala zake zakaisala zakwamulungu zamulungu, Bushir i don’t no ppl u call him man of God a man of does’t paid, Does’t take money from the poor ppl , Aaa brothrs & sisters we need to be careful when we come to this fake postls ,

  157. He is not interested in your money. He is already rich. Dege zitatu, migodi ya golide 7 and zitsime za mafuta 3. Olo utanyonza chantundu waji, palibe chimene upindule. Anabwelapo kunyumba kwako kudzaku gogodela kuti ukalowe mumpingo wawo? Alibe nawe ntchito ka. Upite ku South Africa ukaone kuti ali ndi ma members angati. Dziwa zako zamumpingo wako ifenso tizipanga za mumpingo wathu. Mukufuna kukhala ngati angelo bwanji, pamene machimo anu ali tho. The bible is so clear “do not judge”. Who gave you the authority to judge? Lusifala? Who else? Anthu okhala ndimakutu koma osamva, okhala ndi maso koma osaona. Zachisoni kwambiri. Akhrisitu nokhanokha kumanyozana zoona? Munaonako a silamu akunyozana? Yesu anawonadi eti polakhula kuti a prophet has no honour in his home town. Yesu amene munkati ndiwasataniki ndiye wabwino akhale ndani? Kapena abusa amumpingo wako ndiye woyela? Hahahaha God is the judge. Iweyo kumamupangila yesu zochita? Kumamuuza yesu kuti anthu awa ndi ako yesu koma awa ndi asataniki zoona? Leave judgement to God, iweyo uzingopanga za mpingo wako. Mulungu akudziwa yekha amene ali ake.

    1. Hahaha! koma a Ernest ndiye ayinsotu mzeru mzochepatu inu! nkhani ili apa ndiyoti akuchita bwino kapena ayi osati mukukamba apazi za ndege,migodi ya golidi kapena zina zonsezo,tipatseni verse ya mbayibulo pomwe analemba kuti anthu adzilipila ma miracles osati mukukamba apazi.Ngati zili zowona kuti ali ndi ndege komanso migodi 7 mukunenayo nanga chifukwa chani akufuna adzilipilitsa ma miracles mmalo mongopanga ulere? Migodi ya golide mumayidziwa inu akulu?,ndege zobweleka zija mkumanamizidwa ,koma amalawi kkkkkkkkkk sadzatheka.Koma ndi azibambotu.!

    2. Aenest anakugailani zingati inu? Satana amatha kupotoza mau amulungu. bwanji mukupotoza mau? devils angel. za migodizo ndi zake. iwenso ndimakudziwa ku joni siunavayeko. ngati ali wachuma? akugulisilanji madzi? kuwatchaja anthu sizitengera anthu kuchipulumuso. I think ameneyu ndi mubale ndithu. mpaka kutukwana anthu kkkkkkkk. osatero man of ……………nzapansi pompano izi. mulungu akutsekuleni maso amwene chifukwa muli mmudima kkkkkk. osatukwana mukawerenga. woyera wamulungu satukwana kkkk

    3. ask urself if u are really God creation , jesus amathandiza anthu osowa for free , osamathawira kumati why the Christian timalimbana tokhatokha yet iweyo ukuikila umboni olakwika cz what u got from him , may God be with u.

  158. Ili ndibodza la satana masiku otsiliza,ine pandekha mulungu wanga ndikampempha amandipatsa mwaulele uyu bushiri akungonetseratu za aneneri onyenga masiku otsiliza,akhristu amzanga khalani maso tisanyengeke ndi satana uyu

  159. Eee! Kodi Nkhani Yopeleka Ndiimene Yavuta Apai? Koma Amalawi Amalawi… Kumowa, Kumahule, Kwa Asing’anga Mumalipira Zingati? Kodi Eliya Sadamuuze Mzimayi Uja Kuti Ndipatse Kaye Kankate, Kenaka Chozizwa Chidachitika? Naunso A Malawi24, Musamatembenuze Mau A Mtumiki Wa Mulungu Ndicholinga Chotchukitsa Page Yanu, Sibwino Ai. Nthawi Zonse Zolemba Zanu Ndi Zonyoza Basi, Sitinawonepo Nkhani Ya Nzeru Yomwe Mumalemba. Machine Anuwo Amangokwanitsa Kulemba Zopotoka Zokhazokha? Ineyo Simembala Wa Bushiri Koma Pochita Zinthu Tizitsata Chilungamo. Ngati Mukuti Ndi Mneneri Wonyenga, Musalimbanenaye Ai. Kulankhula Kwanuko Mugwanako Chabe. Bwanji Inuyo Muzingotumikira Moonamo, Anthu Adasiyanitsa Okha. Nkhani Ya Mulungu Mpaka, Bwe Bwe Bwe Bwe! Aaa, Mwachereredwa Ndi Ziwandatu Inu!

  160. You are busy attacking man of God, what I know prophet bushiri is a man of God, he was in chiwanja mzuzu now he is international. He was walking to go and preach now he has cars of his choice even a jet from grass to grace God has lifted him. He has a lot of money millions in dollars, stop attacking what you don’t know the bible tells us do not touch my anointed one and do not harm my prophets. Even jesus himself he was not respected in his home town

  161. Guyz y we r still blind just open de eyez this z last dyz,anybody tel us if bushir profecizin about heaven nthaw zonxe banja,chuma,ntchito,ma JESUS christ iz coming very soon xo le du wat bible sayz not prophet sayz

  162. Nde tikamati nthawi yakumapeto anthu nkumatsutsa, ngati zili zoona nkhani imeneyi, Bible yake nde itiyo ndipo adalemba pati zomalipilitsa coz munthu akufuna kupempheleledwa? Ndipo Mulungu wake uti amene amagulisa madalitsoyo? Tiye nazoni Munena mukaamba kukanthidwa ndi Mulungu Mwini madalitsoyo.

  163. write something important not that stupid thing, let the man of God be, bwanji kodi? iye chabwino akupeza ma k10 grand wo nanga inu, kulimbana ndi zaziiii, mudzapindulanji?

  164. Madalitso sagulisa guys komaso sitingasiye kutandiza ana aMulungu kuti awone chilungamo John8:12 when Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, i am the light of the world whoever follows me we will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life…John14:14 you may ask me for anything in my name, and i will do it…

  165. Chikanakhala kti ambuye Yesu amapanga/amalipilisa kwa onse omupemphelera sibwenzi chi christu chitafika pamene chilipa.kma Asiyeni Mulungu alipo ndipo akuona.Ichi ndi chizindikilo chimodzi mwa zizindikilo zakutha kwa dziko.Tiyeni tichenjere ndikusata mawu Amulungu basi.

  166. Chatsala Panthawi Ino Ndikuzikonzekeretsa Wekha Kuti Ubale Wako Ndi Mulungu Ukuyenda Bwanji?Zomwe Zinalembedwa M’Bible Zamasiku Wotsiriza Zikukwaniritsidwa,chiweruzo Chatsala Pang’ono.Tifune Mtendere Wa Mulungu Wosati Wamunthu.

  167. Ngati watero ndiye kuti ziwanda zinamukwiyila. Ofcourse nditha kumvomereza kuti ndi munthu wa Mulungu koma osati mwana wa Mulungu

  168. Jesus or His followers never did that, they could pray for people without demanding any money from the sick or other thngs!

  169. MUKUWELUZILANJI…..?ngat zli mphavu zochokela kwa satana czpitlila ztha tzamuiwalaso koma ngat zli zamulungu ndiye inu nkumamunyoza mukulimbana ndmulungu amene….ZCYEN!

  170. Inu osayamba wanu u prophet bwanji? Leave him alone KAYA akupanga zosayenera u r not God to judge,tidzakumana pa judgement day

  171. nkhani zopanda umboni, iwas there anapemphelera aliyese mwaulele,k10 pin inali yolowera ku dinner grand-palace!!! mukuyesetsa kupeza njira yomunyozetsa,koma dziwani ichi,mutembeleledwa,mukafunse mzanu waka video konama akakuwuzani!!!

  172. Musanamize anthu inu ine ndinali konko ku mzuzu mwana wa ccta wanga simava chibadwilen pano akuva sadapereke chilichose major 1 is man of God malawi mwanji mukukhala ngat a yuda

  173. Ine ku stadium ndnapita kukaona chuma not 4 prayers. zoona prophet kuchta kusogozedwa wf police band polowa mu stadium ngat presdent ayayaya kuona ogwira ntchto kwa bushiri asikanawo mavalidwe awo ayayaya.. #in_conclusion bushri nd wadollah business yake yawu prophet imamuyendera

  174. Zamulungu saliplisa tizizipephelela tokha patokhaxo mulungu amatiyankha bola kukhulupila ::::::ameneo ngat utumiki atopa nawo angosya akapeze manganyo oti azipeza maney osat anyazise dzina la mulungu ayiiiiiiiiiiii mateyu 7 -7: aroma 8-31 mau achilimbikiso okhaokha ameneo

  175. Mmasiku Omaliza kudzabwela aneneri onyenga ndipo adzanyenga ndiosankhidwa omwe,uyu ndisatana mudzawazindikira ndizipatso zawo,chitedze sichingabale mango zofunika kudziwa.

  176. Am a son to Him and i have never heard such demand.malawi 24,you are wasting your time.do not write things for the sake of writing.#team MAJOR 1 PROPHET SHEPERD BUSHIRI#.I love him no matter how many times you may write whatever you write.

  177. mapemphero a mulungu amene ndimamudziwa ine ndiaulele ndiye kuti iwowo watuma ndi mulungu wao. zomwezi mpaka biznez ?ngati akufuna ntchito akayambenso sukulu

  178. Aneneri onyenga amenewo,,,,,,w@ thy wnt z money & nt helpin’ ppo kmano let hm knw kut hiz nt clever coz God seez & knws w@ he z duin’,,,,,,one dae he wl b humiliated, either here on earth or on tha dae of judgement!!!!#@SHEPHERDBUSHIRI

  179. M’neneri waMulungu? Si m’neneri ameneyo! Mau a Mulungu kapena mphamvu ya Mulungu yosagulitsa . Ndi sin’anga ameneyo. Kungoti akupanga usin’angawo ndi dzina la Mulungu.

  180. Ambuye atithandizile masiku tukudusawa afika powawa zedi taona zinthu m’badwo uno iiiii ma men of God odzikundikila,kuzitamandila,dama plus ufiti May da gd Lord save us

  181. Bushiri i swear tu God iwe udzafa ifa yowawa. Sichina aih koma chilipo chukutsa iwe Mulungu akukang’anthe ndinthu dzina la mulungu ukumaliona ngati lili mkabudula kwakomo kuti uzititola chonchi? Tinakudziwabe zintchito zako za kumidimazo nde usatitole aih uzaona tsiku lina uzangokhalabe chinyama chomwe umasanduka chija ukapita ku phiri kujah.

  182. a malawi y r u so confused wt earthly thgs wen da bible z d only ansa DS JST SHOWS DAT DA MAJORTY OF MALAWIANS DNT KN GOD 2DAY Very bad en sad

  183. yesu pa pasaka anasambtsa mapaz aophunzra ake kuphatkza yudasi omupeleka ngati sndkunama anawalipilitsa no comment my GOD IS REAL I WL WAIT 4 HS TYM BT NO MAN’S TYM

  184. I doubt if he ever said so.Let me know when, where and how that was said.I want to be exact in my comment after getting nothing but the only truth of the issue at hand.

  185. Ngati zili za mulungu YEHOVA simungakwanitse kudziletsetsa ….Ngati zili za mdyelekezi si ntchito yanga kulimbana Nazo physically ….Spiritually ngati muli otembenuka mtima ingovalani zida za mulungu ndipo asiyeni aneneri apange zimene akufuna

  186. Asiyeni aneneriwo apange zimene akufuna ….dziwani kuti ngati zili zochokera kwa Yehova simungakwanitse kudziletsetsa ngakhale mutaziona zoipa bwanji…ngati zili za satana sizingapitilire chifukwa satana alive muyaya wina oposa infa si ntchito Yanu

  187. Paja tikadzudzula mukumati tukulakwitsa koma tingonenabe kuti izi siza umulungu @ all.Petro munthu wina wake anpempha kumupenpherera ndi ndalama koma Petri anamuuza kuti sitilipiritsa za Mulungu.

  188. Me quiet…I wast there all these days…haven’t seen of such kind…jst hearing from you…..My Mother Land Malawi….richest with Njala(hunger) Nthenda(Diseases) Sanje(Envy)
    2 Chronicles 7:14…Long live Admin for your good, accurate, timely and balanced news……

    1. what I know is that, ”on Sat evening there was a dinner..so if would want ti dinner with him at the hotel was told to buy a hotel ticket….zinazo me quiet akudziwa ndi iwowo…….

  189. Online news? Shame on u. So we are busy fabricating a new one after one expired, enaso mkukhala azibusa oledzera awo kkkkkk nsanje siumuna. Zachidule those who think are true men of God should organize a show down

  190. Guys ngati muli ndi mavuto a nkhawa.. Kukanidwa.. Just watch ma film a Bush li he z full of fun stuff.. I vote him entertainer of the decade… He z trying.. Kkkkkk ati “Major 1 Bush li “… Za China basi…. Ati anthu ali ku hajj pilgrimage ya Bush li … Muzatipeza…

  191. He can steal frm pple but wll never steal from God……punishment start right here on Earth smething wll happen

  192. Ena mukungonena tima comment tönyoza tanuto as if u were here in mzuzu u dont know anytin.mumangonva kut kuli BUSHIRI simunamuonepo ten grand mukuyinenayo ndika salary ka madala anu may koma zot amalipilisa zimezo mukafuse ambuyanu kkkk iwz dere i didn’t c anytin askn ten grnd.

  193. Bodza sananenepo zimenezi, chonde lembani zoona osati mabodza anuwa. Repent and write good things about men of God sometimes. Why don’t you write that he prayed for people and many who managed to testify said they were healed? Please, we are tired of your hate for innocent people.

  194. #God is watchin us from a distance. i seek His Kingdom and His righteousness, for His names sake, no man or anything built with man’s hands for it bears not His Will.

  195. Ameneyo mumuuzeko kt willard wa friday akuti machende ake simunthu wa mulungu ameneyo koma ofuna kubela anthu bola tidzingodya chambachi apa

  196. Dzukani kutulo anzanga ndpo valani maso a uzmu muthe kuona kmwe dzko likupita,kod inu nd ine tdzachta bwnj yesu akamazabwera?Wt wl b hpn on our judgement dy?

  197. kutolera za misonkho ku Malawi za Joni kodi Zachepa eee koma dyera ndi la chabe olo kuti palibe cha ulere mmmm zawonjeza malo mothandiza akuti bela eee am so khuzd mwamva zandi khuza hevy uthenga wa Mulungu mulengi wa ziko la pansi tasandusa malonda ndi kumabera anthu koma pa Judgement daY Ziliko ndithu

    1. Akupanga business mdzina la Mulungu,eeee kutembeleledwa uku.kodi anthu mukumubakiranu simumadzifusa kt ndichifukwa chani mkazi wake ndi prophetes? Utumiki amagawana? Waboza uyu

    2. Mulungu wathu ndiwaaliyense siwa anthu olemera okha ayi. Have you ever heard about these prophets reaching villages? They are all based in towns making money! Bushiri is based in South Africa because here in Malawi there is no money. I dont believe these so-called prophets

    3. ma prophets anji ongolemera mosadziwika bwino?? monse anthu anayamba kumapitako zinthu sizikusintha matenda akungochulukirabe, ukukhala umphawi nde iih akungotikolora kkk

  198. Yaaaaa akulondola, mesa anthu otengeka adyeredwe basi. I can join him in doing thAt. Abusa aku church kwawo sangawapatse olo 2000 grand yomwe, koma kutengeka ndi zinthu zopanda mutu weniweni ngati izi.

  199. Ayi sakulondola coz yesu khristu m’mene ankapephelera athu komanso ankachosa ziwanda,samauza athuwo kut alipire,uminisitire wa yesu unali osalipira & yesu analibe asilikari komanso ma bodigadi coz amadalira mulungu.izi nd za m’masiku otsiliza.

  200. Izi siwona amene walembayu angofuna kungomuyipisira Bushiriyu mbiri basi.Kwa inu amene mukingothamangira kutukana apa, mutangotenga nazo themberero cabe.

  201. Bushili ndinamuwona akutsika ndege pa mzz airport ine kuwona eti gy muthu wamulungu mpakana pelete la asilikalizona ….so apa mukut Anthu akuwalipilitsa so tizit ndimunthu wamulungu????

  202. Mu Bible mulibe mneneri amene anagulitsapo mapephero. Ngakhale Yesu amene sanagulisepo mapephero. Zimenezi zikuwonesa kuti bushiri ndi mneneri wonyenga komanso ndi wakuba anthu akuwona kaya anti coruption irikuti. This is pure cashgate.

  203. tinalandila kwaulele tiperekenso ulele….but i understand him mwina anachita kugula koma yesu sagulitsa anene kumene anagula mphamvu uuuuh

  204. How can a creature own a religion, then calling himself a God-fearing? How can God’s slave describe himself pompously b4 Him?? his is not a church, it is an enterprise, belive me, ask him privately, he’ll tell u that his so-called church has departments, accounting department, human resource department, marketing department etc!! And i swear b4 my ALMIGHTY GOD that this man’s work will be reversed to his in a punishment manner!! Becareful my generation ’cause there will be NO PROPHET from this generation till the day of resurrection!!

  205. what a deal….anthu a Mulungu anzanga tikuchedwa..oooppssds…..nanga othodwa ndi olema mamasulidwe kwa osowa milandu ya ana ndi akazi a masiye atanenere milandu ndi kuwamasula ku msinga ndi ndani…..vuto ku theba ma rands amatipundura amasiyana ndi makwacha..

  206. Be ware of false prophets in last days. Prophecy is a gift from God free. God uses these people to communicate to his people so y shld people pay for that??

  207. jesus amayenda long distance wapansi atavala malipha.amazusa anthu akufa koma sindidamveko kuti akufuna dola amene alibenayo chochita apeleke ngat uli ndi airtime yokwana peleka

  208. inu a malawi24 ndinu wotembereredwa kuyambira hr ino! Amene walembe khaniyi apenga coz Mukulimbana ndizithu zosazidziwa. Ine ndidaliko and ndili ndiumboni bushiri anthu womwe amawachilitsa sadakumane nawokotmkomwe. Sindinu anja mumati walemba anyamata kuti kanamize anthu kodi chiyambireni friday mpaka lero munganditumizireko image ya mnyamata or munthu amene adamulembayo? Ndinu anthu woyoza zosayenera kunyoza mkumalemekeza zonyozeka!

  209. jesus amayenda long distance wapansi atavala malipha.amazusa anthu akufa koma sindidamveko kuti akufuna dola amene alibenayo chochita apeleke ngat uli ndi airtime yokwana peleka

  210. jesus amayenda long distance wapansi atavala malipha.amazusa anthu akufa koma sindidamveko kuti akufuna dola amene alibenayo chochita apeleke ngat uli ndi airtime yokwana peleka

  211. Jesus Said am the way and life he who cometh to Lord God should pass throug me and anatiso bwelani olema ndi othodwa sanati bweletsani ndalama mulandire chipulumutso

  212. Zili kwa omwe amasapota Bushirwo Kut Ndineneri Wawo Kutero Koma Ine Ndikut Zaulere ndi Madalitso A MULUNGU Mwini timadzilandira kuzera mwa aneneri ake koma mwaulerenso osati kugula ai palibe abale anga zimvere mumtolo kut oyenda ndi a Mbuye sazitama pakuti ufumu wamulungu Mwini ukumatipempha kukhala anthu osadzikunza ndipo amanenanso kut chomwe dzanja lako la manja lachita dzanja la manzere lisadziwe plz trust only in Christ

  213. Pemphero lake lomweri lapakamwa loti ambuye dalitsani ameneyu kapena bwanji? kodi iyeyo ndi Mulungu? hahahhahahhahahha koma ndiyeeeeee

  214. tiyeni abale ndi alongo tiziwekuti ena amagwira ntchito ndimawu mulungu mwenzi kumatha akumalandila ndalama kodi zikusiyanapati yesu analipazikopano munamuwona kuthakwamwezi amalandila chisazo abusa akupingo kwanu samalandila ntchito yawo ndiyachani chimozimozi pali ccap abusa amalandila ndalama aroma abusa akumalandila ndalama tiyeni tiziwekuti aliyese akumapanga chimene akufuna koma sikulomaliza ndilimene tidikile kuti kuzakhala zotani

  215. Admin, admin you want many people to be cursed with you, anything that is called by the name of God, leave it for God Himself. Do not mislead people give us news worthy news. Leaves the men of God for God, he doesn’t need our input on His judgements.

  216. Ndinanena kuti. ameneyu ngwa SATANIZIM chifukwa mwa Aneneri. Amulungu amene amalalikira mawu Amulungu sanaphempheko Ndi tambala yomwe

  217. malawi24… Eish!! Y do u hate prophet Bushiri this bad? He didn charge for any prayers.. Y do u publish false stories bout him? Koma muli nchiwandatu chachikulu ankolo inu. The prayers were for free.. Taifufuzani nkhaniyo nde muwauze anthu zoona.. Ambuye akukhululukilen

    1. Ndakhalamo mmisokhano ya Bushiri mose ukukulampingowo koma kuweruza mkulakwa mtumiki amfunika kulangizidwa pazina kwamene amayenda nawowo monga azikulu ampingo wakewo kudalitsa mtumiki kapena mpingo sizolakwika koma asatsula amount ya ndalama papemphero lapadera loti munthu alandile zosowa zake sizifunika munthu wa Mulungu kutero mzomwe ena akupezera mwayi otukwna ndikuweruza zomwe siziyenera kutero kuno ku Joni ndinamvapo ndipo ambiri anavapo sakungo nena ayi a news 24 khaniyo mkutheka ananvapo iye kapena omwe ayenda naye zomwe zimalakhulidwa mmeeting “

  218. Bushili si mtumiki wamulungu wowona.. ndiye sakulakwisa kumawalipilitsa omwe akumupeza kufuna chithandizo chake..anthu tikuyenera tikhale maso coz tili mmasiku omaliza..aneneli onyenga akuwuka choncho tisamale…

  219. Tangomuyang’anani nthawi yake yakwana yoti ayaluke mlungu c munthu oti mungamapanga mzamudima ponamiza anthu ake iye kumangoyang’ana osakuyalusani ndiye aprofet anuyo c kuyaluka kumeneku

  220. Tangomuyang’anani nthawi yake yakwana yoti ayaluke mlungu c munthu oti mungamapanga mzamudima ponamiza anthu ake iye kumangoyang’ana osakuyalusani ndiye aprofet anuyo c kuyaluka kumeneku

  221. Ambuye Musazitengele ambuye aneneri anu onse adaferamo sadakwelemo kapena ndege koma uyu ndegeyi waigula akut becoz of ur Name Oooh my God what iz hapns ku christians pple ooh no bolaso ku chisalamu2 Oh no God 4gv us we dnt no wat we r doin but bcoz Ur A Judge Pangani kuweluza kwanu kwa ma prophet awaaaa In the Almighty Name Of Our Father LORD Amen!!

  222. zikuoneseratu kuti mwapeka amalawi nkhani imenei malawi unakhalika bwanji uzingokhalila miseche,boza,ngakhale yesu anamukana anthu amu dera mwake ndiye izi si zachilendo,ndingachimwe chabe apa ndi anthu opusa ngati inu……

    1. Iwe galu eti ungamayerekexe mbva ndi Yesu umadya nawo eti?fwetseke mbuzi yako akupatse,akazako mbuzi,ana ako mbuzi,abale ako mbuzi,aliyense kwanu mbuzi

    2. Iwe Nde BULEDI bax.Udzafa infa yowawa.Akupasila ziwanda kapena? Anthu Onsewa angakhale opusa Kusapota Yesu? Iwe nkumabakila mere person,wokuda ndi ntima womwe,iiiiiiii usandiyankhulise mosayankhula iwe.ndipo ndikanakhala pafupi ayayayaya.

    3. akukhululukireni mulungu nose mwanyoza ine zikomo…..odala ndi amene akuva ndikuzigwilisila ntchito.ine sindingasiye chikhulupiliro changa,mutopa ndinu ndinkhani zanozo…

  223. Pangani zanu anthunu, nthawi iyi muzailiraaa!!!!….. Otsataya nthawi kupeleka maganizo pa ntchito za wena aaa!!!… Mphamvu mulinayo yodziwira choona chenicheni otsati kulimbana ndizawena.

  224. U stll askng when u definatetly c tht its an abomination? Please…..ths man is there for business,those tht needs to buy healing,blessingz n professies let them do it. As for christ,all things are free of charge. Message to so called bushiri: Ma men,i tnk u hv taken the wrong turn,and u surely knw wht cmes forth….ndika’khala m’modzi wosonkheza moto waku HELL,pamene ukupsya….ngakhale tikuwotche pompano atalire nda? You are nagative fruit upon Malawi.

  225. Mabodza musiye. Kungokhala ngati munatembeleledwa bwanji? A prophet azilephela kupuma chifukwa chamabodza anuwo? I am a member wa church cha Bushiri koma sinamveko zimene ukunenazo. Ndipo mukamalemba muziyamba nwafufuza kaye.

  226. Wapanga bwino mesa mpingowo ndiwake,ukanakhala wa Mulungu otilenga ife ndikanati walakwisa.Opembedza Yehova ndiulere koma opembedza bushiri alipire k10000

    1. Guyz lipilan ma k1000 kut mukaonelere acrobatic ya bushiri yoyenda mmalere.#Sisqo,#Grecian,#Simeon,#Moffat,#MacKnowledge,#Madalitso,#Mphatso,#Andrew,#Fulcutative tiyenazoni

  227. Do not judge and u shall not be judged, all we have sin against God. tisaoneke ngati abwino poweluza zomwe zathu akuchita koma timpase mau abwino kuti amutengere njora yolondola. Zoti akulakwitsa kapena sakulakwisa akuziwa ndi Mulungu, tiyeni tisiire iye poti amaona zonse ndipo kuweruza ndi kwake

    1. Mayazi inunso mukulakwitsa, mulungu anatiuza kuti aneneri onyenga adzabwera mudzina lake ndipo tidzaziwa ndi ntchito zawo.mmene ndikumuonera bush li..aaah uyu ndi onyenga uja.

    2. No, am not saying he is right or not, koma ngati akulakwisa tiyeni timpase mawu abwino kuti asatengere anthu kunjira ya woipayo kusiyana ndikuti tizingomuweruza

  228. mwazitenga kuti zimenezo bushiri sanganene zimenezo oipa ndiweyo ukuchula munthu wa mulungu zako izo uisova wekha ndi satana wakoyo,ife tikuti mulungu pitilizani ku mudalisa prophert wanthuyo,power, major 1……..

  229. zamkutu izi! kod mdalitso nd machiritso amagulitsana? ngat umphawi wamupha let hm fnd other means of earning a living nt kunamizira u prophet… abusa osewa akupempherera anthu ulerewa iyeyu akudzimva chan? tinene kt pemphero lake ndi lapamwamba kwambiri?

  230. Guyz tiyeni tizikhara ngat ndfe ozindikra tingoyakhura zonyoza tisanafufuze kut ndizonadi zanenedwazi, amene walembayi atipase umboni ovomerezeka, enanutu mungoyakhurila mbwerela ngat mutanva kut akuchrisa edzi akakupepherelani hez wanu at nyangarinyangari thupimo ngat simuperekatu agaru

  231. Mmayesa mau akuti munalandila kwaulele kwaulele pelekani. Kodi kapena agulidwa ndi jabulos. Angosiila anzawo omwe akumvesesa za maitanidwe awo apitiliza. Chifukwa ndiganizo ili aziwe kuti mphoto yao alandiliratu.

  232. kkkkkkk koma zaoneka kuti satana watenga gawo mpingo ulariki amagulisa bushiri ndisogoleri opusa kwambiri komaso wakuba akubera wanthu

  233. Masiku omaliza kuzabwela aneneri onyenga,oziyeneleza koma mphamvu ya Mulungu anaikana koma adzakhala okonda golide{ndalama}
    Tatiyeni tizingopempha kwa Mulungu pa mavuto omwe tili nawo osati munthu

  234. MATEYU 24 VESI 24-26. Aneneri onama azapanga zozizwa, ngakhale kusamusa phiri ndipo azasocheretsa ambiri anthu. Osadabwa ndi Aneneri agundika masiku anowa ndi Hot Bznesi ngati simukuziwa, chaka chimozi kulemelelatu. Masiku aulosi ano

  235. ndmamva chsoni kut pal anthu ena amakhala pambuyo pake mkumati iye nd mneneri wamulungu,,,, mulungu adzakukathilani limodzi.. shame on you,,,,,!!!!

  236. Akulondola kwabasi ndipo K 10 thousand yachepa coz the guy is making business, after all we are on this planet earth to make money. He is very right

  237. kkkkkk koma zaoneka kuti satana watenga gawo mpingo wa bushiri ayamba kugulisa ulariki bushiri ndimusogoleri opusa ndiuremelelo wake asokoneza wanthu

  238. 1 akorinto 9 vs 1 mpaka 27 pamene mtumwi paul akapereka maganizo ake anati amenewo anali maganizo chabe koma sikuti muwagwirisire ntchito, ponenapo za mumene wamkachisi angadyere zamkachisi koma kutsogolo akuti ngati ndipanga choncho ndiye mphoto yanga njotani? Ndiye walandiriratu. Koma ndikagwira ntchito yamulungu sindiyembekeza kanthu kalikonse chifukwa ndintchito yofuna ndekha ndipo ambuye anachita kundiramula kuti nditero. Koma mphoto yanga ilikubwera kutsogolo. Adzimvetsesa mau amulungu. Apatseni nkhani imeneyi

  239. Musazitenge ngati ndindalama yolipila mapemphero if u don’t understand just leave t cz like here in RSA it’s R5000 imathandizila transport accommodation including food so just imagin vuto amalawi sitimvetsa bt its ok mneneli sadzapatsidwa ulemu kudela lakwao nyozani momwe mungathele amzanu akudalitsika

  240. Malemba anafutokoza kale zamasiku osiliza kwaine sindikuona chodakwisa awa akungokwanilisa malemba cz bible linafotokoza kut kuzabwela aneneri onyenga

  241. Bvuto anthu tikuchita kusaka zozizwa ena mpaka kukagwa ku nigeria kufuna kuona zozizwa za ambuye, ndiye atiberadi tikuona! Koma choti tidziwa nchoti ngakhale mdyerekezi woipayo Lucifer amathanso kupanga zozizwa, sizoona pemphero sitigula

  242. If that is really true, then is he doing bznss thru his preaching and prophecies ? Why cant he emulate the gud example of TB Joshua cz he ( TB ) does not ask anything frm anyone hum he or she prays ?

  243. End time is now. The devil himself was once an Angel so when u see miracle’s don’t wonder Angels can perform miracle’s but be careful you can be attempted to follow those evil angels.

  244. kwacha nthawi yobelana yatha. those who still think cannot pray for themselves plz wake up. God created you, he knows your problems ask him, he will answer you. If he brought you into existence what about sustaining you??? we need nobody to pray for us, our own prayers are so effective than these guys who want to be rich from the needy.

  245. @ amfumu gausi;i personaly am contributing to this topic bt rather i wanna let
    u know that there are two groups of prophets;major&minors and these prophets were classfied according to their content of their books eg issaiah & jeremiah were major prophets.hosea & elisha,mica etc were also minor prophets.

  246. Nde Zachamba? Mapempherowo Mpaka Kugulitsana? Ndiprophet Onyenga Ameneyo Ali Wodala Emwe Ava Mawu Ayehova Ndkuwasunga Osati Zaiye Onyengayu Tilidi Masiku Otsiliza Ndithu.

  247. nde 10grand kungomupatsa munthu ndimomwe bwampini wabisila ndalama pamalawi pano ndichibwana kwambirii…!! Bola ndkagule thumba lanyemba ndiyambe geni than kumpatsa bushiri…!! Yesu alipo yemwe amandinenera mavuto anga kwa mulungu osati bushiri mukukambayo…

    1. Ndizoona kungoti uyu wachipitsanso apa uja akubwera anali kwa tb joshua uja John Chi akubwera kuno ku Malawi akuti k25000 book appointment kukupempherere k50000 so this Bushiri is true.

  248. Upolofeti wamu South Africa ndi choncho musadabwe chikhalidwe chimasintha potengela malo omwe ulio koma cheni cheni ndikudziwa nchoti South Africa azaiotcha ndi zonse zili mu South Africa kamba zaposa Sodom n Gomola

  249. Ngati akulipilitsa sakulakwa chifukwa iye ali pa business yake koma opusa ndi amene akupeleka ndalamawo chifukwa ufumu wakumwamba ndiwaulele sagula ndi ndalama!

  250. If It Z Blessn Then God Is Onl For Rich People Bt I Dont Thnk Kut Jah Jah Can Onl Protect That Ppo(rich One’z)
    Welcum Ta Tha End Of Days Kenako Mumva Kut Ndinali Kumwamba I Oz Chilln Wit Chrst Jx Wait En See.

  251. Mzoomadi,kusadziwa mkufakomwe: komabe, ANTHUFE tikufuna pachitike chiyani kuti tizindikire kuti anthu amenewa YEHOVA MLENGI ndi MWANA WAKE YESU KHIRISITU samawathandiza ndi MZIMU ( MPHAVU ) zake ? Mateyu 7:10-21. Ali ndi zolinga za dyera komanso SAMACHITA CHIFUNILO CHA YEHOVA !

  252. Mzoomadi,kusadziwa mkufakomwe: komabe, ANTHUFE tikufuna pachitike chiyani kuti tizindikire kuti anthu amenewa YEHOVA MLENGI ndi MWANA WAKE YESU KHIRISITU samawathandiza ndi MZIMU ( MPHAVU ) zake ? Mateyu 7:10-21. Ali ndi zolinga za dyera komanso SAMACHITA CHIFUNILO CHA YEHOVA !

  253. mwazindikira mochedwa that guy is a satanist n hell is waiting for him n his followers!!!! making money in the name of Jesus Christ, wat a shame!!!

  254. Bwanji tirambira mafano?Chikhalireni Bible inati chenjeza kale za anthu onga awa, Munthawi ya Noah anthu onga awa kunalibe nanga ya MOSE andodo monga ya MOSE kunalibe?

  255. My felow malawians lets open our eyes and see wat is gd 4 rather than kumangosatira zina zirizonse. Dats stupit and uprophet wanje umenewo. Last days ne

    1. if they hv twisted nkhani yowona ndiyiti poti nkhani iyi mpaka ili mu news paper yadzulo nde if u are familiar with newspapers u will knw kuti they dnt jxt publish any bullshit they hear on the streets

  256. Sakulakwisa…that’s how his making money…I don’t see any problem with….nde m’mati mafuta a ndenge akagulila chani?

  257. Ndege sizake abale. aja ndi mastika chabe anamata. Anapanga hire. Inunso ngat mungapange hire kaya ndigalimoto mwachinsanzo you hv the right kumata mastika a dzina lanu. I chated wth some of the pple he came wth. they say anabwera nawo kut adzawone Malawi.

    1. The jet he used was beechcraft 1900D tail number zs-sno….search pa google ot belongs to awesome flights….imabwelekesa ndege is based ku geuteng ……anabweleka mdala uja..mbava ya munthu

    2. chinthu chobweleka nde wat was the pont kuika stikayo…….wat was he trying to proove???i dont see any point there…….

    3. angels of the devil. wakupasani zingati kt muzitukwana anthu kkkkkkkk. kutukwanako mukusonyezeratu kt ndinu nthumwi za satana. simudziwa kuti kutukwana ndi ntchimo? wotukwana ine adziwe kt akutukwana yemwe adandilenga muchifanizo chake. mulungu akukhululukileni poti simkudziwa chomwe mukuchita kkkkkkkkk

    4. angels of the devil. wakupasani zingati kt muzitukwana anthu kkkkkkkk. kutukwanako mukusonyezeratu kt ndinu nthumwi za satana. simudziwa kuti kutukwana ndi ntchimo? wotukwana ine adziwe kt akutukwana yemwe adandilenga muchifanizo chake. mulungu akukhululukileni poti simkudziwa chomwe mukuchita kkkkkkkkk

    5. Bushiri z not a man of GOD,he belongs 2 satan ine munthu sangandinamize za bushiri anali wosawuka amachita kupemphetxa ndalama misonkhano chigawo chapakat,chakummwera ndi chakumpoto anthu amampatsa ndalama mwezi uliwose,amene anapitako kumisonkhano yake akhoza kundivomereza (kubwaira) koma pano ali ndi ndalama zomwe amalankhulazo zokhumudwitsa,zomwe analankhura pamasintha mmmmm kuchokera pamenepo ndinasiya kumukhulupilira.komaso y mkazi wake ndi prophetes? Utumiki amagawana? Chifukwa akwatirana basi,bliv me zakumidima izi,ukumubakirawe umuwuze

    6. kodi mmadziwa anthuni? akumubakila kamba koti sadziwa mau. ndipo maso awo auzimu sakuwona. bible linati akafika tidzawadziwa ndizintchito zawo. nanga apa nzofunsiranso. kugulisa mapemphero? ana ake ndi amene akumubakila. ali nditiana tambili muno muMzuzu natonso akuti ndi timaprophet kkkkkk. tina tayalukapo chabe ndiuprophet wabodzawo. wina aliyense ochoka kwaiyeyu amadzitenga kt ndimaprophet kkkk. ziwanda basi

  258. Wachepetsanso anayenela kulipilitsa zochuluka moyo ku Malawi ndiodula. Masiku wakhala ku Mzuzuwa azidya chiyani? Ubwino wake anthu akupeleka okha sakuwakakamiza.

  259. Dikilani nane ndiyambe ubusa MK20,000 pemphelo la banja koma ukakhala onyasa MK 45,000, sinanga pafuna thukuta kathithi. akazi oyela ambina, kupemphelela nku deni basi chamma past 7pm kufikila AM. Nanenso ndimwana wa mulungu God, Zalowa chiwewe

  260. ine ndikuona ngati akulondola chifukwa sikuti akukakamiza munthu, ndipo wanena kuti omwe akufuna kuti iyeyo awapemphelere amene akuona kuti zikulakwika asapiteko kkk

  261. Giving our views here its like judging Bushiri while God is the one who will judge each one us,according to what we do here on earth.But if that is true then i can say with all strength that Pentecostals are there for business not speading the Gospel.These are last days no wonder you see especially those wearing names like prophets/prophetesses & unknown pastors are becoming greedy.Judgement day is waiting

    1. @#wezi dziko likufuna anthu ngati inu kumuuza nzako mtela mwa ulere, garlic yo ndionjezera thanks@#tim kkkkk fodya yoso nde mankhwala@#elder kkkkk mkupukupu ndi nsenda wana eeeee man@#keith zizimawawa ataaa ndikutumizila

    2. @#florence atamesiyaso ndinangovaso mbili yake timuesa@#jay osadanda mvunguti timaudula dula kumubwatitsa ndi madzi..then kumamwa madzi akeo..garlic timathila mu tea half a tea spoon..chamwambaso mu tea,mumphala or glass ov water a day kkkkkk@#felix zoona man naphini makugwa ake aja amwenda basi hehehe

  262. The issue its not Bushiri is right or wrong,but the members of the church should go into bible and read what scripture is telling them to do.be wise don’t listen whatever people says but listen to the words of God,becareful,we are living in the last days.

  263. ee akulondola iwe chikukukhuza ndi chani? Mpingo ndi wako? Kodi a news 24 vuto lanu ndi chani? Osaalesa ambuye anuwo asipiteko bwanji? Ine bitterness with u.

    1. Iwe mwana iwe walowa chiwewe? nanga munthu akayambitsa mpingo ndiye kuti ndi wake? ndiye pomphhela aziti in the name of bushili be healed!!!!!! chifukwa za Yesu si zogula!!!!

  264. sanapange bwino kutero, anthu ozapemphereredwao amakhala olema ndi othodwa, nanga ngat munthu alibe ndramazo alandira mwanji machiritso, mdalitso ndi zina? sakukhoza pamenepa

  265. Zabodzatu zimenezo…the whole Malawi Voice posting this trash…….moti aja amawapemphelera aja anapelelaa 10,000.00…mmmh

  266. Tsoka mtunda ndi nyanja poti woyipayo watsikira komweko. kunali bwino anakapanda kuidziwa njira yake. pakuti malembo anenetsa kuti leka malembo akwanilitsidwe koma tsoko yemwe akwanitsa lembo.

  267. That symbolise kut simtumiki wa mlungu coz ngakhale Yesu sadalipilisepo. BUSHRI sakulondora en simtumiki wa Mulungu km dziko

  268. Yesu Adanena Kuti Ikudza Nthawi Imene Adzadza Aneneri Onyenga Amene Azidzachita Zo Zizwitsa Mu Dzina Lake Ndi Cholinga Choti Asokeretsa Anthu Amulungu!Ali Ndi Makutu Amve Zomwe Ndanenazi.

  269. Bushiri akulondola chifukwa paja MAU amati kudza bwela aneneli onyenga ndie iyeu akungo kwanitsa. Chifukwa bible palibe pamene ananena kuti aneneli adzidzatsidwa ndalama

  270. guys economics is dynamic. Bushiri came pa chattered two plains, names shepered bushiri aircraft, and he had a convoy to mzuzu with two hammwers, and other good vehicles, ku mzuzu a police a boma anamupangira parade, booking mzuzu stadium, bushiri tv clue, international journalists. He is just a prophet, where can he get all the moneys, vuto lathui timaona ngati anthu opemphera azikhala osauka. He was supposed to charge even extra more ten thousand, coz the blessings u will get will be their for long tym. Let us apporeciate wat iur fellow malawian has done. I ve never gone and pray at his ministry koma i lyk analysing things. Let god judge him not u.

    1. ndipo the story is forxe. He didn charge any prayers. He just conducted a dinner and those were the charges of havin dinner wit him not prayers. The prayers were for free. Malawians will alw have somethin bad to talk bout this prophet. They will neva appreciate. I feel pity for them who publish false stories

    2. mbali u ve seen for urself, journalism and truthness in God is different. Even paying its a problem. Pple pay to traditional hearers and bushiri has shown to be one of the most recognised prophets, where can he get the money to go and preach the whole wolrd, jesus di not had problem coz was oe or is the true son of God. So leavem to suffer where yhjjh the doctor id is in there hands, major 1

  271. the point z wat z the relationship btwn GOD &ndikumalosela manumber 4n ndi mayina aanthu…..amalawi kunamizidwa mpaka liti….compare d prophet of now days &ma prophet amu bible and u wl knw d truth &dat truth wl set u free

  272. Kkkkkkk akut major ma bodyguard mbwee bwanji achina Yesaya :Ezekiel :Joshua even Jesus pomwe anali pasi pano sankayenda ndi bodyguard nde kuli atsikana odedeluka alemba lembaso pa fb kkkkkkk kumachita kuchemelera major major zaziiii vuto losawerenga mau a Mulungu kut Bible limat chiyan pa zaulosi

    1. ntchito yomwe ma bodyguard amagwira ndiyomwenso ophunzila a Yesu amagwira. ngati munthawi yomwe mzimayi okha uja amagwira chovala ophunzila ankamukankha kuti asamugwire

    2. Koma anthu mumakomedwa ndi za ziii! Iwe uli mumdima nde ukuuza wina kuti amuunikire mnzako, very funny! Mpaka kusinthira dzina zotsala zomwezi. Zinazi titha kujaja tokha guys, zili obvious. To hell with this issue!

  273. kulandira mdalitso ngat uli olemera kikikikikiki koma amphawi palibe chawo eshi! kuposa mulungu ndithu mpaka ten pin yakupemphereledwa? nanga kuli kuphunzira malirime, uyu ndi galu wachabechabe ndithu, ngat ali wamulungu anditemberere ndife mbuzi ya munthu ngat iwe bushiri sindidaionepo

    1. he is human like u. Who is not against God is for God ngati akunama zake, koma osanyoza munthu. We r all the believers and palibe amene anganene is write ,right, to condemn a fellow human being am a catholic and i believe in catholicsim so lets watch than conderming

    2. mhmhmhm wandionjeza heavy so mau akuti usayanganire muvi kuopa kukubaya mmaso, same like hm coz if ndingamuyang’anire andisochelesa and is nt god sender but deaciver owhky am also Rc Bt ths mhmmm 🙁

    3. Ndipo akamafika pamalo magalimoto amachita kuyenda ngat ndi president (mmene imakhalira convoy ya peter muthalika) ndinakhumudwa ine atabwera pa lilongwe community ground, zakumidima izi which God z he saving? Akt major kkkkkk ine m’bible sindinawonepo mtumiki yemwe amadzikweza ndimayina.mukumubakiranu muwuzeni ndilipano chimbava ichi.

  274. waganiza bwino prophet bishiri ndalama zimenezo ndi zomwe amagurila ma bible ndikugwirala tchito yamulungu 10pin ndichiyani kwa bushiri chengicho chongogawira atumiki ake kuti azidya munyumba mwawo mulungu anamudarisa kale uja

  275. yesu anatugula kale nd mwadzi wake pa ntanda palibenso kugula kwina ndiye kuti a bushili bible sakuliziwa pemphero ndi laulele awerengenso ngati akupanga za mulungu

  276. Komatu Ndinanena Ine Kuti Izi Musochera Nazo Izi Tandiuzeni Inu M’mene Yesu Khrisitu Anali Kupempherera Odwala Kodi Anali Kuwalipisanso? izi Zikuoneseratu kuti akuluwa Zawozi Nzopanda Tsogolo, Enew am not judging koma tangoganizirani Zaumphawi umene anthu akukumana nawo KuMalawi abale ndalama yoti alipire pemphero akaitenga kuti? kumbukilani Ngakhale Baibulo linanena kale kuti matsiku otsiriza kuzabwera aneneri onyenga nde Be Careful who you worship phela The Devil Was Once An Angel. Ndatha Ine Wanu #Chiyambi_Chimasula.

    1. Ayi Ndithu Izi Ndizizindikilo Zimene Ngakhale Malemba Ananeneratu Kuti Muzakazaona zoterezi zindikilani kuti Mwana Wamunthu Wasala Pang’ono Kuza.

  277. When Jesus was healing pple he din’t even metion abt money nethertheles He kpt calling pple to Him Bushiri z nt annoited man of GOD

  278. Uyu si prophet pa nthawi yomwe Ambuye Yesu anali pasi ndi angat anawalipitsa kut alandire chosowa chawo komaso to be a prophet sikut umachita kukaphunzira kut ukhale prophet ndimaitanidwe a Mulungu

  279. Iwe chokapa admin tazingozikanda ukutaya nthawi kukamba zamunthu oti pano zake zayera mpakana wagula ndege pomwe iwe umayionera mmwamba nonse mutanyoze bushiri pano ndimakape

    1. Business oriented amwene…..kumachangamuka pa town inu mmene mwayalira bonya ndi 5 Kwacha yomwe simunaininkhe koma nzanu kungoika timadzi mmabotolo koma kuthera mmanja kkkkkk!

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